FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY JULY 24, 1913. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL WISCONSIN TOWN WAKES Iff FAMOUS John Mouiag of Portland was nom­ inated by the president to be United Events Occurring Throughout States marshal for the district of Ore­ Parcel Post Rates Will Cheaper gon. the State During the Fast With a $30 drying plant and a cheap and Size of Packages In­ Woman’s Activities Frovidbd stove, Charles Bales of Dorena, has Week. creased to 20 Pounds. solved tlte problem of marketing lo­ Paved Sireets and Bridge. ganberries. Governor West commuted the sen­ Washington.—Reduction in parcel Sand In V.'atcr Kills Cows Bend.—Sand 11 s an enemy of the tence of death imposed upon Jackson post rates within the first and second dairyman has just hern discovered by F. Adams, convicted of killing Clinton zones, and Increases in the maximum SHE AROUSED THE MEN u Howell Untie rancher. A line dairy Chamberlain, in Clatsop county, to life weight of parcels and substitution of i a new rate chart for the complicated cow of his died suddenly and to deter­ imprisonment mine the cause of her death he made 'I he bodies of C. B. Smith and wife, present map was ordered by Postmast­ R aised M o ney F o r T o w n Im p r o v e m e n t an examination and found that there who perished in a blizzard on Mount er General Burleson to take effect Au­ by G iv in g P a r tie s — Proceeds D evoted to C lea nin g Up Place and P a v in g the was nearly a quart of fine sand be­ St. Helens, were both found after a gust 15. M a i n Street. tween the second and third stomachs. long search, and were brought to Port­ The rate of postage In the first zone : is reduced from 5 cents for the first Tlte cow had been drinking from shal­ land for interment. low irrigation ditches, and the light Senator Lane, of Oregon, has the ap pound and 1 cent for each additional A woman lias put Wnukau on flu* cents for the first nound map. Wnukau is in Wisconsin. It has pumice sand had been so abundant In pointment of ¡mother cadet at Annap­ pound to 5 % olis, and !.» - asked President Kerr, of and 1 cent for each additional two a population nf less than .'.tut. but lie the water as to accumulate and cause death. Fine dairy stock previously the Oregon agricultural college, if he pounds. The miximum weight of pur- cause of the woman the less than 500 $ 1.000 bridge and sidewalk. lost by other farmers is now believed will examine candidates for the place. ! cel post packages is increased from 11 hate a Peter Maedougttll tlrst invoke to to have died also from the same cause. Portlands wheat exports, for the to 2U pounds, hut only in the first and the Mrs. the one bridge over Wttii- fiscal year ended June 30 show an in­ second zones for the present. If this kau’s fact one that street wasn't more than ball works out the maximum will be made crease of more than 20 per cent over Crawford Makes Ruling a bridge after forty-live years of wear everywhere. Marsh field.-Attorney General Ctaw- those of the preceding year, accord­ 2Ü In pounds tear and that the street wasn't the insurance rate, orig- and more than half a street because there ford, in a written opinion sent to ing to figures made public by the de­ 1 Inally addition, 10 cents, will be reduced to 5 tvas nothing much hut Wisconsin clay Judge Pennock, of Marshfield, holds partment of commerce. that registration clerks, under the new Having exhausted the supply of cans cents on parcels up to the value of $25. to walk oil. The day she took this la with that new se tse of eivle responsi law, ennnot register voters in ether that, before the season opened, was B r y a n Proposes to Gu id e N i c a r a g u a j bllit.v that Is developing in women ev- deemed ¡imply sufficient, the Eugene precincts than the one in which they A new policy toward Nicaragua, in­ ervwhere « is the day she began to are appointed. The new law requires fruit growers’ cannery have started volving the virtual control of the af- i j act. Stepping Into Bagley's. she talk the registration clerks to give bond evaporating loganberries instead ol j fairs of that republic by a United ed with i ae general store man about I putting them up in syrup. for $300 for the faithful performance protectorate, similar to the probable cost and ways and means The A1 Kader Temple, Sliriners, of States now trust of their duties. exercised over Cuba was out of raising the money. lie said it Portland, has advised Secretary Frank 1 that would cost more than she could ever Meredith of the state fair board that lined by Secretary Bryan at a conter but she tucked up a subscription PATROL GOES TO TIMBER the shriners will be glad to accept euce with members of the senate lor get. paper in the store, and the work of eign relations committee. Six H u n d r e d W a t c h e r s to Be In Ser- Saturday, October 4, as their special building and sidewalk Uuildlng Mr. Bryan's proposal, coming p . s a bridge bad begun. day at the state fair this year. ice D u r in g N e x t Six H o t W e e k s iurprise to members of the committee, Salem.