FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 24, 1913. hymn “0 it is Wonderful.” Monday evening local people who tried to see the red fire from the top of Mt. Hood were disappointed, due to they thought a dense cloud between Forest Grove and the peak. Later it was learned however that the supposed cloud was a heavy snow storm, which pre­ vented tne Y. M. C. A. boys from igniting any fire at all. Miss Winona Ogden has resign ed her position with A. G. Hoff­ man & Co., where she has been on the clerical staff for several years. We shall listen for wed­ ding bells. The plans for the new bank building will be finished some time this week. The architect is making a few minor changes on the original and the final plans will be in the hands of the con­ tractors in a few days. The ¡McMinnville local of the B P O E will hold a picnic Sun- da^ July 27th at Carlton. Sev­ eral local members are planning to attend. Carl Hoffman has sold his share in the Star Theater to his partner Fred Watrous. Mr. Hoffman is not yet certain as to what will be his next occupa­ tion. Oliver Dilley of Portland was in Forest Grove last week to at­ tend his uncle’s funeral. Seven ladies of Portland were canvassing the town in the in terest of ‘‘S H” green trading stamps. Mr. King of King & Caples’ Store suffered the loss of his store in the Sheaidan fire. Claud Davis has bought out Mrs. Williams’ interest in the store of Williams & Moore. Dr. Hines, while out in his car Sunday afternoon frightened a team hitched to a buggy near the Watts school house, tliev running away, ruining the rig and somewhat disabling one horse. Jacobs & Bade Co. have the contract for constructing the new water system from Sain Creek, in Scoggin’s Valley, to Hillsboro. Born, last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. John DeMoss of Watts, a nine pound boy. F. H. Gilliam with his crew of the Chicago Portrait Com­ pany salesman are stopping at the Forest Grove hotel this week In the social column of the Press last week about the party at Mrs. Millers it was stated by mistake that Mrs. T. J. 0. That- on their regular summer trip chet, Mrs. Ned Heath and Miss through the country. May Selly served when it should Miss Jessie V. Reynolds who have been that they were the has been in the employ of the guests of honor. Bragg Mercantile Company of Hood River, Oregon, a large dry Mrs. C. E. Walker entertained goods firm, for the past three- the following Portland ladies at and-one half years, has accepted dinner Wednesday:- Mrs. Carrol a position at Huffman & Co. Miss B. Low, and mothir, Miss Evelyn Reynolds comes to the firm high­ Ladd and Miss Margaret Mear- ly recommended and they are in­ hem. deed fortunate in securing her. Miss Reynolds has had seven years experience in the dry Mrs. Charles Buchanen enter­ goods business there and three tains the Bridge at luncheon at and one-half years at Rapid City one o’clock this afternoon at her South Dakota. country home. This week Leon T. Sills of the « e* «*** Oregon Land Co., purchased 32 Mr. and Mrs. Claud Shaw, our acres of land of G. W. Bunker, obliging Wells Fargo people, the land is located at Thatcher. spent Sunday with the former’s Mr. Sills will immediately im­ mother in Portland. prove it with the intentions of subdividing it in the future. Monday afternoon, at the resi­ The Plaining Mill Co has just dence of Mr. and Mrs. Orval completed a pretty bungalo for Jones, of Cornelius, was the Mr. Thos Philip. scene of a very happy wedding, Carl Hoffman formerly of the when Lewis Chester Howell and Star Theater left Tuesday on a Miss Gracie M. Griswold w'ere business trip through California. united in marriage. The Austin Bros, have ¡.;one Mrs. Harold Oberg, of Port­ into the building and contracting land, sang “O Promise Me,” as business with headquarters in the bridal partv entered the par­ the Wilcox building. ' lor. Elder M. H. St. John, pas­ Fire Burns Shack. tor of the Central Seventh Day Dallas: Sunday morning at 3 Adventist churcli of Portland, a. m. fire distroyed the building | officiating in a very pleasing and at the corner of Main and Mill. impressive manner. The property was owned by Mrs. The decorations consisted of a Smith, who now announces her profusion of sweet peas, and intentions to immediately con­ evergreens over a back ground of struct a modern brick in the | white crepe paper dotted with place of the old wooden building, j red roses. The Jones twins act­ Archie Bryant, of Gaston, for-1 ed as little pages seated on low merly in the photograph gallery i stools on either side of the arch. business in this city, is going to The bride was richly attired in join our business circles again, sky blue silk trimmed in white in the photograpy work, with satin ribbon and carrying a bo- his office over the real estate quet of roses. The groom was office of Cady & Littlehales near dressed in the conventional black. Refreshments were served, the postoffice. Mr. Bryant says consiting of ice cream and a va­ there is no place like Forest riety of cake. Grove. Mr. Gilmore opens a meat m ar-, Besides intimate friends from ketin the old bank building today j Cornelius, Gaston and Forest Mr. Gilmore has been connected Grove, there were present A. 0. with stores in this city in the I Griswold, of Hillsboro, father of the bride, Miss Lois Griswold, of capacity of clerk for a long time. Dallas, a sister, Elder M. H. St. W. L. Cady, one of the prom­ John, Mr. and Mrs. Harold inent real estate dealers of our Oberg and the Misses Smith and city was transacting business in Young, of Portland. the Rose City, Wednesday. Mrs.