FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14. 1913 ri Puré! iiX V fi h Persóna «val Carl Dennis of Portland, visited over Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Mallory and daughters Mona and Gladys spent the week end in Portland and St. Helens visiting. Frank Doan was ill and unable to work Wednesday morning. Olive Morley has returned from Portland where she has been for some time. Bert Doane has returned home from eastern Oregon after spending a week there. William Susbour of Cornelius was in the Grove Wednesday. Mrs Pennell and children of Portland are visiting the Lang- gleys of this city. Mrs. J. E. Shot well returned Wednesday from a few days outing a t Newport. Clarence Rice who is working at Woodstock visited over Sun­ day with relatives in the Grove. D. N. Morris is having his barn painted. Viva and Hazel Matthews of Montavilla, who have been visit­ ing in the Grove returned home Monday. Arthur Underwood had an op­ eration on his eyelid yesterday and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Bell Walker, a former resident arrived from Nebraska Tuesday. Mrs. M. D. Allen and daughter Mrs. J. C. Robb and Miss Hel­ Martha have been spending the en Calkins of Portland are spend­ week at the W. F. Powell home ing a few weeks in this city. in Portland. Claude Wagner and family Lawyer W. P. Dyke spent the went to Kalama, Washington, week with his folks in New Port. the first of the week. Mr?. George Boose the only Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Urfer and living charter member of the daughter of Portland and Henry Fori st Grove Rebecca Lodge Broome of Alaska autoed out visited in the Grove with Mrs. from Portland Sunday. Parsons. Mrs. J. E. Johnson and chil-1 Miss Nellie Price, of Portand, dren of Portland returned home is spending a couple of weeks the first of the week after spend­ visiting her sister, Mrs. Lloyd ing a few days with her parents, j L. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Emmerson. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sessman and daughters are spending a Writes from Turkey. week with relatives at Vernania. Though the following is from C. McNutt and family and a personal letter sent her family Avery Rafferty and family re­ Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Cole, of turned Friday from Bar View. this city, recently located in Dr. Scheetz of Portland visited town after nearly forty years service for humanity in the land in the Grove Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Miller and daught­ of the Asiatic Turk, they feel they should share its interest er left for Tillamook Monday. with local readers, who may catch Mrs. I)r. Stewart and children a glimpse of the patriarchal meth­ left for Seaside the first of the od of travel in that country, and week. most of all, to see by proxy those Mrs. Chas. Littler visit“d with marvelous palaces of the Hittites relatives in Portland last week. I so much sought after for ages. Here follows extracts from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knapp and Miss Nellie Coles’ letter: Mr. and Mrs. Parker and son re- | Boasque, En Route to Talas, turned Thursday from a week’s June 29, 1913 visit to Seaside. Dear Mother:— Mr. and Mrs. Elliott went to We had a Poatland Tuesday. very happy day in Marsavon, John Baldwin returned home then started out, the next morn­ ing (the 26th) for the next stage from Portland Friday. of our journey. Mrs. W. A. Daly and Miss Al­ As there are seven in our par­ ice Gray returned yesterday; ty, we have four “ Arabas” so from Newport. make a cavalcade rumbling Mrs. Itobt. Ballinger return­ along. ed from Tigard Tuesday, where j We had rather a long day the she has been with her sister. first stage, but the khan was rath­ Miss Hazel Stockman and bro­ er comfortable, so we slept until ther, Guy Stockman left for Bar pounding on the door announced View Monday morning. Miss the getting up time. The next Stockman will stay until the first evening, we spent in a smaller khan, but really, I had a good of September. sleep. B. H. Jones has returned from We arrived in this place, yes­ a business trip to Tillamook and terday afternoon, about three Kockaway. o’clock and here we are spending Mrs. H. W. Penfield visited in Sunday. Portland this week. When we had been in the