FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY AUGUST 7. 1913. P R O F E S S IO N A L T he FOREST GROVE N A T IO N A L BANK AND B U S IN E S S D I R E C T O R Y Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County C A P IT A L SU RPLU S DEPOSITS - - J. N. H offm an $25,000.00 $35,000.00 $400,000.00 E Q U IT Y A N D P R O B ATE O N L Y Rev. J. B. Holmes, o f the | the ladies o f the church meet Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Christian church has become a each Wednesday afternoon at | Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove permanent resident o f this city 2:30; the C. VV. B. M. meets the, and last week moved his family first Tuesday afternoon o f each Mark B. Bump from Eugene. Rev. Holmes has month; the board of officers meet Altorncy-at-law a very excellent record in former on the first Monday evening of charges and has already become each month. A cordial invita­ South o f Court House well liked among his people here. tion is extended to all to share in , Hillsboro, Ore. these services. “ Religious Liberty” will be COMMERCIAL AN D SAVINGS ACCOUNTS H. E. FERRIN, asst . C ashier J. A. TH O R N B U R G H P r e s id e n t JOHN K. B A IL E Y - VICK PRK8. W . W. M cEL D O W N EY - C a s h ie r t . g . TODD - J. W.FUQUA - D ir e c t o r D irector LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Attention Ladies W E have had the good fortune to secure an agency from jh e Am erican Company, and have a competent lady to take meas­ ures. W e are now prepared to take orders for Tailored Suits and Coats and Guarantee a Fit. Y ou can save from $5.00 to $10.00 on your suits by placing your orders with us. W e will give a 10 (/o discount on every order placed with us before August 23d. CO M E A. IN A N D LOOK OVER OUR G. HOFFMAN & F irst M ethodist : Hiram Gould SAM PLES pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m., Mr. Schramel, Superintend-1 ent; Preaching Services 11 a. m., I Epworth League 7 p. m., Even­ ing Preaching Service 8 p. m., Prayer Meeting Thursday even­ ing. All are cordially invited to these services. CO. ------------------------------------ ^ - U lll lllll ll.ll l-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ r_— BAKING CO. HOME Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. W e sell 6 loaves o f Bread for 25 cents Free delivery to all (»arts o f the city Pacific A venue, Forest G rove — — Physicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. N o-th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest Grove, Ore. D R . C. E. W A L K E R Osleopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint­ the lesson subject Sunday even­ S t . A n t h o n y ’ s C h u r c h : Rev. Hollis & Graham ment Only ing, August 10, at the Seventh J. R. Buck, pastor. Services: | A Itorneys-at-LaW i Day Adventist church. Forest Grove: Mass on the! H. W . V ollm er, M. D. The Watts District entertained first and fourth Sundays o f the Forest G rove, O gn. Physician and Surgeon the Congregational Endeavors month at 8:30 a. m .; Mass on the Office in Abbott Bldg. last Saturday evening at Watts. second and third Sundays of the E. B. T ongue, Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. The people journeyed out in the month at 10:30 a. m .; every week Attorney-at-Law auto truck and were treated to day at 8 a. m. Benediction with Ind. Phones ice cream and a good time. sermon every Sunday 7:30 p. m. District Attorney. Cornelius: Mass on the first Hillsboro, Ore. VV. Q . Tucker, M. D. Sunday of the month at 10:30 a. C H U R C H NOTICES. m .; Mass on the second and third Physician and Surgeon Dr. E. J. Crow thers Sundays of the month at 8 a. m. Calls answered promptly day or night (For all churches who hold regular services in this Physician and Surgeon Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. Gaston: Mass on the fourth i city. The proper authorities are requested to Calls answered day and night »end in their announcement early each week.) Sunday o f the month at 10:30 a. Office in Jackson Pharmacy in. (Note: A fifth Sunday in a Cornelius, Ore. Dr. H. R. K auffm an S eventh D ay A dventist : Third month occurring, the time and Physician & Surgeon Street. Regular services o f Sab­ place for the masses will be an­ Office: Forest Grove Nat‘1 Bank Building bath Day, 10:30 a. m. Sabbath nounced.) Catechism: In For­ W . B. CO O N , V . S. Phone Main 0131 O ffice on 1 st S t . School; 11:30 a. m. church servi­ est Grove on Friday at 3 p. m .; Forest Grove, Ore. Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. ces. Missionary meeting Sunday in Cornelius on Saturday at 4 p. evening 8 p. m. Prayer meeting m. Confession: Saturday at 4 1 Having bought out Dr. Feeley, V et­ erinarian, I wish to notify the public R. M. Erwin, M. D. Wednesday evening 8 p. m. A and 7 p. m. Altar Society: A that I am prepared to answer all calls, Physician and Surgeon cordial invitation extended to all. general meeting o f the society ; day or night. Tamiesie Bi ilding Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O re 3d and Main Sts. will be held on the first Wednes­ F irst C ongregational : Rev. Hillsboro, Ore. D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible day o f January, April, July a n d 1 October. Sermons are always in School 9:45 a. m., Morning Wor­ A c r e T r a c t s in Sun Set S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. ship 11 a. m., Junior C. E. 3 p. English at both masses on every Addition to Forest Grove Sunday. Everyone, regardless m., Intermediate C. E. and Y. P. Physician and Surgeon to be sold on terms. W. W. S. C. E. 7 p. m., Evening Ser­ of creed, is cordially invited to Delta Building Ireland, Hoffman Building vice, 8 p. m. Thursday mid-wk all services. Hillsboro, Ore. prayer meeting. Visitors aie heartily welcome. =niniiiiiii= Ladies’ Tailoring Dr. D. W . W ard Dr. E. B. Brookbank Ailorney-al-Law 1 F irst C hristian C hurch : First and Third street, J. B. Holmes, j pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m., | J. A. Parker superintendent. Communion and preaching at 11 a. m .; Christian Endeavor 7 p. | m., Kennard Dixon, president; evening sermon at 8 p. m. Week day services: Officers and teachers’ meeting on Tuesday evening 8 p. m .; chorus drill, Mr. George Jackson, leader, each Wednesday evening: prayer ser­ vice each Thursday evening; U N D E R T A K IN G W. F. HARTRAMPF Embalming and Funeral Directing Feed Mill will run every day in the week. FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. W h olesale and Retail J. S. Buxton, Manager Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. SURVEYOR All kinds o f survey­ ing and maping. Subdivisions a spec­ ialty. H. B. GLAISYER, Hoffman & Allen Bld’g Phone 806 Forest Grove, Ore. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O . Physician, Surgeon and Osteopath , Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground J. O. R obb, M. B. Tor. Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked Physician and Surgeon Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Phone City 384 Wheat and Corn, Middlings and Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. several kinds o f Hard Wheat Hillsboro, Ore. Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, Hay and Vetch Seed. W . M. Langley & Son Give us a call when in need. Lawyers nd Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore Forest G rove, O gn. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE 9 W . P. D YK E MÈRI CAN' -RE S S T % S DC DAT Ì0 N ■ i ----------------- ' u '— - GENERAL NEW YORK — O FFIC E S AND C H IC A G O BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Attorney-at-Law Forest Grove Nat’ l Bank Bldg Forest G rove, Ore. I r g Job Printing That Satisfies Job W o rk from the Press Office must b* Doubly Satisfactory, to satisfy us and you The PRESS is fully equipped with a Complete and Modern Job Plant. W ith the addition of a new press and considerable other material, we are in a position to give immediate and most satisfactory service. solicit your work in this line and guarantee perfect satisfaction. first order will prove the truth of these statements. We Your Give us a trial* A FE W SU G G E STIO N S— Letterheads, Billheads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Circular Letters. Posters, Pamphlets, Visiting Cards Invitations and W edding Stationery L FOREST GROVE PRESS Now in our new Location on Main Street Phone 5 0 2 j | 1