FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. T H U R SD A Y, J U L Y 17, 1913. F o rest G rove P burial Nr urn nf ümim (Country ress T h « P r «* » Publishing Company. TH E PR ESS PU BLISH ING CO FO REST GROVE. ORE. O f f ic e T e le ph o n e 502 T erms of S ubscriptio n One year, in advance................. . $ 1 50 Three'mont’h s " ¡ ^ a d v a n c e .50 __________________________________ T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y 17, 1913. - ■■ - ..- - ----------- Display •dverti»*m«nu for publication in th« ia*y1!?«ninVl^nTureap^™.cllTn“ uii?"tTM” i Entered at the poat affica at Foraat Grove, On*. as mail matter ter o f the second class. It seems to us, in the light of recent events, that mountain climbing as a sport, would suffer a decline. the revenue from these 14,000 cars will be $28,001,000. Taking this as an index, Oregon and Washington crops should also On last Friday afternoon a yield a sum which will go a long most enjoyable eight table 500 way to keep the wheels o f pros- party was given at the home of perity turning. Mrs. T. J. Miller, who entertain- -----■----.---------- ed for the afternoon. Fourpriz- When some people are asked es were contended for, the first to do something for this town £ ° 'nK to ^ rs- •k,Jin Macrum, the they seem to think they are 8econd to Mrs. Walker, the third asked to do something for some- ' was captured by Mrs. Charles body else. Well, they are, but Buchanan, while Miss Frances they can't do something for Myers was awarded the booby somebody else without doing nrize I he dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. T. J. 0. something for themselves also, SCh o o l t a x e g y 0 U p a y h e l p Tbatt'hfcr, M r S . Ned Heath Slid J * . v i.’ « « o ~ l!.. a ______ a . j -_ . educate other men’ s children. Miss May Selly. A most delight­ But other men help educate ful time was had by all present, yours. Other people are doing j who expressed a desire to be things for you all the time. I f present when Mrs. Miller next other men hesitated you would entertained. i i j Since the beginning men Mrs. W. W. McEldowney en- l i v e d in communities. That crowd o f Sell wood people ® So they could help each tertained last Friday in honor o f who came out from Portland iy * The more we help each her aunt, Mrs. Russel, who is Sunday in a “ rubber-neck gas ot e i' here from the cast visiting her buggy” seemed to be having the °* heLr' the m ore,we «food out sister, Mrs. C. V. B. Russel. time o f their several lives. o f the community Help. I hat ; gives you the right to make the About forty guests were present. Dainty refreshments were set v> We wonder whether it is the other fellow help also ed and an enjoyable time was empty bottles or the full users ot ! had. the contents o f the same, that BLACK SEA DEAD LINE. îr» V s are causing the forest fires that Below 1.200 Feet the Poieonout Water Mrs. VV. H. Hoskins will enter­ are worrying the fire-wardens, Kills All Organic Life. tain w ith a tea, Friday. That Washington lady who wants $1990 for a kiss stolen by an engineer o f the Great North­ ern railway, certainly places t high valuation on oscullatory ex­ ercises. The Democratic party’s policies and o p i n i o n s at Washington keep that Oregonian editorial w riter’s m e n t a l i t y hopping around like a he i on a hot grid- die. Between Governor West, tht mayor o f I Ol tland, the Socialists, the I. W. W., and other interest- ed and disinterested persons and parties, that strike in Portland is having a hard time to keep alive. suffer. The Black sea, which In some parts has a depth o f more than 0.500 feet, Is polsoued by sulphureted hydrogen wherever the water Is deeper than 1,200 feet. This accounts for the curi­ ous fact thnt there Is no organic life below that depth, excepting perhaps some bacteria of very low order. Im­ pregnated with sulphur. The causes for this phenomenon are explained by the quick outflow o f the fresh water through the Bosporus, while salt water coming from the Mediterranean enters through a deeper current Into the depths of the Black sea. The waters on the surface are. therefore, controlled absolutely by horizontal currents o f considerable force, and Tcrtlcal currents which might carry the noxious gases from , the bottom to the surface and fresh oxygen from the surface to the bottom are hardly ever noticeable. The water at great depths is so satu­ rated with sulphuric gas by the dis­ integration o f organic matter sinking to the bottom by reason o f its weight that no fish or other living being which needs oxygen for Its organic system can exist l>eyoiid a stated depth.