FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 14, 1913. boys and girls to*the city. At any rate, it is a pity to raise a boy or girl, G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y isolated from all communication with the rest of EDITOR A N D O W N E R mankind. This is the one great rural problem. City folks and country folks are both alike. Published every Thursday at F orest Grove, Washington County, Oregon. They simply do not know each other and im­ Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Po6t Office as second-class matter. agine a difference. Better schools, more churches, more grange S ubscription K ates in A dvance . meetings, more trips to the city are needed. One Year......................$1.50 Six Months........... 75 Cents For the poor farmer’s children, and there are some, it would not be an unworthy cause for O ffice on M ain S treet . P hone M ain 502 the city’s well to do, and there are some, to give them an outing in the city. Country life In running their race, men o f birth look back is rapidly being enriched; but also city life is be­ too much, which is the mark o f a bad runner. ing improved. A little reciprocity among the rich Bacon. for the poor and exchange of visits among them­ selves will make fuller and better citizens out o f Let Us Face This Issue. our children, whether urban or rural, rich or poor. In the development of any community it takes as much common sense as it does hot air. Ev­ For the remainder of the present month the ery locality has its distinct characteristics, and Washington-Oregon company is furnishing the what may he a tonic for one city, often proves city with free electricity, as a practical test disastrous for another. Forest Grove is a city o f homes and schools v\ hether or not they can do so cheaper than the and churches, and the better class o f citizens. city can generate it. We can not see but that, It is a trading center for a great productive if they can demonstrate that they can furnish a territory. It also is a manufacturing or indus­ reliable service, at the same time extending the trial center. It lias several good plants that service to the full twenty four hours, and can help boost the payroll. That is the principal sell it to the city cheaper than they can make it benefit of any factory to a city. Poyrolls mean themselves, it would be nothing but a business people and people mean business. We should plan to enter such a contract for a number years. all be willing to help boost the payroll. Of course methods of generating electricity We have an industry here at present that is may be revolutionized. What might look like employing something over 150 people. Lately an exceedingly low rate now, may in a number it has been proposed to increase the number of o f years be actually excessive. The manufac­ employees from that figure to about 500. The ture o f denatured alcohol may assume com­ success o f this movement will depend largely mercial importance and the city might he able upon the citizens of Forest Grove, for we are to generate its entire heat from what is now speaking o f a peculiar industry and the number considered merely refuge. Again we are close on its payroll will depend solely upon the good to the ocean, and the unlimited power of the will of the employed, for the extent o f the mar­ surf may be harnessed, which would greatly ket will increase with the output. Now the mere fact that these employees come diminish operating expenses. It does not appear that it would be a wise here to spend money does not materially make thing to do away with the municipal plant; but matters any different than if they received their if it can be demonstrated that it is cheaper to money here to spend. It is also true that, where a few occupied in this industry is of no buy the current than to make it, it is simply a great benefit to this city, three times the pres­ business matter to contract to do so. Only it ent number, or about 500, would be a great will be well to remember the future and not do business factor. As a purely commercial propo­ away with the city plant, nor to grant a too sition the business men and property owners of long term fianchise. FOREST GROVE PRESS Forest Grove should encourage the development o f this aspiring industry. You have undoubtedly read between the lines. We will change the word industry to institution. We are writing about Pacific University, Under present conditions o f course this col­ lege is not yielding the dividends to the citizens o f this community that it should. An institu­ tion with such buildings located almost ideally, and with a good start toward a substantial en­ dowment, with an excellent alumni working for its future, it certainly has great chances for growth. Too many remember only the past few years since Pacific has fallen below its proper stand­ ard. Let us forget the past. Let us> study the present and work for the future. It is the de­ velopment of those factors particularly bene­ ficial to a community that in the long run prove the substantial benefits. Let us give the new president, and the new class, a reception o f a new and confidential co­ operative spirit, and work for a new and great­ er Pacific University situated at Forest Grove, the city o f homes and schools. The Country Youth. Forest Grove is surely a well pleased host to the many Portland children. Their pleasure, so frankly expressed, and so evident from their actions, well awards the slight inconvenience they cause. It is a great work to give these little city prisoners a glimpse o f Go I's out of doors, and we hop > to be able to return the favor again next year. But education should consist o f a knowledge o f fellow beings, as w ell as o f nature: and while the city