FOREST GROVE PRESS, FORES 1 GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1013 i ABE A im in g T © w i '«sc r=d> Mrs. John Thornburg and Mrs. H. D. Hoar left Wednesday PAYS SIX TO ONE. morning for Seattle for a short A nmn who could Invent a sightseeing trip. quarter nnd get buck n dollnr would lliluk lie hud Allen Dale from Portland, has Htrin I u k UMlf ii good thing. That ts joined the Langley camping par­ uliout w hat a farm er enu do In ty at Roderick Falls. the handling of manure. Tw en­ live vent«’ Worth of avid phos­ Melvin McClain purchased a ty phates to the stable ma­ fine new auto of Mr. Wirta last nure will added return ISO cents’ worth of crops. The Ohio experiment week. tatl oi has proved It. many .Mr. and Mrs. Ned Heath were i farm ers have found It to be so. entertained at dinner Sunday by and yet most of us fall to Invest the quarter or make the worse Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Misz. of failing to cure for the Henry Munchie, of Portland, m mistake anure at all.—National Stock­ man and Farm er is visiting with Charles Miller. Î'Î’I î Î . i * t î i î ; i v Mrs. Ragsdale, a recent arrival from Idaho, is very ill at the FOUR SPUD CROPS A YEAR. sanitarium. Methods May Be Good For Mr, Wigman is expecting his Spaniard's Others to Imitate. son from Penn, lie will he em­ From Spain comes the report of a ployed in a drug store in Port­ Spaniard who grew four crops of po land. tatocs on the sam e land In twelve BLACKBERRY A Good Old Remedy We want ju*l three minute» of your time when you are again i iiii troubled with Cholera, Diarrhoea Hollinger visited An nd in tlut Press brings results or any bowel complaint. Wanted a couple of young home folks Saturday and Sun­ Among the Thatcher visitors calves, either sex. Phone 0185, Nyal's Blackberry Carminative day. Edw. L. Navlor. 27tf to the city Tuesday was Mrs. It the quickest and surest relief The largest assortment of Roberts. for bowel disorders we know of The New Store is an excellent tnen’s straw hats ever showed in Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Emerson, place to trade, everything clean, Allays irritation cleanses the Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples the popular 15 Cent store pro­ bowels before they are checked neat and tidy. Store Hillsboro. 35tf prietor, accompanied by Mr. Em­ and acts as an antiseptic. It is Mrs. James Baldwin, who has erson’s mother Mrs. Emerson W a n t e d - Young j>ig 3 , phone moderate in action—being only 1047, Marv R. Sorher, 361 f slightly astringent it does not go been taking care of a sick lady and sister Gladys Emerson, and to extremes—it acts just right in in Portland, returned home last Mrs. Emerson’s mother, left for every way To E xchange - Old spuds for Friday. Newport Tuesday by auto for a You can give it to the little one-half amount returned this A very c'assy box of stationery pleasant outing and vacation. ones with perfect safety—it is all fall. E. L, Naylor, City. 36tf good and good for you all and can be had for 35c at VanKough- VanKoughnet and Iteder, the >t should be in your home. net & Reder’s drug store. 37tf druggists, have just received F or S ale Young 5-year old Two sizes 25 and 50 cents horse, weighs about 1200 lbs., Mr. and Mrs. Heg Fearin re­ some very fine box stationery. kind, gentle and true. Price $150 turned home the first of the 37tf Any doctor will tell you that mouths. The potatoes were grown un­ J. II. Humphreys, Gaston, R 2. week from an extended trip to II. W. Sackrider was a caller R ecent R eal E state T ran sactio n s der when we compound a prescription ordinary conditions, and the 37t3 Seattle, Portland and other coast the metropolis Monday. was fertilized with horse ma­ it’s done right. Bring us your (Furnished by Good Investment Co.) ground nure. points and report a most enjoya­ to Mrs. F or R ent Furnished house. E. B. Winters, of Cor­ Henry Butts to Joseph H. Pea- First crop. Scotch seed potatoes, Inquire at E. H. Coleman’s. Cor. prescription«. ble time. liu s, was seen upon our streets. body, 70 acres in Scoggins Val- planted Aug. 22 anil dug Nov. G, 1011. 