FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1913 jV.W.V.W.V.V.W.V.’.V.V.*, NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL j WILLIAM SULZER OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Administration Officials Disap­ pointed Over Turn of Af­ Week. fairs in Mexico. t U m pqua S u rv e y A sk e d W ashington.—Adm inistration offi­ G ardiner.—The Umpqua P o rt C o m ­ cials were puzzled when they received mission is m aking arrangem ents to the announcem ent that Provisional President H uerta had delivered an ul­ have a special survey of the Um pqua bar and harbor here made by the tim atum dem anding recognition of his United S tates war departm ent with a governm ent in Mexico by the United States. view to extensive im provem ents. Rep­ resentative Hawley and the Oregon The president and his advisers were senators are expected to secur i a fed­ plainly disappointed at the turn of eral appropriation at the coming ses­ events but announced that the Ameri­ sion of congress. The Umpqua is the can governm ent’s communication ap­ third largest river in Oregon, the vol­ pealing for a suspension of hostilities ume of w ater from it being close to and a constitutional election, together the flow of the W illam ette. w ith the em phatic statem ent that un­ der no circum stances would the Unit­ ed States recognize the H uerta regime D a lla s M a n Se n te n ce d because it was set up by irregular Dallas.—M aintaining the sam e self- force instead of constitutional order, satisfied air th at m arked his bearing would place before the world Presi­ 'hroughout his trial for his life on a dent W ilson's ideas as to constitution­ charge of m urder in th e first degree, Photo by A m erican Press Association. al governm ent in Latin America. Louis Davis, convicted of m urder in In all likelihood this turn of events W illia m Su lze r, g o v e r n o r of N e w the second degree by a jury in the cir­ will m ean the end of any dealings with Y o rk , a g a in st w h o m im p e a ch m e n t pro­ cuit court of Polk county last week, the H uerta officials. Though there c e e d in g s have been instituted. stood unmoved while Judge Holmes was much talk in official circles of sentenced him to im prisonm ent in the lifting the em bargo on arm s and per­ RECALL COUNTY OFFICIALS state penitentiary for his natural life. m itting the C onstitutionalists to get the m unitions of war with which they C o u n ty J ud ge and C o m m is s io n e r R e ­ NEW LAND PLAN PRESEN T ED placed by N e w M en. declare they can soon overthrow the H uerta adm inistration, it is likely that Oregon City, Or.—Clackamas coun­ M e th o d of D e v e lo p in g L o g g e d O ff A r e a s T a lk e d . such u policy will be carefully consid ty voted to recall the old county court Corvallis.—A business-like m ethod ered in the senate before any action and seat a new judge and commission er. of bringing Oregon’s logged-off lands Is taken. T he position taken by adm inistra­ R eturns show that H. S. Anderson j more rapidly into cultivation is being tion officials was that the United defeated R. D. Caatie, incumbent, for advocated by Dr. Jam es W lthycombe, S tates had done all th at a friendly county judge by 331 votes, and J. W. director of the O. A. C. Experim ent neighbor could do without actually Sm ith beat N. Blair, incumbent, by Station, who believes th a t a practical 4G4 votes for county commissioner. solution of the problem lies in co­ using force. No sentim ent exists in this country The recall was the result of dissat­ operative work betw een farm ers and to justify intervention or a war, they isfaction over the way in which the progressive m erchants. said, and no foreign governm ent could county court let contracts. It was According to Dr. W ithycom be’s Insist on the sacrifice by the U nited \ charged in the petitions that Judge scheme, interested farm ers would be S tates of thousands of lives and gi­ Beatie and Commissioner Blair did not given the opportunity of buying on gantic financial burdens m erely to ad­ advertise for bids on county work and long tim e at reasonable rates of inter­ ju st an internal dispute in which the that their procedure under the old est sufficient quantities of power to U nited States is not directly a party, ! system was a waste of the taxpayers’ blast all stum ps standing on the land and over which it can have no juris­ money. to be cleared. The farm ers could then diction without infringing on the sov­ G ly n n R e fu se s to D eal W it h Su lzer. combine their available cash resources ereignty of another republic which it Albany, N. Y.