Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 31, 1913, Image 3

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Geo Semple, o f Portland, is
assisting Mr. Jim
Wirtz this
urday after a weeks visit with a few weeks, when he will prob­
Mrs. Mathew’s sister,
Mrs. ably move to some California
C. L. Dennis o f Gaston.
Mrs. Robert Baird returned
John Caldwell of Banks was a
home from Tilamook Monday visitor in Forest Grove Tuesday.
evening, where she has been
Mrs. M. A. Baker and daughter j
visiting friends.
Miss Essie Baker o f McMinnville
Miss Mildred McConnahay has ! were the guests o f Mrs. Gordon
returned to the Grove after the first o f the week.
spending the week at Banks.
George and Robert Rasmussen
Mrs. 0 . W. Olsen o f Portland will leave this week for Wasco
visited her mother Mrs. 0 . L. to exercise in the harvest fields
Shogren in the Grove Sunday. o f that section for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Carol McNutt
and Mr. and Mrs. Guy McNutt
went to Newport Sunday morn­
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bailey, Mr.
Shipley and Mr. Banday motored
Mrs. S. K. Haines is ill at her| to Cherry Grove Sunday.
home in thiis city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker and son
Dick Abraham will leave for of Eugene visited with Mrs. L.
Eastern Oregon next Monday.
S. Phillips o f this city Saturday.
Loyd Ritchie, of. Cornelius, I Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Wilmot
was in Forest Grove this week and daughter o f Hale, Missouri
visiting friends.
| visited with Mrs. W. J. Good in
Miss Berle Richie has been vis­ this city.
iting at the home of Daniel Par- | Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear
sons this week.
and son Lowell o f Hillsboro visit­
Miss Rilla Lewis, o f Oak Park, ed with Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
is spending the week with Mrs. Morris o f this city Sunday.
J. Wirtz.
J. T. Fletcher, wife and C. H.
Mrs. W. J. Good o f this city Fletcher visited at the Williams
left Tuesday for Palmer, Ore., to home on Hillside last week.
visit her daughter, Mrs. Elmer
Mr. Me Gee, county surveyor
was visiting in Forest Grove
Mrs. Chas. Miller and daugh­ Monday night.
ter made a flying trip to Tilla­
Will Barber, wife and two
mook Sunday.
children who have been spending
Miss Stella Via of this city is their vacation at Seal Rocks,
visiting her brother Dr. Guy Via pait through here this week on
at Buxton.
their wav home.
Mrs. D. N. Morris has been I Ambrose Porter and daughter,
ill the past week but is improv­ Miss Myrtle Porter, are spending
the Summer at one o f the Tilla­
Mr. H. T. Minchu, a traveling
salesman o f Seattle who has been
visiting at the home o f L. C.
Misz in this city returned to his
home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant March of
Porland visited with Mrs. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Baker o f Eugene
visited with Mr. Matteson sev-j
eral days of last week.
Mr. Allen Dale has returned to
his home in Portland after spend­
ing two weeks visiting with the
Langleys o f this city.
Miss Manche Langley went to
Hillsboro Monday on business.
The Misses Manche Langley
and Lucile Connet and Judge;
Hollis went to Roderick Falls last
Friday evening in the latter’s
automobile and reported a fine
Miss Corl has been visiting
her brother near The Dalles,
returning home Monday evening.
J. W. Knapp and family of
Salem, are visiting with the
latter’s parents on First street.
and daughter
Maude, who have resided in this
city the past year, will leave
Thursday for Chicago.
:o o o :
C ' f Y V ^ Y ' P t in n y I f l p n f i
I / KsOJJU ! t/lt/tJ / l/Ltj
W r m f p r l ___ 11 '8 the de8ire o f The Pre8S 10 secure a live, boosting
correspondent in each town and community in this county.
No matter where you live you should be able to gather a few news notes each week. The larger your community,
the more you should be able to find and write about. If your section is not already represented in The Press by a
regular correspondent, we will be pleased to have you send in your name as a candidate for the position. If you
do not wisn to become a regular correspondent we will appreciate an occasional news letter. T he E ditor .
VanKoughnet & Reder, the
druggists develop film for 10<‘
per roll, and guarantee thfir
2 f1
Bring us your kodak work any j
size film developed 10 cents
Forest Grove Studio.
