Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 21, 1913, Image 3

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An Ode to Alfalfa.
Mill at Sherwood Burned.
I like to gaze upon the wheat,
that there’ s no other state can
beat, and contemplate the scads
o f tin, that it will soon be bring-
ing in, I like to see the fields of
hops, one o f many banner crops;
and think o f how that price will
place, a smile upon the farmer’s
face. But o f the crops that 1
survey, a doing business here to­
day, the one that seems to hit
the top, is this renowned alfalfa
crop; it is the crop, that rain or
not, is always Jonny on-the-spot,
it hums along with lusty cheer,
and blossoms several, times a
year; the other crops may quit
the game, but it does business
just the same, o f all our pro­
ducts it is chief, in manufactur­
ing pork and beef, the pasture
lands are gorgeous now, in their
abundance for the cow, but when
the rains neglect to come, it’s
then alfalfa does the work. Of
all the crops that grow my son,
alfalfa’ s got the whole bunch
skun, and if you haven’ t got a
field, and sharing in its splendid
yield, get busy at your earliest
chance, and set out some alfalfa
plants, and take it right from me
old kid, that you will bless the
day you did. —Osceola Record.
The Electric Feed Mill, belong­
ing to E. R. Herndon, took lire!
and burned to the ground about
2 o’ clock this morning. The
cause of the fire is a mystery and
perhaps will never be known,
but facts seem to bear evidence
that the origin was of an in-
cendiary character. Mr. Hern­
don said his loss was in the
neighborhood of $1000 and had
insurance to the amount of $600. j
A Good Old Remedy
We want just three minutes of
your time when you are again
troubled with Cholera, Diarrhoea
or any bowel complaint.
Nine times out ten, the boys
Quality and Service
Nyal’s Blackberry Carminative
Nothing is needed in preface
or addition to the following ex­ and girls o f such families instead
Is the quickest and •ur«*t relief
cept a word to emphasize the in­ o f returning to the country to
for bowel disorders we know of
become happy prosperous grow­
terrogation: “ W hy?”
Allays irritation cleanses the
Sunday Dinners
ers of fruit, vegetables, or other
The Chicago Daily Tribune,
bowels before they are checked
a Specialty
and acts as an antiseptic.
It is
Dear Editor: It seems hard for farm produce, remain in the
me to write what I have in mind. cities to be underpaid clerks,
If taken just what you feel as
slightly astringent it does not go
though you were going to be sick
I am a boy of 13 years and have
to extremes—it acts just right in
two sisters, one 9 years old one drifting to unhappy and ill-pro­
you will never know what serious
every way
illness is. It purefies the blood,
4 years old.
My father and vided old age in uncomfortable
You can give it to the little
ones with perfect safety—it is all
mother lived in Chicago all their ! surroundings.
drives out disease before it gets
cial Trade Solicited
good and good for you all and
Instead o f being producers
lives. Five years ago we came
a foot hold; such is Hollinger’ s
>t should be in your home.
Rocky Mountain Tea.
here on a sixty acre farm. We they become consumers. They
sizes 25 and 50 cents
other so effective and sure. 35
liked it very much,
although are gain to the city, but a terri­
cents Tea or Tablets. —Van
father was sick most of the time. ble loss to the farm and thus to
Any doctor will tell you that
By hiring the heaviest work done the nation
koughnet & Reder.
when we compound a prescription
We live comfortable, la m thru i The life-b'ood o f the country
it’s done right.
Bring us your
grammer school, “ roughed it should no longer be drained by
through,” as mother says, and the vampire cities. Good educa-
Wanted—hoppickers for Bu­
Littler’s Pharmacy
go to High school. I like going tion should be put within reach
When in need of some more
chanan yard. Fifteen days pick­
stationary call on the
to school as much as I like oilr! o f every child o f the farm.
ing. Cabins furnished campers, PRESS job department. Envel­
sixty acre empire. But here is Good farmers should demand ad­
City water free. Wagon to and opes, cards, letterheads, circular
Phone 901
where my troubles begin. Moth­ equate school facilities for their
from Forest Grove. Leave names letters, bill heads etc.
er and father say they will not children. Legislators that stand
at the Bazaar or at my farm.—J.
let the girls “ rough it through.” in the way should be brought to
A. B u c h a n a n .
They intend to sell the farm and book in summary fashion, and
P ress Job Printing Satisfies
go to the city on account of the made to do their du ty.—Vege­
poor country schools. The poor table grower.
chance for a good education while STATE AN D NATION
the wealthier farmers’ children
JOIN TO AID FARMER G i v i n g C o r r e c t T i m e o f t h e A r r i v a l a n d
Dealer in Flour, Feed and all kinds of
D e p a r tu r e o f A ll F o re s t G r o v e T r a in »
go to the city and they never
Oregon Agricultural College,
Garden Seeds in season...........................
come back. If we had thorough Corvallis Oregon,—The United
sanitation, centralized schools, States Department o f Agriculture
Municipal Engineering
free transportation, and a coun­ through the division o f farm
A r F orest G rove
'L t V P o r t l a n d
I. R A S M U S S E N , Proprietor
Surveying and Subdividing
8:05 a. m.
6:45 a. m.
ty school board then country life management, will cooperate with
Phone 482
9:25 a. m.
8-05 a. m.
would be almost perfect. Why the Oregon Agricultural college
11:45 a. m.
10:25 a. m.
Pacific Ave.
Forest Grove, Oregon
must we go to the city for better as soon as the federal Govern­
2:45 p. m.
1:25 p. m.
schooling? Why can’ t we have ment is able to make the neces­
5:05 p. m.
