Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 07, 1913, Image 3

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Miss Margaret McFeeters is Glenn Thomas formerly of this
spending the day in the Rose city but now of New berg is
again seen on the city streets.
Miss Bernice Via returned to Alva Patton a former student
her home in Buxton, Tuesday, in the University is visiting in
after a week’s visit with her ! the Grove for a few- days.
grandmother, Mrs. Via.
Clarence Sprague a great
Mr. Peabody, of Haines sta­ ■ Christian Endeavor worker came
May and Arthur Ruffli of tion was in town Tuesday.
down Saturday to attend the
Banks are visiting Mrs. Stribich
Mr. Earle Jackson is home Christian Endeavor Picnic at
and Mrs. Will Tucker in this again after a week’s vacation at Watts.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufner of this
Mrs. Oscar Shogren, of Cor­ The Good Investment Co. this
city started on a trip through
Walter Rogers Killed
Run-A-Way Near Bank*
Postal Bank for Hillsboro
was shopping and visiting week traded the Wilbur McEl-
Sheridan, The Dalles and to
M c M i n n v i l l e , O r . —(Special) On Tuesday night last week,says
Postmaster Benjamin P. Cor­
Newport last week in their auto.
the city, to Mr. Williams for his Walter Rogers was killed Satur­ the Banks Herald, returning' nelius, Monday received word
ten acre tract 2£ miles west of day and Frank Wilbur seriously from Hillsboro, A. J. Burdick from Washington, D. C., that
Miss Temstall of Portland isj
Forest Grove.
Mr. Williams injured, at the hand of James and W. Eatock met with an acc­ the necessary books and blanks
visiting at the Heibel home in |
Mrs. Chas. Sprague of Port­ had a lovely home, but there Hutchens, who resides with his ident when nearly halfway to will soon reach Hillsboro for the
this city for a few days.
Miss Eunice Bernard of the land spent a few days with her was too much work for a man of mother on her homestead West their home in Banks. Something installation of a postal savings
frightened one of the horses as bank, which will be ready for
Good Samaratin hospital was mother Mrs. M. Thomas of this his age so he is coming to town of McMinnville.
and take it easy, and watch the
The shooting occurred when they were starting down a short business on September 2.
home on a week’s vacation.
Dudley Wilcox spent the first other fellow pick his straw­ Hutchens and R. L. Healey were grade and in the fracus the team
W. H. Groeman of Corvallis,
berries, loganberries, etc.
driving along the road leading was thrown into the ditch. A
stayed over Sunday at the homes j parj of the week in this city, the
from what is known as Pea Vine lantern was got from a farmer,
of M. S. Allen and A. G. Hoff­
Dr. Lowe’s glasses are death
to McMinnville. They pull­ and with a little assistance the;
to headaches. Ask your neigh j
the road where most of horses were gotten up. One of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin bors.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman
get their mail and them had fallen onto a log, and
and daughter left for their va­ are the proud parents of a baby
ran a projecting limb into and
cation this week to St. Maries, girl, born August 2.
Here Hutchens met Wilbur through one of his shoulders. I t !
Miss Beatrice Davis is visiting Wanted hoppickers for Bu­ and they were soon in a heated was in such bad condition that
Idaho. They expect to be gone
in Portland with her sister, Mrs. chanan yard fifteen days picking quarrel, over what is not known, Dr. Regan was called, and it
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knapp left Van Vain, this week and next. ] cabins furnished campers, city but it is generally conceded to be was found nessary to kill it.
Wednesday to spend two weeks
Mr. Ivan Noble was in town on water free wagon to and from the climax of an old grudge. Very little other damage was
at Seaside.
business Wednesday. Ivan is I Forest Grove leave names at the Some witnesses to the tragedy done.
Bazar or at my farm—J. A. B u ­ declare that Wilbur struck
Mrs. Mary Hacker, of Ver- living in Poatland now7.