—W ith the arrival of warm, The most recent and »proved min­ has been taken by many senatois as You may not know Wnukau. but you know some place not unlike dry weather hundreds of forest patrol­ ing apparatus, designed after the pat the first pronouncement of a general probably Wnukau. s o you know Just how hard terns now in use in the Massachusetts men are being sent into the timber policy on the part of the administra­ It was to start something In Wnukau. districts to keep a lookout for forest institute of technology, will be install­ tion to extend American control ever The tlrst thing on the program was a fires. State Forester Elliott states ed in the Oregon agricultural college the countries surrounding the Panama box social. A box social Is a party to that over 600 men will patrol the for­ school of mines. Canal, and to assure the stability of which every girl takes a lunch in ¡' ests of the state during August. This A piece of currency Issued when the Central American republics and the box, mid the boxes are auctioned ofl will be the largest number ever used United States was young is in the pos domination by the United States of to the men. The box social netted $25 came, and Ice cream socials i session of G. H. Thomas of Portland. in this service. I their relations with other great pow­ got Summer popular. Meantime the sidewall The state forester is now appointing It is a three dollar bill issued nearly ers. had been started, and by autumn tin the federal patrolmen, whose salaries i century ago by the Hudson State M e x ic a n S i t u a t i o n A l a r m s O f f ic ia ls street between Bagley's ami the depot, tauk, at Hudson, N. Y. and expenses are paid by the govern­ 3 loo feet long, was paved So delicate is the Mexican situation a and stretch ment under the provisions of the A number of new courses in forestry there was $300 on hand, with a and mining, as well as a reorganiza- considered in official circles that the Weeks law. There will be 60 of them. deli, it of ?S3 to lie made up. By now One or more will be placed in every I tioti of the work offered In animal hus- White House issued the following nearly everybody In Wnukau was as county w est of the Cascades, and one 1 bandry, are announced in the new cat­ statement to clear up misrepresent» ,'ull of fried chicken, deviled eggs, in every county east of the Cascades alogue of the Oregon agricultural col­ tions. ¡•like and i e cream as the law allowed. "On his attention being called to tlu Hid the winter's program had to show which has sufficient timber to war­ lege. rant it. The state force consists of The mayor, board of aldermen and following statements appearing in cer linage, i .rs. Macdougall got a slight 27 men, a portion of whose salaries police at Medford made a raid on ev­ tain afternoon newspapers (1) that •arialion with a chicken pie social that and expenses is paid by the forest fire ery rooming house in that southern the president had stated that he would Drought in $32. Then she got the to make up among them association. The other 500 or 600 Oregon city, with the result that no not recognize tlie Huerta administra­ schoolteachers a purse of $25. Then site laid au old evidence of wrongdoing was diseover- tion and that it would not last a year; men will be the patrolmen hired by folks' dance that was so popular that I ed. ! (2) that the president had stated that even the associations. violent storm could not keep Annual reports from the county this country would establish a pro people a away. result. $47. B oa st Ge ts H i m B e h in d B ar s. school superintendents of five coun- tectorate over all Central American Then she got Net the ladies of the Worn Roseburg. — Charles Howard of : ties, just received by the state school countries to guard the Panama Canal, in's Christian Temperance union to Edenbower, who is under bonds for superintendent, show that in all of Secretary Tumulty stated that there have a sale of fancy articles and a alleged bootlegging was arrested on them there are more boys attending was absolutely no foundation in truth leu cent supper, and that meant $37 a charge of contempt of court. He the public schools than girls. mitfe. Then she had another old folks' for either of I ho above statements." boasted, it is said, that he could buy For the reason that he was a so Reports of conditions surrounding dance Life in Waukau had become intoxicating liquor at 14 places in cialist, Police Sergeant Andrew Sor­ the Huerta government in Mexico j just otic long gay whirl;,but. what with Roseburg, which is a dry town. When enson was reduced summarily to the have put administration officials it. an | the entertainments and private sub­ scriptions and donations of tilings for called before the grand jury he said ranks by Police Chief Clark at Port­ attitude of keenest apprehension to­ Mrs Mm dongaII to sell, $1.200 had it was true he could buy booze but he