house awhile, suddenly the ser­ Mrs. D. A. Black, of Dayton, vants glided into the main room Washington, formerly Mrs. Fan­ and set the table, a big brass nie Clark, of this city, ac­ circular tray, on a wooden table companied by her daughter, set legs up. There was the one Mrs. Alma Reed, visited the past central dish, in each course, out week at the home of the of the of which we all dipped our former’s father, Levi Smith, in spoons. Counting the Turkish this in this city. Mrs. Reed, who as Alma Clark, was a popu­ coffee, we had eight courses, lar young lady of this city, has way out heie in this Beys’ ex­ left with her husband for Grand tensive country home. He has Island, Nebraska, where they this custom of entertaining, and will make their future home. will take nothing for it all. It is Mr. Reed has recently inherited a sample i f the old time Turkish a large estate in Nebsaska whuh hospitality that so charms all tourists, but which has so nearly will require his attention. died out. with the advancing civ­ The Eunice Walker house on ilization. Third street is being repainted. But altho keeping to this an­ Henry Sacrider is attending a cient custom, regarding hospital­ photographers’ convention at Bellingham, Washington. M. T. Abbott made a business trip to Portland Tuesday, John E. Bailey made a trip to Portland on business Saturday. Nancy Moore is visiting her mother this week in Portland. Bessy Richie Lowe and hus­ band of Portland was visiting in the Grove with Mrs. Parsons the past week. R "Gunboat" fV.ntth of California de­ 1 : ity, yet his house and grounds feated Jim Flynn, the Pueblo fireman, ! show touches of modern influ­ in the fifth round of their scheduled ence. This is especialiy true of 10-round bout at Madison Square Gar his w'ifes’ apartments, for she den. New York. U. S. Commissioner G. Wallace W. has a bed-stead, roller curtains, also lace curtains, a bureau and Hanger arrived in San Francisco and will attempt to adjust the preseat chairs, framed pictures and a grievances between the railroad em­ neat bordering at the top of ployes and the Southern Pacific com- her walls. pany. There is an iron picket fence Business men of St. Paul are urging ! on either side of the front steps I Louis W. Hill, chairman of the board of directors of the Great Northern > leading to the house, and a foun­ railway, as a candidate for mayor of tain of good cold water comes in­ St. Paul under the new commission to one side of the court. It flows charter. into a good stone trough then off. Armed with credentials from the Our Present Great Reduction in All Piece Goods The paved court yard is large Italian government, two Italian police- i is Attractiug much Attention. You will find men arrived in New York to take back enough to hold eight or ten ara­ j to a Big Bargain in All W ash and W oolen Italy Porter Charlton, who must << bas and they certainly have 1 stand trial there on charges of mur­ Dress Goods. ! room enough in the house to en­ dering his wife, formerly Mary Scott, tertain three times our number | of San Francisco. Mrs. Charlton was a Let Us Put Our Shoes on Your Feet. 5 0 Pairs 5 of guests at once. There are killed at Lake Como, Italy, in June, of Men’s and W omen,s Shoes at less than V * neat brass lamps all over the 1910. V One-Half Price. W e Must make Room for V < house and pretty rugs on the G ir l In B r i e f A t t i r e F i n e d . < t our Fall Goods. Savannah, Ga.—Recorder John E. sitting room floor. The pleasant < little flower garden at the front Scharz fined Bessie Carter $50 for appearing on Savannah’s main shop­ HOP PICKERS Should get Our Prices Before and side of the house is secluded ping thoroughfare in a short skirt and ? ( Purchasing Their Supplies. and hence is a very good out­ low-cut waist. Henry Smoak, her es Î Í sitting room. cort, paid $25. Í B. But with all the servants ................................... y( \ around, there is none of the B acks T hro C arba rn Forest Grove, Oregon noise and bustle that their very Tuesday evening a freight a numbers plus our arrival might H have created. train on the Oregon Electric got, Is It seems to be a law of the industrious and backed the end j household to have quiet and or­ der with none of the machinery of the train thru the west end of that runs the b ig place, any the car-barn and clear across j Council St. No damage was where in evidence. done except to the end of the barn of which there is little left. Brief News of the Week Purdy’s Store 1 for G ood Goods. W e are here for G ood in our new home in K. o f P. building 1 ! ! 