—M artin H. Glynn for the purchase of donkey engines to is by treaty obliged to m aintain. used in pulling and piling the checkm ated a movement of William be stum ps after they had been split and A d jo u rn m e n t of S e s s io n U n c e rta in Sulzer to invoke the arbitram ent of This session of congress will re­ the courts on the question which of loosened up by the use of the powder. m ain in session "until snow flies” and , the two is the lawful present chief According to estim ates received at the office of the O. A. C. E xperim ent if necessary prolong the extra session | executive of the state of New York. until the regular term begins in De­ Replying to a form al proposal by Station there are alm ost 1,000,000 cem ber to dispose of tariff and cur­ the impeached executive to subm it acres of logged-off land in Columbia rency legislation. ! the issue to adjudication on an agreed county. It is mostly excellent agricul­ This was the decision of the demo­ statem ent of facts Mr. Glynn declared tural land when cleared. cratic caucus of the senate which j it was beyond his power to “barter S. P. O v e r p a y s T a x e s adopted a resolution declaring "that away any of the functions attaching congress should proceed to consider to the office in which I am placed by K lam ath Falls.—K lam ath county is Indebted to the Southern Pacific Com­ and determ ine legislation concerning your im peachm ent.” pany In the sum of $17,000, the am ount currency and banking im m ediately in which the railw ay company over­ S h o w e r s R e lie v e K a n sa s . following the passage of the pending K ansas City.—Heavy showers over paid its 1912 taxes. The m istake was tariff bill.” Determ ination to take up currency most of the eastern half of Kansas made in the assessor’s office and was legislation did not carry with it ap­ added to the relief that came with the overlooked by the railw ay representa­ proval of any policy or com m it the rains of Sunday and it is believed the tive who inspected the assessm ent and gave his approval to the valuation as dem ocratic party to any particular cur­ drought is now effectually broken. it appeared on the assessor’s books. rency bill. HARRY TH AW M I ES DASH FOR LIBERTY R a b b its and S a g e R a t s W o r r y F a r m e r s k In a dram atic statem ent, I. H. Mc- Prineville.—The w orst pests the M ichaels, dism issed chief page of the farm ers of this state have had to con­ house of representatives, presented to tend with during the past year or two the house lobby investigation com m it­ have been the rabbits and sage rats. tee a sweeping charge of corruption M atteawan, N. Y.—H arry K. Thaw, of acres of grain and pota­ against R epresentative M cDermott, of j the slayer of Stanford W hite, escaped Hundreds toes w ere ruined year by the rav­ Illinois, for years his sponsor. Me- ! from the hospital for the crim inal In- [ ages of these anim this als in Crook county M ichaels in picturesque language cor­ sane at 7:45 Sunday morning. A dart alone. In some localities whole fields roborated the allegations of M. M. Mul- for liberty through an open gate, a hall against McDermott, and m ade ad­ dash into the open door of a power­ have been destroyed. ditional charges. ful autom obile that stood quivering In addition to the charge already outside, and a flight like a rocket for NEW LAW PROTECTS BIRDS made, McMichaels swore that the Chi­ for the Connecticut state line, 30 miles tu te S u p e r se d e s A ll Sta te cago representative told him th at he ! away, accomplished his escape, and L ate C Sta o d e s W h ic h M a y C o n flic t received $7500 out of a fund of $10,000 the hospital authorities are certain raised by the pawnbrokers of W ash­ he is outside the state. Once beyond Portland.—On and after October 1 a ington to oppose a bill passed in the | its boundaries, Thaw is free. Only federal law for the protection of mi­ last congress regulating pawnbrokers j long, perhaps years, of litigation can gratory birds, such as wild ducks, geese, pigeons, brant and snipe, goes in the D istrict of Columbia. bring him back, and then only in one into effect, and supersedes all state N a tio n a l C a p ita l B re v it ie s event—that he be adjudged insane in regulations governing open and closed The vote to sustain the proposed ! the state to which he has fled. hunting seasons w herever state codes banana tax was close, 31 to 28, Sena­ The shades were drawn in the dor­ conflict with the governm ent’s statute. tors Thornton and Ransdell, of Louisi­ m itories and the inm ates were getting The federal code likewise extends pro­ ( their second sleep when Thaw left his tection to a num ber ftf shore birds, and ana, voting with the republicans. The Pacific N orthwest was repre­ I room. The m ilkm an's cart was rum- in some cases declares a five year sented at the bankers' conference by | bling on the road outside as be walked closed season. K. A. Wyld, of Portland, Daniel Kel- j through the storeroom and into the The new law will term inate ail laher, of Seattle, and Charles A. Mc­ outer court or yard of the asylum spring shooting of m igratory birds grounds. A six-cylinder touring car, throughout the U nited States, and in Lean. of Spokane. Efforts by Senator Page of Vermont black, and 60-horsepower, followed by Oregon will m ake the hunting season to preven' the dem ocrats from cutting a limousine, also black, loafed lazily extend from