3rd Ave. and Gth street. fair size. Grin and good quality: sec­ Casper Jasper and son, of Ver- n e Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleck and ley, price $3000. Mr. Peabody ond crop, Scotch seed potatoes, planted boort, were Grove visitors Satur­ Mrs. Florence See the big reductions in THE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST Nov. !». PJU. and dug Feb. 11», 1912,’ Watkins left for is from Washington slat >. day. very good quality; third Men’s and Women’s Oxfords at Monday for an extend­ Ed. Boos to C. G. Seth, 50 crop. fi,lr "'«f Phone 901 tfi seed potatoes, planted the A. G. Hoffman & Co. store. Walter Roswurm was a Satur­ Tillamook acres, 3 miles north of Forest Feb. 21 Scotch ed outing. and dug May 19, 1912. large day visitor to the metropolis. size and much better than those of Grove, price $5750. Mr. Seth preceding Among those who shopped crops: fourth crop, Spanish Mrs. Phoebe Ward was a Rose here Monday was Mrs. Chris has been living near Gales City seed potatoes, planted May 22 and dug City visitor, the week end. for some time. Aug. 1!», 1912. poor yield and potatoes Jensen, of Thatcher. Sam Iiidgley to Wm, F. Miller, sm'all. Mrs. Gardner and her daught­ Sain transacted business 5 acre grow er attributes the poor quail tract just outside of city ty The er, from Seattle, are visiting in Tom town Saturday. of the crop to inferior seed, lack Mrs. Nettie Austin on C. street. Mrs. Jack Roberts and daught­ limits, price $1900. Mr. Miller of w ater last for irrigation and to several j to plan tor that College Course. Imt winds th at prevailed in July: j The Peoples Store is receving er, of Thatcher, were among the is from Nebraska and has a wife very but. as in other years, the crop of this ; and two children. Tnere is considerable discussion about Education but new up to date goods daily. shoppers same period has been a good one. tile j here Tuesday. Dont forget to see the many Bernard seen low yield of 1912 does not detract from , there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right Osterman, of Thatch­ MYSTERY OF THE PLAGUE. the feasibility of the plan.—Rural New bargains at the Peoples Store er, came into is in the long run the practical thing in Education. Hillsboro. 35tf visit Monday. town for a short How and Why Did It Disappear From Yorker. England In 1667/ Mrs. Jas. Ritchie and daught­ J. N. Hoffman made a hurried Wh.v iliU the blague disappear from FOES OF THE ROSEBUD. A school well equipped to do first class general college er, Luciie, of Portland, visited business ¡•a ■ laud? Mr. Rornnrd Shaw tnel- Get After the Fly and the Slug if You trip to Portland Mon­ over Sunday with the former’s day. work is dc;. .illy asks tills deeply Interesting W ant to Save Your Flowers. qi - ion in a letter to the Nation, and To destroy the green fly. colopies of parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. we cannot say that we are satisfied whi di congregate on the young growth | New shipment of ladies and with Ogden. his answ er. He says lie "knows" of the rosebushes and suck the Juices j silk hosiciT, just received that plague has been "extirpated" by of the plant, and other insect pests, we , Leonard Cameron, of Salem, at gents Forest Grove, Ore. ’‘ci-iiiiiioli sanitation." spray the hushes w ith tobacco dust was an over Sunday visitor in The Peoples Store Hillsboro. t'ntil the recent sporadic imported 35tf eases, the last recorded eases of plague after wetting them so the dtist will the city. This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such We have also found fresh Mrs. Eva Blank’s daughter, occurred at Nottingham in adhere. Bert Randsey came down from Grace, of Portland, visited with In HW7. Kuglnnd hellebore dusted on ttie bushes general col ege lines September 17th, 1913. Terms reasonable. in Unit year plague vanished u t­ white very good remedy. A sifter can lie Portland and spent a pleasant her last week. terly from Knglund for two and a half a made by punching the cover of a bak Record and equipment good. Come and help us help you. Sunday with his parents. centuries. No one who has examined lug powder < an full of small boles and Fred Fowler is very ill at the the records of the seventeenth century using the can In the sam e m anner as Miss Marcella Richards is as­ cull believe that it w as "extirpated” by a salt or pepper shaker Come in ar.d talk the ma’.ter over or address for Catalogue sisting Mrs. A. G. Hoffman with