forest g r o v e pr e s s , f o r e s t - g r o v e . O r e g o n . T h Forest Grove Steam Laundry s&fJL The Children's Lunch Cal W ood, Should be Light and Wholesome and Ice. Baking Powder MfiRTZ & LATTA Makes just surh cakes to perfection. I t ’s rich quality saves on eggs and produces good wholesome cake and bread stuffs. 25c Cor. 6th Ave. and 2Ad St., Forest Grove, Ore. per Pound. Ask Your Grocer Crescent Manufacturing Co. Seattle, Washington BUTTER WRAPPER P R IN T IN G Notice. The Sunrise Grocery will pay. cash for all farm products, * Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the best market price paid and1 all goods sold at the bottom price. Pacific Avenue at Third street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­ tor. 28tf 1 C o n tractor FOREST GROVE PRESS 100 for $1.25 250 for $1.75 500 for $2.25 House M oving and Repairing. W e have the best equipped outfit in the county. E. A. DIXON Phone 876 at the Brick, Stone and Concrete Work Forest Grove, Ore. Let us figure on your work. , july 17 . 1913 . •O d o » e ò o * MAKING T H E L IT T L E TARSI PAY By C C BOWSFIELD Coal, Cold Stom ge yet Economical ur sd ay •O *°a o oo* IRE la liberal profit In broil­ potatoes and sktmmtlk will do nicely ers for those who have skill for the rattening process. Such things In -poultry raising. - The- matter as shorts, cracked wheat, oatmeal bM ociflbn U UdrStTvlliiU With mush and table scrape also produce a this commodity aa with some classes nice looking and palatable young o f produce. In raising brollWs It" la chicken Eveu In winter chickens ought i seldom uocyssary to drive to toWn to have ■ chance to exercise when the o freer i* fttarr o n v» «-truth- Customers wcuther Is bright Few people keep s ill be satisfied with a weekly serv­ their poultry free from vermin. and ice. provided It ls'regular. this is why so rnauy full at tbe bust For tbln reason a poultry farm Why ness Chickens are less bardy than he three or four utiles out. where ducks and geese, and If lousy there Is land sells ut $75 to $100 an acre. With no profit In raising tbeui. a dairy on garden truck It la unprMt- After considerable experience 1 am able to .locate so far from a station, able to keep poultry cleau by providing and where land is bought - within* a plenty of duet heaps lu tbe yards, mile or two o f a "fo o d ’ to w n 'it edits whitewashing coops and houses and $200 to $300 an acre. Location moat 'occasionally applying kerosene or be considered also’ if the owner hat grease to floors and roosts. A few to to go to the city dally. bacco leuves bung ubout tbe nests have Broilers weighing tw o pounds or a s good effect There are many good little less sell readily for 35 cents remedies, but the chief thing is vlgl apiece. The cost o f feedliig is Wot lance. over 5 cents on a farm. A profit o f The clean and careful handling ot $25 to $30 per 100 Is pretty fair. H o­ chickens will tell in growth as well as tels, restaurants, clubs and well to :do quality. Therefore It pays to be thor private families are regular buyOrs, ough. At least oue good Incubator Is and the deqiand exceeds the supply.*A necessury. 1 have mude It a rule for little farm ought to produce 1,000"or several yeitrs to turn most of my egg 2.000 broilers every year. production Into poultry. Broilers ut $4 I know o f a place o f five acres, • dozen pay better thau eggs at 30 alsmt an hour's ride from Chlcgfo, cents a dozen. But when one Is In the where r.ot less than 2,500 chickens (fre business there will be a percentage of produced nunually, many of them be­ full grown chickens and also some pro ing sold ns broilers. The owner relates portion of eggs to market an acre of wheat and three seres- o f Winter prices are invariably the corn He supplements this with table highest so that It ts best to hatch us leavings and ground bone. Chicks get many of the summer eggs as possible nothing but meal sud breadcrumbs and have a heavy supply of poultry soaked lu skimmed milk or dry,'Se- around Christmas and. In fact, all win conllng to Judgment for the first three -ter. Broiler customers demand their weeks supplies at all times o f the yesr. The After this the variety o f food is en­ farmer needs to have a regular day for larged Corn meal, wheat, boiled po­ furnixhlug this commodity. I f it Is tatoes and scraps o f all kinds make a necessary to ship to a large city It 1» snllsfactory diet for growing poultry: possible to have a hotel or club take In dry weather they need a chance To tbe entire output. It is easier to make run about They may be confined to a such arrangements than many would bid ding or yard the last week or ten suppose. Have tbe quality right, and dtt.v« for fattening. Cormneal, boiled the selling will be easy. Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Foreat Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. T b e Home Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in The Bankers fit Merchants M ain Street G arage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 62X W . A . CH ALM ERS, M ain Street, Forest Grove. N eat Printing is something every business man desires when he orders station­ ery. letter Neat appearing business heads, envelopes, state­ ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are what can be had from the Press Fublishi.ig C o. Neat printing Is O ur M otto W H A T RO TATIO N SUM M ERING AT Tillamook Comity Beaches “ Nature’s Playground” as these beaches have been called, are now open for summer visitors. New hotels, with all modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camping grounds and Double Daily Train Service Leaving Portland daily....................................... 8:45 A. M. “ “ Except Sunday.............. 1:20 P. M. Beaches Reached in 5 Hours Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive at beach points in time for dinner, spend the evening and Sunday with the family and return to Portland Sunday night without loss o f time from business. R O U N D TRIP FARES FROM P O R T L A N D . Season tickets on sale daily . . . $4400 W e e k End (for return M onday) $3.00 Corresponding low fares from other points. Call for our brand new folder “ Tillamook County Beaches” Folders and full Information from Agent or at any S. P. City Ticket Office £0 Sixth Street, Cor. Oak JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger A gen t Portland, Oregon DOES. I f a man’s lntid la already rich [ he must keep It so. If- it is- yield- lug minimum crops he must In- crease Its producing power. Tlds may be accomplished by properly rotating crops, main- mining and Increasing the hu­ mus coutent o f the soil by re- turning all organic matter and growing leguminous crops. Further- than this, there Is scarcely a farm that would not be greatly benefited by plowing ; | under some green manure crop. —Wyoming Bulletin. * '' TH E Y -K N O W IT A L L ." | « > ___ .< > - > It Is strange that any one \ I should claim to kuow all aliout < > farming, which Is one of the ", broadest and dee|x*st subjects < > ■< > among men. When we coutem \ * ’ plate wbat might be accomplish < > ed In pluut growth and animal ] [ l breeding If men knew, we are ' •' > apt te be overwhelmed with the 1 I Ignorance o f men upon scientific > agriculture. Aud yet occasion- - :1 ! ally one may be found who ’ I thinks thst he has learned all about farming. — Farm sud J I Rauch. OPEN Affi POULTRY HOUSE. (F rom the Farm Journal.) Citixens o f the state are urged to inform themselves regarding thia plague which ia causing great suffering among boys and young men and especially among the innocent girls and women o f the aUte. Parents are urged to protect their children, and provide clean, wholeeomeinformation in place o f the unclean misinformation they cannot now help getting. Such instruction will be found in the following For Young Men Circular N o. 2 — The Four Sex Lies. Circular N o. 9 — Sex Truths fo r Men. For O lder Boys 0 3 to 18 yrs. o f age) Circular N o. 8 - Virility and Physical Development. F o r Y o u n g er B o y s <10 to 13 yrs. o f age) * Circular N o. 7 — The Secret o f Strength. For Girls C ircular N o. 4 — A Plain Talk with Girla about their Health. For Young Women Circular N o. 10 - Physical Development, Marriage and Motherhood. For Parents Circular N o. 1 - The Need fo r Education in Sexual Hygiene. Circular N o. 3 - When and H ow to T ell the Children. Circular N o. 5 — A List o f Books for Use in the Family on Sex. C ircular No. 18 - How One Boy W es Instructed in Bex What Happened. Illustrated. Send 2-cent stamp with your address to Departs .at D The Oregon State Board of Herfth 720 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon Applicant« are