October 1 to January 16, th e 6 cent duty on butter to 2H cents »long the road as the milkman drew provided the recom m endations of tear the gate. Thaw, standing a few State Game W arden Finley are fol­ w ire unavailing. Petitions from the citizens of Seat­ ,’eet away, apparently unconcerned, lowed. Otherwise the bunting season tle have been presented to the senate waited until Barnum, attendant a t the for this state will be from Septem ber by Senator Poindexter of W ashington. iate, unlocked the gate and swung it 16 to Decem ber 16. as tentative regu­ They ask for a congressional inquiry vide to let the milkman enter. As lations just issued by the governm ent into the "origin, inception and prog­ lam um stepped aside for the milkman provide. ress” o ' the recent rioting in that city, o drive inside Thaw flashed past him -when the headquarters of the I. W. W. traight for one of the waiting cars. F a r m e r s W a n t 70 C e n ts and the socialists were wrecked. Pendleton.—Many U m atilla farm ers T H E M A R K E T S . A change was made in the provis­ are holding their w heat, waiting for P o rtla n d . ions on citrus fruits at the request of a raise In price. A little is being sold the finance com m ittee, so that the bill W heat, New Crop—Club, 78c; blue- at 68 cents, and 69 cents for choice now provides a straight duty of half item, 79c; red Russian, 76c. lots. W hen 70 cents is reached hun­ Hay—Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $13.50. dreds of thousands of bushels will be of one cent a pound on lemons, limes, B utter—Cream ery, 32c. oranges, grapefruit and the like. Ail thrown on the m arket, but local grow­ Eggs—Candled. 28c; ranch, 23c. references to the size of fruit boxes Wool—E astern Oregon, 16c; Wil- ers declare they will not take less was struck out of the bill. President WilBon publicly reprim ­ am ette valley, 19c. 2487 Voters Ineligible anded Am bassador Wilson for his re­ Roseburg.—As a result of failure to Seattle. ce n t attack on the British foreign of­ W heat, New Crop— Bluestem, S3c; discover certain sections of the regis­ fice. Am bassador Page was instruct­ lub, 77c; red Russian, 77c. tration laws passed at the last aesalon ed to express to Sir Edward Grey the of the legislature, only 1$ out of a total Hay—Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, regret of the American government (13 per ton. of 2600 voters of Roseburg are eligible th a t a diplomatic official of the United • jo vote at the prim ary electioa to be Eggs-»-2$c. S tates "should have been guilty of held here on Septem ber ___ Butter—Creamery. Sic. •ueb an im propriety.” Page S a y s H e S h a re d W it h M em ber BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON jj FRATERNAL DIRECTORY I Fri >g us yo ir kodak work any size film de/elofed 10 cents. Forest Grove Studio. 2tf Kidney truoble is particularly to be dreaded because its pres­ ence is not usually disovered un­ til it has assumed one of its worst forms—diehetes, drobsy, or Bright’s disease. If you suspect that your kidneys are affected, by all means use Hollis­ ter’s Rocky. Mountain Tea—the great systemic cleaner and reg­ ulator.—Vankoughnet & Reder Bert Ingle, the 17 year old son of A. N. Ingle, a wealthy sheepm an living near Baker, met his death from an ac­ cidental revolver shot while evidently •&W«V»WAVVViVV.V.’.V.V.. craw ling in pursuit of some animal. (Open to all organizations holding regular m eet­ W ork on the second unit of the ing:» in this city.) K lam ath reolamution project is prac­ H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A. tically completed. W ater will be fur­ F. & A. M.— Stated communica­ nished for next year to about 7000 tions first Saturday evening of acres. Advices from Florence say the Port each month. All visiting Masons of Siuslaw comm issioners voted to is­ welcomed. J. W. Hughes, W. sue $180,000 of port bonds for the pur­ M. ; H. C. Parker, Secretary. pose of extending the north jetty at the mouth of the Siuslaw. J ames B. M athews , Post No. R epresentative Slnnott has intro­ >. G. A. R. Meets first and duced a bill appropriating $60,000 for third Wednesdays at 1:30 p. m. the Pendleton postoffice, the treasury in K of P. hall. Chas. Knapp, departm ent having reported this am ount as necessary to complete the Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com­ building according to the original mander. plans. W oman ’ s R elief C orps No. W ith the rem arkable score of 103 ju t of a possible 105 points, Sergeant 11. — Meets second and fourth S. W. Pearson, Company Four, Coast Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. of P. Artillery, who lives at Roseburg, won hall. Louise Butler, President; the Catrow cup match in the National Sophia Smith, Secretary. Rifle association shoot at Camp Perry, Ohio. D elphos L odge No. 3G, K. of D. L. Rood, of M arshfield, has been P.