FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, TH U R SD AY. JU LY 17, 1913. R E A L E STA TE TR A N S FE R S ★ TH E S T A R T H E A T R E Motion Picture Exhibition The Best Pictures Obtainable Every Film A W inner Drama, Comedy, Laughter and Pathos How About that New House The Forest Grove Planing Mill Inc., General Contractors, deal in lumber, shingles, lath cement, lime, sand and p aster; building and roofing papers. A ll finish lumber kiln dried. W e make a specialty of house buildir.g and carry a full line of sash, door frames, mouldings, glass, paint and every­ thing required in the building line. Call and let us figure with you. Forest Grove Flaning Mill Inc. General Contractors and Builders Council St. Foreit Grove, Ore Transfers for week ehdibg July 7,, 1913. • .V .V .V .W .V .W .V .V V .W A ’» Hillsboro Garden Tracts to Regine R. 0. Stevenson’s brother, J. Mesuse lot 31, blk 4, Garden Tracts G. Stevenson, from Eugene, was Add to Hillsboro $200. Georg j J.Hauschcn and w f to Benja­ out last week and spent a few min A Shaver lot 8, blk 19, Pattlson days with his brother and family. and Mo an’s First Add to Hillsboro. Victor Bailey and family have moved to Cherry Grove, where they expect to remain until the spring at least. Ivan is living with Mr. Holscher for the sum­ mer. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy drove to Forest Grove Monday to do some shopping. I’earl Stevcnson now visits town twice a week for her music lessons, Mrs. Showers being her teacher. Mildred Campbell returned to her home in Colville, Wash., a f­ ter a two months visit with her uncle', D. A. Kennedy, and fam­ ily. We understand that Frank Welch has been elected principal o f the Watts school for the com­ ing term. We have not been able to learn who the primary teacher will be. Mrs. Holscher was a caller at the Elk Horn farm Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Olson, relatives o f F. Bleid, who form ­ erly lived in this vicinity, motored out from Portland Sunday to Mr. Reuters’ , They, with the Misses Reuter, also called at R. 0. Stev­ enson’s. Mr. Olson returned to Portland Monday, but Mrs. Ol­ son stayed to spend the week visiting old friends and scenes. C. B. Campbell, w ife and niece Miss Christina, from Portland, visited at Elk Horn farm a few days ago. Geo. Barrett will soon be seen out in bis bright new auto. HOME B A K IN G C O . Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. We sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents Free delivery to all parts of the city Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Mr. Holscher, family a n d Grandma McCoy spent the 4th at Banks at the home o f a broth­ er o f Mrs. Holscher. Mrs. N. A. Frost attended Cha- tauqua Saturday and Sunday at Gladstone Park, motoring into Portland Sunday lo visit the family o f Mr. Russell until Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. I ongworth have rented the house to the south o f Mr. Frosts’ for the summer. The Approacli of Spring is the signal for greater effort in all lines o f endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weather means greater activily in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That N ew House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co., Fhom 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove. The Christian Endeavor society has discontinued meetings until next October when they will be­ gin again on the first Sunday o f that month. Emma Busch spent Sunday at Dilley. FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capita! 3s?d Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B o a r d of D ir e c t o r s : T. W. Sain W. K. Newell Geo. Mizner John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock L. J. Cori H. T. Buxton Chri3 Peterson H. G. Goff E. W. Haines W. H. Hollis 1100 . TO MAKE EXPERIMENTS. SCOGGINS VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wahl and son, Howard, from Groveland, were visiting their parents the Wahls last Sunday. The ditch work for the Hills­ boro water will commence at once. Several men are putting up a camp. ‘Befnger 30 acres In James H Reid GLC sec lfr, 1 S 1 $10. Christ Oefinger to Anna Kaufmann and hus 30 acres in James H Reid DLC sec 19. 