FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY JULY 24, 200-bushel potato crops, or three REFINING SUGAR. 600-bushel apple crops, without Procast by WhieV the Best Wh*te GEORGE F. COTTERILL p r T o A T T n iT IA M a»y d e p re c ia tio n ¡n the fertility P r o d u c ts A re Obtained. liL 1 u A I I l NIIUN j lands °* l*,e n so'*’ an<* " here applied to The* method used by the beet sugar o t n o w g i v i n g a maximum rettnerie» u siiiitsHiitiaiiy us follow s: ---------- „ crop will bring a greatly increas- T,,;‘ n,w “"f“r duTJ,; ed lar«e W. K. [N ew ell, o r o a s t o n , ejc e j y ,e u an(j still leave the soil |m, w ater being added to produce a plains Preservative specific gravity of 1.25. Tlie solution enriched. draw n through a connecting The question lias come to us is pipe then Methods having a coarse wire strainer Into what to do with this spoiled hay large pumps, hy which It la pumped Professor Scudder, of O. A. C., which is valueless for food. Into the highest story of the building, usually the seventh or eighth. It there Many farmers are leaving it on passes Tells How to Utilize Into vessels heated by steam the ground and it is killing out “Spoiled Hay” colls to a tem perature of about 210 K. the growth underneath the cocks Milk of lime is added to the solution In pans for the purpose of neutral­ or windrows, so that when it is these Every June the Willamette removed izing any ad d which It may contain. the weeds will spring From these pans the liquid passes Valley farmer has to face the injure the second cutting. down In the next floor, w here It Is fll- problem of saving his clover hay. O up t h and r farmers are rolling it u p through a series o f bags, each In such a season as this it is an and t burning made of two thicknesses of cloth, an it. The folly of this exceedingly difficult problem, can he seen at a glance. It outer one of coarse and an Inner one cotton. The bags are Inclosed but I have partially solved it by should he hauled to the barnyard of in line boxes to prevent cooling. After filling a silo, and by providing and thrown in deep piles. In leaving these the sirup Is run through filters of bond,lack, which absorbs all hay caps for the cocks in the coloring m atter left In It. After field. Clover makes a fair grade other words it should be com­ the leaving these It Is pumped Into vacuum posted or allowed to rot. In of silage for summer feeding, pans—large vesse's heated by steam and the wetter it is the better it many cases it may he hauled off and exhausted by air pumps. The and spread at once on the stub- pressure being thus reduced, the liquid packs into the silo. at a lower and lower tem pera A trial of the muslin hay caps blefield that is to he plowed. Is ture boiled until, at 140 degrees, evaporation Before plowing it should he convinces me that they will save complete and the sirup rapidly crys­ disked and mixed Is tallizes into sugar. the crop in any ordinary rainy thoroughly This Is the process hy which the with the surface soil. Every ton June. A field of clover was cut best white sugar Is made, while poor­ F. Cotterlll, Mayor of Seattle, the 9th and 10th of June, shock­ of this damaged hay is equal ap- er qualities are prepared hy a method who Geo. blames the Seattle Times for the ed up and covered with the caps proxilliately to lour tons of fresh less complete.— St. Louis Republic. attacks on I. W. W. and Socialist halls ——--------------- just before the rains began. It manure in plant food value. by bluejackets. stood all during the heavy rain The farmer who has damaged Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher reg- without leaking a drop through hay in the field and will make istered ready to vote this fall BALLOONIST LEAPS TO DEATH the caps, hut after ten days be­ use of it as a fertilizer will suffer when the {tolls open, and we Parachute Jumper Dies in First Aero­ gan to spoil from the ground little or no loss. The principle note from the books that Mr. plane Drop Advantage was taken of a few governing here is the same as Fletcher has been 49 years in Seattle.