—Meets every Thursday even­ appointed oi'flcial sealer of Coos coun­ ty to oarry out the provisions of the ing in K. o f > . hall. W. C. new Oregon law providing for the in­ Shuts, C. C.; J. S. Buxton, K. of spection of weights and m easures used R. and S. in selling commodities. Locked ia a cage and playing with j W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. a sw arm of bees will be the form ot entertainm ent for state fair patrons 0. 0. F. — Meets Monday even­ furnished by Jam es Davis, a bee ex ing of each week. J. H. Shear­ pert. Mr. Davis has signed an agree­ er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, m ent w ith Frank M eredith, secretary Secretary. of the fair board, to give “dem onstra­ tions” dally. S ociety stationary of correct The fisherm en of Tillamook bay style and neat appearence may Forest Grove - - Oregon near Bay City have organized to sell be obtained their own fish, being dissatisfied with department. from the P ress job the prices offered by local canneries. They will seek m arkets in the east, and have decided to build a salting { and cold storage plant to handle the season's catch. The authorities of Pendleton have HOME BAKING CO. arranged to purify that city’s w ater supply w ith hypochlorite of lime. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked There have been but few cases of ty­ Every Day. phoid fever in Pendleton this summ er, but it was deemed best to take m eas­ W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents ures of prevention until the gravity Free delivery to all parts of the city w aterw orks system is completed. C harles V. Galloway, tax comm is­ Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove sioner, in an opinion, holds th at fish­ ing rights and w ater rights are "rights and privileges” and "local advantages” belonging to the land. He Bays they should be taken into consideration in determ ining the value of the land for assessm ent and taxation. Recall petitions have been circulat­ How About ed at Salem against three councllm en, the chief of police and city recorder, and It is reported th at a recall petition will soon be put out against Mayor Stevens. It is alleged that the offi­ that cials have not been faithful to the city’s best interests. The state railroad commission sus­ pended the freight schedule recently New House adopted by the Sum pter Valley Rail­ road company on the ground that sev­ eral increases in rateB had been made The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., in violation of orders of the commis­ General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath sion. The suspension will continue un­ til November 8. cement, lime, sand and plaster; building and roofing Steps are being taken to eradicate papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a the fire blight which is threatening the destruction of the orchards of the specialty of house building and carry a full line of Grand Ronde valley. The disease has progressed to an extent that it will be sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ necessary to cut down many valuable thing required in the building line. Call and let us trees to save the entire orchard from destruction. figure with you. In a fit of ungovernable tem per and insane jealousy, D. L. C artw right shot and killed his brother’s wife near Rye Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. Valley, and dangerously wounded his nephew, David Powell, who may not General Contractors and Builders survive. C artw right then killed him ­ Council St. Forest Grove, Ore self. Although him self a m arried man, C artw right is said to have been jeal­ ous of his sister-in-law, who was a wo­ man of estim able character. Sixteen per cent of those who took the spring state teachers' examination failed. How this com pares with for­ m er exam inations is not known as it has not been the custom to keep this record. There were 1562 applicants who took the exam ination, the largest num ber yet given the examination at one time in Oregon. A large gasoline tracto r of the cater­ pillar type will be put to use in ore hauling by the m anagem ent of the Ben H arrison Mines company near Sum p­ ter. It is expected that the cost of hauling Us ores to the Sum pter Valley railroad, 21 miles distant, which now reaches $80 per day, will be largely reduced. M. J. Lozeile, the dairy expert from Corvallis, has opened an office at Her- miston under joint auspices of the gov­ ernm ent and the Oregon Agricultural college Cooperative dairy extension work Is to be carried out under his direction in a region em bracing 150,- 000 acres already under irrigation or soon to be. Oregon youths who aspire to reach positions In the United States navy by way of appointm ent to the naval acad­ emy at Annapolis may take competi­ tive exam inations at Oregon Agricul­ tural college on Septem ber 19 and 20 next, to determ ine eligibility for ad­ mission to the entrance exam inations to he held In February and April, 1914. Destroy lice and vermin of all kinds with Security Lice Killer Kill flies with Buhach Powder Keep flies away from stock with Dr. Roberts Fly Oil Pacific Drug Cc.