Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 24, 1913, Image 1

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    Oitgon Historical Society
Your suggestion, criticism
and cooperation is solicited
to help make the "P ress’ '
a true representative o f all
the people of Forest Grove
and o f Washington County.
F orest G rove P ress
Vol. 5
The best developer of a
community is a progre.-aive
and representative news­
Send the "Press”
to friends whom you wish
to welcome to this couutry.
No. I
Settler of Washington Coun­
Poultry Show to be Held in
by Runaway
ty Passes Aw ay at Local
Banks One Evening Last
W eek.
Connection W ith
Business Sections Completely
Destroyed by Night
The New Management of the Press
wishes to congratulate all the people of
this county upon their beautiful coun­
try, their valuable products, their excel­
lent institutions, their congenial citizens,
their unexcelled advantages, and a fu­
ture o f undoubted prosperity.
Last Saturday evening Milton Elias
Dilley, a pioneer o f Washington county
Commercial Club of Forest Grove it and founder of town o f Dilley, died in
| the Forest Grove sanitarium after an
Planning on Muck Active
extended illness. Mr. Dilley was one
I o f the best known citizens of the coun­
ty and his presence will be missed by a
The newly formed board o f directors large list o f life long friends.
for the 1913 county Fair to be held at
the Forest Grove race track, October
9, 10 and 11, are already organized for
business and are laying plans for one of
the best county fairs in* the history of
the county. Realizing that it takes
the farmer to make a fair, the board is
hard at work interesting the growers,
and an excellent display of Washington
county’ s products and live stock will be
¡ “ I came, I saw, I was con-
on exhibit.
quored.” Rightfully has Forest
The new board consits o f J. W.
! Grove been called “ the prettiest
Hughes, president: C. O. Roe, W. K.
town in Oregon,” and likewise
Newell and John McNamer, vice-presi­
Washington county could well lie
dents; E W. Haines, treasurer; J. A.
Thornburg, secretary; and A. T. Bux­
called the “ County o f Happy
ton, manager. Other members of the
Homes.” It will'take more than
board were W. T. Schultz, B. K. Den­
tariff changes to remove the
ney, of Beaverton, and L. L. Craw­
smiling countenance o f prosperi­
ford, o f Banks.
ty from the activities of this sec­
tion. New business buildings
are in the course o f construction;
Last Monday night a party o f Forest
Grove chicken fanciers, consisting of
! new residences are rapidly be­
Walter Rosewurm, J. E. Pogue, Geo. M. E. DILLEY, founder of Washing­ ing prepared
to become the
Littlehales and Leon T. Sills autoed to ton County town o f same name, and
homes for more people; banner
Hillsboro to attend a meeting o f the
crops are standing in the fields;
Washington county Poultry Associa­
Funeral services were held at the
family residence in this city, Sunday and fine cattle are grazing in
The association decided to accept the at 2 p. m. under the auspices o f the lawn-like pastures; the entire
offer of the County Fair board to hold Masonic lodge. Despite the extreme rolling valley appears from the
the annual poultry show at the same heat of the afternoon the attendance
hillside like one vast and well
time o f the County Fair meet. The was unusually large. Interment was
show is expected to present many more made in the Mountain View cemetery. kept garden; substantial educa­
features at this year’s exhibit.
Milton Elia-i Dilley was born in Han­ tional and religious institutions,
cock county, Indiana, May 15, 1337. give a tone of culture and pro­
Commercial Club Active.
Re was reared on,a farm in that state gress; these are the prominent
At a call meeting o f the directors o f and crossed the plains when 17 years of facts that greatly impress the
the Forest Grove Commercial club it age, working his way to Oregon by stranger upon a visit to this city.
was decided to make preparations for driving an ex team the greater portion
With business conditions sound,
of the way. Before coming west he
much increased activity next fall.
local, prospects excellent,
A resolution was passed indorsing
with the large immigra­
the proposed co-operation o f the city
council with the W. C. T. U. to seccre plains gives him the distinction o f hav­ tion headed toward the Pacific
a modern drinking fountain for the ing walked almost the entire distance Northwest, due to the opening
city that will furnish both man and between the Atlantic and the Pacific of the Panama canal, it is hard
beast with pure and invigorating For­ ocean.
In 1855 Mr. Dilley went to Califor­ to foretell the great develop­
est Grove water.
A commitee was also appointed to nia, where he acumulated considerable ment that will take place in the
confer with the officials of the Oregon fortune in gold mining which he later next few years.
Electric in regard to the extension o f \ lost in loans. He first loacated in Linn
Forest Grove is a city of
their roads out of this city. The as­ county, Oregon, but July 18, 1857, homes, churches
and schools,
sistance of the club was promised to came to Washington county and has re­
and more
such construction.
He was married to Martha Pool, who congenial locality would be hard
was born in Ohio in 1846. Their mar­ to find; at least so thought the
Old Soldi« ri to Meet.
riage occurred the last day o f August,
writee when he decided to make
The Oregon Veterans Association 1862. Ten children were born, five of
will assemble at Peninsula Park, July whom, Thomas A , Allen S., James L. this city his future home. For­
26th, 1913. A good program, a good Dilley, Lillian May Streams and John est Grove is a business center,
dinner, a good big reunion is promised Nelson Dilley, with the widow, survive. for a very prosperous and great
all who come. You are invited.