1 F. P u r d y Prop. Begin Now! to plan for that College Course. Prominent Germans at Berlin have begun a campaign to Induce the gov­ ernment to participate in the Panama- Pacific exposition at San Francisco. Ore movements from the mines and docks are completely tied up because of the strike of ore handlers at Duluth, Minn. Customs inspectors at San Francis­ co, while searching the steamer Korea for smuggled opium, discovered 14000 worth of the drug in 100 five-tael cans. Ninety-nine Japanese companies, with a total capitalization of $2,146,009 have been incorporated in California in the last two months, or since the anti-alien law was enacted. The eleventh triennial convention of the Woodmen of the World, Pacific jurisdiction, was brought to a close at Colorado Springs, Colo., with the re-election of Head Consul I. I. Boak and other incumbent officers. During the session of the Catholic Total Abstinence union at Philadel­ phia, speeches were made showing that the sentiment of the delegates Is against the restoration of the army canteen. A gradual betterment of business conditions was predicted by speakers at the session of the National Invest­ ment Bankers' association at Cleve­ land, Ohio. It was decided to file suits In Michigan and Iowa to test the con­ stitutionality of the “blue sky" law. The president's cup for the best dis­ play at the apple show conducted at Cleveland, Ohio, by the International Apple Shippers' association, was won by the Ontario, Canada, department of agriculture. City Commissioner Carragher of Sacramento, has decreed that "fake" battle pictures may no longer be shown in the moving picture houses of that city. A Union veteran com­ plained to the commissioner that re­ plained to the commissioner that a re Civil War battle was a libel on the Union troops, in that it represented them as shooting a Confederate in the back. People in the News Orvall Overall or the Chicago Cubs, was released to the 8an Francisco Pacific Coast league team. Taking of testimony has begun at San Francisco in the first of the IViggs- Caminetti trials, that of Maury I. Diggs, former state architect. Thomas F. Lockhart, an ossified man, died at Wellington. Maine, after spending 27 years In bed, practically in one position. Thomas J. Cogan of Cincinnati, O., was elected president ef the Fraternal Order of Ragles, during the conven­ tion at Baltimore. When in Chicago on his way to Mil­ waukee to preside at the meeting of the Federated Catholic societies. Car­ dinal Gibbons said that he was oppos­ ed to women's voting. Dr Sun Yat Sen. fleeing from the wrath of President Yuan Shi Kai of China after the failure of the secession movement of the south, arrived In i»paa. I! LEGAL NOTICES i W A V .V .V ÍA V .W .V .V .V .V .'. In th e Ju stice C o u rt for Forest G rove D istrict, W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , O r e g o n discussion about Education but there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right is in the long run the practical thing in Educatio>n. A school well equipped to do first class general college work is J . H. Velie, P lain tiff, i vs. There is considerable 1 S ummons Pacific University N. B. H all and C harles E. H all, d efen d an ts, j To C harles E. H all, one o f th e above Forest Grove, Ore. nam ed d efen d an ts, G reetin g : In th e nam e o f th e S ta te o f O regon, your a re hereby required to a p p e a r and This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such an sw er th e com plaint filed a g a in st you i in th e above en titled action, on or b e­ general college lines September 17th, 1913. Terms reasonable. fore th e 25th day o f S ep tem b er, A. D., 1913, said d a te being six w eeks a f te r th e first publication o f th is Sum m ons. Record and equipment good. Come and help us help you. If you fail to a p p ear and answ er, the plaintiff will apply to th e C ourt fo r th e relief p rayed for in th e com plaint filed Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue herein, w hich is fo r a ju d g em en t in th e j urn o f sixty-five and