—Lon­ don Standard. I f the proverbial Kilkenny cats and Irish at the Donegal fair, not to mention the Mexicans, Made In Glasgow. have anything on the present It was a long nnd tedious trnin jour­ situation in the Balkans, we ney. says the Glasgow, News, and the other two occupants o f the compart­ have yet to be informed. The indications o f industria activity, building and otherwise, around town certainly show that Forest Grove is not as near dead and buried as some o f our pessi­ mistic friends would have us be­ lieve. Y e Gods and little fishes! P e r­ sonal liberty has gone to pot. A young lady was arrested and fined for wearing a slit skirt in a California city the other day. Oh scissors! what’s th’ use of havin’ a vote, anyhow. Owing to the fact that the Press was somewhat shorthand ed this week, the office devil tried out his hand on the réper­ toriai staff, to which may be as­ cribed the added vigor or tone imparted to any o f the various departments o f this issue. Every once in a while one o f our lucal preachers preaches a Bermon on the prodigal son. Un­ fortunately a good many people here don’ t understand that it ap­ plies to them. They say, “ We never went away and spent our money in riotous livin g—not w e .” But taking or sending it away is not much different— It is lost to them and this town. The man who spends his money away from home is a prodigal, whether he goes away with it or not. He also is a prodigal son. Likewise, someone ought to fall on his neck, also. High prices for decidiou9 fruits in eastern -markets and a bumper yield in the Northwest have com­ bined to make prospects exceed­ ingly bright for farmers in Ore­ gon and Washington. Shipments from California have brought from $1500 to $2000 per car, with an estimated yield o f 14,000 cars to be shipped from the state. On the basis o f present prices ment had exhausted several other top­ ics and were now “ on” about cock- flghtlug. "W hen 1 was a lump o’ a laddie In Blnnt’re." said one o f them. "I |Mul a wee bantam that could bate ony bird ye could pit before him. Weel. this Sunday niornln' he bate twn cocks, jin e fle r the lther. but he wls thnt snlr torn thnt to pit him oot o’ pain I thrnwed his neck nnd threw him on the midden. Then we took oot nnlther pair o' birds nnd yin o' them crawed his challenge, when up me wee ban tnm staggered tno his feet, glcd a cock n-leerie-lnw. nnd drnpplt doon dcld nff the midden." “ Ye're an aw in' man, W ully." said the other man solemnly. “ Are ye no’ fenrt ye drap doon deid yersel'?“ Net Sufficiently Explicit. “ I think we met at a summer resort two or three years ago. didn't we?” “ Perhaps we did. Your face looks very familiar to me.” “ It ought to. I proposed to you one evening nnd you accepted me.” “ Did I? Do you remember where It was?” " I t was on a hotel veranda, behind a lot o f palms and rubber plants." "Oh. you will have to lie more ex pllcit than thnt. Nearly half o f my en gngements have taken place with that kind o f a stage setting."—Chicago Rec oral Herald. Nat an Uneemmen Experience. " I don't know whether or not It’s liecnnse they have a personal grudge against me." said the smiling cynic, "hut I know when I ride In full day light on a street car with which I'm perfectly familiar the conductor call* every cross street loudly nnd clearly, tint when I’m trying to find my way on a dark night In an entirely new ncIghlMirhixtd he'a silent ns a church on a Monday morning."—Milwaukee Sentinel. j j Hs Knew. P retty Bad. W ife—Aren't yon going to smoke those cigars I gave you? nusband— No I'm keeping them till Tommy be­ gins to want to smoke They’ll sett)« •t-liiusiratsd Bit* Law yert Physicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. No-th Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. H off­ Forest Grove, Ogn. Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 man entertained Monday even­ Forest Grove, Ore. ing in honor o f Miss Gertrude Beach and Arthur Mills, a bride W . P. D YK E II, W . Vollmer, M. D. and groom o f the week. Dinner . Attomey-at-Law Physician and Surgeon was served at 6:30 to Mr. and Office in Abbott Bldg. Mrs. E. G. Mills, Mrs. Beach, Forest Grove N a t’ l Bank Bldg Miss Elizabeth Beach, Grandpa Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Forest Grove, Ore. Needham, Miss Gertrude Beach, Ind. Phones Arthur Mills, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. N. Hoffman G. Hoffman and daughter, Ai- A Itorney-at-Law D R . C. E. W A L K E R leen. Later in the evening about E Q U IT Y A N D P R O B A T E O N L Y forty friends and relatives were Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. entertained from 8 to 10 o ’clock. Osteopathic Physician Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove Music was enjoyed and ice cream and cake were served. The Treatment by Special Appoint­ families o f the following were Mark B. Bump ment Only present: E. G. Mills, Lee Roy Attorney-at-laW Needham, Clifton McNeal, S. L. VV. Q. T u c k e r , M . D. South o f Court House Carlyle, J. N. Hoffman, M. S. Hillsboro, Ore. Physician and Surgeon Allin, as were also Mrs. Beach Calls answered promptly day or night and daughter, Miss Bessie Mar- Phone: O.fice 271, Uesidence 