The town o f Dilley, in this county, producing community, and as
W . J. R. B each .
was founded by and named in honor of
such, its future appeared to me
Mr. Dilley. He owned several tracts
safely warrant my full confi­
Mrs. HI! Deed.
of land in this vicinity.
which I have shown by
Mr. Dilley was a Free Mason and a
Gaston: Word was received here
in the plant of the
this morning o f the death o f Mrs.
Elmira Hill at St. Johns. Mrs. Hill
will be taken to Gaston today where Masons, which organization he has
The future policy o f the Press
the funeral services will probably take served in the capacity o f gate keeper will be to aid in developing the
for a continuous period o f 37 years.
place tomorrow.
resonrees of this city and county.
Mrs. Hill was one o f the best known He was also a member o f the United
It will strive to he a friend to
pioneers o f this county. She leaves a
Poultry Show Also.
Tuesday afternoon at two o ’clock the
funeral of Joe Beal, who died last Sun­
day night from injuries received in a
runaway at Banks the previous Friday,
Plani to Upbuild Town Already Underway
was conducted from the undertaking
B««e, and Better Building» to be
parlors. Interment was made in the
Mountain View cemetery. A large
number o f friends and relatives were in
attendance at the services.
Resulting from an explosion of a gas­
Friday afternoon Mr. Joe. Beal with
a man from Goble, Oregon, were going oline stove in a restaurant almost the
out to sell a team, when one line was entire business section o f Sheridan was
The fire
dropped and the team became unman­ burned last Friday evening.
ageable. The man from Goble jumped extended over three blocks, destroying
out intending to get the other line, property to the value of a quarter mil­
caught his foot in a wheel and was lion dollars, of which about one-third
whirled around a few times, sustaining was insured.
The business firms burned out were:
only a few scratches, however. Mr.
all the people of the county. In Beal remained in the buggy and was Dinsmore’s jewelry shop, Grand mov­
its political policy it will be per­ thrown out and run over, both legs be­ ing picture theater, Hadsell’s millinery
fectly independent, advocating ing broken and his skull fractured. He shop, O. K. and Mendenhall’s barber
only those measures that to its was taken to the home of his sister, shops, Prighant’ s confectionery store,
Mrs. Frank Baer, in Forest Grove, Haas’ drug store, Demorest general
belief will be of a benefit to this
where all that human aid could do was merchandise store, State Bank, First
section. Its columns at all times done in hopes of saving his life, but af­ National Bank, Sackett& Doughty gen­
will be open to both sides o f any ter two days o f semiconscious suffering eral merchandise store, Wilson hard­
ware store, U. S. postotfiee, King-Smith
question, and signed contribu­ death came Sunday night at 11:15.
general merchandise store, Popular har-
tions upon any subject will glad­
native of Washington county, where he l>er shop, Newell’s jewelry store, Sheri­
ly be redeived.
has spent most of his life. When about dan hotel, Sunderland’s prune-drier,
It will be our endeavor to four years of age he was stricken with Commercial hotel, Estate snop, Odd­
make the Press a true repre­ a spinal trouble which left him a crip­ fellow’s Temple, Henderson’s livery
sentative o f this community and ple for the rest of his life. He was a barn, Yocom’s confectionery, Ivie &
your assistance is urgently solic­ patient sufferer, a great favorite with Payne's hardware store, Leonard’s har­
his many friends and always had a ness shop, Shaw's furniture store, Mor­
ited to aid us to accomplish that
cheery word for every one. He was ris clothing store, Bigler & Rice restau­
usually to be found at the U. S. Livery rant, Yamhill drug store, Mark's real
Our business relations, you will Stables, where he made it his business estate office, SheridHn hardware, O. K.
restaurant, Bussey meat market. The
find, will be open and above­ to trade horses.
board. We believe in the busi­ Since his mother’s death a few years Sheridan Sun newspaper plant, Bron­
ago, Mr. Beal has made his home with son’s tailor shop, Bockes’ millinery
ness axiom of the same treat­
his sister in Forest Grove who is at | and offices belonging to Drs. W. J.
ment to one and all.
present in a serious condition, being a Gilstrap and Smith, Attorneys Sims
and Simpson & Lewis; also a number
It is our belief that a good victim of tuberculosis.
j of residences.
printed, well edited, progressive
Narrowly Eecapee Accident.
Mr. King of King & Caples, o f this
newspaper is one o f the best
One aftennoon a few days ago an in­ ; city, suffered a heavy loss, as he is also
developing assets o f any com­
cident occurred which, but for the the senior partner o f the firm of King-
munity. That is what we desire thoughtfulness of a bystander might Smith, of that city.
to make o f the Press. We will ! have resulted fatally. A party of
On the day after the disaster aid was
do our best to do so; but we fully the Miises Swanson in company with rushed in from all sides and a threat­
understand that such a task is I them had been out getting crawfish, ened food famine preventen.