local hospital. sanitation Very gradually in the suc­ The rose slug', a light green worm W. Lee, of Patton valley, was ceeding century and a half plague her work for the present. that e a t s the leaves, may lie control and further information withdrew from Europe also. led by applying whale oil soap, one Chas. A. Boyce, of the Mason in town Saturday. The date of its disappearance from pound dissolved in four gallons Ehrman Co., was transacting Mr. King, of Portland, was in ('oiistantlnople lias been fixed at about of half w ater PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. rose bug. a hard shell tlic year 1811. It remained endemic beetle that The eats the leaves and bios business in the city, Monday. the city Tuesday. in a few lonely places in the and greatly dam ages the roses Rev. Gould went to Eugene on only world, such as the highlands of w est­ is sums Board and room at the Walker Monday b e s t controlled by hand picking o’ the funeral ern Arnbhi. Yunnan in China and M es­ knocking off on a sheet in the early place, 3d Ave., North, between sermon of to Rev. preach opotamia. Sanitation, though an ex- morning lb sebitshes can he k e p W. W. A and B Street Phone Main 307. a pioneer minister of Skipworth, palliative, certainly never drove free of insects, however. In the M. E. tel'enf the plague from Stnmboul and Cairo quite 34tf church. liberally and frequently sprinkliu and the southern M editerranean, any with tobacco dust. —Rural l ife. than it did from England. J. H. Humphreys, of Gaston, Ruth Austin joined the Camp more shrinkage of plague is ns great favored the Press office with a Fire girls at Glen wood Tuesday. a m I lie ystery Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet as the recent outburst which infected the whole world. Perhaps the call while in town Wednesday. Richard Springs was visiting- explanation IV!etal Work and Re­ LEGAL NOTICES is that In a few years bac- A. G. Hoffman was a business friends in the city Friday. tei a may go through the myriad trans­ pair Shop. visitor to Portland Tuesday. processes of evolution which No!ice to (he Public. The talk of the city. Almost in forming the case of humanity take eons to Notice is hereby Riven th at the lens’ Bridjrv Will Hardtrampf was a visitor three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ complete.—Pall Mall Gazette. across L'aii.v Creek, W est of Hillsboro, will be closed to traffic a fte r Tuesday, July 15th, 1913. and Gents’ Shoes just received at to Portland Wednesday. from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. of each day until th e re North First Avenue, between Main and pairs on the - lp e at*- completed. WOMEN WARRIORS. “A” Streets; phone 863. The Boy Scouts returned home The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35lf Ry erdt i oi the County C ourt of VVashingtoi 53138. Sunday from a three day camping Miss Jennie Bailey, who has 'A m azons of Old Appear to Have Seen County, Oregon.I'. B. RI-'AFONKR, County Judge. of High Degree. trip to Timber. been visiting Miss Carol Phillips For a Dames Call For Jan ito r Bids. long time it was held that the drove, Ore., 7-17-1." Mrs. Seymour visited the Gill’s the past few weeks, went to Gas­ story of the Amazons, valiant race The School Board will I oic.-1 receive eealed bids fo ton Sunday to spend a few days. of women warriors, so the Janitorship of the Li: coin. C entral anil N»’v. yrout a favorite School camp at Glemvood Tuesday, and need Medicine you B l‘iUiinirs. N un of room* to be in use with the Greeks and other peoples of each anti rules governing duties on file at All kinds of survey- off’ e. should set the best. Charles Brantford and family, Earl House is suffering with a un.iquily, was a mere poetic myth, but C in lerk’s B:ds w ill l»e received until 12 o’clock noon. .Tul> , ing and maping. within recent years archaeological re very sore foot at present. 