Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 31, 1913, Image 5

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Forest Grove =
^ Steam Laundry MUST BE REPAIRED j
*• — ;
Wood, Coal,
Cold Storage
and Ice.
Are the onlv kind worth eating
In making your next batch, try
— 5c?' i
and n o te how reallv
Cor. 5th A ve.
and 2nd S t.,
good and crisp they
Forest Grove,
25c per Pound
Ask Your Grocer!
Crescent Manufacturing Co.
Seattle, Washington
— —
— ——
The Sunrise Grocery will pay
cash for all farm products,
Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, j
the best market price paid and
all goods sold at the bottom
price. Pacific Avenue at Third '
street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie- i
at the
100 for $1.25
250 for $1.75
500 for $2.25
House Moving
and Repairing.
W e have th e b e s t equipped
o u tfit in th e county.
Phone 8 7 6
Brick, Stone and Concrete Work
Forest Grove, Ore.
L e t us figure on your w ork.
Tillamook County Beaches
“ N a tu re ’s P la y g ro u n d " as th ese beaches have been cal’ed,
are now open fo r sum m er visitors.
N ew hotels, w ith all
m odern conveniences, cosy c o tta g e s, cam ping gro u n d s and
Double Daily Train Service
8:45 A. M.
1:20 P. M.
L eaving P o rtlan d daily
E x c e p t Sunday
Beaches Reached in 5 Hours
B usiness men can leave S a tu rd a y a ftern o o n and a rriv e a t
beach points in tim e fo r dinner, spend th e even in g and
Sunday w ith th e fam ily and re tu rn to P o rtla n d Sunday
n ig h t w ith o u t loss o f tim e from business.
Season tickets on sale daily . . . $4.00
Week End (for return Monday) . $3.00
Corresponding lew fares from other points.
Call for our brand new folder “Tillamook County Beaches”
Folders anil full in fo rm atio n from any S.
A g en t o r a t
City Ticket Office
80 Sixth Street, Cor. Oak
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Help Fight the
Great Red Plague
C itizen« o f th e s ta te a re u rg ed to inform th em selv es re g a rd in g th is
Dlazue w hich i a causing g re a t suffering am ong boys and young m en and
especially am ong th e innocent g irls and women o f th e sta te . P a re n ts are
u rg e d to p ro te c t th e ir children, and provide clean, w holesom e inform ation
in place o f th e unclean m isinform ation th e y c an n o t now help g e ttin g .
Such instru ctio n will be found in th e follow ing
F r e e C irc u la rs
For Young Men
Circular No. 2 — T h e F o u r Sex Lie«.
Circular No. 9 — S ex T ru th s fo r Men.
For O ld er B o y s (13 to 18 yrs. of age)
Circular No. 8 — V irility and P hysical D evelopm ent.
For Y o u n g e r B o y s (10 to 13 yr«. o f age)
Circular No. 7 - T he S e c re t o f S tre n g th .
For Gi/ls
Circular No. 4 - A P lain T alk w ith G irls a b o u t th e ir H ealth.
For Young Women
Circular No. JO — P hysical D evelopm ent, M arriag e and Motherhood.
For Parents
, „
Circular No. 1 - T he Need fo r E ducation in Sexual H ygiene.
Circular No. 3 — W hen and H ow to T ell th e Children.
ClrtuJar No. 5 — A L ist o f B ooks fo r U se in th e F am ily on Sex.
Circular No. 18 - How One Boy W as In s tru c te d in Sex M a tte rs and
W’h a t H appened.
Illu stra te d
Send 2-cent sta m p w ith y o u r address to
Departm ent D
The Oregon State Board of Health
720 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon
Annltcanf »re *!•<]'T naked to »elect only tboee circulars for which they here »
The»# will 1 « «ladly eeat.
Find Out WHat’s the Matter, So Remo-
die» May Be Devised.
T T .J S » , .
it» fo r t y - fi f t h sc hool ye ar
10. 1 01 3.
D E G R E E C O U R S E S in many phasesof
The social survey is com ing Into
A a R I C U lT U R t
E n g in e er in g .
E c o n o m i c s M in i n o F o r e s t r y . C o m ­
favor in m any p a rts of th e country as
merce phar m acy .
Surface as Well as Foundation a m eans of social b etterm en t. It is T W O - Y E A R C O U R S E S in a g r i c u l -
tura ,
E c o n o m ic s
M e ch anic
Needs Constant Atten­
provem ent in a city, n county or a com ­
m unity when th e conditions a re fully T E A C H E R S C O U R S E S in m an u a l
t r a i n i n g , a g r ic u lt u r e , d o m es tic science
understood. To obtain th e know ledge
Jonathan Bourne, Jr., chair­ th a t is necessary for Intelligent and a n d art.
effort Is the o b ject of the M U S I C , in c l u d i n g piano, strin g , basic!
man of the joint committee on effective
i n s t r u m e n t s a n d voice c u ltu r e .
social survey.
federal aid to good roads, who A w riter In th e P rogressive F a rm ­ A B E A U T I F U L B O O K L E T e n title d
r m akes a plea for ru ra l survey
“ T h e E n r i c h m e n t ok R u r a l L i k e "
has made an extensive study of e work
a n d a C a t a l o g u e will be m ailed free
in th e south and points out som e
on application.
uotahle Instances w here these surveys
the problem recently said.
