FOREST GROVE PRESS, E0RE3T GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 10. 1913. F o r est G r o ve p r e s s E. S. SPARKS. Editor shd Manager Mortal Sforna of Sown (Emmtry Many Forest Grove people \ served by the hostess, FO R E ST GROVE. ORE. have gone to the beach resorts to spend the balance o f the sum­ The Camp Fire Girls leave for T elf . p h o n k s : mer, which causes a quietness in a camping season o f two weeks ( R esidence 285 O f f ic e 502 social affairs. at Glenwood, Thursday. Those T erms of S ubscription going are Misses Bishop and Fer- One year, in advance................... $ 1.50 j Mrs. Charles Hines will enter- rin as chaperons, and Helen Bix months, in advance..................... 75. . , , . , ... Three months, in advance..................50 tain her friends this evening at Phillips, Ruth Austin, Mona ■_________________________________ cards. Mallory, Mary Olmstead, Ger­ T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y 10. 1913. trude Hintnan, Lucile Higby, An at home will be given to­ Evelyn and Ruth Patton, Mil­ Display advertisements for publication in the dred Carlyle. P ress must be in this office not later than Tues- morrow evening by Mrs. F. J. T H E P R E S S P U B L IS H IN G C O dHy evening to insure appearance in current issue Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ore. as mail matter o f the incond cla>s. Some day Forest Grove will have a fountain where man and beast may quench their thirst, but it is slow in coming. When conditions become intol- erable it is time to act. A word to the wise should he sufficient, and those who have not wisdom should be wised up. -------------------- Portland is getting a black eye as a “ dead” town. Inflated land values may havqsomething to do with this as well as a democratic administration. Also the land sharks. Those who will get both feet in the public trough and feed to the exclusion o f their competi­ tors, hogging it all, are bound tc wax sleek and fat, and in the nature o f things they will love everybody. Miller, Mrs. Miller is making Miss Ruth Robinson has re­ quite elaborate preparations to receive her guests. Cards will turned to her home in Portland after a week’ s visit with Mrs. be the evening. Atwell, o f this city. During her stay here Mrs. A tw ell gave a Forest Grove people to the party in honor o f Ruth’s eighth number o f about fifty spent the birthday. The table was beauti­ Fourth at the summer home of fully decorated and refreshments Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Miller, in the o f ice cream, cake and candy Fern Hill section. Dancing was were served. Games were play­ indulged in, and at noon the ed which were enjoyed by young ladies ot the party served a fine and old. Those present were dinner, Ruth Porter, Blanche and Gean Craft, Winnie Willis, Helen Mrs. John Wilson Macrum had McEldowney, R u t h Robinson, a neighborhood parly at her Mrs. Chas. Russel and sister, beautiful home in South Park, Mrs. McEldowney, Mrs. Wm, Saturday evening. liv e Hun- Perrin, Miss Haskel, Mrs. Elean- (*re<' w^s *he evening, and a or Large, Mrs. Robert Taylor, mos* enjoyable time was had by Mrs. Joseph Taylor and Mrs. At- those present. Luncheon was well. HIS VISIT TO MORGAN. There Wasn’t Much Said, but It Was All Right to the Point. A well known Insurance official said I lie other day at the Auditorium, in Chicago: "In the beginning o f iny career, when I was only a humble Insurance agent, I gained access one morning to the au­ gust and formidable presence of J. It is said to he the American Pierpout Morgan." | "N o !" idea to give everyone a square “ Yes." tbe official insisted— “ yes, it’s deal, but this does not always a fact, Don’t ask me bow 1 did It. obtain in this land o f the free though, for that's a secret. But at 10 and home o f the brave. Nor o'clock one morning behold me. a young insurance agent, standing bo- will you have to go far to dis­ fore the desk o f tbe great J. Pierpout with my big envelope o f life and death cover an example o f favorism. statistics, twenty year endowments, and so forth. In my band. 1 was. 1 The blackberry crop this year ,lllve si,1e born a grand duke you would drink from morning till night too.” She gave him up after that. He Is very good natured and never tins enough money, in spite of his huge fortune, because lie always gives to any who ask. He set up half a dozen poor Russian exiles as shopkeepers in Paris, lends them money whenever they ask for it and buys cartloads of things from them, just to give them business. At one time he kept his own private gypsy chorus. A Tip to Draftsmen That May Save Tim* and Trouble. Every draftsman has had occasion at one time or another to color a drawing or a white print. The use o f colored ill'- - is unsatisfactory; crosshatching In eo li is obscures the details and is slow, while water colors have the disadvan­ t a g e o f slowness, besides being difficult to apply evenly. A quick and satisfactory method of coloring Involves the use o f ordinary wax crayons nnd gasoline. Crayon of the color desired Is applied and then rubbed with a piece o f cloth wet with gasoline until the color Is even and ex­ tended to the limits desired. I f It over­ runs the lines it can. be erased with a pencil eraser. Some colors, particular­ ly the yellows, purples, greens and light blues, produce much better results thau others. will he heavy, and many o f the meet Mr. Morgan " Ke" t " face *Ter ma“ “ 8ed t0 * * to fn face. It Is probable that the gasoline dis­ residents o f this city will com- j -W ell, what happened?” solves the wax from the crayon, leav­ bine prudence and providence “ ‘Mr. Morgan.’ I began hurriedly. ing the pigment ns an Impalpable pow­ •you ought to carry more life insurance. der, which when rubbed over the paper with pleasure by picking and You see. sir’— colors it uniformly. The method is ap­ canning this delectable f r u i t “ And lucidly and cogently and brief­ plicable with equal success to eggshell while on their annual outing in ly. wasting no words, I laid my Insur­ and smooth drawing papers and to ance proposition before the great finan­ white prints on both paper nnd cloth.