/ FOULST FOREST GROVE PRESS G E O R G E H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y EDI TOR A N D O W N E R Publi»hed every Thursday at Foresl Grove, Washington County, Oregon. Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. S ubscription K ates in A dvance . One Yeur. $1.50 Six Months...........75 Cents O ffic e on P hone M ain 502. M ain S tr eet . The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. Holmes. !fi ifi ifi Help Boost Forest Grove Progress is the equation of Western spirit. The Westerner would not know what on earth to do with himself if he should locate in a com­ munity where there was no promise of future development, where the people had settled down in their shells content with their lot, hav­ ing no intention of improving it. We Western­ ers must see development. We build on the future for the future. No Western community can escape this spirit of development. But there is keen competition for the greatest and the best kind of growth. The West is undeveloped, and is due in the next few years to have many new citizens. Still each individual district or town will have a good deal to say as to what percentage of this advancement will be attracted to it. In other words energy is the equation of Western pro­ gress. A community may boost to its utmost, and may secure a large number of new people, and yet may not hold its own with the general advance of the Northwest. The right kind of development is only executed by the right kind of people. It is the task of our boosting organizations to not only realize the great advantages of Washington county and Forest Grove, not only to present this information to the world; but also to present it in the proper way to the right people, and then results will not only be sure, but satisfactory as well. To secure new and paying industries is of course a great gain for any city; to secure men with big capítol is also worthy of effort; but the prime aim of every citizen should be to bring to this section a large number of people, men and women who are not afraid of work, men who will till the ground and help us realize a truly intensified farming. This class will put our community on the map to stay. Too many boosting organizations make it appear that a “failure” in the east can come west and immediately gain great success. While the advantages in the west are more gen­ eral, the difficulties are also increased. The class desired is the great common people of America. The American families with cash enough to get hold of a few good acres or to get an interest in, or to begin some business, and with energy and ability enough to make good. As usual, the simplest way is the best. The most effective method known is to write to your friends telling them actual conditions. If they become at all interested send them your home paper for a while and send their names to the commercial club if you need its help. But the best inducement is a personal letter. Let us all do our share to help put Forest Grove, Washington County, on the map to stay. (JUOVK PRESS, FOR LSI CROV», OflftO*. THURSDAY AUGUST T, 1918. fer in return our best wishes for his continued success. But having an uncontrollable curiosity we wish to ask if his initials S. C. might not mean second cousin. It is purely with sympathy for others with like curiosity that we spell our name in full. ifi ifi ifi IF The camping season is now in full sway. Many Forest Grove people have left for the coast or for the mountians to spend a few weeks away from the routine of every day life. We wish we could be with them all and enjoy with the coasters, the dipin the surf, or the search for shells; and with the campers, the picking of blackberries, the fishing and hunting; and in either case receive the invigoration from being in God’s great out of doors. ifi ifi ifi Now that the tariff question is settled it is sim­ ply a matter of the time when the new schedule will go into effect. President Wilson’s currency bill also seems to have free sailing. In fact everything is coming his way. Big business even takes these things for granted and indica­ tions are that commercial conditions will re-ad­ just themselves without causing much disturb­ ance. The market summary for July was very promising. ifi ifi Ifi The County Fair board is keeping hard at work. Its one message to the people of Wash­ ington county is to prepare your exhibits. Let us have the largest and best display of home products ever gathered together. Fatten your live stock, save your grasses and grains, and help your potatoes and pumpkins and prunes to grow big. Give your wife time to finish that fancy work and keep the baby in the sunshine. Let us all exhibit our best at the coming fair. ifi ifi ifi The P ress is always desirous of securing re­ ports from our farmers—whenever you get an unusual stand of hay, or have to build a new barn for your grain let us know about it. Your neighbors will be pleased to read of these things. ifi ifi ifi Forest Grove will welcome a visit from the Portland wholesalers. This move to bring the supply houses and the retail merchants into closer relations will undoubtedly prove benefic­ ial to both. ifi ifi ifi ifi Hops and hogs have been topping} the mar­ kets. The hogs have been hopping and the hops Last week the Hillsboro Independent after have been hogging everything. dwelling on the length of the