Address H. M. T e n n a n t , R e g is tra r,
have lieen m ade. T he U niversity of
“ The expression ‘permanent W isconsin, the Ohio hoard o f ag ricu l­ itw 7-1» to 8 »)
Corvallis, O regon.
improvement’ is likely to be a tu re and the P resb y terian com m ission
on country life ure cited us having
delusion.” “ The permanency of engaged in tills line of en d eav o r w ith
an improvement depends largely and results. T hese organizations m ake
their surveys by counties, a n d the in­
upon the character of mainten­ vestigations b rin g out a g re a t a rra y of .
ance and repair. Stone or gravel Inform ation.
The county survey m eans an inves
surface, as well as the founda­ ligation of th e school, th e churches,
tion of a highway needs constant the roads, the social opportunities, the
facilities for m arketing, th e conditions
attention, similar to the care on the farm s, th e te n a n try , th e ln-
given the steel rails and roadbed tluenees th a t m ake for ru ral uplift
and those w hich tend to ru ra l decline.
of a rail road. Repair of roads The correspondent of th e P rogressive ,
er says:
is least expensive when it is F arm
"A ru ral survey would he an Index
most prompt. It is the repair of to progress. It would show the lines .
farm ing th a t w ere profitable; it
the small break—the filling of of
A D V E R T IS E IT ! N ot once,
would create a sp irit of rivalry he- !
tim idly and penny-w ise ! B ut
the small rut, that prevents more tw een counties: it would show condi­
as o ften as needed a n d a
as they are and probably help
serious damage. All highway tions
show ing o f FA C TS ab o u t it
locate the reason of th e m igration
w hich will unfailingly in te re s t
authorities emphasize the im­ from farm to tow n an d help check
the same.
th e probable p u rch aser! M ake
portance of a system of main­ ‘•Many of the problem s of ru ral life 1
i t the b e s t ad v ertised r e a l
tenance. Hence in my plan for have not been touched a t nil. b u t these
e s ta te in the city for a little
will ultim ately cotue into sig h t and
w hile—and your b u y er will
federal aid to good roads, I pro­ ( be solved. We have soil surveys, m in­
seek you o u t and quickly close
vide for an annual payment to
th e tra n sactio n !
: other kinds of surveys w ith w hich
1st Ave. N ., n e a r Main S t.
We are prepared to do
the very best of all
kind of shoe work.
Special attention given
to crippled feet.
Ti me
Put that Property You
Want to Sell
To have us
“Under ike
Spot-Light ! ”
the states of an amount equal to people a re fam iliar. W hy not have
2 per cent of the cost of con­ a rural survey and find o u t th e real
condition of th e people living in ru ral
struction—the states to expend j : com
m unities and sy stem atically go
an equal amount for the same ! about helping m ake th ese conditions
purpose. This aid to maintenance Ideal V”
The value of such su rv ey s is evi-
will not only insure that roads dent.
W here efficiently m ade they
will be kent in repair, but is an show th e stro n g points a n d t lie weak
added indorsement for the state points of th e county. In a m ovem ent
for general b etterm en t th ey a re of
to accept the federal aid to con­ great
service and should prove as use-
struct. Their maintenance allow­ I fill in tlie south as they h av e been in
ance would be in proportion to : the no rth .—Louisville C ourier-Journal.
their aid to construction.
“ In France road patrolmen are SWAT T H E S P A R R O W T O O .
employed to take care of certain Flies a n d T h i s Bird Belo ng In S a m e
portions of the highway. Their
C lass a s N uisa nc es.
To tile slogan of “S w a t th e fly!”
tools consist chiefly of a wheel-
ight well he added th a t o f “ Kill th e
barow and a shovel, with which | m sparrow
!" Flies and sp arro w s belong
they repair every defect in its In th e sam e class as n u isances and
incipiency. These men keep the \ m enaces to health.
roads in repair until the harvest M ost birds deserve to he protected
for som e service they perform , but
season begins and then they are when all the evidence lias lieen sul>-
left free to seek more profitable ; m lttcd hi th e sp arro w 's case it will
work during the harvest period. ( stan d condem ned. P e rh a p s It occa­
sionally e a ts a harm ful w orm , hut the
The highway patrolmen, there­ I g re a te r p art o f its food is of grain.
fore, afford a constant supply of | T hen it Is th e co n stan t enem y of na-
labor upon which the farmers i tiv e birds, which, unlike itself, live
j m ostly on w orm s and insects th a t a rc
can depend for part of the har ! in jurious to trees and crops.
W herever E uropean civilization has
vest help,
tills p est bird has gone w ith it.
