Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 31, 1913, Image 8

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Pink and white carnations were
carried by the bride, pink alone
by the attendant. The couple
will leave this evening for Port­
land, Oregon, near which city
they intend to reside.
G ets B ig C ontract
Messers tion company, und?r the super­
Snook & Traver, o f Salem, who
have the contract for the new
school building here have just
signed up a contract o f $140,000
with the Oregon Agricultural
College at Corvallis and are now
there looking after it.
vision o f Mr. Fletcher, are mak­
ing rapid progress in preparing
the streets for the paving crew
which will be here before long.
N ew
L awn
S eeded
Lenneville has filled in his yard
and seeded it for a lawn. It is
The Ladies Working Society
D rops P lank on T oe
Mr. at least a foot above the curbing met Wednesday afternoon at the
Knapp, o f South First street had and will make one more attrac­ Congregational church.
the misfortune one day last week tive lawn in Forest Grove.
five ladies were present. The
to drop a plank on his foot seri­ Two M ore H omes W. McEl- dining room was decorated with
ously mashing a toe. lie is able downy manage r o f the Ladd farm pink sweetpeas and the parlors,
to be around, however.
at Reedville, has begun the erec­ pink roses. Assorted cakes and
S eems G ood to be H ome John tion o f a nice residence at Third combination sandwitches were
Wilhemlson, of Nevvberg, who avenue and B street. Professor served. Mesdames W. N. Ferrin
resided in Forest Grove for many W. M. Proctor, o f Pacific Uni­ G. Hughes and Grant Hughes
years is now seen on the city versity, purchased this week entertained.
streets again. John says it from Wheelock Marsh a lot in
seems mighty good to be on the the north part o f the city, and
Ambers Thornburg and Mr.
home streets again and see the will begin soon the construction
Mrs. Will Thornburg and
of a fine residence.
many improvements.
daughters, of the Banks section,
B uilding N ew H ome Mr. Car­ P lan L ong T our N. P. Me
were Grove visitors, Monday.
mel Good is having a new house Clane and family in their Cadalac
Ambers Thornburgh celebrate!
and Mr. Gates in bis Overland
built on Pacific avenue.
his eighty-first birthday Tuesday,
H ay R ack O verturns —B. C. will start today on a tour from and is still hale and hearty at
Dennis is recovering nicely from Forest Grove to California. They four score and o le. His parents
injuries received from jumping intend to tour over much o f Cali­ lived to a great age, his father
from an overturning load o f hay fornia before they return.
living to be nearly one hundred
last week at his home at Wapato. B orn to M r . and M rs . B oyd — years old, and his mother passing
His little sons were also on the An eight pound baby girl was away at about ninety.
load and were bruised some.
born at the Boyd home on Fern
B orn S aturday Mr. and Mrs. Hill Monday evening.
A reunion was held Sunday at
Ernest Herr are the proud par­ Is P latting
L and — Suveyor the home o f Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
ents o f a little daughter, born Glasyer is busy this week with a
Bellingher, at which were present
last Saturday.
crew near Schofield, on the P. It. Mrs. S. J. Sparks, o f this city;
W hy T his N ew CoTTAGE?-Hugh & N., platting a tract o f land.
Mrs. Priscilla Sparks, o f Van­
Sparks is building a cottage ad­
Wash.; and Mrs. Louisa
joining his mothers lot on Pacific R aised in O regon Last Tues­
of Manchester, Iowa;
avenue and Third street. This day when Calvin Wilder of Hill­
relatives of this city,
side received a big 612 pound
looks rather suspicious.
ladies last mentioned
Jersey hog from his brother’ s
S ure F ine W eather — These ranch at Dayton some one re­ are sisters, and were together for
bright cheery invigorating morn­ marked “ You’ ve got ter send the first time in forty years.
ings, followed by afternoons East fer your hogs you can’ t Among the guests present were
neither too hot nor too cold, with raise em here.” But this one Herr Leo Sparks, the well-known
the day ending in clear starlight was raised here in Oregon, and baritone singer, o f Dresden, Ger­
evenings well, we would kick many more like him will lie as many, and Mr. W. Payne, of
at such fine weather as this if it the farners find out that they Portland. After a banquet din­
continued long enough.
ner had been served. Messers
Sparks and Payne favored the
P. U. B ulletins Prof. Proctor
B ycicle DlSSAPEARS-Last Tues­ company with several vocal and
and others at the University are
day evening Tom Meuswen, who instrumental selections.