tots have too little o f tin* latter, many country children are as completely destitute of tin1 first. The only ditference is that the par­ ents o f the urban children cannot afford to send them to the country, while most rural people are well enough t > do to occasionally bring their Undoubtedly there are many little improve- merits that the citizens o f Forest Grove would gladly make if they were only suggested to them. If by any chance or other some happy thought for the betterment of the community finds a receptive place in your mind notify the rest of your neighbors through the columns of the P ress and you may soon'see your dreams coming true, for many are working for future betterment. Take Your Coupon Book TO The leading and enterprising firms with whom we have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. THE JACKSON PHARMACY A. G. HOFFMAN & CO. GOFF BROTHERS GOFF BROTHERS Cornelius Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove | j A. S. HENDRICKS GEO. G. PATERSON General Merchandise Furniture and Pianos Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove GASTON DRUG STORE SHEARER & SON Drugs and Medicines Jewelers Gaston Main Street, Forest Grove | BRIGGS BROTHERS FOREST GROVE PHARMACY General Merchandise Pure Drugs and Medicines Dilley Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove G. LUNDQUIST & CO. SUN-RISE GROCERY j | ; j Hardware Groceries and Provisions Cherry Grove Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove ERIC ANDERSON C. G. DANIELSON Jewelry and Drugs Bicycles and Sundries Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove H Cherry Grove u \ FOREST GROVE STUDIO FORSBERG & BROSTROM Photos and Photo Supplies Forost Grove There is one thing in which the American farm­ er must take a stand for improvement. That is a better classified and more uniform packing policy. In the long run the consumer will not nay for more than he gets, and if all the big po­ tatoes are put on the top, he will get in the habit of reversing the sack before opening. Before you kick at the way your representa­ tives in c o ) rress are behaving, it might he proper to write to them giving your views and asking for information in return. They will gladly give and take on this basis for it is diffi­ cult for them to keep in touch with their home conditions. Billy Sunday said in Portland last Sunday that a hard hitting preacher knocks the devil out of the box. We wish to comment that it j seems to us that the preacher should pre form the exacting work o f manager and produce a little j more inside ball that is, better team work. C. L. BUMP & CO. General Merchandise Cherry Grove THE C. C. STORE General Meachandise Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware South Forest Grove Orenco MORTON & FREEMAN ORENCO DRUG CO. Groceries and Provisions M i Drugs and Jewelry Hillsboro J. A. HOFFMAN Orenco !! Jeweler Hillsboro THE DELTA DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines Hillsboro Wm. OELRICH Builders’ Materials '•i 11 M ■I Orenco OREGON NURSERY CO. Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock (j Orenco ¡I I- II M. P. CADY PERCY LONG Hardware General Merchandise 2nd Street, Hillsboro Beaverton 11 MRS. M. L. BURDAN J. L. HARDY Millinery 2nd Street, Hillsboro SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART Meat Market ! I Confectionery and Patent Medicines Beaverton R. L. TUCKER Everything to Build With 2nd Street, Hillsboro Beaveiton N. C. LILLY Hillsboro PEOPLES STORE into a basket o f kittens, drown- ing the whole flock. She slipped on the cream and fell down cel- lar, breaking her leg and a $19 set o f false teeth. The baby, left alone, crawled through the spilled cream into the parlor and ruined a $40 carpet. During the excitement the daughter ran away with the hired man, taking the family savings bank with them, 'T h e moral is that every man should be a subscriber to his home newspaper.” i SI I : '• Furniture The following clipping from an exchange tells about the dire things that happened to a tight- wad. "W e once knew a man who was too stii /v t<> take the news paper in his home town and al- ways went over to borrow his neighbor’s paper. "One evening he sent his son over to borrow the paper, and while the --on was on the way he ran into a large stand o f bees, Hardware and Supplies Hardware, Implements, Autos A good many o f the young men in this county leave every summer for the Eastern Oregon | harvest fields. It certainly is a great priviledge I to spend a few weeks in healthy outdoor exer­ cise, but in a great producing section like Wash­ ington county, it seems that sufficient employ­ ment could he found in the home fields, the or­ chards, and the hopyards, and figuring the trans­ portation charges it ought to orove more profita- j hie. and in a few minutes bis face looked like a summer squash. "Hearing the agonized cries o f the sen. the father ran to his as- sistance and in doing so ran into a barbed wire fence, cutting a handful o f flesh off his anatomy and ruining a $4 pair o f trousers, "The old cow took advantage o f the hole in fence, got into the cornfield and killed herself eat- ing the green corn. Hearing the racket the stingy man’s wife ran out o f the house, upsetting a four-gallon churn full o f cream Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove A. C. DONELSON A Tightwad’* Penalty Drugs and Medicines General Merchandise General Merchandise Gales Creek E. J. AYERS General Merchandis e Hillsboro MRS. WINIFRED GUNTON Pope Photo Gallery General Merchandise Gales Creek \ KINTON & JENSEN General Merchandise Banks Hillsboro, Oregon FOREST GROVE PRESS Job Printing Department Give us a trial orde ___ BRODERICK & HUMBERG Blacksmith and General Repairing Forest Grove, Ore