no-100 ($65.00) and further information D ollars, a tto rn e y s ’ fee in the sum of tw enty-five and no-100 ($25.00) D ollars, to g e th e r w ith in te re s t provided fo r in PACIFIC UNiVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. the in stru m e n t sued upon, and fo r his costs and disb u rsem en ts herein. You w ill please ta k e notice th a t this sum m ons is served upon you personally w ith a certified copy o f the com plaint, M e e t i n g o f B '- a r d o f E q u a l i z a t i o n . p u rsu a n t to the te rm s o f an o rd er in th e above en titled action, m ade by th e s To th e ta x p a y e rs o f W ashington above nam ed C ourt, by the H onorable county, O regon: N otice is hereby giv­ W. J . R. Beach, J u s tic e of th e Peace en th a t the board of equalization of fo r F o re s t G rove D istrist, W ashington W ashington county will m eet on Mon­ A Good Old Rem edy C ounty, O regon, on the 14th day of day, S ep tem b er 8ih, 1913, a t th e co u rt We w a n t ju s t th re e m inutes o f A ugust, A. D., 1913, req u irin g th a t house in H illsboro, in W ashington coun­ publication be m ade a t le a st once a ty , th a t being th e second M onday in your tim e w hen you a re again week fo r six consecutive w eeks, in the S ep tem b er and the tim e and place pro­ troubled w ith C holera, D iarrh o ea F o re s t G rove P ress and req u irin g th a t vided by law, to publicly exam ine th e o r any bowel com plaint. the first publication be m ade on the assessm en t rolls o f said county for 14th day of A ugust, A. D.. 1913, and 1913, and c o rrect all e rro rs in valuation Nyal’s Blackberry Carminative the la s t publication on th e 25th day of and description or q u a n titie s of land, S ep tem b er, A. D. 1913. lots o r o th e r p ro p e rtie s and it is th e I* t h e q u i c k e s t a n d s u r e s t r e l i e f W. J. R. B each , d u ty of all persons in te re ste d to ap|>ear for bow el disorders w e k n o w of Ju s tic e o f th e P eace for F o re st Grove, a t the tim e and place appointed, and if Ju s tic e of P eace and C onstable, it shall app ear to said board o f equaliza­ A llays ir rita tio n —cleanses th e Distri< ‘ W ashington C ounty, O regon. tion th a t th e re a re any lands, lots or bow els before they a re checked B r a d l e y A . F w f . r s , o th er p ro p erty assessed tw ice o r in the A tto rn ey fo r plaintiff. and a c ts as an a n tisep tic. » I t is nam e of a person or persons not the S uite 517 C ham ber o f C om m erce Bldg., own-.r o f the sam e, o r assessed under m o d erate in a ctio n —being only P o rtlan d , O regon. 4-t6 or beyond its value, o r any lots, land or slig h tly a s trin g e n t it does n o t go Oiher p ro p erty not assessed, said hoard to e x tre m e s—it a c ts ju s t rig h t in of equalization shall m ake th e proper ev ery way correction. You can give it to th e little M ax C randall , N o tic e o f C o n te s t. A ssessor, W ashington C ounty, O re­ ones w ith p e rfe c t s a f e ty —it is all ( F o r P u b lic a tio n .) gon. D e pa r t m e n t o f t h e I n t e r io r , good and good fo r you all and UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. •t should be in your hom e. BLACKBERRY P o r tla n d . O re g o n , J u l y 26th, 1913. T o A n n a K . S ta r r , o f G ale s C ree k , O re g o n , C on- te s te e : Y ou a r e h e re b y n o tified t h a t M a rie S ta e h r w h o triv e t 567 Madis«>n S t., P o r tla n d , O reg o n , a s h e r G i v i n g C o r r e c t T i m e o f t h e A r r i v a l a n d po sto ffice a d d re s s , did on J u ly 12th, 1913, file in D e p a r t u r e o f A ll F o r e s t G r o v e T r a i n * th is office h e r d u ly c o rro b o ra te d a p p lic a tio n to c o n te s t a n d s e c u re th e c a n c e lla tio n o f y o u r H o m e ­ s te a d . E n t r y N u m b e r 16249, S e ria l N u m b e r 01374, m a d e M ay 9 th , 19i>7, f o r N o r th w e s t o n e f o u r th . S e c tio n 14. T o w n s h ip o n e N o rth , R a n g e five W e st, 1 W illa m e tte M erid ian , a n d a s g ro u n d s f o r h e r c o n te s t s h e a lle g e s th a t sa id A n n a K. S t a r r h as *Lv P ortland A r F orest G rove I n e v e r e s ta b lis h e d r e s id e n c e on said la n d , h a s n ev - 8:06 a. m. 6:45 a. m. j e r c u ltiv a te d a n y p a r