sending out bushels of mail these
lives about a half mile north of
days to prospective students for
town left his bicycle in front of
the coming fall term. Indica­
At the home o f Mr. Daniel
John Whittiker’ s pool room for a
tions for a good class are excel­
on Wednesday morning,
few minutes, and when ready to
start home was not able to find Rev. Hiram Gould united in mar­
P r e s s L ocation C hanged — it.
riage Mr. Horace It. Reed, o f
Many are not aware as yet that
Latturette Falls, and Miss Llyna
the P ress has moved from the L eave F or L ong T rip Mr. and L. Baker, o f Forest Grove. The
J. N. Hoffman building to the Mrs. Noah King left to-day for ceremony was a very beautiful
an extended trip during which
Bailey building on Main street.
home affair with unusually pretty
The first east side door south of thay will visit friends and rela­ decorations and a dainty wedding
tives in Montana, Iowa, Nebras­
Pacific avenue.
repast. Mr. Reed is superintend­
ka, Kansas, and other places.
o f a canning factory at Lat­
A ttends P ortland C onfrence They will not return home until
Falls, where the young
Mrs. J. M. Barber attended the October.
make their future
conference at Mayor Albee’s o f­
fice on last Saturday, at which
Miss Maud Miner o f New York rence and Lowell Moulton former
discussed before the commissio­ residents of this city, but now of
Last Sunday a party o f Forest
ners and prominent social work­ Tilamook, walked to Forest Grove
people attended the Elks
ers, the probation work for girls. last week. The boys left Tilamook
at Carlton given by the
Miss Miner was very decided in on Tuesday the 22nd and took
B.P.O.E. They en­
her opinion that men officers their time. They carried packs
o f entertain­
should never handle girl cases. On their backs and fished along
those pres­
the way. They arrived in the
S heriff in F orest G rove
Mr. and
Grove Friday morning.
Sheritf Reeves has been seen
hoys will return sometime the
several times in our city streets
first o f the week. Laurence like
o f late.
his fatlur is now a barber.
S chool S teps C ompleted C.
Van Doen, “ Buzz” Jenings and M c M innville man here Hen­
Mr. Taunton have completed new ry Gee, o f McMinnville, a mem­
steps to the Lincoln School ber o f the firm of Gee & Jones, will have to go without, because
marble, granite and monumental they are too good not to go to
M oved A way Mr. and Mrs. works, of Forest Grove, was a
visitor here this week looking F ire T his M orning
Kerr who have lived in this city
business interests.
filled with hay owned by Ed Nay-
for the past two years sold
their property here and left Tues­ S uffering from F inger A. G. ler, a warehouse belonging to
day for Hood River and thence Hotfman has been in considera­ Dick Rode located near the Car­
to Chicago where they will ble pain the past week due to a nation condenser was burned to
make their future home. The swelling on his finger that seri­ the ground this morning, a little
Kerrs made many friends while ously threatened blood poisoning. after six o ’clock. There was no
insurance. The fire department
here. They said on leaving that
hree C ylinders G ood While was helpless as there were no
this is one of the prettiest places
they have ever lived in. Mr. J. taking a load of ice to Banks the water mains in the vicinity.
Keck o f Wisconsin bought the first o f the week, Dan Pierce C ouncil P asses O rdinances
broke some o f the intricate en­
Kerr place.
gine parts of his auto truck. At a call meeting Tuesday even­
S pend S unday at W atts Mr. With the asstance of Mr. Chalm­ ing. the council passed an ordin­
and Mrs. Taunton and family ers he finally succeeded in re­ ance regulating the care o f dogs
and Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Porter moving the disabled parts, Mr. during the summer months, and
and family. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Pierce making the rest of the an ordinance prohibiting the
leaving o f railroad cars on the
Stewart and Mrs. W. W. Ryals trip and return on three lungs.
city streets.
were up at Watts Sunday on an
outing. Swimming wading and T en to the P o d - Mr. A. L. S ent to R eform S chool T wo
Sexton brought to the P ress o f­
sumptuous dinners Were the ple-
fice this week a green pea pod Forest Grove boys were sent to
sures o f the day.
with ten large peas lying there­ the Oregon state school at Salem
P avement P rogressing R apid ­ in, He says there ara more like this week by order o f the county
ly The Linden-Kibbe Construc­ it in the garden but the family court.
The Maximum class o f the M.
E. church gave a pie feed at the
church last evening.
The class
had a jolly time all evening. Of
course the feature o f the event
was home made pies.
Santa Cruz, July 25.