3:45 p. m.
just as good schools in the grand sary adjustments. This important
6:40 p. m.
5:15 p. m.
7:55 p. m.
6:35 p. m.
country? The native farmer will step was definitely decided upon
9:35 p. m.
8:30 p. m.
do nothing progressive, especial
at a recent conference held at the
12:45 p. m.
11:40 p. m.
ly in the line o f education. Oregon Agricultural College be­
r P o r tla n d
“ They have too much already,” tween president W. J. Kerr and Lv F o r e s t G r o v e
Begin N ow !
7:30 a. m.
6:10 a. m.
he says. But why not make him R. D. Hetzel, Dirèctor o f Exten­
6:45 a. m.
8:05 a. m.
to plan for that College Course.
for the good o f the nation? Be­ sion, representing the college,
8:30 a. m.
9:50 a. rp-
cause, as I understand it, the ed­ and C. B. Smith and Byron
10:35 a. m.
11:57 a. m.
1:05 p. m.
2:25 p. m.
There is considerable discussion about Education but
ucated farmer can make three Hunter, acting for the federal
3:40 p. m.
5:00 p. m.
ears o f corn grow where one government.
there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right
6:00 d . m.
7:20 p. m.
grew before, which would de­
The new arrangement calls for
9 :2 5 p. in .
8:05 p. m.
is in the long run the practical thing in Education.
crease the cost o f living very co-operative overhead supervis­
1 0 :5 0 p. m.
9 :4 5 p. m.
If we had centralized ion of field and farm demonstra­
•Jefferson Street Station.
A school well equipped to do first class general college
schools, with free transportation, tion work by the federal and
good roads would have to come. state departments. When put
work is
A fter we have the centralization into operation the plan will have
Lv P o r t l a n d
A r F orest G rov
8:40 a. m.
7:15 a. m.
o f schools started a few years the the advantage not only o f furn­
Pacific University
5:32 p. m.
cost will be no more than at ishing financial aid from the fed­
6:58 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
W e buy direct from the fac­
Forest Grove, Ore.
present, with better education eral government, but o f bringing Lv F o r e s t G r o v e
A r P ortlan
for the farmer’ s child. I wish I the help o f the great federal or­
Y ou save the agent’s
8:00 a. m.
t6:40 a. m.
This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such
was 21 years old, I’d never leave ganizations and the information
10:20 a. m.
8:24 a. m.
profit. Y ou can get them on
*8:40 a. in.
10:00 a. m.
nature to go to the city and I in its possession directly to the
general college lines September I 7th, 191 3.
Terms reasonable.
easy terms.
6:20 p. m.
hope I still think so when I am farmers of Oregon. Mr. H. T.
•Sunday only
tDaily except Sunday
R ecord and equipment good. Come and help us help you.
21 years old.
French will have immediate su­
Hoping to get central schools, pervision o f this department of
“ An ounce of preventati re is
Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue
yours respectfully,
h a pound of cure Hollitser’s
the extension work.
and further information
The boy has asked some ques­
Rocky Mountain Tea has been
Pacific Drug C o.
W a n t f d — T he P ress desires “ preventative for thirty years.
tions which will puzzle legislators
and country school officals to an to secure a live correspondent in Nothing so good to keep you
Forest Grove - - Oregon
every community in Washington
swer satisfactorily except by as­
well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. —
county. Send in your application
nkoughnet and Reder.
at once.
The Tribune speaks gospel
truth. Legislature that fail t<
provide good schools for boys
and girls on the farm deserve se
vere censure. Farmers who thru
penuriousness or carelessness
withhold from their sons am
daughters such school facilities
as can only be provided in cen
tral schools are guilty of crirm
against the growing generatioi .
is intended for the bene-
ready and let
In settled communities the dis
ms~m = = gii5 fit of every section of
us s h o w t h e
trict school is a mark of antiqu;
ty. The central school, with it
W ashington County, but in order to
world what the
staff of teachers and equipmen
make it beneficial and insure its success,
for practical instruction in agri
best county can
culture, is the only method o
the important thing is for every resident
do in these lines when it makes an effort.
handling the problem o f educa
tion effectively.
of the county who has good products of
The bulk o f the nation’ s wealtl
the canned goods,
any kind, to save and prepare them for
is in its soil. The development
= the good baking;
o f that wealth, the great, vita
burden of maintaining national
the needlework and the other lines of
credit, national prosperity at
household skill.
samples of your grains,
ho ne and abroad, is upon tht
-= grasses, clovers, etc.,
The country can get alorq
have a chance to
with second-rate lawyers, third-
Enough of each to make a bundle about
.- ■
------ - show their gar­
rate doctors, and fourth-rati
three inches in diameter. Tie and hang
parsons, but it cannot hope t<
den truck, flowers, poultry, woodwork,
progress, it cannot be rich am
heads down, in a safe place.
needlework, cooking and canning.
powerful, unless it has first-rat«
8 ° ^ » clean samples, one
but by no means least, be
The boy who writes to Tin
Tribune has hundreds of thous
■■: ---------gallon of each, all kinds
sure and bring the babies,
ands o f
number o f families who leav
of grains, grass seed, etc., also fruit, nuts
not for a beauty show; but for the new
farms and remove to crowde«
vegetables, etc.
Department of Eugenics.
cities to be near better school,
is legion.
R a sm u sse n ’s Feed S tore
W e Handle
the Miller
Piano Here
The Washington County Fair will be held at Forest Grove, October 9th, 10th and 11th, 1913
This Fair
Get the Poultry
and Live Stock
Don’t Forget
Save Good
Let the Kiddies
Save, also
And Last