t o f th e s a m e n o r m a d e an y j im p ro v e m e n ts th e re o n , h a s n e v e r lived on said 8 05 a. m. 9:25 a. m. la n d , b u t h a s w h o lly a b a n d o n « ! th e s a m e fo r ! m o re th a n six m o n th s im m e d ia te ly p r e c e « ! in g 10:25 a. m. 11:45 a. m. I th e b e g in n in g o f th is c o n te s t. 1:25 p. m. 2:45 p. m. Y ou a r e th e r e f o r , f u r t h e r notified th a t th e said a lle g a tio n s w ill b e ta k e n by th is office a s h a v in g 3:45 p. m. 5:05 p. m. b een c o n f e s s « ! b y y o u , a n d y o u r said e n tr y w ill 6:40 p. m. 5:15 p. m. I be c a n c e le d th e r e u n d e r w ith o u t y o u r f u r t h e r ! r i g h t to b e h e a rd th e r e in , e ith e r i»efore th is office 6:35 p. m. 7:55 p. m. o r on a p p e a l, if you fa il to file in th is office w ith in i tw e n ty d a y s a f t e r th e F O U R T H p u b lic a tio n o f 8:30 p. m. 9:35 p. m. ! th ia n o tic e , a s sh o w n below , y o u r a n s w e r, u n d e r 11:40 p. m. 12:45 p. m. o a th , sp ecifically m e e tin g a n d re s p o n d in g to th e s e a lle g a tio n s o f c o n te s t, o r if you fail w ith in th a t tim e to file in th is office d u e p ro o f th a t you h a v e Lv F orest G rove •A r P ortland se rv e d a co p y o f y o u r a n s w e r on th e said con- 6:10 a. m. 7:30 a. m. te s ’a n t e i th e r in p erso n o r by re g is te r e d m ail. If th ia s e rv ic e is m a d e by th e d e liv e ry o f a co p y o f 6:45 a. m. 8:05 a. m. y o u r a n s w e r to th e c o n te s ta n t in p erso n , p ro o f o f s u c h s e rv ic e m u s t b e e ith e r th e said c o n te s t­ 8:30 a. m. 9:50 a. m. a n t 's w r itt e n a c k n o w le d g e m e n t o f h e r re c e ip t of 10:35 a. m. 11:57 a. m. th e copy, sh o w in g th e d a t e o f its re c e ip t, o r th e affid av it o f th e p e rs o n by w hom th e d e liv e ry w as 1:05 p. m. 2:25 p. m. m a d e s ta t in g w h e n a n d w h e re th e co p y w a s d e ­ liv e r « ! ; if n u u le by r e g is te r « ! m a il, pi oo f o f su c h 3:40 p. m. 5:00 p. m. s e rv ic e m u s t c o n sist o f th e affid av it o f th e p erso n 6:00 1 >. m. 7:20 p. m. by w h o m th e co p y w a s m a il« ! s ta t in g w h en I a n d t h e p ostoffice to w h ic h it w as m ailed , an d 8:05 p. m. 9:25 p. m. th is a ffid a v it m u s t be ac c o m p a n ie d by th e p oet- : n v a s te r's re c e ip f f o r th e le tte r . 9:45 p. m. 10:50 p. m. Y ou sh o u ld s t a t e in y o u r a n s w e r th e n a m e of •Jefferson Street Station. th e ptvatoffice to w h ich you d e s ir e f u t u r e n o tices to b e s e n t to you. H F H IG H Y. R e g is te r D a te s o f p u b lic a tio n J u l y 31. A u g u s t 7, 14, 21. TRAIN SCHEDULE Two sizes 25 and 50 cents OREGON ELECTRIC A ny doctor will te ll you th a t w hen we compound a prescrip tio n i t ’s done rig h t. B ring us y o u r p rescriptions. SOUTHERN PACIFIC N o tic e to th e P u b lic . N o tic e <• h e re h y g ív e n th a t th e Umg B rid g e ac ro e s D a iry C ree k . W e st o f H illsb o ro . w ill be rkwed to tra ffic a f t e r T u e ed ay , J u ly I5 th , 1913, fro tn S a. m. to ,5 p. m. o f ea ch d a y u n til th e re p a ir s o n th e s a m e a r e co m p letad . By o r d e r o f t h a County. Oregon. 3$t í C o u n ty C o u rt o f W a sh in g to n r . B. R r.A S O N E R . C o u n ty J u d g e . Lv P ortland A r F orest G rov 7:15 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 3:30 p. m. 5:32 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 6:58 p. m Lv F orest G rove A r P ortlan t6:40 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:24 a. m. 10*) a. m. *8:40 a. i d . 10*) a. m. 4:38 p. m. •Sunday only 6:20 p. m. tD aily except Sunday Littler’s Pharmacy THE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST Phone 901 S WM. WEITZEL Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal W ork and Re­ pair Shop. N o rth F ir s t A venue, betw een Main and “ A” S tr e e ts ; phone 863. Kidney truoble is tarticularly to be dreaded |beeause its pres­ ence is not usually disovered un­ til it has assumed one of its worst forms—diebetes, drobsy, or Bright’s disease. If you suspect that your kidneys are affected, by all means use Hollis­ te r’s Rocky Mountain Tea—the great systemic cleaner and reg­ ulator.—Vankoughnet a Reder