—Francis Thayer, aged 47 hours between showers to turn that which requires that hay he Oregon and Mrs. Fletcher has years, a parachute L. jum per, known the cocks up side down and re- not sold at all, hut he fed to live- spent 60 years in this state. throughout the west, was drowned m aking a parachute descent cap them. They stood thus un­ stock on the farm. Mrs. J. A. Hall left Sunday while from an as part of the Pot Don’t burn the hay, then, the til the 26th, when they were morning for a few weeks recup­ latch air aeroplane sports. hulk of its fertility content the opened up and aired out and eration at Tillamook. He went up in an aeroplane with hauled into the barn the next nitrogen—goes up in smoke, Johnny Bryant. At a height of 750 Don’t leave it laying in the field, feet he dropped from the aeroplane. day, a fairly good lot of hay. R E AL E S T A T E TR A N S F E R S . for then it destroys the meadow Transfers for week ending July 14. After a descent of 100 feet he broke The caps were made as follows: loose from the parachute and fell to Unbleached "Cabot A” muslin and brings on weeds, Certainly, 1913. the water. there should he no question as to was purchased from the local H attie Boos and hus to C G S e th 1 Thayer did not rise to the surface merchant at 12J cents per yard. what should he done with the 50 acres ill DI.C of Chas Conklin and after going Into the water. He had 53, l n 3 $5700. been giving parachute exhibitions 25 It was 45 inches wide and was spoiled hay. — Pacific Homestead, wf W No illiam Ryan and wf to Frank B years. Thayer called Chicago his torn into strips 40 inches long, A lot of new m achinery has been Morton lot :i- blk 4' Thorn8 Add to home. He leaves a widow, in Seattle, a stout 12-inch string tied to each Hillsboro $10. corner, and a half pound wooden est Grove Planing Mill, making the A. H. W eaver and wf to E. L. Cum­ and relatives at Aberdeen, Wash. block tied to the end of each Liquors To Be Seized better prepared than ever mings 19.75 acres in Joel Fairchild C string. Not one of them blew off company Salem. Or.—Governor W est has is­ to handle building propositions. la't; L C I N 4 $10. at any time, nor did a drop of them figure on your work. 3 I John Pearson to Fred J. Beno and sued a proclam ation instructing peace I wf lot 1, blk 2. Sherwood Acres $100. officers to seize all intoxicating li­ rain penetrate them. H L Boyle and wf to Grace E quors shipped into the state in viola M arkets The caps cost a little less than Ulancey 10 acres in sec 2, 3 S 1 $ 10 . tion of federal and state laws. W V Apple and 17 cents each, making the cost ol Pear crops somewhat below normal. A I Anderson to John Grossenbach- “It is daily brought to the attention covering a ton of hay about $2.50 er 10 acres in sec 6 , 3 S 1 $10. of this office,” says the proclamation, As the caps should last 8 or 10 Peaches More than last year and Leon T Sills and wf to A H W eav­ “that unlawful shipm ents o t such li­ er and wf 1 acre on 7th St Forest quor are being made, particularly by better. years the cost is small. ' Grove $10. means of ocean and river steam ers W. K. N ewell . —Oregonian The Prune crop of W illam ette Vallay, „ ghaw, and wf t0 Albert E Ros. plying between points within this state 1913. WET HAY PROBLEM illamette alley Have you anything for sale, or to exchange? Do you wish any­ thing and do not know where to get it? Have you lost or found anything? The solution of these and many other problems is a classified advertisement in The Press. To E xchange —Old spuds for one-half amount returned this fall. E. L. Naylor, City. 36tf F or S ale —Young 5-year old horse, weighs about 1200 lbs., kind, gentle and true. Price $150 J. H. Humphreys, Gaston, R 2. 3713 W ood W anted —The PRESS de­ sires to secure several cords of both Oak and Fir wood to apply on subscription, advertising, or job work. Wanted a couple of young calves, either sex. Phone 0185, Edw. L. Navlor. 27tf W a n t e d — Young pigs, phone 1047, Marv R. Sorher, 36tf W anted The PRESS desires to secure a live correspondent in every community in Washington county. Send in your application at once. F or R ent Furnished house. Inquire at E. H. Coleman’s. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th street. __ _ W M . W EITZEL Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work and Re­ pair Shop. North F irst Avenue, between Main and “ A ” S treets; phone 863. Ii> 53135, If you are sick SURVEYOR All kinds of survey­ ing and maping. Subdivisions a spec­ ialty. H. B. GLAISYER, Hoffman & Allen Bld’g Phone 806 Foi est Grove, Ore. and need Medicine you should get the best. We dispense only the purest drugs and chemi cals. We do it right— At right prices. PACIFIC DRUG CO. FRANK MERESS, Manager Begin Now! to plan for that College Course. There is considerable discussion about Education but Oregon and Clark county W ash.ngton ser and w( , acre8 ln John „ VValk. and points within this and other promises to more than double that of IW ... - „ Disposing of Spoiled Hay states.” \ the last two years, and even then it . ! er DLC No 49. sec o, 5. 2 S 3 $10. there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right Thom as F C uster and wf to Dollie Every ton of hay spoiled by would be less than normal. Fruit and I Smith 1 acre adjoining Yerex Subdi­ is in the long run the practical thing in Education. moisture due to excessive rain Produce D istributor. vision, sec 21 $500. contains as much plant food as is Sarah W ilkin to Samuel Adams et A school well equipped to do first class general co liege taken away from the farm in 30 Misses Rita W atson and C ressa ld ;>000 sq ft in SW14 aec 24, T 2 work is bushels of wheat, or 66 bushels I Tennis, returnid home Friday e v e n - ; S H 1 W $1400. of oats, or 200 bushels of potat- , mg after spending a few days in Yam- J 11 Shipley and wf to II O 1 eis- Pekin.—The Chinese governm ent is oes, or 600 bushels of apples, or;»"» with friends. ^ still dispatching troops to subdue the one ton of fat hogs, or four tons j. Cooper and Irene Cooper to Gus revolutionary movement in the disaf Forest Grove, Ore. southern provinces, but has not of milk, or ten tons cf butter. When in need of some more Philips part of lot 4 . blk 8 , Forest r w fected ithdraw n any soldiers from Mongo­ This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such Each acre of this spoiled j office stationary call on the Grove $10. lia. Charles E Hall to Della M Hall hay that is applied to the, PRESS job department. Envel- 6250 sq ft in sec 31 2 N 3. $10. Yuan Shi Kai is anxious general college lines September I 7th, 1913. Terms reasonable. land will permit the raising of opes< ca,.Js letterheads, circular David Keck and wf to Annabel to President proceed south to lead his troops, three 30-bushel wheat crops, or|jetterd bill heads e tc . Record and equipment good. Come and help us help you. Sparkm an WVa of 8 W l. aec 15, l N but his associates have persuaded him to rem ain in Pekin, for fear th at he five 40-bushel oat crops t r thiee 4 $10. on the way to Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue Ruth Trust Company to Frank A might be assassinated of hostilities. W ebster 10 acres ln J W Chambers the It scene is now generally believed that and further information I2LC, 3 1 N $2500. General Sun Yat Sen, form er provis­ WOULD LIKE TO GET UNDER IT HIMSELF. Joseph N Miller and wf to William president of the republic, who PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. L Maat and wf 30.34 acres in Noah ional has taken sides with the southerners Jobe D L C No 50 1 S 3. $10. and who is now at Nanking, and Gen­ Sam uel C Jaggar and wf to iAtuise eral Huang Sing, form er generalissi­ Wells 8 W qr of SE qtt of SW quasee mo of the revolutionary arm y, never 342 8 1, $10. intended to support President Yuan V W i V t í t ó V . V A V A V V i V . V i V i I------------- ---------------------------------- Oscar N Rlair and wf to Mary Belle Shi Kai perm anently, but only to use lkmaorff tract 22 Virginia "Place Sus- him to bring the revolution to a suc­ blackberry cessful end. divlaton. $1650. A Good Old Remedy W » V A V .V * V * V A V .V » V .V tV V . Per-ilia Alvoretta Noyes to Mrs \ N otice to the Public. Bulgaria Not to Make Resistance We w ant just three m inutes of L Cornish 5 acres in sec 5 2 S 3. * N otice is hereby «riven th at the lor.g Bridge London.