Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 31, 1913, Image 7

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Find May Be Ambergris.
Marshfield.— F rank Blackerby, until
recen tly a m em ber of the Umpqua
Life-Saving statio n crew at Gardiner,
Is the p ossessor of an 85-pound lump
th a t is really worth its weight in gold,
th a t is unless he and those who have
examined it are badly deceived. It is
said to be ambergris. He found it in
the breakers, while patrolling the
beach. Samples were sen t to David
S ta r r Jo rd a n in California. The latter
replied th a t it ap parently was genuine
am bergris, but it probably would be
n ecessary to send sam ples to France
to definitely determ ine it and so Black­
erby will. A m bergris is worth $500
o r $1000 a pound.
Remorse Makes Fugitive Surrender.
Albany.— A fugitive from Justice
since D ecem ber 8. 1912, since when
th e county has offered a rew ard of
$100 for his arrest, Paul Ackerm an,
who sho t and seriously injured Jack
Leib in a road n e a r Shedd, while th e
la t te r was buggy riding with his s w eet­
heart, gave himself up to the a u th o r i­
ties. Although his victim has recov-
ered from the injuries, A ckerm an said
th a t the Incident continually preyed
upon his mind and he assigned this as
the reason for giving him self up. He
h as been tram p in g through California.
Socialists Denounce Coos Sheriff
Coquilie.—T he socialists of Coos
county, in a convention called h ere foi
the purpose of denouncing th e action
of residen ts of this section in deport-
ing Dr. B. K. Leach, adopted resolu-
tions add ressed to Governor W est,
asking th a t th e sheriff of Coos county
be rem oved from office because he
“refused to enforce th e law ag ain st
mob rule.”
Nation Joins State, Counties and T im ­
ber Owners to Protect Billions.
Salem .—To p ro tect its billions of
fe e t of tim b er from th e rav ag es of
fire, th e state, with th e aid of the
federal governm ent, is this y ear t a k ­
ing m ore elabo rate p recau tio n s th an
e v e r before, and as a re s u lt of th e
w ork th e r e has not been a disastro u s
fire th is season. T im b e r ow ners will
spend abo ut $150,000 for fire protec-
tion, the federal gov ern m en t has ap­
p ro p riate d for fire patrol work $150,-
000, and a law passed at th e last ses-
sion of the s ta te legislature places a t
the com m and of th e s ta te board of for-
estry $75,000 for th e next tw o years,
Oregon h as one-fifth of th e stand-
ing tim b e r of th e United S tates, or
abo ut 545,000,000,000 feet, w orth on
th e stum p $080,000,000, and if m a n u ­
factured would sell for $6,822,500,000.
T h e money expended and th e p recau ­
tions ta k e n are in protection of th e
s ta te 's chief resource.
T h e forests
alread y d istrib u te more wealth in the
s t a t e than apples, fish, wool and w heat
combined, and th e m ark etin g of the
ti m b e r h as scarcely begun.
Qusdrennitl Trip of Toad» Taken.
K la m a th Falls.— Millions of sm all
to a d s are now m aking th e ir way from
t h e sw am ps su rrou n d in g Lake Ewau-
n a to the U p p er K la m a th lake. Every
few years, during th e la tte r p a rt of
Ju ly , th e rep tiles leave th e m a r s h e s
alo n g th e lake an d work th e ir way
th r o u g h th e s t r e e ts of th e city to Link
river. T hey do not ta k e th e line of
least res ista n c e for th eir march, which
is along th e lake shore, but come the
s h o r te s t ro ute thro u g h th e city. The
h e g ir a of toads occurs about every
fo u r years.
Coal Vein in Nehalem Valley.
C latsk anie.—J. M. Davey, of th e de­
p a r t m e n t of the interior, governm ent
service, has been in this vicinity lo­
catin g coal and mineral lands. He re ­
tu rn ed from a trip through th e Nehal­
em valley and reported th e finding of
coal in m a rk etab le and w orkable q u an ­
tities in the so u th ern p art of th e coun­
ty, principally in th e Pebble creek dis­
Rabbit Squad Is Named.