2t th, 191M. M. PeU rson, C hairm an Board of Di­ of Hillside, motored into tovvt We dispense only the rectors, I)ist. N um ber 15, W ashington County, searches have indicated that there' Ore. Subdivisions a spec­ Friday in their new machine. Miss Florence Phillips, of Mon­ were Indeed women lighters of 37t2 purest drugs and chemi H. C. PA R K ER , Clerk. ialty. in those remote days visited her mother, Mrs. rank Blain Hoskins was a Portland mouth, cals. We do it right— A couple of years ago there was tin Call for Bids, School F urn iture. L. S. Phillips on Sunday. H. B GLAFSYER, visitor Tuesday. earthed a sepulcher in that part of Italy Forest Grove, O re., July 17th. 1913. At right prices. The School Boat-1 will receive sealed bids for Hoffman & Allen Bld’g as E truria in whU h was discov­ M’hool furn iture, list of w hich is on tile at Clerks Miss Pierce, of Gales Creek, Miss Margaret Marsh, Mar­ known ered a war chariot of bronze and Iron, office. Bids v. ill he received until 12 o’clock noon, Phone 806 P A C IF IC DRUG CO. garet Jones and Egbert Bishop wherein was (rollclied the skeleton of July M 28th, 1913. visited with 1 er father, F. Pierce, attended Forest Grove, Ore. PETKKSON, C hairm an Board of D irectors, the Christian Endeavor a woman. About tins skeleton were Dist. 37t2 N um ber 15, WashingU n County, Ore. FRANK MERESS, Manage. of this city Tuesday. H. C. PAHKEK. Clerk. remains of rich robes and orna­ at Watts Sunday even­ the ments of gold and Ivory, such as in the i»;----------------------------------------- E. A. Hyde, of Portland, was services ing. traditions the Amazons wore In seen on our streets one day Iasi Mrs. Eva Blank’s daughter, old battle. The bronze work and the terra week. cotta vast's tlxed Hie date of the tomb Grace, of Portland, visited with ns about Son It. (', Men’s work shirts all colors her last week. The llrst stories of the Amazons a s­ and prices at The Peoples Store signed them to the northeastern part Fred Fowler is very ill at the of Asia Minor, but Etruria was peo­ Hillsboro. 35tf Forest pled front Asia Minor and had attained Grove hospital. a high degree of skill in certain of the R. E. Bateman was seen on A letter was received by Mrs. arts long before Rome was font: led our streets Monday. evidence as tins tend» nf'erds is. O. M. Taylor her daughter, Such In the opinion of more than one an John Allen was another busi­ Anna at Los from announces thorlty. more convincing than the pic­ ness visitor to our city, Monday. that she had a Angles, fine trip and is en­ tures of Amazons on the old vases oi legends as that of Queen Peru- Attorney Munch Langley trav­ joying the C. E. convention in such thesllea. who was said to have led eled to Hillsboro Tuesday. session there. 5,IXX> women lighters to the aid of Priam during the Trojan war War Mr. and Mrs. Tout'n and Mr. Miss Bell Taylor, has returned per’» Weekly. JUNE 2 9 ------------- and Mrs. H. Porter and families from her trip to Gearhart. autoed up Scoggins valley Sun­ Egbert Bishop and Harold Chryaanthemumt. have lately porno in regard day on a blackberrying expedi­ Benjamin have gone on a fishing liur Inquiries chrysanthem um cuttinir*. division tion. f t old plants, etc. itthius shouh! not trip to Astoria. be put In later than June. That 1« Did you notice the big reduc- Miss Heloise Phillips, of Mon­ also to divide old clumps, t’ons in Men’s and Women’s Ox- mouth, visited her mother. Mrs. being the sure host to time cut off nil the tops they EACH AFTERNOON now have. At first the plants only fo ds by A. G. Hoffman and Co. L. S. Phillips. Sunday. need be watered em ngh to keep them I eon Sills was among the Port­ Misses Margaret Marsh and from standing still, with no fertilizing at nil. When they are growing vigor­ land passengers, Monday. Margaret Jones and Egbert Bisfi- ously, n couple of months later, la'gln to m anure an I w ater them more heav­ I awyer Dyke wax a business op, attended C. E. at Watts Sun- ily. Increasing tH.tb until the flr-t buds A T 3 :0 0 O ’C L O C K ----------- visitor to Pottlan I Wednesday. day evening. show color. aft»r which they need an abundance of water, hot no more fer­ R. Spring went to Astoria Sat- R. Spring went to Astoria Sat- tilizer Yon must pay strict attention spend the urday where he w.ll spend the urday where he w to disbudding If you wish go at results summer. summer. Los Angeiea Times. Mis9 Maude Liltler’s Pharmacy Begin Now! Pacific University WM. WEITZEL If you are sick SURVEYOR RACES ! AT Grove t raining Park Forest E very S unday A ftern o o n --------- STARTING .SN A P P Y EVENTS Oregon Electric Cars Stop at Track ------- RACES BEGIN Admission 50 cents Grandstand Free