Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 21, 1913, Image 1

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Oregou Historical Society
Your suggestion, criticism
and cooperation is solicited
to help make the “ Press”
a true representative o f all
the people o f Forest Grove
and o f Washington County.
The best developer o f a
community is a progre.-sive
and representative news­
Send the ‘Press”
to friends whom you wish
to welcome to this country.
F orest G rove
No. 5
V o i. 5
P. E. & E. "th e W illa m e tte V alley L in e”
i « c a post NEW P.U. HEAD
Little Increase in Local Office—
List Covers
Every Natural
Product of the
Present Need is for Every One
to Do His Duty, and
Save Exhibits
The County Fair premium lists are
out and show cash premiums covering
practically all the county’s natural re­
sources. In the agricultural depart­
ment there are cash premiums amount­
ing to $232.50; this includes all classes
o f grains, grasses, forage plants, etc,,
as well as a class of farm exhibits in-
eluding all kinds o f articles grown or
produced by household skill or on the
farm, owned or rented by the exhibit­
or; $65 is devoted to premiums in the
horticultural department on all classes
of fruit shown in the fresh and evapor­
ated state; horses will bring about $220;
cattle $195; sheep and goats $85; hogs
$95; poultry $110; domestic art, cook­
ing, canning, etc., about $90; for the
Eugenics department there are over
$60 worth of suitably engraved silver
cups, while the juvenile department,
which the management have all along
felt should be one o f the best features
o f the Fair, will command over $100 in
William Bell, o f Newburg, who, by
proposing as a nickname for the P. E.&
E. “ The Willamette Valley Line,”
won over 2,764 contestants and has re­
ceived the $50.06 prize offered by pres­
ident Strahorn. The contest has at­
tracted much attention all over the
Juvenile D epartm ent A ttra cts.
So much interest is being taken
in the juvenile department over the
county that the board o f directors felt
justified, at their last meeting held this
week, in offering an additional set of
prizes for booth exhibits in this depart­
ment. In addition to the cash prizes,
several business firms o f the county
have expressed a desire to offer articles
as special premiums in the different
departments and as a result a nice list
o f specials is being made up.
The board o f directors have appoint­
ed a committee to arrange a racing pro­
gram for the fair. Arrangements have
been completed with the Eureka Mer-
ry-go-round company o f North Plains
for the operation o f their steam swing.
Mr. C. O. Roe, who has charge o f the
concessions is arranging with different
parties for the conduct o f suitable
restaurant accommodations and other
conveniences and amusement features.
Both the Oregon Electric and South­
ern Pacific R. R. have agreed to give
special rates and to help in advertising
the Fair.
Everything now points to
success and if our people will take hold
in the proper spirit and each help what
he or she can by saving _and preparing
for exhibition whatever they may have
there is no question but that Washing­
ton county can make one of the most
creditable showings o f any county in
the State, and one that will go far to- j
ward helping to attract to us a large
share o f desirable ¡migration.
H illsboro Expects G o o d Fair
L. L. Crawford, one o f the directors
o f the Washington County Fair Associ­
ation, was down from Crawford, yes-1
terday. He says there are all indica­
tions o f a fine exhibit at Forest Grove
this fall, says the Argus.
It begins to <ook like the coming fair
at Forest Grove will be a good one.
The gentlemen on the directorate stand
for worthy effort, and the institution
should be encouraged by every produc­
P. E. & E. Party of Portland
Newspaper Men Given
Auto Ride
Change Not Generally
Captivated by
Postmaster Hines gives out the in­
formation that the new parcel post
rates are not making a very material
increase in the local post business.
Public schools o f Forest Grove will tory and German; Ellis G. Rhode, Sci­ Several 20 pound packages have been
commence' September 22. This date ence and Athletics; Marvin E. Turner, received, but the people as yet have
which is somewhat later than usual, Manuel Training, Latin and Commerce; not become acquainted with the new
was chosen by the board o f education Gertrude J. Cotton, Domestic Science. regulations.
to accommodate the contractors, Snook
Central building: J. C. Ryan, Prin­
The weight limit for parcel post
and Traver of Salem, on the new high cipal and eighth grade; Jennie Rasmus- packages, under the new regulations,
school building and students who might en, seventh grade; Wanda Todd, sixth which went into effect last week, is in­
be in " the hopfield. The contractors grade; Frances Parker, fifth grade; creased from 11 to 20 pounds. The
have given excellent satisfaction in the third and fourth grades to be supplied; Charge for a 20 pound package up to a
erection o f thè building and have given Jessie Greer, first and second grades.
j distance of 150 miles, is 24 cents. For
Forest Grove one o f the best school
Lincoln building: Elsie Lathrop, | an 11 pound package under the old
buildings o f the state.
Principal and sixth grade; Miss G. A. 1 rates it was 46 cents, so that the new
The new high school building will be j Hamden, fifth grade; Floy Norton, rate is less than half of the old.
ready for occupancy by the beginning hird and fourth grades; Florence Lust­
The new rates, however, are valid
o f school. It is o f brick and concrete ed, first and second grades.
only in three zones, the city zone, the
construction, and will cost $35,000.