kindly u k ed to M l«et only Ik o n etrenlara for which (toy hare a dcflnlM o n . T h o n w ill b . gladly n o t POITLTXT CO LOST BOCRS WITH 0 XXVAS n o n V O I VKMTILATIOX. it at all times. In digging this ditch is spread on the inside of the barrel and upon this U a neat hollowed out and filled with to­ bacco sterna On the top o f the barrel Is fastened henry roofing paper. I f this paper Is nailed to cleats and fastened by wire It can bo readily removed after the batching season and used for years. The run la constructed o f wholo length plastering la’th and made In sec­ tions, aa shown In picture. A t night a wlds board Is placed In front of the barrel, with an opening above sufficient to afford ventilation. The nest being on tbe ground, the eggs receive plenty o f moisture and a bettor hatch la assured.—Farm Journal. with deep litter. In this the fowls scratch and sing and hunt for food. CRITTER WISDOM. I whitewash the houses and keep them sweet and clean. The roofs are Bee to It that your breeding sow has covered With felt roofing, and three ■ good balanced ration. Don’t go to •Ides of the building are made perfect­ the extreme o f feeding her too much ly tigh t do eraeke or knotholes. 1 corn or barley or roots. found last winter dating severe weath­ Mighty easy to food new corn to er my fowls did much better In the the bogs, stalks and all, but you will •giro front bouses than those In the find that I f the corn la first run other kind. There was never a frosea through tbe shredder the animals will comb In the opea front bouse, while 1 sat H up clean. found two o f my best cockerels with Ton css greatly Improve tbe looks U»i*lr combs badly frosen in bouses of your cows by taking a Httle cars supposed to be warmer. A email hole o f tbetr hoofs end horns. A few mo­ is placed at the lower right band cor- , ments spent with ■ coarse file and a tier for my Httle flock o f docks It la pair o f pincers may change entirely closed at night. The docks drop their tbe looks o f an animal. eggs on the litter. Cold pressed cottonseed cake poa «ream a high feeding value end with Hint For Cabbage Growers. corn and corn stover gave larger dally Lime Is a good preventiva of club­ gstne than any combination o f feeds foot In cabbage I f you bava a quar­ at the Nebraska station This was ter o f an sere o f the plants scatter ou shown In * teat for economics I beef ten bushels o f the lin a W ettaU W hen we fail to deliver a job o( printed Work which entirely satisfies, We are prepared to make it right. job turned out o( this A office must be correct in every par­ ticular. Bring your work to tbe Press Publishing C o . BARREL NEST AND RUN. Good For tha Fowls In All Wsathera, Give the Hens a Comfortable Plaoe to Not Excepting Cold Months. Hateh Tholr Egg*. A correspondent of Orange Judd The Illustration here reproduced Farmer writes as 'follow s concerning ■hows how the barrel nest and run open air poultry houses: a re made. The former Is a flour bar My o|ten sir jxmltry house 1 like very rei laid on Its side In an excavation much The yards Join the center of sufficient to bury the side o f It about the house, making one bouse do for two or three Inches. The dirt secured two liens. The o|ienlngs are covered with poultry netting, thus making t|iem secure against prowlers. Inside are muslin curtains stretched on frames to fit the openings. These are binged at the top and hooked back to ibe Inner roof when not In use. They are used only In bad weather. The roosts are arranged above a platform, which is also hinged, and can be let dowu to remove tbe-dropplsgs. The roosts themselves are made o f sassafras, which is'said not to hafbor vermin, but I have found that It dees ■HOT AMD BOX COM FLUTED. Just the same. The floors are covered Help Fight the Great Red Plague Free Circulars and we endeavor to live up to ;< > J • > and be assured of securing some­ thing which is typographically correct, tasty in construction and neat in appearance. WASHINGTON - OREGON CORPORATION will Beginning June 1st give to its patrons it) Beaverton, Elmonica, Orenco, H ills b o ro , Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and 4 c all country lines a Electric rate on all cooking and heating ap ­ pliances and small domestic motors. Phone Main 922 Hillsboro for particulars and our representative will calL