Editor: I inclose clipping of
the marriage of Edward Russell,
as it may be of interest to his
friends in Forest Grove. I am
getting along nice and like the
country fine. Give my regards
to all. Yours truly,
i*9 p
Wednesday evening of this
week Herbert Duel entertained
about twenty young fo'ks in
honor o f Miss V. Holmes.
bert lives in Stringtown; there­
for those who journeyed out
there from Forest Grove had a
very enjoyable time. After play­
ing many games, ice cream and
cake were served which all en-
' joyed.
Mrs. Jennie Kyle, of Portland,
will give an oratorical recital at
the Congregational church Sat­
urday evening, August 2d.
i admittance fee will be charged,
hut a collection will be taken at
the close.
The Forest Rebekah Lodge will
give a “ Covered Dish” supper.
A. W. R ussell .
Wednesday evening, August 6th,
Edward Russell, a carpenter
to wffiich all menbers and their
living at 150 Pelton avenue, was
wives and husbands are invited,
married last evening to Miss Al­
each member is to'bring a “ Cov­
berta Webster, daughter o f Mrs.
ered Dish” with something good
W. J. Wood, of Thirty-fifth av­
to eat in it.
enue, on the Capitolia car line.
The wedding took place at the
N o.587 met in
Russell home, the officiating min­
ister being Rev. Stevens. It regular session Saturday night.
was a pink and green wedding. After the business session ice
The best man was Harry Russell, cream and cake were served
Miss Violet Russell being brides- which was greatly enjoyed by all.
made. They are respectively
brother and niece o f the groom.
The Ladies Working Society o f
the Seventh Day
church met with Mrs. John Por­
ter Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Littler delight­
fully entertained the Ladies Aid
o f the M. E. church Wednesday.
The Missionary society of the
S. D. A. church will be held Sat-
usday evening o f this week in­
stead of Sunday evening. C. E.
Olcott, missionary secretary from
Portland, will be present.
Rock Road Promised
The county court has pur­
chased o f H. G. Luck four acres
obout a half mile above the
Meachem school for a quarry.
The stone appears to be o f excel­
lent quality and will he used on
the roads in the northern part of
the country. It is a volcanic for­
mation and little blasting will be
necessary, as much o f the rock is
broken and all ready for the
crusher. Judge Reasoner figures
that rock from this quarry will
cost the county 25 cents a yard
against 90 cents a yard at the
county quarry at Goodin station.
On figuring up avalable funds it
has been found that there is
money enough to rock the gap
in the Base Line road left after
present district work is done and
the work will be completed dur­
ing the present season. This
will mean a solid stretch o f rock
road between Hillsboro and For­
est Grove.
A m o n g D o r
These columns are open to merchants and others who desire a brief and effective
medium for reaching the public.
Here, each week, our readers will find many help­
ful suggestions, and will learn the latest business and professional news.
Call the Peoples Market for all
The talk o f the city. Almost
J ob W ork , done properly and
Good Eats in fresh and cured three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ on time at the PRESS office.
meats, fish and fruits. First door and Gents’ Shoes just received at [ Satisfaction g u a r a n t e e d and
west of King & Caples Mdse. Co. The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf prices right.
Phone Main 692.
New shipment o f ladies and) The Peoples Store is receving
silk hosiery, just received new up to date goods daily.
G inseng and G old S eal rais­
ing surest w ay to make Big Mon­ at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. Dont forget to see the many
bargains at the Peoples Store
ey on Little Capital. One acre
o f Ginseng yields about 5,000.
The largest
assortment of
Sells at $6 a pound. We buy all
Board and room at the Walker
you raise. Write today for free men’s straw hats ever showed in
booklet. Leo Richter, Auburn, Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples place, 3d Ave., North, between
A and B Street Phone Main 367.
Store Hillsboro.
Men’ s work shirts all colors
Call the Peoples Market for all
and prices at The Peoples Store Good Eats in fresh and cured
style and neat appearence may­
. 35tf
meats, fish and fruits. First door
be obtained from the P ress job
west o f King & Caples Mdse. Co. department.
N otice During the month of Phone Main 692.
Stated communication
August only, my office hours will
be from 9 a. m, to 12 m.; on ac - 1
LADIES—If you contemplate 'J ^ y f this Saturday evening 8
o ’clock Holbrook Lodge
count taking post-graduate course
buying a Tailored Suit or Coat, No. 30, A. F. & A. M. Visiting
in Portland.
D r . S tewart ,
brethern welcome. By order o f
Chiropractor. see A. G. Hoffman & Co.
2-tf the W. M. II. C. Parker, Secy.
Forest Grove Training Park
v e r y
u n d a y
f t e r n o o n
----------- STARTING JUNE 2 9 ------------
-------- RACES BEGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK----------
Admission 50 cents
Grandstand Free