F0RE9T GROVB PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY AUGUST 21. 1913. Forest Grove is primarily a city of homes, schools and churches; a center for a great farming sec­ G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y tion; the embryo of an extensive industrial ac­ EDITOR A N D O W N E R tivity. There are many needs common to many PybUhed every Thurtdey el F o r«! Crove, Washington County, Oregon, places; but there are some handicaps now per­ filtered el the boreal Grove, Oregon, Pod Olfice ea aecond-claaa matter. mitted by us that other communities have re­ moved and as a consequence are advancing ac­ S ubscriptio n R a t es in A d v a n c e . cordingly. One Year.................... $1.50 Six Months.......... 75 Cents The citizens of Forest Grove told the Portland newspaper men that what was most needed was P hone M ain 502. O f f ic e on M ain S t r e e t . a lumber mill. With the millions of feet of tim­ ber standing on the nearby hills, the success of such an industry would be certain. We do need Truth demands a reconing from all. Those who a larger payroll, and a sawmill would materially seek to avoid him must later pay the interest increase the present amount. and cost as well as the principle. We need better roads. Washington county’s roads are far inferior to those of many other New Organization One of the leading citizens Willamette Valley counties. Money wisely for Forest Grove of this city this week pro- spent on roads will pay the greatest dividend of Commercial Club posed to the editor of the any investment, to the farmer, the merchant is Earnestly Urged. P ress a new organization and citizen. We need an organized, wide awake, construc­ for the Forest Grove Commercial Club. In his proposal he advocated the raising of a sufficient tive. commercial club. The days of Hot Air amount to establish suitable headquarters, to boosting are over; but the time for intelligent which should be added sufficient dues to main­ assistance to development has just begun. The tain open room3 and to promote real develop­ co-operative spirit fostered by the developing ment work. We are to prone to rest easy on commercial club will pay, if no other benefits our oars, trusting to the naturel current of pro­ are derived, by simply increasing the inertia of gress to carry us down the stream of develop­ our own spirits. We need a greater intensified production from ment. Where one is riding in as trustworty a craft as are the people of Forest Grove and its our soil. There is not one half of the available tributary territory, such is not so dangerous a tillable land in Washington county that is now policy; but it is not safe to throw away the oars. cultivated. It should be our aim to locate a A well organized commercial club will place the family on every forty acres in this county. One family cannot properly care for more than forty proper oars in the hands of our citizens; and will secure the team work necessary to win the acres, while forty acres will bountifully care for race, to pull out of the back eddie«, and to avoid any family. We need a more diversified production. By dangerous places in the progressive current. the proper selection of seed, and the scientific We do not make this appeal on any fancied patriotic grounds. It is a simple business mat­ care of the soil and crops, any product adapta­ ter. After the first cost of a few dollars, each ble to a temperate climate and a rich soil, will thrive in this country. The more varied our and every citizen in this town could well afford to pay a dollar a month to promote the work of sources of revenue, the more immune will we become from any disturbances of markets, and such an organization. the possible calamity of crop failure. When the time arrives for the consideration We need more livestock on the farms. The of the matter, which will not be very far in the ranges are rapidly disappearing and in their future, let every business man and property places farmers’ home are springing up. It will owner in this city and surrounding territory res­ not be long when all live stock will be raised in pond in a way that will show from the first that the Forest Grove commercial club will be a well little bands on every farm in the country. We need more co-operation among the pro­ founded business oi ganization. Let us perfect a club that will be able to appear in the formost ducers and also among the consumers; and we ranks of the factors that will direct the great need inter-co-operation between the two groups, development of this state in the coming yeras. and every man should belong to both. We need a better and