1 S 1 $10. Harrle A Davies and w f to W H Hollis and L M Graham 1 3-20 acres •n sec 31, 2 N .3 $10. Georgia A. Hughes to W E Miller I acre on Base Line road and 7th St Forest Grove $500. Peter Amacher to John Amactaer 20 acres in sec 25, 1 N 3 $1800. Joseph N Miller and w f to William L Mast and w f 30.34 acres In Noah Jobe DLC No 50, 1 8 3 $10. Samuel C Jaggar and w f to Louise Wells SW>4 o f S E * o f the SW 1-4 ?ec 34, 2 S 1 $10. A t It Often Happens. Mrs Jipes - How do you like your new girl? Mrs. Gumleigh—I don't seem to suit her at all —Chicago Trib­ une. Humility kneels gazes at tile skies. In tbe dust, but The worst education wblcli teaches self denial Is better than the beat which teaches everything else and not that. Labor and Genius. The common Idea Is the more labor the less genius—In other words, the grester the lals>r the worse the art The truth Is exactly the opposite. Aspiration set* hut one side o f every question, possession m any.- Lowell. R<«om In the Winter Palaeo Where Emperor Nicholas I. Died. The Winter |aitace o f tbe esar sur­ passes auy other palace in Europe. It I Is on tbe banks o f the Neva and owea Its existence to tbe Empress Catherine II.. that most extraordinary woman, extraordinary lu ability and In vice, the surprise o f all her contemporaries and the wonder o f all who have stud­ ied her character. Tbe building la four stories high, of n light brown color and highly ornamental In architecture. It Is a wilderness o f halls, stairways and apartmeuts. The Nicholas ball and the St. George's hall will never be forgot- teu by those who have seen them. One of the most Interesting rooms Is that where Nicholas I. died. It Is In the upper story of the northeast corner of the building and Is approached by four doors nud finally by a narrow passage. It Is a small room, only about eighteen feet long and twelve feet wide, with two small windows, nnd Is the place where tbe emperor spent most o f his time when not offi­ cially employed. It Is the room in which he died, some say by |x>lson ad­ ministered by himself in a lit o f melan­ choly Induced by tbe outcome o f the Crimean war. The room remains Just as he left It. Near the center la n plain Iron bed- atead. Some chairs and a few cheap pictures adorn tbe room, and a dilapi­ dated. down at the heel pair of slippers complete the furnishings o f the attic room in the palace. EQUAL TO OCCASIONS. A Man of Quiok W it and Prompt Action Waa Lord Whitworth. I.ord Whitworth, who held various posts o f honor In English diplomatic circles, was a kindly, gracious gentle­ man us well as a wit and a man o f the world. He had Indeed almost meas­ ured «words with Napoleon at the Tuilerles when that despot railed at England for not having evacuated Egypt nnd Malta, accused her o f hav- lng violated treaties and ended by flourishing a cane dangerously near the face o f the English ambassador. I.ord Whitworth put his haud on tbe hilt o f his sword. "W h at would you have done If tbe etn|>eror had struck you?" be waa a ft­ erward asked. “ I would have felled him to the ground,” was tbe quiet answer. Perhnps the best story told o f him Is one showing how his quick wit dis­ posed o f a rival. When he was at the Russian court, Fox sent there as a sort o f umbossador o f his own a man named Adair, the son of a surgeon.. One day the empress, speaking la French, said to Lord Whitworth: “ Is be a very Important man, this it. Adnlr?" "N o t so very, madame.” replied Lord Whitworth, "although bis father wss s grand snlgncur," a remark which read­ ers o f French will recognize as a very good pun. for the word used by Lord W hitford means “ blood letter,” while by Its sound It also meant a greet lord. —London Standard. "Discovery.” According to some wonder mongers, whenever you tell a atory asserting the existence o f something new and aston­ ishing you “ discover” it. But that la not the sense In which tbe word la naed by sclentlflc Investigators. Wben Pro­ fessor and Mme. Curie “ discovered” tbe wonderful element “ radium” they plac­ ed It. so to speak, "on tbe table,” and Ferocious China«* Intact Now Baing every one baa been able to examine It Propagated to Fight Peat. and to prove that the statements made Philadelphia Is to get rid o f Its mos­ about It are true. When Dr. Larerau quitoes by using the praying mantis, of Purls ''discovered” that malarial fe­ u ferocious looking Chinese hug of ver la due to a parasite In the blood he four Inches In length, wbieb Kutomol showed the pnraslte nnd showed how ogtst llornig Is cultivating In tbe one can always And It. and thus he en­ southern section of that city. abled any one und every one to see It Recently he started 200 nests of the and to exnmlne Its relation to malarial mantes, nnd each nest has produced fever. Those ore instances o f “ discov­ 300 of these bluck beetles, which the ery." Mere guesses and assertions mandarins use like lighting eocka, and without proof are not “ discovery.” — those