Oregon Historical Society F orest G rove WASHINGTON COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER. Voi. 4 FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1913. No. 37 THE PRESS WILL MARY FISHER NEW EVIDENCE COLLECTED IN LOCAL GIRL HAS COUNTY SALOONS CHANGE HANDS IS FOUND LATEST ROBBERY CASE HIGHEST AVERAGE CLOSED DOWN T h e Forett Grove Press Next Nine - Y e a r - Old Portland Girl The Banks Burglars N ow Thought to be the Same as Those That O f any Eighth Grade Pupil in Anti-Saloon League Takes A n ­ Schools o f Washington Fcund Near Hillsboro other W h irl Under New W eek Changes Owners end Rifled the J. D. Anderson Store in Forest Grove » Location County Sunday License Law A Short Time A g o Miss Camilla Mills, daughter The Anti-Saloon League have Twenty-five miles away from An important capture was [ land and on searching the man's o f Mr. and M rs. K. G. M i|is> has found that under the new hotel home, 9-year-old Mary Fisher, made at Banks last Thursday j room, found evidence which h e ! the distjnction 0f pa3sing the provision o f the liquor law, they who says her mother, Bertha j night when an attempt was believes will connect the man b2st average in her studies o f can close up a lot o f saloons over Fisher, and her uncle, Carl F ish -' made to rob the Banks M ercan-! with the i , Anderson store robbery any eighth grade pUpil in the the state. They have ciosed two By G eorge H. Curry, Jr. W h o L er, live in Portland, was found tile Company. Two suspicious | here. county, making a general aver­ saloons at Banks, one at Timber an Efficient and Experienced at Old Bethany, near Hillsboro, characters had been seen loafing This evidence consists age o f 93.1, Miss Mills is only and one at North Plains, worry­ Newspaper Man yesterday, and was taken in around Banks for two days pre­ small memorandum . w , book, found ¿4 year3 0f ag6i and bas been ¡n ing the owners considerably as it charge by Mrs. J. J. Stoller, o f viously, and Mr. Kenton, pro­ in McGrevv s suit case, taken by the Forest Grove schools seven is said that they will have to se­ A fte r the present issue the that place. The young girl did prietor o f the store had his sus­ the sheriff from the room in a years. She came with her par­ cure new licenses before opening Press will be edited by George not know the exa>.i address o f her picions aroused by their actions, lodging-house on Front street, ents from Arnold, Nebraska. their bars again. Huntington Currey, who last mother or uncle, and the police and returning to the vicinity o f Portland. This book was taken Miss Mills will enter the High The Anti- aloon league, it is ■week purchased-the plant from tried last night to find persons ot the store after dark, remained on from the Anderson store by the school here in September. said, will move to close saloons the former owner, A. G. H off­ that name, fishers at 426 Sac-j watcb N ot long after, the men robbers. McGrew alleges that all over the state under this law, man. Mr. Currey comes to Forest ramento street proved to have were seen to force an entrance his companion in the Banks job| ( at any rate a test case will prob­ Grove from La Grande, Oregon, moved three months ago. The to the store rea,.f one going in and save him the book McGrew » 1- ably be tried at Hillsboro to set­ where he has long been connect­ little girl either did not know or 4 jie other remaining on guard, so is suspected o f the Beaverton tle the matter definitely. jr> _______ Kenton ___________ immediately ed with papers in that part of would not tell where she was g o -i^ ___ , sum- robbery, as he worked near the state. “ Forest Grove as a mg and was very reticent about inoned assistance, and with sev- Whitford Station, on the Oregon Another Pioneer Gen? t? Rest c'ty o f hómes, schools, and her connections, according to the eral others, all carrying arms, Electric, within two miles o f Mrs. O lif Aschim, died at her churches, backed by Washington word received by the Portland advanced on the outside man. Beaverton, prior to the burglary. Last week the Cornelius Trib- home in Scoggins Valley on county with its plentiful resourc­ police from the Sheriff at Hills­ He opened fire on them as A good deal of excitement was une changed hands and the form- Thursday, July 10, after a short es has appealed to me for several boro. — 0 regon ian. soon as he observed them, but created in Banks during the a f­ er owners have left for Harris- illness. The remains were laid Later it was found out that injured no one; and on being sur- fair, one party excitedly ringing years,” said Mr. Currey. “ When burg, where they have secured a to rest in the Hill cemetry on she did not belong in Portland al I learned o f an opening in the rounded in such a manner as to the firebell and arousing the all, but in the neighborhood near location. They alsoTemoved the ■ Friday. Jennie Embree w a s newspaper business, I came to cut off his escape, crawled under town; while another man finding plant to the same place and the born in Norway on February 12, where she was found, being the look over the field, and finding the store building. A dog was out that it was not a fire, return­ paper is being printed at another 1851, and came to America when child o f Mrs. Fisher, a daughter general prosperity and good busi­ sent under in ar\ effort to make ed home and securing his shot office until further arrangements a young woman, spending sever- o f Mr. and Mrs. Hammer, of ness conditions, with gieat op-' I him come out, hut was scared off gun, came out o f his door and are made by