Salem .—G overnor West has appoint­
ed W. L. Finley, state game w ard en ;
Dr. W. H. Lytle, s ta te v eterinarian,
and T. D Beckwith, professor of bac­
teriology in th e Oregon A gricultural
college, a commission to devise a plan
for the ex term in atio n of rabbits, which
have become a pest in th e s e u 'h e rn
p a rt of th e state.
Mines Bureau to Be Aided.
Albany.— T h e Albany com m ercial
« la b will cooperate with th e Oregon
b u reau of m ines and geology toward
th e developm ent of the mining ludua-
tr te a of th l i section of th e state
t h e request of th e bureau th e elub
h a s named a special co m m ittee on
m laiag. which will work with th# bu­
reau tow ard t h a t end.
W illiu u 1'. Andrew hus been a p ­
pointed logging engineer In th e forest
service at P ortland at $2500 a year.
T h e Oregon su prem e court has de­
cided th a t th e Day bill, calling a spec­
ial referendum election for next No­
vember, is constitutional.
According to a La G rande ordinance
recently passed every citizen has a
right to kill a dog found ru nn in g at
j large w ithout a muzzle.
j T h e fa rm e rs of McCoy have organiz­
ed a F a rm e rs' Society of Equity with
i large mem bership. Its object is the
system atic m ark etin g of farm pro­
ducts, and J. P. S ears is president.
In Oregon approxim ately 70,000
seres have been resto red as non-oil-
bearing lands and about 12,000 acres
were w ithdraw n for w aterpow er or
reservoir sites.
No dogs from Oregon will be per­
mitted to be bro ugh t Into th e s t a te of
W ashington until th e q u aran tin e es­
tablished by th e W ashington sta te vet­
e rin arian is raised.
Probably $1500 will be added to the
annual budget of th e U niversity of
Oregon because of th e new eight-hour
luw In Oregon, which forbids la borers
for the s ta te working more th a n th e
specified maximum.
The d esert land board has app ro v­
ed the plans of P ro ject E ng in eer O.
L au ergaard for th e main feed canal
of th e T um alo project, which will be
about seven miles long. C onstruction
can be com m enced Immediately.
S carlet co ats will be worn by all
Oregon h u n te r s in future as a precau-
tion ag a in s t accidental shooting, if
the recom m endations of William L.
Finley, sta te game warden, a re c a r ­
ried out.
Medford business men are planning
with Rev. R. W. McCullough of th e
j Baptist ch u rch to establish a un iver­
| sity in th a t city, with courses in hor-
! ticulture, law, medicine, and liberal
j arts.
The following nom inations of O re­
gon po stm a ste rs have been m ade by
the presid en t; Marshall W. Ma'one,
Lin nton; J ,\V. Boone, Prineville; Iva
E. Dodd, St. Helens. He has also nom ­
inated L. E. P ln k h am of Hawaii to be
governor of Hawaii.
It is announced from Salem th a t sev-
eral Oregon counties are p rep arin g to
take a d v an ta g e of th e good roads leg­
j islation passed by the last Oregon leg­
; islature, an d th a t th e services of H.
L. Bowlby, s ta te highway engineer,
are in demand.
C harles Jam ieso n of Bandon, who
j owned a placer gold mine on th e Sixes
river in C urry county, has sold the
property for $30,000. T he p u rc h a s e rs
| were men from M innesota who have
put 50 men a t work developing the
j Salm on fishing on th e lower Rogue
j riv er has been more extensive this
j season th a n ever before. This is th e
j first season th e riv er has been open
j to com m ercial fishing for several
j y ears and th e r e are several firm s buy­
ing and packing the fish.
S e n a to r Lane has Introduced a bill
in th e se n a te providing th a t fa rm e rs
or fruitgrow ers may m an u factu re de­
n atu red alcohol from th eir surplus
farm products without th e paym ent
of a tax, by m aking monthly rep o rts
to internal revenue officials.
P etitio ns have been filed at Oregon
City asking for a recall election
ag ain st County Jud ge Beattie and
County C omm issioner Blair, who are
accused of negligence and of iailing
to account for county funds. Over
1700 voters signed both petitions.
