^ FOREST GROVE TRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 21, 1913. Forest Grove = GOOD ROADS f - Steam Laundry CONFERENCE The Children s Lunch Cake W ood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. Should be Lipht and Wholesome yet Economical Crescent a S> Baking Powder M ERTZ & L A TTA I*. J; mm V'" Makes just such cakes to perfection. It’s rich quality saves on eggs ami produces good wholesome cake and bread stuffs. Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. 25c per Pound. SUMMERING AT Tillamook County Beaches "Nature’s Playground" as these beaches have been called, are now open for summer visitors. New hotels, with all modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camp ng grounds ahd Double Daily Train Service Leaving Portland daily.............................. “ “ Except Sunday... ......8:45 A. M. ......1:20 P. M. Meeting to be Held at Eureka, California, Next Month Plans are now being perfected for a conference o f unusual in- jterestand character which will ! he held in Eureka, California, on August 20 and 21. The object j of this conference will be the organization o f a Pacific Coast ! Good Roads Association for the promotion and advancement of the cause o f good roads in Cali­ fornia, Oregon and Washington. Governor Lister, o f Washington, Governor West, o f Oregon, and Governor Johnson, o f California, will attend the conference, which will be presided over by the first named. Many other prominent good roads advocates from the three states will also be in at­ tendance. Eureka, where it is to be held, is the largest town in the United States without a rail road. The subjects to be discussed include every important phase ol | the good roads question. T hen ; follows a partial list: “ The Gen­ eral Necessity o f Good Roads;” “ The Commercial Value o f Good Roads;” “ Should a State Build and Maintain all Roads Within its Limits;” “ County and Inter­ county Roads;” “ Raising Money for Road Building;” “ The Auto- mobilist and Good Roads;” “ Link­ ing Up the Pacific Coast States;” “ Combined State and County Road Building;” “ The Care and Upkeep o f Roads.” “ Some Punkins” One o f the curosilies o f the season is a squash on exhibit at the Oregon Land Company’ s o f­ fice. The squash was raised by Tom Ott who lives on the Base Line just east of town and was picked last fall, kept all winter and spring and is as sound as a new five dollar gold piece new, „he last of July. Keep the Calves “ Com ing.” Season tickets on sale daily . . . $4.00 W eek End (for return Monday) . $3.00 Corresponding low fares from other points. Tbo calve« must l>e kept “ coralDg." whether they suck the cow s or are hand fed. Skiinmilk calves grow strong and thrifty If given a chance Their milk has to he clean and enough of It. With It they need something to take the place of the cream that Is gone. Corn is a good substitute. Oats help also, (¡round flaxseed In the milk is Hue. but It costs too much these days. For cheapness and results corn mid oats crushed together or Just plain corn coarsely ground and fed dry are hard to beat.—Iowa Homestead. Call for our brand new folder “ Tillamook County Beaches” Han d or Po wer Spraying7 Beaches Reached in 5 Hours Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive at beach points in time for dinner, spend the evening and Sunday with the family and return to Portland Sunday night without loss o f time from business. ROUND TRIP FARES FROM PORTLAND Folders and full information from any S. P. Agent or at City Ticket Office 80 Sixth Street, Cor. Oak JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Hand spraying Is more expensive than power spraying. The cost varies much in different eases, depending on the efficiency o f labor, convenience and other essentials, and much de­ pends on the apparatus used. The pump should have capacity to main­ tain high pressure, and the nozzle must throw a fine spray. The requirement» are the same for every kind of spray­ ing.—Farm Progress. H an dy T re n c h Cleaner. Great Red Plague Help F ig h t the Citizens o f the state are urged to inform themselves regarding this plague which is causing great suffering among boys and young m- n and especially among the innocent girls ami women o f the state. Parents are urged to protect their children, and provide clean, wholesome information in place o f the unclean misinformation they cannot now help getting. Such instruction will be found in the following Free Circulars For Young Men Circular Xo. 2 - The Four Sex Lies. Circular Xo. 9 — Sex Truths for Men. For Older B oys (13 to 18 yrs. o f age) Circular Xo. 8 — Virility and Physical Development. For Y ounger B oys (10 to 13 yrs. o f age) Circular Xo. 7 — The Secret o f Strength. degree.., Oil FARM PRODUCE % For Young Women Circular Xo. 10 - Physical Development, Marriage and Motherhood. For Parents Circular Xo. 1 — The Need for Education in Sexual Hygiene. Circular Xo. 3 — When and How to Tell the Children. Circular Xo. 5 — A List o f Books for Use in the Family on Sex. Circular Xo. 18 — How One Boy Was Instructed in Sex Matters and What Happened. Illustrated. , The Oregon State Board of Health 720 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon Applicants are kindly asked to select o n ly those circulars for w hich they hare a definite uae. Thee# will be gladly cent. __________________________ OREGON A G R IC U L TU R A L COLLEGE S. A. WALKER H. LIDYARD WALKER & LIDYARD B E G I N S its forty-fifth school year SHOEMAKERS S eptem b er is . te o . DEGREE COURSES in many phasesof Experts Will Suggest Pians For Ideal Market Houses. AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING. HOME j E c o n o m ic s M in in g f o r e s t r y . C o m ­ m e r c e . P h a r m a c y . t w o - y e a r C o u r s e s in a g r i c u l - TURE. HOME ECONOMIC* MECHANIC | a r ts fo r es tr y , com m erce pharmacy 1st Ave. N., near Main St. We are prepared to do the very best o f all kind of shoe work. T EA CH ER 'S C O U R S E S in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. M USIC, including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. Department of Agriculture Specialists A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled In Direct and Co-operative Dealings, " T hk E nrichment or R ural L if e ” Transportation and Marketing of Per- i mid a C atalogue will be mailed free on application. iah.