land, and was ordered to take an East ward the situation there. Advices contributed, and Waukau had a refused to name the places. He was Side territory until he becomes a pa­ which officials believe to be perfectly ; i been -¡tone bridge and a cement sidewalk fined $25 and ordered held in jail until trolman, July 20. trustworthy seem to indicate that the from tlie depot to the bridge. More­ Sealed proposals will be received strife between the Huerta regime and over, the bridge lias n gas pipe railing, he consented to tell. at the office of the life saving service, tlte revolutionary elements is nearing tml the total cost of bridge and railing E x ile d E d i t o r W i l l R e t u r n Washington, I). C., for construction of a point where some definite conclusion was $315. Salem.—Declaring that he was kid­ ten 36-fot self righting and self bail­ is to be reached. The people over in “Canada." the part naped and taken from Bandon, Dr. ing lifeboats with gasoline engines, N els o n and C la p p R e p ly to M u l h a l l ; of Waukau north of the bridge, came lo Mrs. Macdougall for help. They Bailey K. Leach, Socialist speaker and three of which are to be delivered at Two senators. Nelson and Clapp, of wanted a sidewalk too. They needed publisher, announced in an address Astoria. Minnesota, took the stand before the it more than the other half because tin here that he would return to that city A new machine for saving gold from committee their colleagues Investi­ lay of their land was lower. Mrs. Mac In several weeks. He said he would the black sands of the beach is being gating the of “lobby" denied the | dougall began all over again. Again resume the publication of his paper tried out in a cove near the entrance truth of statements and made by Martin she fed Wintkauans oil chicken pie uiid on ids return. ! of Coos Bay. It works on the centri­ M. Mulhall, all around field worker for l.-e cream. Again Waukau whirled in fugal wheel principle, and is some- the National Association of Manufac- die dunce. When she had got together $330 the Canada sidewalk was begun BLUE SKY LAW IS REACHING 1 tiling on the order of a cream separ- I turers. (I Isn't liuislied. and tlie money is not ator. In letters read into the record Mul­ S tatute A p p lie s to A ll C o m p a n ie s Harry Beard, formerly of Linn coun­ hall told of conversations with Senator In hand to pay for all of it. Mrs. Mac- W i t h S e c u r it ie s to Sell. Ion gall says t lint about $500 more Is ty, has been sentenced at Roseburg to Salem. —- Corporation Commissioner ten years in the Oregon penitentiary. Nelson—a member cf the lobby com­ needed She says getting money out of mittee—in relation to the rejection Waukau now is like getting blood out Watson has announced that all com­ Beard had been paroled by Governor panies with stocks or bonds to sell, West and went to Douglas county 1 early in 1909 of a bill amending the of ii turnip. even though they are not offered at where he was convicted of stealing a Sherman anti-trust act by a senate Of course the men voters ef Wnukau the present time, come within the pur­ horse while employed as a ranch hand. subcommittee, of which Mr. Nelson helped Mrs. .Macdougall materially in all ibis. One gave her $15, one gave view of the blue sky law. He said William L. Finley, state game ward­ was chairman. her $2. an Omni merchant gave her 15 that the only investment companies en of Oregon is one of 15 ornitnolo- in one letter Mulhall spoke of being cents, two of them gave her tlte gravel introduced to Senator Clapp by Mr. that are exempt are those that have gists and leaders in bird protection needed, a miisi Ian played at one of hei Nelson and of talking with both men Issued and sold all their securities. All who have been designated by the sec­ dances for nothing, a great many gave companies, he holds, that have stocks retary of agriculture to advise him in about a recent decision under the promises, and any number gave advice, Sherman act. or securities not contracted for prior the training regulations to make the not forgetting Tom Malady, now ol N a t i o n a l C a p i t a l B r e v iti e s to Jirne 3 must live up to the provis­ new federal protection of game effec­ Elk River. Ida., lull once of Waukau ions of the bill. Washington advices say that both lie sent ii check for $25. tive. If any other woman who has ever ’t he petition of the squatters in the foreign and American commercial in­ faced and sol vial a civic problem of K l a m a t h Opposes R ev is io n te r s ts are clamoring for recognition vicinity of Arrow, Lake county asking this constructive nature knows of any Klamath Falls.