The Oregon su prem e cou rt has con­
firmed th e lower co urt for Jack son
county in sentencing Mike Spanos and
F ran k Seym o ur to death for m u rd er
in the first degree. E fforts w ere made
to biurw Cum th e confessions had been
extorted from th e men by "th ird de­
gree" methods.
Mrs. Louise H ollenbeck was killed
by a live w ire in th e basem en t of the
Hotel E n te rp r is e a t E n terprise , which
h er fa th e r conducts. It is presum ed
h at in tak in g down an electric lamp
in o rder to change a globe h e r hand
came in co n tac t with a w ire from
which th e insulation had worn, and
that death resulted instantly.
H er
body was found by h e r fath er an hour
a fter she had en tered th e basem ent.
Indians on th e K lam ath reservation
have petitioned th e s e cretary of the
interior to ta k e step s to am end th e In-
Han ap propriation bill authorizing the
o nstructlon of the Modoc project so
he cost shall be reim bursed only by
persons w hose lands lie under the pro­
Mrs. G. H. Eddy and Mrs August
Kausek. residing In th e no rth ern part
of Jo sep hin e county, were stru ck by
s bolt of lightning and Instantly killed
while rem oving clothes from a clothes
line. The women were recen t arrivals
from Ohio, and th e ir hu sb an d s are
officers of th e Ohio-Oregon Land A
Pow er company.
P re s id e n t
R obert
S tr a h o rn
nounces th a t th e construction o pera­
tion« of th e Portland, E u g en e & E a st­
ern railroad would call for th e ex­
pen diture of several millions of dollars
In Oregon this year. The holding up
of the S o u 'h e r n Pacific $30,000,060
loan In California would dslay but
would not prevent the»# activities, h»
• * 14.
— *
mmm X
Administration Supporters Be­
lieve They Can Force Cur­
rency Bill to a Vote.
W ashington.—Confronted w ith ap­
paren tly irreconcilable dis agreem ent
a m on g the dem ocrats of the house
ban kin g ami currency com m ittee on
the pending currency bill, the adm in­
is tratio n again changed Its plans for
gettin g the m easure through th e com ­
m ittee and the house. The sc»'eme of
C hairm an Glass to take the u l . . uished
bill out of the hands of the com m ittee
de m o c ra ts and send it to the demo­
c ratic house caucus which failed, wan
abandoned, a fter Chairm an Glass had
conferred with President Wilson.
T h e bill will be kept in the confer­
ence of the comm ittee dem ocrats this
week, according to the new plan, and
th ey will be forced to vote on the es­
sentials of the measure. The adm inis­
tration supporters believe they will be
able to outvote the so-called insurg­
e n ts by 10 to 4 or perhaps 11 to 3.
T h e adm inistration forces a p p a re n t­
j $ 1911 b y A m e r i c a n P r e s s A s s o c i a ti o n .
Henry Lane Wilson, Ambassador to ly were encouraged and advanced the
Mexico, who was called to Washington belief that the President, despite the
to confer with the President and Sec­ unhappy outlook, would be able to get
retary of State over the Mexican sit- ! his bill through both ends of the capi-
tol practically unchanged.
Party Vote Kills All Amendments
W hile republican sen ators contin­
Two Shots Fired at Night Watchman; ued to offer am end m ents to nearly
every paragraph of the Underwood-
Blaze Believed Incendiary
S im mons tariff bill during its reading
in the senate, the dem ocrats in solid
have been due to incendiarism , caused
phalanx voted them down.
a loss of about $400,000 n e a r h e re |
T he first tes t vote came when Sen­
when th e yards, several sheds an d a I
ato r Smoot moved to retain the Payne
large a m o u n t of e q uip m en t of th e Geo.
rate of two cen ts a pound on oxalid
P a lm e r lu m b er company was d e stro y ­
acid, reduced by the adm inistration
[ ed.
m easure to one and one-half cents.