- Howell is a native of Mr. Bernard, of the Bookstore New York and has traveled ex­ who has been making an extend­ tensively in the United States, ed tour of Chicago, New York having at one time crossed the Canada and other prominent continent from New York to San cities is expected home soon. Francisco alone, when only a small child. Mr. Howell is a native of Cali­ fornia and has resided on the coast principally. They were both students of the Laurelwood academy, where they became acquainted, Mr. Howell studying for the minis- t-y. They will make their home i i Cornelius until school begins, when they will return to the Academy and continue this stud- i 'S . A m o n g O u r ^ HINTS AND HELPS FOR SHOPPERS ‘ T h ese colum ns are open to m erchants and others w ho desire a brief and effective m edium for reaching the public. Mrs. Florence Ranes, well known to Forest («rove people, was married in Portland last Thursday July 17 to Mr. S. S. Turner. They will make thier home in Portland. V« by the full moon. While the hot day that had preceded made an evening in the open most re­ freshing. After a number of games and the holding of the regular bus­ iness meeting of the class de- lighful refreshments were served. Beach-Mills Wednesday July It». Martha *.•<* Beach and Arthur Ernest Mills The missionary society of the were married at the home of the I Congregational church held thier bride's sister Mrs. S. L. Carlyle annual picnic yesterday after­ of Forest Grove. Rev. Hiram noon on Pacific University camp­ Gold officiated. us. The ladies enjoyed a delight­ The young people are located ful afternoon meeting, and the at Kalema. Washington which men folks were treated to a royal will be thier future eome. luncheon at 6 o’clock. Mrs. F. H. Betty, Secretary of the American Missionary Associ­ The regular monthly meeting of the Maximims of the M. E. ation,of New York, was present, Sunday School took the form of and gave a very interesting talk a lawn social Friday evening at on the work carried on in Porto the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Rico, also among the colored people of the South. The Misses Claud Wagner. The beautiful grounds were Elyday Loynes, Ruth and Grace lighted by Chinese lanterns, also Haines sang beautifully the H ere, each w eek, our readers will find m any help­ ful suggestions, and will learn the latest business and professional new s. The talk of the city. Almost three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ and Gents’ Shoes just received at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf New shipment of ladies and gents silk hosiery, just received at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. Did you notice the big reduc­ 35tf tion in Men’s and Women’s Ox­ VanKoughnet and Reder, the fords at A. G. Hoffman & Co’s. druggists, have just received G inseng and G old S eal rais­ some very fine box stationery. 37tf ing surest way to make Big Mon­ ey on Little Capital. One acre The largest assortment of of Ginseng yields about 5 000. men’s straw hats ever showed in Sells at $6 a pound. We buy all you raise. Write today for free Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples 35tf booklet. Leo Richter, Auburn, . Store Hillsboro. Wash. Call the Peoples Market for all Good Eats in fresh and cured Men’s work shirts all colors i meats, fish and fruits. First door and prices at The Peoples Store west of King & Caples Mdse. Co. Hillsboro. 35tf 1 Phone Main 692. Call the Peoples Market for all Good Eats in fresh and cured meats, fish and fruits. First door west of King & Caples Mdse. Co. Phone Main 692. J ob W ork , done properly and on time at the PRESS office. Satisfaction g u a r a n t e e d and prices right. A very classy box of stationery can be had for 35c at VanKough­ net & Reder’s drug store. 37tf The Peoples Store is rereving new up to date goods daily. Dont forget to see the many bargains at the Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tF Board and room at the Walker place, 3d Ave., North, between A and B Street Phone Main 367. 34tf S ociety stationary of correct style and neat appearence may be obtained from the PRESS job department. STAR THEA + _i t ' k i t i r ' k ' k 'k ' k ' k ' k i r COME OUT TONIGHT And see this splendid program of Photo Plays 1st. A detective story featuring Mr. Maurice Costello of the Vitagraph company in the MYSTERY OF THE STOLEN CHILD 2nd. BRONCHO BILLY’S REASON with G. M. Anderson as Broncho Billy 3rd. A SHOWER OF SLIPPERS An Edison comedy in which village gossips, and the Bachelor Parson, have a riot of fun. Regular Prices I A farewell reception was tend­ ered Mrs. Stamp and her two daughters of East Pacific Av­ enue Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. James Baldwin. Supper and light refreshments were served during the evening. The young people amused them­ selves with games of Charades and a general social time was en­ joyed by all. The families of Dr. Volmer, VV. L. Cady. J. S. Hall and Mr. LeRoy, also Mrs. Munchis and the Misses Burns- w >rth were present Little Ruth Stamp, the youflg- e daughter will be remembered as the child who some time ago recovered from the shock of a five weeks’ period of unscious- ness, due to a fall from a high haymow. Many friends will be glad to know Miss Ruth has en­ tirely regained her health. The'family left Friday after­ noon for Long Beach. Washing­ ton. ate ! 5 and 10 Cents RACES! RACES! AT Forest Grove Training Park E very S unday A fternoon ------------STARTING JUNE 2 9 ------------- .SNAPPY EVENTS_ D 6 EACH AFTERNOON Oregon Electric Cars Stop " Q at Track -------- RACES BEGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK---------- Admission 50 cents LA Grandstand Free