2tf 1 Furnished
F or S ale —Oak library table,
leather rocker, body brussels hall
carpet, Ingrain arch square, lace
curtains, all in good condition,
Postoffice box 441.
W ilkes A b
stract Company of
Oregon Nursery Company to H V
Meade lot 1 blk 10 Orenco Townsite
is now enjoying a visit
with her aunt, Mrs. Lora Hines.
10 .
II V Meade and wf to W V Wiley
lot 1 blk 10 Orenco Townsite $10.
George Brown to Gustav Bargende
lots 29, 30. 31 and 32, blk 25, West
Portland Heights $80.
Herman Metzger and wf to E W
Wampler lot — blw F Metzger Acre
Tracts $350.
O O James admr to
W B Ogil-
vle EV4 lot 3 blk 39 Forest
Lyman T Wilcox and wf to F T
Chapman undivided M: Int in WVa of
SW)4 and lots 8 and 9 sec 36, 2 N
> $750.
Lyman T Wilcox trustee to F T
JhapiUan undivided H bit in
>f SW14 and lots 8 and 9 sec 36, 2
N 5 »750.
Security Savings and Trust Con-
;iany to Peter Kerr et al lots 1, ?.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
13 and 24 in Little Fruit Farms $10.
William A Marlin and wf to E L
Jheen E% of SE14 sec 12. I S
Also tract, in SE14 of NE)4 said sec
>10 etc.
E L Gheen to William Marlin and
wf E*£ of SE*4 sec 12 1 S 3. Also
raet in SE)4 of NEV4 said sec $10
J W Barnes and wf to R L Tuel -
• r 4.4 acreB In lot 19, Fruitful Land)
Subdivision sec 21, 1 S 1 $950.
James Borwlck and wf et al to
ifrank E Stralgh1 lot 1, Borwlck
Acres $10.00.
A Yungen Jr and wf to M C Steel-
oft lot 5, blk 1 Connell, Oregon $10.
Walter Hansen and wf to Harold f
Jansen and wf lots 2 3 4 5 8 9 1 )
ind 11. blk 4, Purdy’s Addition to Dll-
ey $2000.
Transfers for week ending July 21,
C E Nicholson and wf to R E Nich
• Ison and wf 40 acres in Drus Urawri
and wf I)I,C 1 N 4 $100.
C o n g ressm a n
D s c la r s s T h e y
D s , lis ts
Joseph N Miller and wf to
Population of Towns.
The great American mall order Wohler 6.245 acres in Noah Jobe 1
bouses are fast putting the country L C No 50, 1 S 3 $3500.
J N Miller and wf to Otto Wohltr
merchant out o f business, asserts Rep­
resentative Hlnebaugh, the Illinois J.756 acres in Noah Jobe DLC Ntj 51!.
Progressive, who recently Inserted In 1 S 3 $1 etc.
Francis E Williams and wf to Al­
the Congressional Record In the house
an aigumeut In support o f his bill tax­ bert Harala and wf 8H of NWVi sec
ing these concerns for rural beueflts. 20. 2 N 2 $10.
Ills measure proposes that the reve- , Mary E Smock o Saphrona
nue th"s raised shall be expended In Jones 72-100 acres in sec 31 and 32,
2 S 1 $20.
building country roads.
J H Ellison to J C Jones lot 3
Mr. Hlnebaugh says that the de­
crease In village population is due to blk 34, Metzger Acre Tracts $10 etc.
W O Hocken and wf to
the ellmiuattou o f local merchants by
mall urder competition and that a so­ Orace Hardingham 2.30 acres In Sam­
cial deterioration of rural centers Is uel G Scott DLC 48, 1 S 1 (Lots 51
and 52, Hocken Acres) $1.
the net result.