T he fire sta rte d ab ou t th e tim e th a t
T he motion was lost, 50 to 26, eight
two unidentified m en fired two sho ts [
progressive republicans
su pporting
a t a n ig h tw atch m an and m ade th e i r j
the democrats. This is taken Lo in­
dicate th at the progressive republi­
T he fire s t a r te d a t th e m o s t w e ste rn
cans will aid the dem ocrats in a n u m ­
point of th e yard and sw ept th ro u g h
ber of tariff reductions.
the dry lu m b er n o rth w a rd like pow­
T he prospect for the corning week
der. T he city fire d ep a rtm e n t anil th e I
was th a t practically all of the repub­
P alm er fire d ep a rtm e n t w ere unable
lican leaders will make th eir last for­
j to cope with th e situation.
mal argum ents on the bill.
T he democrats are confident th a t
Apple Talks to Be Given
the stubborn fight made th u s far by
P ortland.— R e p re se n ta tiv e s of th e j
S enators Bristow and Smoot on al­
U nited S ta te s b ureau of plant in d u stry
most every item will be relaxed later
and fru it grow ers of th e n o rth w e s t
on. They are so encouraged by the
will hold a series of m eetings to dis­
scarcity of long speeches from the op­
cuss in a general way th e subject of
position th a t they count on getting to
apple sto rag e and refrigeration, and
the final vote by A ugust 10 to 15, and
to report so m ething of th e pro g ress of
to adoption of the conference report
I th e g o v e rn m e n t’s in vestigations as to
two weeks later.
th e behavior of fruit in cold storage.
T he m eeting places an d d a te s are Wall Street Plot is M’Adoo’s Charge
S ecretary McAdoo issued a s t a te ­
scheduled as follows: Medford, Or.,
A ugust 2; N orth Yakima. Wash., Au­ ment flatly charging th a t the decline
gust 4; P rosser, Wash., A ugust 5; W e ­ of governm ent 2 per cent bonds to
natchee, Wash., A ugust 7; F reew ater, 95 Vi—a new low record— was due “al­
Or., August 9; P ayette, Idaho, A ugust most wholly to what happened to be
11, Hood River, Or., A ugust 12 or 13; a cam paign with every indication of
concerted action on the p a rt of a n u m ­
P ortland. A ugust 14.
ber of Influential New York City
banks to cause apprehension and un­
easiness about these bonds in order
to help them in th eir efforts to defeat
the cu rrency bill.”
In his sta te m e n ts S ecretary McAdoo
declared the 2 per cen ts were worth
P o rtland.—T ho u san d s of a cres of par, notw ithstand ing th eir decline in
Oregon agricu ltural land heretofore in­ he New York market, and continued:
cluded In th e national forest reserv es
“T h e Idea seem s to be th a t the coun­
will be th row n open for settle m e n t be­ try banks, which hold about two-thirds
fore th e end of the year.
of the 2 per cent bonds and use them
Most of this land is In th e Siuslaw as the basis for their circulating notes,
and in th e P au lina national forests, may be induced to unite with the New
but acreag e in o th e r districts also may York City banks in opposition lo the
bill if they can be made to believe th a t
be affected.
W ithin th e last y ear th e federal the proposed currency m easure is go­
F o restry bureau has been developing ing to Injure those bonds and cause
a m ore liberal a tt it u d e tow ard pros­ losses to the banks ”
pective settlers. T his new a tt it u d e Is
National Capital Brevities
finding expression In th e a p p a re n t pol­
Consideration of the Alaska railroad
icy of th e forestry officials to return bill will be postponed until the next
all ag ricu ltu ral land within the forest regular session of congress, which be­
a re a s to th e public domain.
gins in December.
T h e recen t visit to Oregon of Henry
T h e house labor co m m ittee Is con­
S. Graves, chief fo re ste r of the United
sidering legislation to prevent the em ­
States, and th e ap proach in g visit of
ployment of children u n der 14 years
David F ran k lin H ouston, se c r e ta ry of
of age in mines and factories, and to
agriculture, are for th e purpose of in­
limit the working hours of women to
terp re tin g to th e people of this state
eight daily.
th e m eaning of this newly developed
Form al reaffirmation of the Monroe
doctrine by congress as a "w arning to
Jap an and others" was proposed in
Spokane Recall Denied
the house by R epresen tative Clarke
Spokane.— By a decision of Judge of Florida.