Besides the high school the following first zone for a distance o f 50 miles and
It is well equipped with laroratories, grades will be in the Clark building: the second zone for a distance o f 150
manuel training and domestic science First and second grades to he supplied; i miles.
rooms, locker rooms, shower baths, Mrs. M. Rosenberg, third and fourth
Fresh meats and other commodities
automatic heating and ventilating sys­ grades.
of a like perishable nature are admit­
tem, and all modern conveniences, in­
New books have been adopted ted under the new regulations for mail­
cluding the furniture which will be o f throughout the state and a new course ing within the first three zones.
latest design. The assembly room will o f study for the schools will be issued.
The new pound rate for the first 150
be fitted with automatic steel desks, Information concerning books to be miles is 5 cents, a reduction o f a cent a
and class rooms with tablet arm chairs • used, course o f study, etc., will he giv­ pound.
en later.
and steel commercial desks.
Teachers selected for the coming
Forest Grove schools stand high
| year are:
among the schools of the state and this
H. E. Inlow, superin tendant o f standard will be maintained. The high
school course will be strengthened, par
High school: Anna Taylor, Mathe- ] ticularly the the departments o f manu- j
ties and English; Hazel Loynes, His- al training and domestic science.
Last Friday a party o f fifteen news­
paper men from Portland and railroad
officials of the P. E. & E. were enter­
tained by the people o f Forest Grove
by a 25 mile auto ride through the rich
and productive sections surrounding
this city. The ride produced an excel­
lent impression upon the scribes which
lasted throughout the entire tour o f the
Willamette Valley. Editor Currey of
the P r e s s joined the party here and
Equestrians Stop in Grove on
completed the remainder o f the trip.
On the entire trip the party toured
Circuit to Coast
about 360 miles by autos and the same
distance by rail. A much better under­
standing o f the needs o f the Willamette
H. M. Kerrou President and manager
Valley was obtained by all. Forest o f the Portland Riding Academy with
Grove was listed as needing a lumber a mounted party of 15 enroute to Sea­
mill. A movement was taken up to side via Tillamook stopped at the
erect a monument to the honor o f Har­ Laughlin Hotel Sat. night.
They ex­
vey Scott who was the first graduate pect to arrive at Seaside Thursday,
o f Pacific University, and for years ed­ Aug. 21st, where they will meet anoth­
itor o f the Oregonian, the stone to be er party which is making the circuit in
placed on the campus of Pacific Uni­ the counter direction and which will
versity in Forest Grove.
return this way the last o f the week.
The personel o f the P. E. & E. news­
Mr. Kerrou with his party will re­
paper party which visited Forest Grove turn to Portland along the Columbia.
was: The Oregonian, Shad 0. Krantz, In the the party passing thru Forest
reporter; The Telegram, W. P. Strand- Grove were: Mr. and Mrs. Kerrou,
borg, railroad reporter; The Journal, J. Mabel D. Weed. Sadie M. Noyes, Ed-
L. Wallin, railroad reporter; Oregon | na Church, Helen Calbuath, Eveline
Posten (Swedish), F. W. Lonegren, ed­
Calbuath, Dr. J. F. Calbuath, Edith
itor and publisher; The Spectator, John j Olds, Mrs. R. W. Wilson, Pearl L.
Dugall, editorial writer; Chamber of
I Cooke, W. M. Ryan, Grace W. Gil-
Commerce Bulletin. Moses Mosessohn,
■ more, C. V. Bonan and Wm. Wilson.
editorial staff; Pacific Scandanavian,
H. J. Langeo, editor and Publisher;
F orest G rov e Man W in«.
Italian Tribune, A. B. Bigiami; Catho­
lic Sentinel, P. E. Sulivan, editor and
Bruce H. Hull o f Forest Grove has
publisher; Peoples’ Press, C. W. Ryan; been selected as one o f the winners of
Portland Press Club, A. A. Rosenthall, the University o f Pennsylvania scholar­
manager; Portland, Eugene and East­ ship, financed by alumni of Oregon,
ern Railway Company, Mark Woodruff, Washington, Idaho, British Columbia
publicity agent; and Judge C. W. Gan- and Alaska. The other winner is W il­
tenbein, of Portland.
liam A. Neill o f Vancouver, Washing­
The train was in personal charge of the ton. These young men were selected
“ Wild Irishman,” Geo. D. O ’Conner, cut o f 61 candidates, hailing from all
superintendent, with headquarters at farts o f the Pacific Northwest. They
Corvallis, and the equipment consists will have tuition and other fees paid
o f Mr. O’Conner’s private car, “ 0500” Ihroughout their four year courses at
and a Pulman sleeper.
Pennsylvania. Hull will study law.
Dr. Bushnell Optimistic Over
Outlook for Pacific
Dr. C. J. Bushnell, the new president
o f Pacific University arrived in Forest
Grove this week and is preparing to
take immediate charge of the institu­
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell are very
much pleased with Forest Grove and
express themselves as looking forward
to a very pleasant home here.