“ I believe a very similar sys­ gone
T h ere w ere no sparrow s In A m erica
tem will be worked out in this until they w ere Im ported from E n g ­
country and to encourage the land to free sh ad e trees o f caterp illars,
adoption of some system of and th is they have ever since refused
J to do.
maintenance in all the states
F o r m any y ears the sp arro w w ns u n ­
I included mantenance allow­ know n except In the tow ns, and It
th e nam e of “to w n bird.” B ut
ance in my suggested plan galins]
In la te r y ears It has sp read all over
for federal aid. In order to avoid th e c o u n try until now It is probably a
building up a great federal ma­ g re a te r nu isan ce on th e farm th a n in
city. Tlie sp arro w 's h a b it of liv­
chine, however, I would have the
ing alw ay s n e a r settlem en ts an d In
these repair men under the em sheltered places m akes It a m ost p ro ­
ploy of the states. We already lific bird. It is alm ost Independent of
In breeding.
have a vast number of highway th T e h seasons
e sp arro w helps to spread diseases
employs, put a large proportion liy building n ests upon o r near houses.
of them are ‘supervisors’ who do B uilding on houses Is especially a
enace to health In th e country,
little actual work. The patrol­ m
w here people catch w a te r from th e
man of France is not a super­ roofs to fill tlielr cisterns.
visor but an actual workman.”
Man’s H e a d g e a r W a s F i r s t F a sh io n e d
A fte r Hie H a b i ta t io n .
It h as been pointed o u t th a t th e
form of th e h a t h ears a certain re la ­
tion to buildings of a p rim itive n a tu re
-h u ts . A d istin g u ish ed a rc h itect has
Invited a tte n tio n to th e curious re ­
sem blance th a t has ex isted and th a t Is
still to he found in m any countries be­
tw een h ead g ear nnd h ab itatio n s or
o th er buildings, i t m ay lie th a t th e
sam e taste, or th e lack o f it, has given
rise to th e sim ila rity of style, or in
the beginning th e d esig n er of th e h at
inuy havp ta k e n th e h u t as a model.
In th e H aw aiian Islands, long before
th e In h a b ita n ts took th e tro u b le to
clotho them selves, th ey built grnss
houses, nnd a t th e p re se n t tim e th e
c h a ra c te ristic H aw a iia n b a t Is re m a rk ­
ably like th e lint
T he tu rb a n s o f th e d ig n ita ries o f the
eastern church a re still o f th e sh ap e of
(hose worn by th e high p riests am ong
th e Je w s o f olden tim es, and they a re
ex tra o rd in a rily like th e c h a racteristic
dom es th a t su rm o u n t mosques. Again.
It la pointed out. th e high pointed
•p ires o f G othic ch u rch es w ere con­
tem poraneous w ith th e high hornlike
headdress know n as th e henntn.
I t Is belived. too. th a t like resu lts
may he found a fte r a com parison of
o th e r sty les o f a rc h lte c tn n re w ith th e
h e ad g ear of th e period w herein they
Im irlth o d _
N A P O L E O N 'S
Forest Grove
N Main Street
Absolutely Safe and Reliable
The Bankers
& Merchants Mutual Fire
Of Forest Grove, Oregon
Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home
Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your
Business or Dwelling in The
Bankers & Merchants
Main Street Garage
Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and
General Machine Work. Storage
and Supplies. Phone Main 62X
Main Street, Forest Grove.
Beginning June 1st give to its
patrons in Beaverton, Elmonica,
Orenco, Hillsboro, Cornelius,
Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and
all country lines a
P O R T R A IT S .
Some T h a t Louis XVIII. Did Not Suo-
ceed In Banishing.
A t the tim e of the E m peror Nnpo-
leou's exile in tlie island of Elba am ong
o th er m eans lo which the Bourbon king
resorted hi o rd er lo stay up Ids to tte r­
ing th ro n e w as (he p assag e of a strin ­
gent law th a t i i o picture, sta tu e , s ta tu ­
ette. figure or resem blance of “G eneral
Bonn p arte.” as be w as called, should
he allow ed to rem ain in any place, pub­
lic or private.
Mr. W.. an A m erican, th en residing
In I’aris. ow ning a p articu larly fine and
correct bronze sta tu e tte of the em per­
or. buried It. with o th er things of the
kind. In his i ellar. Ills tu rn for inspec­
tion by th e police came. In w alked the
chief otti. or. who said. " Ilu v e you any
statu e, linage or likeness of nny kind
of th a t u p sta rt, that B onaparte?”
"V ert a I illy I have." answ ered the
A m erican, and. tu rn in g to his valet, lie
sahl. "F rancois, bring m e a hag of N a­
p o le o n s” T hen. |touring them out ou
a table before him. he said. "H ere they
T he police »(fil ial sahl: "T h a t gold is
uot w hat 1 w ant. You can keep It.“
"G o and tell your m aster.” said Mr
IV., “th a t th e whole specie currency of
tlie realm m ust tie called In before he
enn keep from the eyes of the people
llie fe a tu re s of the E m peror Napoleon
B onapnrte."
"You a re rig h t." said th e official, l e a v ­
i n g — Boston H erald.
N ow
Electric rate
on all cooking and heating ap­
pliances and small domestic
Phone Main 922 HilUboro for particulars and
our representative will call.