FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1013 Roland Lockwood, of Haynes, was a business visitor in this ,— Going Away?-*) C. M. Reed, proprietor of a meat market at Gaston, was a j If you contemplate a vaca- pleasant caller at the Press office, Chas. Stalley made a trip to A. A. Walker, of Scoggins Monday morning. F 2 Smith Pre­ \ tion trip take one look at Hillsboro Sunday of this week. Valley, was in this city, Tuesday. Miss Mayme Scoecker, of Se­ mier typewriter, good as new. A. G. Reid and wife, of Seat­ C. D. Dyment, of Portland, attle, is visiting at the home of First offer of $30 takes it. Press 16-tf our window before going. tle, were in thii city la-it week. visited his family in this city, her sister, Mrs. Dr. Brook bank, office. in this city. She will make an Wanted a couple of young VanKoughnat & It ;d r the j Sunday. city, Monday, or S a l e N o . calves, either sex. Phone 0185, druggists have a patent container Lost on road between condenc- extended visit. Edw. L. Navlor. 27tf Dr. Brookbank will move this are headquarters for Trunks, for the'r brick ice cream which er and reservoir, a blue jumper, week to a dwelling on Second will keep the cream, for a long having check in pocket made out street, between S econd and The New Store is an excellent Dusters, Sweaters, time after yon buy it. 35tf to Robert Enshede. Return to place to trade, everything clean, Third avenues. Shirts, etc, etc. Miss Frances Hiebel was call­ this office and receive reward. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Emmerson neat and tidv. 36tl- ing on Mrs. Grady, in the Cor­ room to rent close by making your Misses Verna Carothers and autoed to Vancouver last Friday. in. Furnished nelius section, Tuesday. Call Press offee. 32 tf. Miss Hazel Barber spent the Brick Ice Cream 25c and 50c Marian Gantenbine, of Portland, week from us. end with her brother, W. at VanKoughnot & Reder’s drug are visiting with Mrs. Florence A. Barber, F or S ale -One open buggy in Portland. store. Three flavors in each Littler, of this city. good as new $60. Also one cart making Big JReductions Fred Lockley, of Portland, was Mr. Arthur Deute and family, and harness $20. Inquire this brick. 35tf 82ft. J. Bold rick and family leave visiting in the Grove this week. , of Portland, visited with Mr. and office. and Women’s Oxfords this week for their cottage at Mrs. E. J. McAlear and son, Mrs* John Anderson’ in this city, W anted :—A place for an ener- Lowell, are spending two weeks Sunday Newport. getic girl of sixteen to work for economically in­ with her sister, Mrs. Elmer May, Mrs. Leslie Powell, of Agra, her board and to go to school in The largest assortment of at Palmer. Kansas, is visiting her parents, Forest Grove. Understands gen­ avail them- men’s straw hats ever showed in Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Underwood, eral house work. Apply to Mrs. j Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples Aden Harper, of Gales Creek, of this city. of opportunity given to J. M. Barber. 3512 Store Hillsboro. 35tf was looking after business mat- Lester Bennett, of Philomath, Miss Anna Carlyle leaves this ters in this city, Tuesday, prices. visiting with Mrs. Louise W anted —Young pigs, phone) week to spend the remainder of M iss Ma r y Freerksen, of was 1047, Marv R. Sorber, 36tf Phillips and family, of this city. her vacation in Portland. ¡Thatcher, was shopping in this I Mrs. S. F. Martin and daught­ $3.75 now $2.79 To E xchange —Old spuds for The Peoples Store is receving city, Monday, 3.50 now 1.98 of Scoggins Valley, were one-halt' amount returned this) new up to date goods daily. Bert Doane, of Oak Hill, was er, 2.25 now 1.29 visitors, Tuesday. fall. E. L. Naylor, City. 36tt' Dont forget to see the many trading with the local merchants Grove $4.50 now $2.98 Chester Vincent, of Gal es bargains at the Peoples Store the fore part of the week. $3.00 now $2.19 Creek, was visiting in the Groye Hillsboro. 