higher social life among the rural districts. We need other things also. In our praise of this wonderful valley, and our I..et us demand what we need for the demand is industrious farmers, let us not forget the solely upon ourselves. We can make good if thoughtful Creator who occasionally sends us we will. Will we? the little showers, just as they are needed. Eastern reports seem to indicate his partiality The bears and the bulls are trying to develop to Oregon, and why not? It is truly his master­ an appetite for Willamette Valley prunes and piece. hops. If they do, the grower and consumer should promptly administer the "Keeley cure.” What Forest There are innumerable improve- FO REST GROVE PRESS MORE PROBLEMS WHICH MIGHT LEAD TO ARBITRATION. RAILROAD WHAT . OPPe* TR A T I CANT «N 0 »E 0B«TH w e 1* tòm o udo w — Cooo IN 73« ARÛITIÏAT6 r im u T £ now es To Tut size pr Yoon Tie. we Ik LCAve T h S T ~n> ARSiTMTVON-. i I WHAT 7 -nie «o«i-e«r wimk op AHotTSAriQH ~ ts , srinc -rMe e«6iNeeas and co ^R k C rteo Tins TÄBkC« To iü «t Sear Editor; time to have listened to him. earth and who cause the earth of the week. a bare three per cent. Why this seeming apathy and I believe if it were put to vote ence and accomplishment doubt­ to produce its treasures, the "W hat the world needs is men idifference in regard to the the people would declare against less the best qualified man in the who can do to agriculture and to foundation and backbone of the reposition to do away with our this procedure but the people world today to make such a state and nation. And the coun­ horticulture what Edison did to lunicipal Light Plant and so havent been given any voice this statement, says the great oppor­ try editor is in direct touch with electricity, Carnegie to steel, and tunity for our boys and young oon after our strenuous cam- time. the Vanderbilts, Hills and Har- (hat foundation. He is part of is in agriculture. He points out aign last fall to retain it. Successors to A Women Voter. rimans to transportation—de­ it. He knows his readers per­ that after the young man has The writer felt sure there | velop their efficiency. ” —H. H. sonally, knows them by their C. G. DANIELSON rould be such a storm of disa- j N ote ;- The Editor seems to spent eight years at hard study !_ Windsor in the September Popu­ front names. He knows their roval in last weeks papers, she view the matter in about the of medicine, the law or engineer­ lar Mechanics Magazine. views on various matters of in- efrained from having anything same light, only, if the Washing­ ing, he has not made a success; W e are prepared to do any d say. Are the voters asleep ton Oregon Company will con­ he is only prepared to commence kind of Automobile, Motor­ liat they will allow this injustice tract to wholesale electricity to the battle for it. Whereas, to the city cheaper than the city add but one kernel of corn to d be worked out. cycle and Bicycle Repairing We are not sutTering for a day can generate it, it would be a each ear grown in this country ------------------------------------------------------------------------------j urrent anymore now than we beneficial business arrangement in a single year would increase (Successors to Mrs. Williams) lere then, so why this change of to enter into a few year con­ the supply five million bushels. i PACIFC AVE. entinient. We have been led to tract. or to enter a contract One improvement in the potato elieve our plant was not only a avoidable at the end of any year is already paving back $17,000,- Dry Goods and Our Stock of Money Saver” but a "Money if the city so saw fit. On such a 000 a year. Everything we eat Groceries Groceries laker” . Will the Oregon Wash- basis the ci'y could save ware and wear comes out of the lgton Company make us money and tear on their present plant, ground. With less than half our Fancy or Staple is Always Fresh In a short time we will open and still maintain it for future populating raising things, should I p o ? Y o u will n e v er fail to find that ou r prices are right a First-Class Garage there be any wonder that the We know what it is, at least use at any time they saw fib The matter of a 24 hour cur­ cost of living has increased 58 »ost of us do, to be under the Leave a trial order now trict laws of corporation rule rant would be an advantage, but per cent in in fifteen vears? To nd if they give us ever so fair a the same can be furnished by the quot from Mr. Burbank: Cash or Trade for Produce j Phone 306 Pacific Ave j "What the world needs urg- t*. -u . emonstration of what they can city comparatively as easy as by ROM THE PEOPL HASKELL & SONS MOORE & DAVIS