283. tin and Mrs. G. E. Secour and Hollis & Graham son. Dr. H. R. Kauffman A Itorneys-at-LaW Physician & Surgeon Forest Grove, Ogn. Office: Forest Grove N at’ l Bank Building Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sannon, l'hone Main 0131 Mr. Loeb, S. S. Myers and fami- Forest Grove, Ore. ly and Dr. Catherine Myers were E. B. Tongue, all present and enjoyed a pleas­ jd tlorn ey-a t-La w R. M. Erwin, M. D. ant time at the Myers Third District Attorney. Physician ànd Surgeon street home last Sunday. Hillsboro, Ore. Tamiesie Bidding 3d and Main Sts. NAMING A JAPANESE EABY. GOOD LUCK IN A POSE. Sometimes It Is a R te as Solemn as a Accidental Success Won Through a Bishop’s Election. Gladstone Photograph. Often the naming o f a Japanese “ fn literature.” said a publisher, baby Is u simple matter, for the father “ popular success frequently conies by or grandfather speaking before the a • ideut. A remarkable case was that company the name o f some famous of .1. II. Short house. This man, a poor man. If the child is a boy. or o f some chemist, spent some years writing n favorite flower, if It is a girl. For book celled '.lohn Inglesant.* But the girls. liana, flower: Vukl. snow: Al. I ublishers would have none o f ‘John love, nre the favorites o f parents with .higesant.' and finally Mr. Shorthouse a p s'tlcnl strain. printed U*l copies at his own expense. T ':e sterner country folk choose for "Only forty o f these oopies sold, one their daughters Matsu, pine; Take, purchaser being a photographer. The bamboo (If the bamboo Joints are ex­ photographer took Mr. Gladstone's pic­ act. hence the exactness of virtue); ture some weeks later, and the old Ume. plum, since the plum bears both man chose n studious pose, sitting with cold and snow bravely. For boys. a volume in Ills hand. He bent in Ichiro, first boy: Toshlo. smart; I wan. absorption over the work, which hap­ strong, and Isamu, brave, are very pened accidentally to be ‘John Ingle- popular. sanl.' and in the thousands of copies Where belief Is strong In the power of the ph itograph that were sold the of a name the family in holiday dress book's name was plainly to be made often assembles In a large room. Each out. writes n name upon n slip ot paper "M r Gladstone was regarded as a nml lays It reverently before the house great critic, and the people thought shrine. From the group a very young lie Peel red to recommend ’John Ingle- child Is chosen and led before this I - ii t ' Whet was the result? Within :*• year .'¡(Nl.llUl copies o f ’John Ingle shrine, nnd the fate o f the name Is de­ rided by the small band which reach- ; in f bad been sold, and Shorthouse es out for a slip Though it is a fes­ >vus a made man." tive occasion, the selection o f a name Agassiz and the Girls. Is made with n seriousness worthy of the election of a bishop. Many be­ Concerning Louis Agassiz, naturalist, lieve devoutly that this rite Influences when a professor at Harvard, tlits the baby’s entire future, and therefore story is told by James Kendall Hos- the one whose slip Is chosen incurs mer In Ids "T h e Last L eaf:” "A s lie from the moment o f choice great re­ strode homeward from his walks in sponsibility for the child's welfare.J- the outer fields or marshes we eyed Frances Little In Century Magazine. him gingerly, for who could tell what he might have in his pockets? Turtles, tadpoles, snakes, nnv old monster, T h e N a m e S a ra to g a . The original name of Saratoga was might be there He was on the friend­ “ ftcruclitagne." About the middle of liest terms with tilings ill reputed, the eighteenth century It was ' Siiragh- even abhorrent, and could not under­ toge.” During the administration of stand the qualms o f the delicate. He Governor Leisler It was “ Sarachtoge.” was said to have held up once In all Innocence, before a class o f school- Isn’t this quaint—from lost*: d lls, a wriggling snake. The shrieks Upon ye news yt three People should be ktld at Cartel Vrom ans ut Sarach toge by and confusion brought him to a sense ye In dian s,— o f what he had done. He neologized Resolved by ye Convention yt I.lef olalxirafely. the foreign peculiarity he Joehtin Starts forw lth aoe with ten men never lost running through Ids con­ to Sarachtoge to see bow ve m atter Is. & bring us an aocompt wltff ve first. & yt fusion. 'Poor girls, | vill not do If lie Cl to send a Post hither with ye tlde- again. Next time I vill bring in a In^s. nice, dean leetle feesh.’ Agassiz took Spelling reformers would lie delight­ no pleasure In shocking his class. On ed with "kild.” And "y e " Is shorter (lie cnntrarv, lie was most anxious to than "the." and “ yt" Is shorter than engage and hold them." “ that.” “ Goe" Is expansive, but “ for- wltli" for “ forthwith" Is a contraction. The Unsociable Little Fellow. Schoolcraft thinks that Saratoga Is de­ At dinner during a voyage to Cor­ rived fenni the Indian words "assnrat,” sparkling, aad "oga." place New York sica. to which my father Invited the passengers who included some cUlcers Press. o f his regiment and two Corsicans, he requested an officer. M. de Belloc, A Riming Will. to call a young man who was wearing Perhaps the most peculiar will ever written was probated in England at the uniform of the military school nnd Doctors' Commons July 17. 