Hutchens twice and Hutchens
$1,000 for Horses
nona, is visiting with her daugh­ Frank Cline and Clarence All- chanan
his revolver, shooting The killing of some horses by
ter Mrs. Neil of this city.
hancs of Eoverton
Dr. Lowe’s glasses do not need
Mrs. G. C. Danielson of this through here on their way to! the guarantee that goes with Wilbur twice in the arm and I an Oregon Electric train in Sep­
once in the shoulder.
tember, 1911, is the occasion for
city spent Sunday with friends Tilamook Monday. They are them. There’s a reason.
At this juncture Rogers came the filing of the suit by Mary H.
making the trip on bicycles,
at Oak Park.
We have the one you need.
along on horse back and Hutch­ Elmore, who asks $1,000 from
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barker camping along the way.
F or S a l e —Oak library table, ens immediatly turned his gun on the railway for loss of a mare It is an IMPORTED TOOTH
and grand-daughter Mrs. Grace
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hart re­ leather rocker, body brussels hall Rogers who was shot in the
BRUSH with the finest select­
Keesee were Oak Park visitois turned from a trip to the East carpet. Ingrain arch square, lace heart and died immediatly. and a colt that were the victims. ed Siberian Briftles. These
The complaint charges careless­
last Friday. They Report a curtains, all in good condition. Sheriff Henderson was notified by ness and negligence by defend­ bristles are of the proper
Postoffice box 441.
telephone and, accompanied by a n t in permitting staples on a length; are well trimmed and
Mrs. R. Steigleder motored to | pleasant trip; but they are both
Dr. Goucher and Dr. Woods of passing gate to be in bad order firmly secured in a solid back
Saturday returning glad to get back to cool Oregon. J
It was 109 degrees in old New
McMinnville, hurried to the scene. which prevented fastening the If it ever sheds bristles you
When he arrived he was in­ gate. This was the cause, the can exchange it for a new
The Misses Leone Smith and j
formed that Hutchens had gone complaint charges, of the animals brush or get your money back.
Hazel Barker visited Sunday, j Mr. Charley Robinson has
McMinnville and the Sheriff getting upon the track and being
at Cornelius, the guests of Miss been promoted to head time
then telephoned to Chief of Police
Anna Schwall.
Petersen to arrest Hutchens, who killed.
Construction Company here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. W'ebley
later emerged from the office
VanKouglinet & Reder, Inc.
“ An ounce of preventati re is
and daughter Florence, Mrs S. • Miss Wanda Todd left for
of a lawyer and was placed in
worth a pound of cure Hollitser’s
E. Curtis and Alma Curtis are' Rockaway Beach last Tuesday.
camping at Pricketts Canyon
Mrs. W. M. Proctor is on the
F O R E S T G R O V E - ORE.
II taken just what you feel as “ preventative for thirty years.
this week,
sick list this week.
though you were going to be sick Nothing so good to keep you
Mrs. George Burke and chil­ Frances Tucker Joy visited
you will never know what serious well. 35 cents Tea or Tablets.— When in need of some more
dren of this city moved to Port­ with her folks over Sunday in
office stationary call on the
W e buy direct from the fac­
illness is. It purefies the blood, Vankoughnet and Reder.
land the first of the week in or­ this city.
PRESS job department. Envel­
You save the agent s
drives out disease before it gets
der to be nearer Mr. Burke’s
cards, letterheads, circular
Mrs. R. D. Emmerson and
a foot hold; such is Hollinger’s It is twenty years this August
profit. You can get them on
place of business.
bill heads etc.
Mrs. W. T. Hall returned home
Rocky Mountain Tea.
None since Dr. Lowe made his first
easy terms.
Mr. Clarence Sprague and from Newport Tuesday.
Bring us your kodak work any
other so effective and sure. 35 visit to Forest Grove. He has
Alva Patten of Portland visited
film developed 10 cents.
Miss Manch Langley is in Port­
over Sunday in this city.
Grove Studio.
land today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brown,
Misses Portia and Gladys Good­
formerly of this city, now of
Pacific Drug Co.
were guests of Miss Una
Independence visited friends
Emerson Wednesday.
in the Grove over Sunday.