Dr. Bu- hnell is optomistic over the
outlook for the University, saying that
Judge Beatie and Commissioner
Blair Recalled by
Oregon City, Or., County Judge
Beatie and County Commissioner Blair
have been recalled by the voters of
Clackamas county.
H. F. Anderson has been elected to
succeed Judge R. B. Beatie, and J. W.
Smith will succeed Commissioner M.
The fight has been a peculiarly bitter
The charges were directed especially
against bridge expenditures
The recall was the result o f dissatis­
faction over the way in which the Coun­
ty Court let contracts. It was charged
in the petitions that Judge Beatie and
Commissioner Blair did not advertise
for bids on county work and that their
procedure under the old system was a
waste o f the taxpayers’ money.
Linden-KiLbe People Expect to
Complete Paving in Two
Yesterday the foundation crew of
the Linden Kihbe construction company
with the present able faculty, and con­
c impleted their work in Forest Grove
siderable endowment, both o f which is
and moved to Hillsboro. The surface
to be added to whenever possible, added
outfit is expected to arrive here the
to which is the fact o f the almost ideal
last o f the week and will complete its
location, and inspiring campus, on
work in about ten days. Barring un­
which are such fine substantial build-
looked for accidents the company will
; ings the. future o f Pacific University
have fiinlshed its seasons’ work in For­
certainly ought to be very bright in­
est Grove in less than two weeks.
deed. He says that he finds public
The Linden Kibbe Company so far
sentiment in strong support o f the in-
have given perfect satisfaction in their
I stitution.
wo k in this city. Some one said the
Freshman Class O v e r 40
only objection to the concrete base was
that it was mixed by hand and not by
Prof. Proctor announces that the in­
machine, which in face o ' the fact that dications for a fall freshman class o f
the big mixer has laid about 1000 yards over 40 are very good. The members
daily would indicate no fault at all.
o f the faculty will soon be returning to
the preparation o f their winter’s work
N ew G arage G oin g Up
and everything will be in readiness to
No time has been lost, so far, in the
open the 60th year o f the school on
erection o f the new garage building | Sept. 17th.
just south of the LaCoursc building on
Main street. John Herman who will be
John A lvin H urt.
the owner of the building expects to
John Alvin, driver for W. W. Ryals,
have it completed in less than thirty
Wednesday evening received some min-
days and will occupy it as soon after as
| or injuries, when a leal o f wood on
| which her was riding upset and fell on
I him.
If You Have any Grievances
This week Dr. Walker received word
Be Sure to Attend
from R. R. Creighton that while cutting
Max Crandall has announced that the
logs near Tillamook recently, Creighton
suffered a broken leg from a falling Washington County Board o f Equaliza­
tree. He is now in the hospital and tion will hold its annual meeting on
Monday, Sept. 8th, at the courthouse.
rapidly recovering.
FRIEND _______
Arrested i t H lisboro
Both Claimed it
Portland Kiddies Have Had Fine
Time Here
Forest Grove people will say good­
bye to the Portland children tomorrow
afternoon at 3:4*>. Many friendships
among the children undoubtedly have
been formed that will last for years.
The hosts regret to return their charg­
es who have so greatly enjoyed the out­
ing and have been so well behaved dur­
ing the entire stay.
Two of the children expect to return
again before long for another visit.
One little girl is listed for adoption, but
as yet has found no fairy godmother, j
Mrs. William Lalmbeer uarrowly escaped death in an automobile accident on Long Island. In which her husband, a wealthy
This very worthy movement has met
New Vork broker, and their rich friend, 8. Osgood Pell, ami the latter’» chauffeur were killed. William M. Johnston, a new ten­
with unexpected success from many |
nis marvel from California, player) remarkable tennis in the New York state championship tourney. President Arriaga of Por­
Oregon county towns, and Forest
tugal was seriously ill. The fort» at the eastern end of I-ong Inland sound fought In the war game to keep the north Atlantic
Grove, which was one o f the first to Poet cut Castro, the former dictator of Venezuela, started a new revolution there. James E. Sullivan, secretary of the Amateur Athletic union, sailed for
respon. will be glad to welcome the Berlin to take part In an International conference of mauagera. The appointment of Dr. Paul & Ueiuach af the University of Wisconsin as ambassador to
little friends again next summer.
China was confirmed
News Snapshots
Of the Week
Officers last Thursday
brought in Joseph Sardi, a Servian la­
borer, employed on Judge Tanner's
place near Gaston, and lodged him in
jail charged with shooting James Sim-
oneli, and Italian. The injured man
received a charge o f fine birdshot in
the chest and arms, and possibly the
lungs are penetrated. He was remov­
ed to a Portland hospital. The defend­
ant will he detained by the authorities
pending an investigation o f the affair.
Both parties claim that the shooting
was accidental; that they were the best
o f friends, and that the wounded man
had come out from Portland to visit
Sardi. The shooting occurred when
Sardi returned from training a young
dog. He »ays the animal played around
him and the gun was fired while trying
to push the dog away. The wounded
man is about 42 years old and Sardi is
aged 29 years.
Ten Day Meeting.
A ten day camp meeting o f the Unit­
ed Brethern will he held at Cornelius,
beginning today. Everybody invited
by R. Miller, Paator.