Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 24, 1913, Image 6

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C U T IN T W O ]
We are giving the trade
a golden opportunity to
, •
J. N. Hoiiman
It mean# Gain to You and
a Los* to Us; but we are
going to close out these
We have a full run of all
sizes now and for you to
delay means that we may
not be able to fit your feet
Sunday evening the churchts
of Forest Grove will meet in
union service at the college
campus to hear Lindley A. Wells,
field superintendent for the Ore­
gon “ Out to Win” prohibition
campaign. The meeting will be­
gin at 7:33 p. m.
, A W. C. T. U. Mothers’ Meet­
ing will be held next Friday af­
ternoon in the Congregational
church parlors. The meeting
will be addressed by Judge Hollis
on the subject, “ Our Women in
Municipal Affairs.”
(F r a ll c h u r c h e s w ho hold r e g u l a r s e rv ic e s in th is
c ity . T h e p r o p e r a u th o r itie s a r e re q u e s te d to
sen d in th e ir a n n o u n c e m e n t e a rly e a c h w eek .)
S eventh D ay A dventist : Third
T ake a look a t th e S ilverw are,
Plain and F ancy Dishes we are
Giving A w ay as Prem ium s. The
S ilv erw are is G u aran teed and
the D ishes will please you.
Street. Regular services of Sab­
bath Day, 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
School; 11:30 a. m. church servi­
ces. Missionary meeting Sunday
evening 8 p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p. m. A
cordial invitation extended to all.
F irst
• 11111111111:111=
Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked
Every Day.
We sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents
F ree delivery to all p a rts o f the city
Pacific Avenue,
Dr. D. W. Ward
Dr. E. B. Brookbank
Forest Grove
General Slore
We carry a full line of Groceries, Canned Goods and
Farm Products. Our goods are always fresh, and our
prices are as low as the lowest. We also carry a line
Drygoods and Haberdashery.
Pacific Avenue at Third Street.
C ongregational : Rev.
D. T. Thomas, pastor. Bible
School 9:45 a. m., Morning Wor­
ship 11 a. m., Junior C. E. 3 p.
m., Intermediate C. E. and Y. P.
S. C. E 7 p. m., Evening Ser-
j vice, 8 p. m. Thursday mid-wk
prayer meeting. Visitors aie
heartily welcome.
F irst M ethodist : Hiram Gould
pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a.
m., Mr. Schramel, Superintend­
ent; Preaching Services 11 a. m.,
I Epworth League 7 p. m., Even­
ing Preaching Service 8 p. m.,
I Prayer Meeting Thursday even-
l ing.
How To Kill Flies
To clear rooms of flies carbolic
acid may be used as follows:
heat a shovel or any similar art­
icle and drop thereon 20 drops of i
carbolic acid. The vapor kills
the flies.
A cheap and reliable fly poison,
one which is not dangerous to j
human life, is Bichromate of
Potash in solution. Dissolve one
dram, which can be bought at j
any drug store, in two ounces of
water, and add a little sugar.
Put some of this solution in shal­
low dishes, and distribute them
about the house.
Sticky fly paper, traps and
poisons are among the things to
Office H offm an Bldg. Pacific Ave.
Ind. Phone B02
F o re s t Grove
Physicians and Surgeons
22 F irst Ave. N o-th
Phone: Office 40x
R esidence 402
use in killing flies, hut the latest,
Forest Grove, Ore.
cheapest and best is a solution of
Formalin or Formaldehyde in Mark B. Bump
water. A spoonful of this liquid
D R. C. E. W A L K E R
put into a quarter of a pint of
water and exposed in the room, South o f C ourt H ouse
Osteopathic Physician
will be enough to kill all the flies.
Hillsboro, Ore.
To quickly clear the room
Treatment by Special Appoint­
where there are many flies; burn
ment Only
_____ ______________ _________
Pyrethum powder in the room. Hollis & Graham
This stupifies the flies when they
H, W. Vollmer, M. D.
A llorneys-at-LaW
may be swept up and burned.
Physician and Surgeon
If there are flies in the dining
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Office in A b b o tt Bldg.
room of your hotel, restaurant or
F o re s t G rove, Ogn.
boarding house, complain to the
proprietor that the premises are
Ind. Phones
not clean.
Swat the fly. Presented by
D istric t A tto rn ey .
W. Q. 1 ucker, M. D.
womans club.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon
C alls answ ered prom ptly day or night
P hone: Office 2 71, llesid en ce 283.