the new manager, al years in Minnesota. She was that vicinity, who claimed the portunity for future progress, j by a shot from the burglar. Later firtd a couple o f shots, presuma­ Mr. Lawrence Fernsworth, who married about 35 years ago, later child as soon as she was found and best o f all congenial people, I Sheriff Reeves crawled under the bly to let everyone know that he will take charge about the 25th coming to Portland, The family missing, they having instituted a I felt that one could make no j I building, dispossessed the man o f was coming. ! o f this month. We extend a came to Scoggins Valley about little search p a r ty 'o f their own. mistake in coming to su'Ji a his arms, hauled him forth and It is now thought from e vi­ hearty welcome to the new 21 years ago. She was the beautiful little city. ’ ' Tomorrow! took him to jail where he gave dence collected that these men brother editor and hope the peo- j mother o f five children, two sons Mr. Currey will move the Press the name o f Geo. McGrew. In are only a part o f the gang which , . . „ .. ... , . surviving her, John Aschin, plant to the John E. Bailey build­ the meantime the other man are operating all over this part .... j , , Deputy game warden o f Tilla­ ing on Main street which will be forced his way out o f the front o f Oregon so audaciously. How- 8nd the,r p8pe[. Wlth adde(1 p8’ mook county and Oscar, who left the future home o f the paper. newspaper is ¡entrance and escaped in the ever, it is only a matter o f time ! tronaf ’ aa f , ., ... , . , one o f a city s greatest assets, Seattle on Juty 6th for Alaska. The La Grande Observer made darkness. when these men will ba captured ] _______ ! She is also survived by her hus­ in part the following comment Sheriff Reeves went to Port- and punished. The district school board, of T o Survey South. band. upon Mr. Currey’s leaving his Banks has decided to hire car­ Mrs. Aschim was known as a Fiom an authentic source it home city: “ Having j Urchased penters by the day and have the j kind considerate friend and has been learned that two South­ the Forest Grove Press in the new school house built under its neighbor, and ever ready to aid ern Pacific surveying parties college town o f Forest Grove, personal direction. Three bids— those in sickness or trouble, and were to commence on the Coos near Portland, George H. Cur­ one from James S. Loynes, for was loved by all who knew her. Bay to Crescent City Southern rey, Jr., is home from a W il­ $3587; one from Joe VV. Knapp, Pacific survey on the first o f July lamette valley journey preparing for $3578, and one from Wells and make the final and perman- , Card o f Thank«, to take possession o f the plant in & Townsend for $3110—were re­ About twenty-five members A new face will appear in our ent location o f this route. It is During the great suffering, a week’s time. His training for ceived by t! e board Monday, but and friends o f the Portland Mo- business circlet owing to a not known whether both parties and after the death o f Mrs. Jen- the business was largely obtain­ as there has been but $2500 voted toreycle club came out to Forest change in th? firm o f Williams will work from the Coos Bay end nie Aschim, the neighbors all ed in the service o f t! e Observ­ for the new addition to the Grove Sunday on a pleasant little & Mo re; Mrs. C. E. Williams, o f this route, or whether one showed very great sympathy and er; mastering the mechani al school house, the hoard rejected outing. They stopped here long who hat been for some time past crew will be put on at the Cres kindness in word and deed, and phase as a boy and later in i all bids, and hired Wells & Town­ enough to take lunch and stroll a partner in the concern, last cent City end. A t any rate, the thus, no doubt, to some extent, “ front office” departments. Mr. send to oversee the work on the around the lown a bit sightsee­ Saturday transferred her half in­ surveying party now working at alleviated her s u ffe r in g . We Currey is an ambitious, bard structure, which, when complet­ ing and said they liked the trip terest to Claud Davis, the genial Empire is supposed to be the wish to express our heartfelt worker and the citizens o f For­ ed will give the district a large so well that they might take the driver o f t l * city delivery, and first o f the parties to start work thanks. est Grove will soon find out they four-room school building. run again soon. who will occupy his new position on the location.—Salem Daily 0 . ASCHIM , husband, have a live wire who will always next Monday. The new firm al­ Abstract. JOHN ASCHiM , son. be on the job when it comes to A small detatchment o f N a ­ The Southern Pacific freight so purchased the store building advertising the interest o f their tional guard troopers stopped Notice. The Wilson R iver correspond- city and vicinitv. His fiiends over in th i c'ty Monday night department which has just been and fixtures, which belonged to There will be a called meeting ent o f the Tillamook Herald has feel sorry at losing George, b u t' enroute overland to Portland moved to the new depot up town Mrs. Williams, as well. We wish the hoys success and o f the Woman’ s Club Monday ^ e following t ° sa-V with which all wish him all kinds o f success from the maneuvers at Tilla­ and where all the freight is now we feel sure they deserve, know­ afternoon, July 21st, at 3 o’ clock we. emphatically agree: - The being handled, announces that and know he will succeed.” mook. Ih e y reported a strenu­ the local freight from Portland ing that they will treat