editor’s name Lfi ifi ifi spoke a word of good cheer for the P ress wish­ ing it success in becoming a faithful representa­ Miss Beth Sexton is reporting for the P ress . tive of Forest Grove and Washington county, Any special favors shown her in securing news for which we wish to thank the writer and to of- will be appreciated by the editor. ifi ifi ifi he expected to adopt any differ­ It costs more to keep goods a ent method in regard to the busi­ year before selling them—and ness men at home. Tell them they get shop worn and out of what you have, let them know style. You can’t get business what it costs, show them you can without asking for it-and the save them time and money by best way to ask is by attractive Adapted to Local Need*. buying from you and then they advertising. We can help you With the beginnings of the will come to your store. prepare the right kind of ads. full trade peeping out. Forest There are hundreds yes, thou­ That assistance will not cost you Grove business men should sit up sands of people within a couple a cent. Space is very reasonable and take notice. There is no use of miles of our business streets and it touches the very spot you expecting the residents of this who scarcely supect what there wish to reach. Think it over. section of the city to go around is for sale on these thorough­ with a microscope trying to find fares. I>et them know where Films Popular. out whether this or that is sold in you are. Invite them to come to The Poultry moving picture films show­ Forest Grove. The only plan your store. Tell them about ing methods of scien­ that will work is to keep ever­ your bargains. Show that you tific handling and of results poultry on the lastingly telling them what you want their trade just as much as farm, made by Professor Dryden have on hand. That is the way it is wanted by the city merch­ the Oregon Agricultural Col­ the citv merchants get their ants and a little more, by the of lege have achieved much popu­ trade. There is no reason why way and they will begin coming larity. the people of Forest Grove should to you. Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good We oft might win By fearing to attempt. Shakespeare. T h e leading and enterprising firm s with whom w e have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. A. G. HOFFMAN & CO. General Merchandise Main Street, Forest Grove THE JACKSON PHARMACY Drugs and Medicines Cornelius GOFF BROTHERS Hardware, Implements, Autos Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove GOFF BROTHERS Hardware and Supplies Cornelius GEO. G. PATERSON Furniture and Pianos Main Street, Forest Grove A. S. HENDRICKS General Merchandise Cornelius SHEARER & SON Jewelers Main Street, Forest Grove GASTON DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines FOREST GROVE PHARMACY Pure Drugs and Medicines Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove BRIGGS BROTHERS General Merchandise Gaston Dilley ! G. LUNDQUIST & CO. SUN-RISE GROCERY Hardware Groceries and Provisions Cherry Grove Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove C. G. DANIELSON Bicycles and Sundries Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove ERIC ANDERSON Jew elry and Drugs Cherry Grove FOREST GROVE STUDIO Photos and Photo Supplies Forost Grove C. L. BUM P & CO. General M eachandise South Forest Grove FORSBERG & BROSTROM General Merchandise Cherry Grove THE C. C. STORE MORTON & FREEMAN Groceries and Provisions Hillsboro ORENCO DRUG CO. Drugs and Jewelry J. A. HOFFMAN Jeweler W m. OELRICH Builders’ Materials ifi Two cabinet members have lattely visited Oregon. The Pacific coast is attracting its share of attention these days. Really, how few of us realize what the Panama canal is going to mean to us. ifi T ak e Your Coupon Book ifi In this week’s issue appears a long article on the construction of good roads. In it Mr. Kay argues for the civil engineer as the only practi­ cal road builder. He also deals with all classes of roads from trunk thoroughfares to seldom used country lanes. To bis plan of having the roads located and constructed on scientific prin­ ciples should be added Mr. Bourne’s plan of maintenance. In this way the local road repair­ ers and builders could work under the direction of a state or county engineer, which doesn’t sound much different than our present system after all. ifi __________ ___________________________________ Hillsboro Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, H ardw are Orenco Orenco Orenco THE DELTA DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines Hillsboro OREGON NURSERY CO. PERCY LONG Hardware 2nd Street, Hillsboro M. P. CADY MRS. M. L. BURDAN Millinery 2nd Street, Hillsboro J. L. HARDY SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART Meat Market 2nd Street, Hillsboro R. L. TUC K ER Everything to Uuild With Beaverton A. C. DONELSON Furniture Hillsboro N. C. LILLY General M erchandise GaJes Creek PEOPLES STORE General Merchandise Hillsboro E. J. AYERS General M erchandise Gales Creek MRS. WINIFRED GUNTON Pope Photo Gallery Hillsboro, Oregon KINTON & JENSEN General M erchandise FOREST GROVE PRESS Job Printing Department Give us a trial order BRODERICK & HUM BERG Blacksmith and General Repairing Forest Grove, Ore W holesale and R etail Nursery Stock Orenco G eneral M erchandise Beaverton Confectionery and P aten t Medicines Beaverton Danks