which have been placed lu trees London Telegraph. In mosquito Infected sections have devastated that region o f all the mos Pretty Useful Shoes. qultoes. which have become their prey It would he difficult to realize what llorn ig has asked the citizens not to the Frleslnnder would do wlthont his kill the mantes when they see them or klompen, or wooden shoes, fo r they think they will do harm, for they are hnve a hundred uses. With them he only carnlrorous and feed upon mos halls out Ills Imat, corrects his chil­ qultoes. When this new Implement dren and scoops up a drink o f water o f destruction is recognized ns the offi­ wherever he may be. He places In cial exterminator of the plasmodlum them Ills worms for Ashing, uses them malnrlne, the city's bugologlst be­ ns missiles in n free flgbt. digs with lieves that he will soon have the city them, measures dry goods with them, dear o f the pests. and n hundred other things. The The mantes propagate rapidly. klompen nre cheap: they coat about HISTORIC DOCUMENT F0UND7 WAY As Usual. Muggins How changed W igwag Is •toce he lost all his money! Biiggtna— Yes. It has altered him so that lots of his old friends fall to recogulie him — Baltimore American. A CZAR IN AN ATTIC. BUG HUNTS MOSQUITOES. $ 10 , 000 . G E Westinghouse and w f to Mabel seasxg, Poullry and Hogs Bought Hers For Breeding Purooses. Robert Anderson et al to Edwin Tatro a: d wf 40 acres in S E cor R F Tupptr DLC, secs 13 and 14, 1 S 4 $10. Tualatin Mill Company to J J Boone 3140 sq ft In sec 24, 2 S 1 $50. j Edwin Tatro and wf et al to Rob­ Dr. Walter Pruce, Chief of Government ert Anderson et al lot 4, blk 31, For-, Breeding Station and Experimental eat Grove $10. Poultry Farm at Pergamino, Argen­ Portland Trust Company to G 11 tina, Considera American Strains Beet Riggs lot 2, blk 2, Valley Vista $550. In the World. Dell Sinclair and bus to Lilliau Cochran tract In NEV* o f SW*w see Hogs uud ebb-kens o f American 11. H S 1 30 acres $3850. strains will be distributed among the Ruth Realty Co to Henry George farms In the Argentine Republic, Dr. Walter Pruce, chief of the experimen­ lot 11, blk 10. Wilkesboro $700. Spring Hill Land Company to M tal station and poultry experimen­ Van Alstine and Herbert Gordon tal farm at Pergamino, Argentina, de­ Dr. Tracts 15 and 16, Spring Hill Farm clared In a recent Interview. Pruce. who Is now on his way to Ar­ $7000. Ruth Realty Company to E W gentina. has with him a cargo o f bogs Barnts let 4, blk 41, North Plains and chickens of various breeds which be has collected from the farms of $150. Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey, Illinois, Jjtan Ijoftis and wf to Washington New York and other states and 300 Grange No 313 tract in WV4 o f SW*4 tons of American built sheds, ben- aI sec 24,. 2 N 3 $1.00. houses, Incubators and other farm Im­ Eugene J Hulbert and w f to Albert plements Incident to the breeding of Por.delicek 11 acres in sec 31, 2 S 1 poultry and hogs. "F o r some time the Argeutlne go v­ $2400. ernment has considered Introducing W. Clarke and w f to Jacob Lesser Into that country certain strains of I 46 acres in DLC of J D~$tlchardaon American live stock and poultry which and wf $10. are raised so successfully h.v American James P. McFarlane and w f to The farmers." said I)r Pruce. “ A fter con­ Du.ining-Frentzel Lumber Co lot 3. sidering the matter carefully and be blk 10, Pattlson & Moran's First Add lug advised that American farming methods were In advance o f those In to Hillsboro $10. any other country of the world 1 was Spring Hill Land Company to C E commissioned to come here and buy. Hulten tract 23, Spring H ill Farm Purchased Much Stock. $1400. " I hnve purchased more than 500 Spring Hill Land Company to Frank chickens, representing Hfty-one varie­ Juifington tracts 22 and 24. Spring ties o f breeds, a ml forty -six hogs of Hill Farm $2800. six different breeds. I also hnve W alter L Miller or.d w f to L H grounding and feed mills. Incubators, Siege 16-ft strip for road in secs 15 hog sheds and other equipment and six experts who are graduates of lead ind 16, 2 S 1 $50. F W Emerson and w f to Felix Ver- Ing American aj¡|-lcult urnl colleges whom 1 expect to scud throughout Ar hoeven 40 x 100 ft in blk 2, Halls Add gentlnn to explain stock breeding to to Forast Grove $200. our farmers. E A Wright and w f to Louise K "W e expect to arrive In Buenos Brace lot 8, blk 1, Kingston $10. Aires near the end of July or eurly In E A Wright and w f to David K August The poultry and stock will be shipped from there to Pergamino, Brace lot 3, blk 3, Kingston $10. E A Wright