Plans are already in motion to rebuild
which when they hoarded the Oregon
impossible without your coopera­
i Electric for Portland got out o f their the town and the loyal citizens fortell a
tion. We realize that we are j case and began crawling around in the new city larger than the old in less than
new in you city and that it will car. In an effort to help their friends a year.
take some time for us to organ­ recapture the creatures, the girls stay­
ize ourselve to our highest point ed on until the train had started, when
Small Child Fall* in W ell
o f efficiency. However, with in a rush to get off, one o f the young
Shortly before ten o’clock Saturday
ladies stumbled and the other fell on
just a little patience on your top of her. Had the one falling last, morning quite an exciting experience
part, we promise to give you the raised up as she tried to do, but was occurred at the home o f Professor West
very best news service that is in held down by some one standing by, in South Park when his little son, Rob­
our power. It seems to us that she might have been caught by the ert, aged five years, fell into the well.
The well is about eighteen feet deep
it is a better policy to start mod­ rear car and drawn under the wheels.
and contained enough water to reach
estly and gradually build up to a
Card of Thanks.
up to the child’s arms while standing in
truly efficient degree than to be­
We desire to express our sincere ap­ it. Fortunately, he fell feet first, and
gin with a boom and end in a preciation of the kindness o f the after a splash into the mud in the bot­
friends who so kindly offered their tom o f the well, was able to gain his
Remember that we are here to services and sympathy during the ill­
A young man, Mr. Hewitt, who was
ness and death of our beloved husband
serve your interests. Write us and father, also the beautiful floral there at the time, got a ladder and de­
on any subject that we may ov­ pieces presented by the Free Masons, scended into the well, recovering the
erlook. Call and see us about Royal Arch Masons, the Grange and much frightened though little hurt boy.
The child expressed great gratitude
any matter you desire, or just the neighbors.
for his rescue, saying he loved the one
call for a friendly visit. As the
who helped him out.
Thomas A. Dilley
days go by we will become bet­
The injuries consist o f a bruised
James L. Di ley
ter acquainted with one another,
shoulder and a slight nervous shock
Kallen S. Dilley
from which he recovered during the
and I hope to our mutual benefit
Lillian May Streams
John Nelson Dilley
and pleasure.
large number of children and a host of
Washington County People Winner«
in Evening Telegram Content
Ju«t Closed
Bertha Wilcox, Found Dead in Denver
Former Student of Forest
Bertha M. Wilcox, aged 22 years,
who was found dead Sunday in a
swamp adjoining the city o f Denver,
Colorado, was well known at Cornelius
and Forest Grove, where the Wilcox
family reside! a number o f years.
There were two bullet boles in her
temple, and in her right hand was
clutched a revolver containing no
empty cartridges.
It was at first thought to be suicide,
but the lack of any shells exploded
that theory.
The Wilcox family are former resi­
dents o f Forest Grove, having lived at
the present home o f E. E. Williams.
Two o f the girls attended Pacific i
University in 1907.
Alice cn*t>ell. aged eighteen, wits found murdered In a lake near Wllkeabarre, Pa., and her lover, Herbert Johns, was the first aua-
petted. Bulgarians met with severe reverses lu the war with the Servians and Greeks. PA»sldent Wilson spent the week at
the summer White House, near Cornish, N. H. The first woman Jury to try a felony case In California found the woman de­
fendant Innocent W. S. Kuhn resigned all bla hanking connections after the First-Second National bank of Pittsburgh was
closed. Edward Leach of New York was elected grand exalted ruler of the B. P. O. Elks. The engagement of Mis* Katherine Force, sister of Mrs. John
Jacob Astor, to Henri Uarnickell of New York was announced. Governor Asbert of the province of Havana was held for the murder of General Rlva, chief
of police of Cuba. Representative Klnta J. Garrett of Tennessee waa made chairman o f the bouae committee to Investigate the lobby and tried In vain to sub­
poena Martin M, Mulhall, former lobbyist far the National AaanciaU-.B c i M«»»ifacturers. before the senate committee beard hit*
llC W a
o n & p s iiu is
Qf the Week
• 4 W • it
U f c e t i MH A -« »
Mrs. Winifred Gunton, o f Hillsboro,
haa received an excellent bedroom set
as the sixth prize in the Book Lovers’
; contest that haa just been conducted
by the evening Telegram, o f Portland.
Mrs. Gunton used to be in the photog­
raphy business, of Forest Grove and ia
well known here.
Three Forest Grove people received
rewards for their guesses, Miss Wini­
fred Mangold, Mias F. Moore, and
Mias Clara V. Kauffman. Other win­
ners living in this county were Mrs. H.
G. Funk and Rockwell Barrett, both o f
Sheridan, who received the ninth and
tenth prizes respectively, Mias Nerva
Hoover, o f Banka, Frank R. Wallace,
of Hillsboro, Evelyn C. Jones, o f Crab­
tree, Mrs. F. L. Beach and Eula Boa-
l well, o f Hillsboro.