E. H. Sullivan In th e sup erior court
T e n ta tiv e plans for sending tho At­
th e 15 per cen t recall petitions filed
lantic fleet through the P an am a canal
a g a in s t Mayor Hindley and Commis­ in April have been prepared by the
sioner Robert F airley a re held invalid. navy dep artm en t by direction of the
T he Judge denied the w rit of m an­ secretary of the navy, who is now on
dam u s asked by th e C en tral Labor the Pacific coast making an inspec­
Council to force the council to order tion with a view to the establishm ent
th e recall election.
of a naval base.
It has been discovered by R ep resen­
T H E M A R K E TS .
tative Britten of Illinois th a t only 700
torpedoes a re available for Uncle
W heat. New Crop— Club, 79c; blue- Sam s torpedo boat flotilla, and aa a
m em ber of the house naval affairs
stem. 83c; red Russian, 77c.
H ay—T im othy, $22; alfalfa, $13.50. com m ittee he will Introduce a m eas­
ure to double the capacity of the gov­
B u tte r—Cream ery, 22c.
e rn m e n t torpedo plant at Newport, R.
E gg s—Candled, 27c; ranch, 22c.
Wool— E a s te r n Oregon, 16c; Wil­ t.
R epresentative Lewia, one of the au­
la m e tte valley, 19c.
th ors of the parcel post law, declared
th a t sooner or later the g o vern m ent
W heat, new c ro p — Blue stem, 82c; m u tt ta k e over tran sp o rtatio n of p a r­
club, 79c; red Russian. 78c.
cels up to 100 pounds. He contended
Eggs— 28c.
that u n d er the law the p o stm aster
B u tte r—C ream ery. 31c.
general haa complete au tho rity io In­
H ay—T im othy, $18 per to n; alfalfa, crease the limit on parcel post busi­
$13 per ton.
____ ,_ ness.
How About
New House
The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.,
G eneral Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath
cem ent, lim e, sand and plaster; building and roofing
A ll finish lum ber kiln dried.
W e m ake a
specialty o f house building and carry a full line of
sash, door fram es, m ouldings, glass, paint and every­
thing required in the building line.
Call and let us
figure with you.
Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc.
G eneral C ontractors and Builders
C ouncil St.
Forest Grove, Ore
The Approach of Spring
is the signal for greater effort
in all lines of endeavor. Warm­
er and dryer weather means
greater activity in b u i l d i n g
operations. Now
Is the Time to Start
work on your new residence,
store building, barn or other
structure. When you are ready
to start
That New House,
get our estimates on all the ma­
terial you will require.
Willis-Place Lumber Co.,
Phone 024X. So. A Si., Forest Grove.
Capital and Surplus
$ 6 0 , 0 0 0 .
H oard of D irectors :
1 Geo. Mizner
T. W. Sain
W. K. Newell
L. J. Corl
John Templeton Ge). G. Hancock
H. G. Goff
H. T. Buxton
Chris Petirson
W. H. Hollis
E. W. Haines
;» s to w n 's lending thornugnfnre is
a ttra c tiv e and lip In d a te It Indicates
th at the Community Is thriving and
prosperous. If the reverse Is tru e It
usually foliowa th a t so m ething Is rad
Irally amiss with the progressiveness
of the citizens
If the m e r c h a n t, and
public spirited m em bers o f a rommu-
n l t j would seek by organized effort to
■ ■orreot ab u .es. nnch ns III looking
waste plnces. ugly signs or dilapidated
bnlldlng fronts, much eould lie done to
make the visitor ta k e a w a y a pleasant
and lasting Impression, which In the
aggregate would hav e th e effect of In­
creasing th e to w n ', prosperity, besides
rnnklng liennttfu) w h a t had been he-
i fore 111 favored and ugly.
P ress Job Printing Satisfies
Em balm ing and
F uneral D irecting
J. S. Buxton, Manager
Phone No. 6 4 2
Forest Grove, Or.