35tf J. E. May, of Palmer, Ore., this week. S WM. WEITZEL $1.50 now $1.19 Mrs. Burlingham has been visited with W. J. Good, of this Lee Via, of Portland, is visit- entertaining a lady friend Fargo, city, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. . $4.00 now $2.79 Via, of this May resided in this city the past ^'s m°ther, N. D., the past week. 3.50 now 2.19 Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet 2.75 now 1.98 winter. ¡c*ty' Have yau seen that Auto and Metal Work and Re- Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Groner, Mrs. Edna Nutter and husband. Outing Sanitary Package at Litt- Portland, visited with her pair Shop. ler’s Pharmacy? Its the neatest Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Groat and ¡of aunt, Mrs. Chas. Miller, of this thing yet. 35tf Mrs. Groner’s brother, of Shoals, Jack Vanderzanden, of Fir visited the W. J. Good family in city. Hiss Anna Taylor, of this city, North First Avenue, between Main ¡ nd Holm, was on our streets, Wed this city, Sunday. left for Los Angeles, Sunday to “A” Street«; i hon 6 . nesday. Mrs. J. Ragsdale and daughter attend the National Christian The Pest place to get Talcum have moved from “B’’ street to Convention to he held Powders and Face Creams is the HoiTman house on Main Endeavor 2 iïA T c a rÆ 5 this week. Littler’s Pharmacy 35tf treet, The bungalow being erected John Dodge returned to by O. Brown on North “A” grs F ? Jack Byers, Sr., of Thatcher, her Mrs. home this city, Tuesday, M A a O * . ttÚ F was a visitor to this city, Wed after a visit in with &CO. relatives at Sa- stl'eet is nearin* completion, ar.d nesday. and Lebanon. Her father one dnes^ appeal - i XJL ¿L IS « G fife’s Notice the change in name the, lorn died recantly at the age of 78 homes in the city when Forest Grove Pharmacy will he years, passing away while sing- i r e a ( l v for occupancy. known hereafter as L ittler ’ s ing a hymn. Mrs. Will Ives and son, Ken­ P harmacy . 33tf neth, who have been visiting John Wilson Macmm, who is Mr. and Mrs. Marion Knight now working at St. Helens, vis­ Mrs. Ives’ mother, in Michigan, J l J ___ JL N IlHIU 155138, on, of Fir Holm, were trading in ited his family in this city over for several months, have return­ to p’an for that College Course. ed to their home in this city. this city, Wednesday. Sunday. Board and room at the Walker Mrs. J. L. Howard and chil­ The weather became very hot in The e Is considerable discussion about Education but Michigan, which caused them to and need Medicine you place, 3d Ave., North, between dren, ofRed Blutf, California, there ;s nr <1 ubi that a good general college course taken right sooner than they seems had im ex- A and B Street Phone Main 367. are visiting her mother, Mrs. N. return should get the best. pected. Little "B utr 34tf is in the long run Hie practical thing in Education. We dispense only the of this city. proved in health. Mrs. C. A. Littler spent the Gardner, purest drugs and chemi Father LeMiller, pastor -pbe j obn place of 160 Fourth with friends in Portland. of Rev. A sch-ol we! equipped to do first class general co liege the church of the visitation, , acres, lying Costur cals. We do it right — two miles of Bring your wool and mohair to Verboort, was a Forest Grove Tjmber, has been sold to east work is Dr. J. At right prices. A. G. Hoffman and Company for visitor. Monday. O. Robb,of Hillsboro. The place PACIFIC D R U G CO. highest cash price. 18tf Attorney M. Irene Langley jg partly cleared, and contains W. H. Barber, of the Grove, was a Rose City visitor, Tuesday three millions of feet of timber, FRANK MERESS, Manager Forest Grove, Ore. visited his son and family at Oak afternoon. The talk of the city. Almost Grove, Saturday. 1 his school begins its 60th year of successful work in such Miss Jessiline Disbtow, who three thousand up-to-date Ladies’ SURVEYOR Free—I will give away fir pole lias been visiting relatives in and Gents’ Slioesjust received at genera! college lines September 17th, 1913. Terms reasonable. wood from unburned slashing. Eastern Oregon, has returned to The Peoples Store Hillsboro. 