and w f to David L where It Is proposed to establish a breeding station. Brace lots 5, 6, 7, blk 1, Kingston $ lf. Wilt Giva Lecturas. E A Wright and w f to Harry Court- “ W e will Invite the furmers to call neoy and wf lots 5 and 6, blk 3. at the breeding station, where lectures Kingston $800. will be given on the proper manner of H Haverdale to Charles D Staley raising chickens und hogs. Later we lot 7 blk 1 Knob Hill Add to Forest may Introduce certain strains o f Amer­ Grove $10. ican cattle. A fter we have raised a Luigi De Santis and w f to Pasquale sufficiently lurge number chickens and Giaoommozzi % int in tract in sec hogs will be given by the government to the poorer farmers, and our ugents 3 3 S 1; 4 acres $1086. will go through the country and tell Frank Duerst and w f to E I Kurat- them o f the proper methods o f bous 'l and J C Kuratli part o f lots 7 lng. breeding nud caring for their and 8, blk 22, Hillsboro $10. stock.” John Detblofs and w f to Washing­ Dr. Pruce said he had Berkshire, ton County 0.62 acres for road In Yorkshire, Poland China. Duroc-Jer soy and Tnmworth hogs and White T B Speake DLC Con $77.50. E A Kreider to J D Rode part of and Brown Leghorns, Wyandottes and other well known breeds o f chickens 'ot 2, blk 7, Forest Grove $1. J D Rode and w f to S D Stoufer ‘ wo tracts in block 7, Forest Grove A fine attendance was observed E Minto lot 5, Timber Townstte $186. at Sunday school last Sabbath. A C Alexander to Orval Hutchens, Mrs. Rose Vermilyea a n d '00x50 ft In lot 4, blk 4 Naylor's Add daughter Gladys, spent the week to Forest Grove $550. Anna Kaufmann and bus to Christ end with Mrs. N. A. Frost. Mrs. Ida Goeing from Wood­ land, Washington, spent the last week with Mrs. R. A. Herring­ ton. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK $ ARGENTUM BUYS U. S. UVE STOCK TO KEEP BABIES W E L L Guard Againat Hast and Bad Foed, Experts Tell Mother#. The District o f Columbia health de­ partment has sent out printed Instruc­ tions on "H o w to Keep the Baby Well.” It ad rises: Be sure o f the milk you purchase. See that milk Is pure and wholesome: then keep It clean and cold. S-ald the nursing bottle often and thoroughly; do not tolerate long tube attachments. Give the child as much cool water as It will tike. Keep the child In tbe open air of parks, bnt not exposed to the snn'a hot rays. Tlie clothing o f tbe child should be light nnd loose. Children should be bathed two or three times each day during hot weather. At the first appearance o f physical ailments call a physician. Improper food combined with high tempera tore la the great destroyer of babies, causing 96 per cent o f tbe «•«•• b e May Be the Original Draft of Lecomp- ten Constitution of Kansas. In looking over a bundle o f papers which belonged to nu uncle who died In Kansas. Justice of the Peace Joseph A. Headley of Mllltown, N. J.. found what appears to him to he the original drnft o f tbe famous Lecompton con stltution o f Kansas, a document for which the authorities of Hint state hnve been looking for tbe past bnlf century. Mr. Headley has written to the seore tary o f state o f Kansas telling him of the find. The lecompton constitution was the flrst organic law of Kansas nnd pro Tided for slavery It waa recognized by President nucha nan. hut afterward supplanted with a new Instrument that forbade slavery within the state. Buy Back the Tarra Neva. The Scott antarctic expedition's ree acl. the Terra Nora, will not. contrary to expectations, be sent to tendon for exhibition purposes She has been re purrhssed by Messrs Bowring, the original owners and will proceed short ly to Newfoundland, where she wilt •gain be employed In sealing. fifteen pence a pair, man's alas, and Dutchmen's feet are not Cinderella- like by any means.—W ide World Mag­ azine. Usad to Dodging. “ You never hear o f a wealthy bache­ lor being run over by an auto.” 'T h a t’s so. I wonder why It la.” “ T o a man who Is need to dodging mothers with marriageable daughters dodging automobiles la merely child's piny."—Houston Post. A S ti c kle r F a r Good Ferns. "O f course you looked up the new girl’s references?” “ How could I. dear? They were from n lot o f women I don’t know."— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Estimating It. •T hope I haven't kept you waiting too long.” gushed the girl. “ Only about $3 worth.” estimated the .voting man with the taxicab oot- ilde. — Pittsburgh Post. An Incentive. Mrs Crawford—I thought yoq said roo weren't going to tbe sewing circle? Mrs CralMhaw—But. my dear, I didn't know then shoot the things yon ha?« told me.-Judge.