1759. It reading at the end of the boat. The young man refused M. de Belloc ran as follows: en ne b:t -k Irritated nnd said to my 1 Rive and bequeath. father- “ I should like to throw the W hen I am laid underneath. To my tw o lov ing sisters, most dear. unsociable little fellow Into the sea. The w hole of my store, tic lias mi unpleasant face Will yon • W ere It twice us much more, e r-n ’ ire permission, colonel?" W h ich G od 's goodness has granted me "V o ." said my father, laughing, here. "nn-l I am not o f your opinion. His And. that none may prevent 'a>-e shows character, nnd 1 am sure This my will and Intent that he will be heard o f some day." Or occasion the least of law racket. W ith a solemn appeal The iniso- table fellow was the future I confirm, sign and seal This the true act and deed of W ilt Jacket. Eni|s-ror Napoleon.—From Memoirs of Comtesse de Boigne, The Way It Felt. Jumbled Wrong. “ Here's something queer." said the Manager—My dear madam, your com dentist. "You say th,.< tooth has never plaint is a very foolish one. The stage been worked on before, but I find director did not alander you lieratiae he small flakes o f gold on my instru­ gave your role to another actress. Ac- ment." tresa-O f course he slandered me. " I think you must have struck my Didn't he tnke away my character?— tmek collar button." replied the vic­ Baltimore American. tim —Philadelphia Ledger. Lady Custom er-I wish to tell you bow these shoe* o f mine are to be made Shoemaker-Oh. 1 know that well enough-large Inside and small outside.— Meggendorfer Blatter. Dr. D. W . W ard Dr. E. B. Brookbank VV. M. Langley & Son All the Difference. "Society dropped the De Lacy* be­ cause they liad a skeleton In their rlosct. I understand?" "N o I«ecnnse they didn't keep It there -Cleveland Lender. Domestic Science Applied. Demosthenes was practicing oratory with pebbles in his mouth. “ Flue:" we assured hliu. "You can talk while eating your w ife'* biscuits." — New York Sun, The Roeetta Stone, The Rosetta stone was found in 1709 by a French engineer officer In an ex­ cavation made near Rosetta It has an tr.x rlptlon in three different lan­ guages. ibe hieroglyphic, the denjoflc and the Greek. It was erected 105 B 1*. in honor o f Ptolemy Epiphanes bei-ause he reni lifts! the dues o f the priestly liody The great value of the Rosetta stone lies In the fact that It furnished the key whereby the Egyp­ tian hiéroglyphe s were deciphered. Woman'* Wilsa. "W hat a lio'd Maud stems to have on all her rejected suitors" "W h y shouldn't she. the artful thing! t»*ie always tells a man wheu she re­ fuses him that she Is afraid to marry a handsome man beeau«e she would be so Jealous."-Cincinnati Enquirer. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. E. J. Crcwthers Physician and Surgeon S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. Calls answered day and night Office in Jackson Pharmacy Physician and Surgeon Cornelius, Ore. Delta Building Hillsboro, Ore. W. B. COON, V. s. ______________________________________________ O f f ic e Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. on 1 s t S t . Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S Physician, Surgeon Having bought out Dr. Feelcy, Vet­ and Osteopath erinarian, I wish to notify the public that I am prepared to answer all calls, Calls answered day or night. day or night. Hillsboro'National Bank Bldg. Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O r e ‘ Hillsboro, Ore. A cre T racts in Sun Set J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. Addition to Forest Grove Physician and Surgeon to be sold on terms. VV. VV. Phone City 384 Rooms -I and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Ireland, Hoffman Building Hillsboro, Ore. WILLIAMS & MOORE General Store W e .c a r r y a fu ll line of Groceries, Canned Goods and Farm P rodu ct?. O u r goods are always fresh, and our prices a r e as lo w as the lowest. W e also carry a line Drygoods and Haberdashery. . . . . . WE WILL PLEASE YOU !.. Pacific Avenue at Third Street. 8 I« i »iiiin,:::: CUT IN T W O a W ''Æt.'Kiicnd âJt&nc, W e are giving the trade a golden opportunity to buy MEN’S AND WOMEN’S OXFORDS at JUST i PRICE It means Gain to You and a Loss to Us; but we are going to close out ¿hese Oxfords. W e have a full run of all sizes now and for you to delay means that we may not be able to fit your feet Take a look at the Silverware, Plain and Fancy Dishes we are Giving Away as Premiums. The Silverware is Guaranteed and the Dishes will | lease you. A. G. HOFFMAN & CO.