Dr. E. J. Crowthers
Physician and Surgeon
Some w ay a neat farm home <?>
Calls answ ered day and night
with buildings well pninted al-
Office in Ja ck so n P h arm acy
ways goes with a good farm and 4
good farming. Does anybody
wonder why?
Dr. H. R. Kauffman
W. B. COON, V. S.
O f f i c e on 1 st S t .
B etw een Pacific and 1st Ave. S.
At the K an sas experim ent station
StH) pounds of pork w ere made from
H aving bought o u t Dr. Feeley, V et­
one ton of alfalfa hay and 770 pounds erinarian, I wish to notify the public
from an acre of alfalfa pasture. At th a t I am prepared to answ er all calls,
the Nebraska station hog rations con­ day o r night.
sisting of one-fourtb alfalfa hay show­ Phone M ain 95
F or es t G ro ve , O re
ed the alfalfa hay w orth Us w eight In
cornineul and superior to the sam e
weight of bran. T he Iowa station
made pig pork a t $3.84 per 100 pounds
A c r e T r a c t s in Sun Set
and realized 71.1 cents per bushel for
Addition to Forest Grove
corn. With alfalfa and corn, pork cost
$ 2 .SK per 100 pounds, and corn re t u r n ­
to be sold on terms. W. W.
ed 80.0 cents per bushel, a difference
of 33 13 per cen t in favor of alfalfa.
Ireland, Hoffman Building
T u r n i n g A lf a lf a
F o r e s t G ro v e N a t'I B an k B uilding:
P h o n e M ain 0131
Forest Grove, Ore.
In t o P o rk .
T o K il l B u r d o c k .
To kill burdock put crude carbolic
a d d on the roots a fte r cutting close to
the ground with a hoe. This method is
effective and probably as cheap ns a n y ­
thing. T h e carbolic acid may be a p ­
plied with a small oil can. A few
drops poured into the crown of the
plant will be found effective.—N a­
tional Stockman and Farmer.
B e M e r c if u l to Y o u r D o g .
R. M. Erwin, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
T am iesie Bi ilding
3d and Main S ts.
Hillsboro, Ore.
S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M.
Physician and Surgeon
D elta B uilding
Hillsboro, Ore.
Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O.
H o w to H a n d le B la c k b e r r ie s .
When picking blackberries get them
out o f the sun as s o o d as possible or
they'll turn red In spots and not be so
salable. H urry them Into the crates
and then into a cool cellar until time
for shipping or selling. Fill the boxes
full and pack neatly In clean p ack­
ages. If you w ant a fancy price m ake
the crates look attractive.—F a rm J o u r ­
Physician, Surgeon
and Osteopath
Calls answ ered day or night.
H illsboro N ational B ank Bldg.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Feed Mill will run every
day in the week.
Wholesale and Retail
Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground
Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked
Wheat, Cracked C >rn, Whole
Wheat and Corn, Middlings and
several kinds of Hard Wheat
Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks,
Hay and Vetch Seed.
Give us a call when in need.
nd P h o r e 5 0 x
J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone C ity 384
Rooms 4 and 5, Schulm erich Bldg.
Hillsboro, Ore.
W. M. Langley & Son
Forest Grove, Ogn.
F o re s tG ro v e , Ore
Fnless there Is a running stream
near by, so th a t the dog can get a
drink when he Is thirsty, fix him a
A n In c e n tiv e .
dish an I see th a t It Is regularly su p ­
Mrs. C raw fo rd —1 th ought you sniff
plied with fresh water. A dog Is a you w eren't going to the sew ing circle?
dog; he Is your dog and your friend: Mrs. Crubshtiw — But. my dear, I didn't
treat hint as such.—F arm Journal.
know then about the things you have
told me.—Judge.
j Job Printing That Satisfies
Physician & Surgeon
Forest Grove N at’l Bank Bldg
Forest Grove, Ore.
Job Work fro"n the Pres? Oriics must be
Doubly Satisfactory, to satisfy us and you
The PRESS is fully equipped with a Complete and Modern Job Plant.
With the addition of a new press and considerable other material, we
are in a position to give immediate and most satisfactory service. We
solicit your work in this line and guarantee perfect satisfaction. Your
first order will prove the truth of these statements.
Give us a trial*
A FEW SUGGESTIONS—Letterheads, Billheads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Circular Letters. Posters, Pamphlets, Visiting Cards Invitations and Wedding Stationery
Now in our new Location on Main Street
Phone 502