W O Hocken and wf to Charlotte
“ One mall order house In tbe city of
mook beach resorts, where they Chicago has sixty-three acres o f floor
Emma Hogate 2 acres In Samuel C j
are building a cottage.
space.” lie says. "Another one in the Stott DLC No 48 1 S 1 (Lots 53 &
same city, according to a statement
C. 0. Roe and Merchant Purdy under oath o f Its president, made a 54. Hocken Acres) $1.
Viola N Jackson to James
were business visitors to the me­ net profit of $17,000,000 on last year’s
son and wf 20.84 acres In Caleb Wil­
tropolis, Monday.
to be erected by Montgomery Ward & kins DLC No 49, sec 25, 1 N 2 $1'
Arthur Reener, o f Wilson, was Co. In Kansas City to duplicate Its etc.
Thomas E Blair to E W Wampler 5
a Grove vistOr, the past week. present building at Nineteenth and
Campbell streets.
acres in sec 3G, 1 S 1$100.
"This mall order corporation Is also
Fred Bellinger, o f Medford, is
Rose Cave to Mary J Loxley 88 x
about to enter New York, San Fran­ 198 ft in lot 3. blk 18 Hillsboro $10.
visiting his parents, Mr. and cisco and Portland.
George Andrews and wt to
Mrs. John Bellinger, in this city.
“ It should be perfectly apparent to
every thlnklug person that the country Colfelt 19 acres in sec 35, 2 S I
Mr. and Mrs. Hobe Wheeler merchant must go out of business as $1500.
and little daughter, o f Hillsboro, the great mall order houses gradually
were Grove visitors, Tuesday. close down upon the local markets. In Tenney undivided 1-6 int in NE’4
1 eight o f our great states many towns
Hobe and his brother, Ed., who hare lost population during the last o f SWÎ4 gee 8, 1 4 $200.
E R Thomas and wf to C M Conrj
is now living in San Diego, Cali­ ! ten years.
and wf lot 2, blk 2, Beusonlc Heights
“ It Is contended by the friends of
fornia, made their home in this
tbe mall order houses that as a great $400.
city some years ago, where they economic question the rights o f the
Ruth Trust Company to Leo Seh-
conducted a pump manufactory. consumer and purchaser to buy wher- i wander lot 5, blk 1, North Plains
ever he con obtain tbe lowest prices $600.
Professor L. B. Shippe, wife should not be raised and that If tbe
Oregon Nursery Company to W V
and daughter arrived yesterday extension of tbe mall order business Wiley lots 5 and 6, blk 5, Orenco
from Pullman was for a vacation means the elimination of the country Townsite $10.
merchant then the country merchant
a" Herrick Hall.
must go.
“ If such arguments were logically
Thomas Dilley from Washing­ sound, which 1 do not admit, there Is
ton arrived at his mother’ s home still the social, moral and religious 1 (I f . imiHMmiNuitiiiiiiiiniiiiiitmmiiiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimitiiiimniimiiiiiniiiiiiHmuuiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiitmiiu iiniiiHim
Tuesday evening after he had
chant Is the backbone of the country
received news that his father town. The mall order house 1* his
was very ill. He did not know worst enemy. The farmers need the
o f his father’ s death until he town, and the town must have the
farmers," .
J. W. H. Adkins has been
quite busy registering the voters
of Gales Creek, and says the fair
sex are showing up strong.
The new sawmill on Clear
Creek has been shut down tem­
Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and
Departure of All Forest Grove Tiains
•Lv P ortland
6:45 a. m.
8 05 a. m.
10:25 a. m.
1:25 p. m.
3:45 p. m.
5:15 p. ni.
6:35 p. m.
8:30 p. m.
11:40 p. in.
Lv P ortland
A h F orest G rove
8:40 a. m.
7:15 a. m.
5:32 p. m.
3:30 p. m.
6:58 p. m.
5:40 p. m.
A r P ortland
Lv F orest G rove
8:00 a. m.
t6:40 a. m.
10:20 a. m.
8:24 a. m.
10:00 a. m.
*8:40 a. m.
6:20 p. m.
4:38 p. m.
’ Sunday only
tDaily except Sunday
Mr. W. H. Baker visited in
Mrs. E. D. Winters of Fern
Portland last week with his son. Hill was visiting at the home of
Mr. Ivan Noble of Portland her cousin Mrs. E. L. LeRoy.
formerly of this city was visiting
Miss Alvina Mohr o f Cornelius
here Sunday.
was visiting the Wirtz home in
Mr. Avery Rafferty and family this city the past week.
and Mr. C. Me Nutt and family
Mrs. Hunter’s daughter, Mrs.
are spending a few weeks at Bar Baker of Me Minnville is visiting
in this city this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. Ruffer, pro­
returned Friday from their two prietors o f the Hotel Laughlin
weeks vacation at Bar View.
made a trip to Sheridan this
Mr. R. A. Herrington, Forest week.