-.ble Produce. Address H. M. T f . n n a n t , Registrar, Corvallis, Oregon. It Is nlimmnood that the department aw 716 to**) of agriculture through Its office of mar­ kets will shortly begin a thorough study of wlmt happens to produce from the time it leaves the producer to the i lime it rouelles lliu consumer. A spo- I clulist on marketing perishable prod­ uce will Investigate prices received by producers, east of transportation and storage, change of ownership, accumu­ lated charges, profits and other ele- menis. This specialist will then study conditions in various sections to deter­ mine the feasibility of a market news service dealing with perishable prod- ! UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY TO STUDY QUESTION IN FULL Special attention Riven to crippled feet. mm Put that Property You Want to Sell ¡£ ii T i - j ' " . I . f - ........ Time To have os make tbe Kiddie’ s Picture “Under the Spot-Light ! ” Now ADVERTISE IT ! Not once, timidly and penny-wise ! But as often us needed a n d a showing o f FACTS about it which will unfailingly interest the probable purchaser! Make i t the best advertised r e a l estate in the city for a little while—and your buyer will seek you out and quickly cluse the transaction ! Forest Crove STUDIO mm N Maio Street PRESS Job Printing: Satisfies Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon IDEAL MARKET IN DETROIT. C o u r te s y A m e r ic a n C ity . uets and also the best methods of rank­ ing statistics of supply and demand useful to the farmer or truck gardener. The question of market houses will be considered, and advice as to the best and most sanitary form of market will be made. Communities will be mlvis ed to adopt the co-operative Idea In marketing. The little store on the street where all produce is exposed to the dust and germs Is condemned. The specialists will give attention to studying co-operative organizations ol producers and consumers. Including co-operative marketing associations of farmers and buyers, co-operative stores, etc. They will make Intensive studies of typical communities dealing with special products and will assist In the formation of pew co-operative enterprises. An expert in co-operative accounting will assist such orgauiza lions to keep their Isioks and records effectively, establish cost systems and follow up methods of handling goods en route and on sale. Co-operating with the other Investi­ gators will lie specialists in transporta­ tion—men who have had as much rail road shipping experience as division freight agents—who will assist pro­ ducers in securing proper freight mtes and will discuss questions o f ex­ tending facilities, determination of mäm*k Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. Tbe Home Company That Has M ade G ood. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in Bankers & Merchants Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 62X W . A . CHALM ERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. . 1 WASHINGTON - OREGON CORPORATION K ÌI p f T V" will T-v.? deep enough to receive a long handle. This works very satisfactorily.— Farm and Fireside. “ GOING TO LAW.” For Girls . . . . ,. Circular Xo. 4 — A Plain Talk with Girls about their Health. Send 2-cent stamp with your address to Department D To a short pie"e of half round post securely tuck on the curved side with shingle n a i l s « sheet of heavy gal­ vanized Iron about fifteen inches long. Bore a hole In the block at an angle of about forty tlve TO PROBE PROFITS A conveyance of land described as running with the meanders of a noti- navlgalde stream gives title to the thread of the stream In the absence of a contrary intention shown by the AN INSANITAliT MARKET. deed.—Robinson Versus Wells. Ky., 133 rates, routing and other matters con­ 8. W 317 cerned with the speedy and cheap In selling personal property the gen­ eral rule Is that where no misrepre­ moving nf produce to centers. Esiiecial attention is to lie given to sentations arp made by the sellpr tn respect to the quality or condition of the milling, marketing and utilization the property the purchaser buys at of cotton Heed A specialist In this line his own risk and cannot recover dam will gather full Information necessary for the successful organization and ages on account o f defects or unsound ness, but where quintals or articles are operation o f oil mills by co-operating sold for food the law Implies a war­ producers. He will also endeavor to ranty on the part of the buyer that find new uses and new applications such provisions an* wholesome and for cotton sePd and Its manufactured products fit to eat, and the rule of buyers’ risk Other specialists thoroughly fninlllai does not apply. with the marketing o f cotton in Texas Arkansas nnd Oklahoma and other A D am per. cotton states will devote their atten Marion—I showed papa those verses tlon to improving trade In cotton and yon wrote me. and he seemed pleased. devising Improved methods of handling Harry—He did? Marion—Vea. Hesald and selling cotton and seed cotton. he was so glad to tee you were not a J » « t . ________________________________ Beginning June 1st give to its patrons in Beaverton, Elmonica, Orenco, H illsb o r o , Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and all country lines a Electric rate on all cooking and heating ap­ pliances and small domestic motors. Phone Main 922 Hillsboro for particulars and our representative will call. è 1 ~