—The proposed fed­ that Portland business interests by the United States of the Huerta new ways of raising money that might eral legislation which would close the assist the government in Mexico. them in their effort to have the work In Jaded Waukau. Mrs. Macdou­ season for duck hunting December 15, in that section opened for home­ Président Wilson has selected Wil­ gall would like to get into immediate Instead of February 15, as provided land entry, has been taken up by the liam L. Chambers, of the District of coiiiniiinicqtioii with her. by the state law. would cut out much stead Portland club, and every Columbia, to be commissioner of medi­ of fhe best part of the hunting season effort will commercial Fo r S u n n y Spots. be made to hasten the relief ation and conciliation under the New- in this region. The Klamath Sports­ for which the settlers are asking. lands act. Among the many showy flowering i men’s association has taken the mat­ Tassie Stewart, a director of the An official message was sent from plants for very dry places none ex- i ter in hand and will press objections Miltcn Ditch company, was tried in Washington to Henry Lane Wilson, cds the common blue plumbago. It to the undesirable features. if we have another plant J- Justice court and fined $10 and costs American ambassador to Mexico city, is Hint doubtful will l il o s s o m s o freely under ex­ to come at once to Washington. for unlawfully opening the headgate S hip s 109 C a r s of S t r a w b e r r i e s hard conditions. Among her­ has signified its willingness tremely baceous plants the common lavender Hood River.—The strawberry ship- on his ditch to the detriment of the to Chile consider the details of Secretary I ing season has come to a close in the other water usprs in the community. Bryan's peace plan. It has become the e bl thrive under equally hard treat l ood River valley and the records of This is the first time a conviction has 22d nation to endorse the plan in prin­ meat and lack of treatment. We ao freely water polnsettins that one the Apple Growers’ association show been secured this year under the oper­ ciple world scarcely credit them with hedng that 109 car loads have left Hood Riv- ation of the new water law of Oregon Representative Underwood of Ala­ nearly the top of the list of drought »r this season, which is the largest and much interest was shown in the bama. democratic house leader, has resistant at plants. After the first year case. number of cars that have ever been expressed satisfaction with the prog­ III the garden it really matters little Expenditures in sight indicate that shipped fromthis point. whether thev are watered or not. In the state of Oregon will have a deficit ress that Is now being made with the growing and flowering season they are new tariff law, I • • -*:W of over $1,000,000 before any of the Aphis Attacks Young Orchards both hungry and thirsty and can safely The government has established Monmouth.— Polk county's ycung next year's taxes are paid In April, hanking by mail In connection with lie watered and fertilized very heavily, orchards of cherries and pears are according to a statement issued by the pestai savings bank system. De­ and with profit too. In strictly flower again being molested with green arhis. State Treasurer Kay at Salem. With posits may be made and withdrawals plants the common petunia will bloom The tiny pests appear on the ends of less than a half million dollars In the effected hereafter by mall, and an of­ profusely throughout our hottest and the smallest limbs and do damage to general fund, this entire fund will be ficia! announcement to that effect is driest months without food or water, such an extent that the leaves curl up. wiped out before August 10, aril the being sent to the postmasters through­ and seedling* seem to do as well when left alone ns when too much coddled.— t’herry trees especially are having a •tate will hare to begin paying ( per out the country. Loa Angeles Times. harl year for their foliage growth. cent interest. HOW ★ THE STAR THEATRE Motion Picture Exhibition The Best Pictures Obtainable Every Film A Winner Drama, Comedy, Laughter and Pathos How About th a t N ew House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and piaster; building and roofing papers. All finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house building and carry a full line of sash, doorfram es, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Forest Grove, Ore The is Approach of Spring the signal for greater effort in all lines of endeavor. Wann­ er and dryer weather means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co. , Phone 024X. So. Si., Forest Grove. A THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . H oard of D irectors : Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W. K. Newel! I, . J. cori John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock II. G. Goff H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis E. W. Haines U.1DE RTAKING Embalming and Funeral Directing FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. J. S. Buxton, Manager Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. If you are sick and need Medicine you should get the best. We dispense only the purest drugs and chemi cals. We do it right— At right prices. PACIFIC DRUG CO. FRANK MERE5S, M .n .* .