Forest Grove - - Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Parker left Tues­ Henry Werts and wife spent
day for Seaside where they will j Sunday at Oak Park.
spend a few week’s vacation.
Mrs. W. G. Corey and daugh­
ters of Irrigon. Ore., visited with
Af t e r y o u have de cided to b e g i n a n a d v e r t i s i n g campaign,
u st w h a t y o u
Mrs. Z. M. LaRue of this city |
the last of the week.
an d ha ve come to the c o n c l u s i o n that a d v e r t i s i n g is a p r a c t i ­
Word comes from Roseburg, j
cal an d efficient s e ll in g force, the first step is to get a
Or., from McLean and Gates I
auto crowd who are on their j
t h o r o u g h kn ow l e d g e of the b u si ne ss or pr od uc t y o u are go i n g to
way to California that the roads :
If y o u are se lling a single line, learn its ad v a n t a g e s
were beginning to get rough ;
and bad as they near the moun- i
over competition, and s u b s t i t u t i o n as well.
If y o u
w i sh to
d e v e lo pe a busi ne ss of a ge aa ra l nature, y o u m u st st u d y r e a ­
Mary Weldon and N. Briggs ol
sons wh y cu st om er s should p a tr on iz e y o ur store: service, fa ­
Chicago are visiting in this city, j
c i li ty in trading, q u a l i t y of goods, fairness, credit, etc.
W. J. Good and Rodell Mat-
teson have returned from theii |
A l wa ys r e m e m b e r that y o ur ads mu st be tr ut hf ul an d de pe nd ab le
hunting trip up Scoggins Valley.
as well as forceful and attrac ti ve , or else their pe rm an en t
Mr. Marion Taylor of neat i
value will be lost.
Watts district killed three hears j
last week which were brought tr
Next y o u must st u d y y o ur p r os pe ct s ne ed s and desires.
town Monday.
Find out the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of yo u r av e r a g e cust om er and
Mrs. Julia Wheeler, of Hills
pr os p e c t s and a d r e s s your w r i t i n g to him. Yo u of te n can an-
boro visited with Mrs. Kate Tay j
lor in this city last week.
alize his needs bett er than h i m s e l f If yo u succede in d o i n g
Nearby News Notes
Need a
Tooth Brush
W e Handle
the Miller
Piano Here
Study is Required to Make Your A ds Effective.
S w ea ters
........ ..
S w ea ters VACATI0N TR1P
Our new line of Sweaters in latest
shades and weaves have just arrived.
Heavy Rough Necks in Maroons,
Light Oxfords and W hite, rang­
ing in various easy prices each,
$5.75 to $8.75
Youth’s and Children’s Sweaters
Mr. an 1 Mrs. L. L. Holla g j ‘
and son Mertroe visited tw< 1
days last week with Dr. Geiger;
and family who are camped a t 1
Elbert Taylor of this city is
working at his uncles, Mr. John
Rice, a farmer at Varley.
each', from
85c to $4.50
this y o u r sales will come easy.
Third y o u will ha ve to ad op t y o u r se ll in g pl a n and ar ra ng e
Don’t wait until the morning you go away.
Take time to look them over and compare
values. Our doors are wide open to you.
your b a r g a i n list3 ac co rd in gl y.
Y o u are n o w re a d y to write
ads that will pay.
If yo u will fast en the reins,
one on yo u r po ss ib le c u s ­
tomers, and one on y o ur line of goods, and will k e ep one eye
Miss Edith Swauson went to
McMinnville Tuesday on busi­
Watch our space for a Linen Ad.
Mr. Elmer Hamilton, of the
Kansas City section, was visit­
ing in town Sunday.
on the look out for road signs while the other is w a t c h i n g the
team y o u will drive your busi ne ss carriage r a p i d l y up the
L----------------»--------- J
h i g h w a y of success c o n t r o l l i n g your te am by the whip of go od
se as on ab le advertising.