Dale, was in town Monday.
Carl Hoffman left Monday for
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathews Los Angeles and other California
o f Portland, rtturned home Sat­ points. He expects to return in
When in need o f some more
stationary call on the
PRESS job department. Envel­
opes, cards, letterheads, circular
letters, bill heads etc.
arrived here.
Miss Beth Sexton has returned
Mr. and Mis. John Anderson
from a two weeks’ visit
returned from Rockaway Beach
cousin and friends in,
Friday evening where they spent
last week.
Mrs. Powell o f Reeding, Cali­
fornia is visiting Mrs. B. Rich­
near Cornelius.
ards in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bernard
Mrs. R. F. Emmerson, W. C.
are spending Thursday in Port­
Hmmerson and wife, Mr. John­
land on business.
son and wife outoed to Portland
Lawyer Dyke and wife and
causin, Donna Griffith of Seattle,
Miss Leone Smith o f Fern Hill are spending three weeks va­
visited with Miss Hazel Barber cation at Newport.
Mr Dyke
returned home this week.
A r F orest G rove
8:05 a. m.
9:25 a. m.
11:45 a. m.
2:45 p. m.
5:05 p. m.
6:40 p. m.
7:55 p. m.
9:35 p. m.
12:45 p. in.
Lv F orkst G rove *A r P ortland
6:10 a. m.
7:30 a. m.
6:45 a. m.
8:05 a. m.
8:30 a. m.
9:50 a. m.
10:35 a. m.
11:57 a. m.
2:25 p. m.
1:05 p. m.
3:40 p. m.
5:.K) p. m.
6:00 d . m.
7:20 p. m.
8:05 p. m.
9Æ5 p. in.
10:50 p. m.
9:45 p. m.
•Jefferson Street Station.
B. A. Slagle, wife and two
children of Portland are visiting
at the home of Henry Sackrider
in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Slagle
often come to see the Grove and
Mr. Will Large left this city
Monday to work in the harvest are more pleased with it all the
fields in Eastern Oregon.
You can get a roll o f film de­
veloped for ten cents at Van­
Koughnet and Reder’ s the Rexall
drug store, and they guarantee to
do it perfectly.
(By H. N. C*Mon)
F re n z ie d
Advertising is like electricity.
It has always been in
the World, but nobody knew of it or tried to organize it un­
C a ttle ! ! !
til a few years ago.
Considered as a profession^ it is new;
but considered as a force, it is as old as the human race.
During fly time we frequently
see cattle and horses driven al­
most frantic by the swarms of
flies that hover about them,
biting and worrying them so
that they are kept in poor flesh
and so low in vitality that the
profit from them is greatly re­
duced. Where
Hess’ Fly Chaser
Is used stock is never worried.
This preparation is easily ap­
plied with a spray, does not
harm the skin or coat, in fact
keeps both in better condition.
Protects animals from fleas,
flies, mosquitoes, midges, etc.
Price $1.25 Per G a llo n
A freshman at a Western University asked his professor
of physics,
’’Professor, how in the world could people breathe
before oxygen was discovered?''
men who have tne same naive mental attitude towards advertis­
They regard it ns a wholly modern innovation and ex­
pense ; whereas, the truth is that it is one of the oldest
factors of human progress, which we have only in recent years
begun to use and understand*
Advertising is now an accepted power in the business
It has no longer to make excuses for itself.
every other profession, it sowed its wild oats; and now it has
settled down to a long respectable life.
porations are using it.
The mightiest cor­
Banks are advereising for deposits.
Universities are advertising for studenis.
tising for citizens.
a REXALL Store
And there are many business
Cities are adver­
Churches are advertising for converts.
Governments are advertising for immigrants.
Merchants are
VanKoughnet fit Reder, Inc.
e r s i^ J
advertising for buyers and we are advertising for advertisers
Next week we will begin a short course on ad writing.
- ORE.