—Any idea that the Bulgar­ your time when you are again across Dairy Creek, W est of Hillsboro, will be $263. / \ Did r hear semeo*«» closed to traffic a fte r Tuesday, July 15th, 1913. ian arm y is preparing for a counter troubled with Cholera, D iarrhoea s a y s o m e th in g from H a. m. to 5 p. m. of each day until the re­ George Hernrny end wf to Oregon stroke has been abandoned. It has pairs on the sam e are completed. or any bowel complaint. l Electric Company .573 acres in N\V1, become known that in his anxiety to by order of th e County C ourt of W ashington a b o u t so rn e a h s d t County, Oregon. of NW sec 11 1 N 2. $300. Nyal’s Blackberry Carminative som e w h e re P B. REASONER. County Judge. bring about peace. King Ferdinand ap- ; S6tf H !! Emmott and wf to Charles L pealed to the German em peror regard- | Is the quickest and surest relief Call F or Jan ito r Bids. C hatte rton et al lots 1 and 6 Frei- Ing Roum anta's action. The nature of for bowel disorders we know of Forest Grove, Ore.. 7-17-13. man Acres, $11,000. the em peror's reply has not been dis­ The School Board " ill receive sealed bids for Allays irritation cleanses the Jan ito rsh ip of the Lincoln, C entral and New closed. Ole Ilagi r to O B K raus lot 3 School B»*ilding>. N um ber of rooms to be in use M errd e! bowels before they are checked A semi-official dispatch from Sofia in each and rules governing duties on file at blk 4 1-ake View add to Gaston, $ tv . C’m cra^ en* s < Rice, and acts as an antiseptic. It is that even should the Roumanian* Clerk Bids will be received until 12 o'clock noon. July Louise Juncker Beyer McDonald and says w a it in th* m oderate in action—being only 26th, 1913. M. Peteraon, C hairm an Board of Di­ invade the capital no resistance would hus to I H Smith 4 acres in see 14 be offered. shed« O Í rectors, Dist, N um ber 15, W ashington County, slightly astringent it does not go Ore. l N 4. $1000. 37 t 2 H.C . PARKER. Clerk. to extrem es—it acts just right in every way M argaret M W etherbee and hus to T H E M AR K ETS . Call for Bid*. School F urn iture. W E C atterlln N W 1. of NW*. sec You can give it to the little Fore»t Grove. Or»., July 17th, 1913. 1 S 3 and E<* of E S of NEV» of NR Portland. ones with perfect safety —it is all The School Board will receive scaled bids for stv 31 1 S 3. 915.000. W heat—Club, 86 c; bluestera, 90c; school furn iture, list of which is on Hie at Clerks good and good for you ail and office. Bids will be received until 12 o'clock noon. it should be in your home. July > th , 1913. K athirine H McClung and hus to red RuM lan' 84c M PKTERSON, C hairm an Board of D irectors, ay—Tim othy, $18; alfalfa, $13. Two sizes 25 and 50 cents W K C atterlln W 4 of E 4 of XK>. H B utter—Cream Diet. N um ber 15, W ashington County, Ore. ery, 30c. 3712 H. C PA R K E R . Clerk. of NE>. of NEV, see 31 1 S 3. 91. Eggs—Candled. 27c; ranch, 25c. Any doctor will tell you th a t U A I'pton and wf to F M H utchin­ Woo!—E astern Oregon, 16c; Wil- Here From Portland when we compound a prescription son and wf lot 32 Willow Brook Farm;. lam ette valley. 19c. Mr. E. Davis’ daughter Mrs. it s done right. Bring us your 95000. Seattle. Vanvelain of Portland, and little, prescriptions. F M C rabtree and wf to F M Crab­ W heat, new crop— Bluestem. 82c; tree Sr E'% of SW 1. , NW>. of son Herbert are visiting at home Littler’s P h arm acy SE qr and N 1* of S’1-. of SWV* of club, 79c; m l Russian. 78c. this week. S K t, gee 12 2 S 3,; also strip 30' Eggs—28c. THE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST ft w ide 80 rds long, in said see 12 2 , B utter—Cream ery. 31e. H ay—Tim othy. $ 1.8 per ton; alfalfa, S 3; also 100x50 ft In lot 6 blk 11 — F o « in New Y o r k Eve nin g Sun. P r e s s J o b Printing Satisfies Phone 901 £ 913 per ton. Simm ons' add to Hillsboro. 910. REVOLT IN CHINA GROWS ALARMING Pacific University x\ u ! LEGAL NOTICES I ' i