35tf All kinds of survey­ Record and equipment good. Come and help us help you. Phone Gales 255. The wood is this city. Miss Disbrow has filed J. Wheelock Marsh, of Hood, ing and maping. on a homestoad in The Dalles in section 17, t, 1, s, r, 3 west. was visiting friends Subdivisions a spec­ Come in ar.d talk the matter over or address for Catalogue Thomas Cox. 33tf- country and will go to pioneering in Washington, this city, the past week. Mr. ialty. it on her claim. and further information Miss Helen Bishop has return­ Postmaster Frank Myers, of Marsh was horn and raised in H. B. GLAISYER, ed to her home in this city after Portland, accompanied by his Forest Grove, and conducted a Hoffman & Allen Bld’g PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. newspaper here at one time. a week’s visit in Corvallis. Phone 806 family, autoed to this city Sun­ Men’s work shirts all colors II. W. Scott and wife visited Forest Grove, Ore. for a visit at the home of several and prices at The Peoples Store day, days the past week with William Henry Har­ their children at Cherry Grove. Hillsboro. 35tf Lieutenant rison Myers. Mrs. W. H. Barber visited her Sawyer, of Fir Holm, Professor A. C. Robinson, who daughter, Mrs, W. T. Keesee, of was F'rank a business visitor to this has been assistant principal of Watts District, last week. the Wilbur, Washington, High city, Wednesday. school, the past two years, was New shipment of ladies and Herman Bernards, of Verboort, visiting his sister, Mrs. John gents silk hosiery, just received was a business visitor to this Cummins, near Dilley, this week, at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. city, Monday. and made the Press office a 35tf Attorney and Mrs. L. L. pleasant call, Monday. Alec, Ivan Noble, now in the real Langley, of Portland, visited graduated from Pacific Univer­ estate brsineis in Portland, was over Sunday at the home of sity with the class of 1910, and in this city Sunday looking after Judtie and Mrs. William Langley, while a student here was the business matters. ¡n tjdg cBy star distance man on the track. The firm of Bennett & Logan, Mrs. Mallory and daughters He will attend the University of Hillslxro, was awarded the con­ have returned to their home in Pennsylvania, next year, tract for pointing the Central this city from ' *' Dundee, where C om parisons. school building. Frank Buffurr, they spent the Fourth with Mrs. "ThoMp old warrior» must have look- of this city, will paint the Lin- Mallory’s sister-in-law. In their elaborate arm or.” c>ln school building. ... ., Emma n B. ., Penfield „ .. spent .fi \e grotesque s ; almost as grotesque as a man Miss In a baseball catcher's outat or a foot­ The great sale i t Staehr’s Ba- the week-end with her brother ball suit."- Exchange. zaar is still on and will continue ¡n Portland. t) the end of this month. Pianos Miss Beth Sexton is away on a It 1» only by labor that thought can Is* limile healthy, and only by thought are sold at prices ranging from vacation, visiting with friends in th at labor can be made happy.—Rue $80 to $90 its i than Portland pri­ Portland. kin. ces. Organs $15 cff. Sewing Public. machines at practically your own Mrs. Harry Dodson, of this N otice i» hereby r o e n the! AT 3 :0 0 O’CLOCK the Ions R r.lire section of Washington county, price. Any sheet music in the acroaa Dsiry Creek. W « t of Hillsboro, will be ctoeeit to traffic after T ucu l*). July l.tth. 1913, house 5 and ten cents as long as was removed to the Good Sa- Irtun J* a. m. to p. m. of each day until the re pair» on the aame are c impleted Grandstand Free it lasts. Sol I o i easy ‘erms. maritan hospital. Saturday, suf- County. By order of the County Court of W aahinati n Orearon 36ll fering from a nervous affection. W it D B REASONER.C«unty Judge. I We Suitcases, Linen Umbrellas, Gloves, You can profit purchases We are in Men’s and Shoes, and clined people should selves this buy at these low Womens Oxfords Oxfords Womens Shoes Dcr ’t nzh s our Bargain De- § parimeiiu It surpasses all m extreme price reduction. If you are sick Begin Now! Pacific University Forest Grove Training Park E very S unday A fternoon ----------STARTING JUNE 2 9 ----------- “ *PPY EVENTS EACH AFTERNOON Oregon Electric Cars Stop at Track N e lle * le Ike b —:---- RACES BEGIN Admission 50 cents ---------