patrons in at the readiug ropm to hear the writer recently took a hike over ous trip over the mountain roads will arrive here at 5 a. m. daily such a manner as to insure their report o f the committee on the the Wilson river road to Forest T w o Reunions. and a lively time at the camp ol and that the north and south return. club house site and to transact Lrove. A trip a large number A reunion o f relatives was held instruction which has just closed. freight w ill depart at 11:15 a. m. other business. This is an im- take every ^ m m e r to enjoy the Sunday at the home o f Mrs. S. The paving work around about A large “ rubber-neck auto” portant meeting and we hope all ma" y an<1 vaned 'nteretting The concreting o f the base­ J. Sparks, in this city, Those load o f people from the Stllwood town is progressing nicely. ment o f the new Oddfellows’ members will make an effort to 3Cene8 a,on* the route 88 weU 88 from out o f town were Mr. and district o f Portland came out to partake o f the hospitality o f building is being finished. Among those visiting here this attend.—By order of the pre8i- Mrs. Mathias Spurgeon, Mr. and Sunday on a little pleasure ex­ the inns along the road. It is Mrs. Clifford Sharp, Mr. and cursion to our fair city. They The Southern Pacific has at week are Mr. Reese Thomas and dent. too bad that a few dollars can­ Mrs. Charles Nichols, Mr. and were somewhat impressed with last started to lay their new family, o f Sumas, Washington, j not be expended on certain bad Porter Starrett has begun the Mrs. Earl Butler, o f Vancouver, the evidences o f prosperity and track through the business see­ who are staying at the home o f spots especially on the summit, Frank Emerson, coming down in work o f tearing down the old Washington, and Mrs. Louisa the resources o f the country that t'00 °l Hillsboro, it would be a fair automobile their auto, and report a pleasant water tower which he purchased Stewart, o f Manchester, Iowa. they saw on every hand. Hugh Murchinson, road during the dryer months o f formerly trip. They will make an in- from the city last week, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Sparks July and August when many The excavating work on the connected with the Pioneer drug definite stop to inspect Forest . . . are sisters, and they met again who are sweltering in the heat east side o f the Congregational store, was calling on his friends Grove and its beautiful surround- ? randpa D' ,,ey; wbo ,l8a been Sunday after a separation of quite seriously ill for the past o f the interior would like a short church properly is progressing in this city the past week. jniig thirty-nine years. Mrs. Stewart week at his home here with a cut to the ocean. rapidly. A new concrete side­ Hugh will leave in a couple of will visit here for a few weeks. Forest Grove is becoming quite number o f complications, was walk will be put in soon and thus weeks for Aberdeen, Scotland, An attractive booklet, descrij- another convenience will be add­ where ha will visit his parents popular as an objective point for taken Sunday morning to the tive o f the Yellowston Park, put A pleasant surprise was ac­ ed to the already numerous ad­ for three or four months. Hugh numerous Portland outing par- local sanitarium. out by the Northern Pacific was corded to C. L. Dennis and B. C. has been in America for about ties. vantages o f Our beautiful city. Walt Sears, one o f our efficient presented to the Press by the Dennis, o f Gaston, who are be­ Mr. Barnes, our justly famous seven years, and the old home is and popular barbers, has an- agent o f the Oregon Electric this ing visited for an indefinite time The workmen who were tear­ calling him. nonneed his intention o f taking week. It is a very fine speci- by their sister. Mrs. Curtis John­ bow-maker,- who has not been ing down the frame building at a vacation about the first o f next men o f the printers’ art and Vic Brown, deputy fire-ward­ son, and daughters, Ersula and feeling quite his usual self for the the corner o f Main and Pacific Hope you get started would not be amiss in the libra- Ona, o f Iowa, who arrived Sun­ past few weeks, has just finished en, took a trip to Scoggins V al­ created such a racket Monday week. W alt and that the big one does ry o f any home, day via Seattle. Mrs. Johnson and shipped two beautiful speci­ ley, Saturday. afternoon that they a l m o s t and her brothers had not met for mens o f his art to Wheeling, Am er Smith, o f Vancouver, Rev. Hilton favored the Pre‘ 81 frightened seme o f cur staid citi­ not get away. twenty-one years and the re­ West Virginia. last week with a copy o f the i zens out o f their wits. One man Missei Liza and Christina Jen- Washington, visited his father, union was n u :h enjoyed by The Newman cottage in the Heald-burg Tribune (California) wac seen to slide out from under sen left Sunday for Walla Walla Levi Smith, in this city, the past them. Mrs. Johnson is also a eastern parl o f the city is being in which we note that he has his 1 a ’ and scoot for half a block college, where they expect to at- week. Am er had been away h If sister o f Mrs. H. D. Lay­ newly papered, painted and just recovered from a short spell before stopping to investigate tend teachers’ inst tute and surr- from the Grove for several years man, o f Thatcher. ¡thoroughly overhauled. i o f illness. I the fource o f the noise. mer school. ®nd he notes many changes. WILL BE EDITED IN BUSINESS-LIKE MANNER jfORNEUUS TRIBUNE CHANGES HANDS BOARD WOULD NOT AWARD CONTRACT MOTORCYCLISTS CHANGE IN HAVE FINE RUN LOCAL FIRM