— the mountains. cier. Engineering and Mining Journal. " t ie listened in silence. Those fierce Delicately Handled. blue eyes o f Ids bored through me like Summer is with us. Always lances. When I stopped at last all he Speaking of fitting marriages, an east a fter the Fourth o f July the said was: side clergyman said: " I favor healthy marriages only, to " 'IIo w did you get In here?’ weather t u r n s warmer. The be sure. Health certificates would be “ *! walked In.' I answered. celebration o f the anniversary of “ ’Well.’ said he, ‘walk out.’ ’’—New an excellent thing. I have noticed that LONG LOST MINE FOUND. the Nation’s birthday has noth­ Yolk Tribune. the Italians among us have a tactful way o f managing that. Looking For Cattle, Man Stumbles on ing to do with weather condi­ “ The Itnliuu father and mother ask Old Location In Nevada. Why Elephants Fear Mice. tions since the explosion oLpow- The long lost Cinnabar mine, tirst It scorns Incredible tlmt so smnll find the young man who seeks their daugh­ der has been eliminated, but harmless an animal as a mouse Is able ter If he Is Insured. If he Is not they discovered by Judge Hawthorne, in heat follows cold in natural se to frighten an elephant almost out of urge him to take out insurance before whose honor the town of Hawthorne the wedding, and sometimes they in­ quence according to the work­ Its senses. One little mouse In the sist upon It. They put the argument Nev., was named, has been found ai t bay on which they are feeding will er a search lasting more than thirtj ings o f nature. stampede an entire herd. In their na­ for It on the usual grounds, the risk of years. Tbe discovery was made a few tive land there are little animals, Ills dying suddenly and leaving hts weeks ago by George Keougb while known as chacnnas, which food on a family penniless. But what they are searching for strayed stock seven Until the building o f new busi­ small, sour berry of which elephants often most concerned about ts assur­ miles from Mina, Nev. The discovery ness blocks on the church square are very fond. They live in settle­ ance as to the suitor's good health. was kept secret until claims were ments. something after the manner of They feel satisfied that If he can get facing College Way, the hitch­ prairie dogs, under the berry bushes. Insurance there Is nothing serious the staked und assays made of the ore. showing it to run high In quicksilver ing chain should be allowed to When feeding, the elephants trample matter with him. Following the announcement of the "Now. that seems to rap a happy way finding o f the mine, a rush was start remain. This is more or less a the little towns, and the chacnnas, in their fright, run up the tubes o f the of dealing with a delicate problem to back street, and is the best place elephants' trunks. Their long, sharp the satisfaction o f all hands und the ed for the district in which It is locut ed. Hawthorue, after finding the Cin for the farmers to hitch their claws catch In the flesh, and they can ciuhariuKstnciit o f none."—New York nabar deposit, became confused and Sun. lost bis way on the desert He wan teams when coming h e r e to not be ejected The more violently the monster blows through Its colled trunk dered about for several days nml final­ tra ie. A little lack o f courtesy tbe more firmly the hooked claws o f Saved the Baby. ly landed at New Boston, formerly a w ill turn the stream toward the little animal become Imbedded III The Chicago Historical society has a thriving camp, but now extinct. letter in which Is described how Ste He conducted expedition after expe­ sim e other town, and when oth­ Hi*» flesh. Inflammation and death nro the result. In captivity the elephants phen A. Douglas was rescued from a er merchants are reaping the think they are In danger o f the deadly fiery death on the day of his birth dition it) search o f the deposit, but his efforts were fruitless. lie described profits that should remain here, chacnnas when they see a mouse. The letter was written by Horntio L. the location, stating that two petrified Walt, master In chancery of the circuit trees stood near the mound. The stone it may he too late to be sorry. court. John Coimnt. one o f Walt's trees are to be noticed today as de­ Malaria. Malaria 1ms been recognized since family ancestors, who lived next door scribed by the old prospector, who died to the Douglas home In Brandon. V t. thirteen years ago. A ll kinds o f schemes for get­ the days o f Hippocrates ns one o f the saved Dougins' life. most formidable and destructive of ting a living without work are maladies, the more formidable because "Th e morning Dougins was horn," SUNDAY SCHOOL MOVIES. tried by hoboes who wander it was supposed. In accordance with the letter says. "John Connnt went to the Douglas house, and ns he eutered nbout from town to town, being the name which Mncculloh adapted for It from the Tlnllnn less than a the room Douglas' father was sitting Bibls Pictures and Pl.iys a Great A t­ careful to keep away from the century ago. to lie caused by a per­ In an armchair before an open flre- traction For Children. A three mouths’ successful expert harvest fields that are crying for vasive venom in tbe air. But since plnce with the Infant In Ills arms. Just men. One o f the most con temp- epochal ^observations o f laivcran, as Connnt eutered the father died sud ment of teaching the Bible by moving the In I sirs o f Golgi ami Ills colleagues donl.v from apoplexy. The infant rolled pictures ended recently at the CDiver tible tricks that is played on ami the experiments nnd discoveries down Into the fireplace, nnd Connnt slty Congregational church In Chicago In that time dozens o f picture plays of the gullible public is tbe sore- nf Boss It has lost much of its mys­ snatched him from the fire." a religious nature, scenes from the arm scheme. An acid is poured terious terror, ami the sure way to its Sandy’s Criticism. Holy Land nnd the city slums, were upon tbe arm. and the corrosive prevention nml extirpation has been A young Scotchman went to a Lon thrown on the screen and their lesson revealed.-N ew York Tribune. don school of music, where he learned explained to the children. action o f the liquid will make to play the violoncello fairly well. On "W e believe that children learn bet Making a Choice. what appears to lie a horrible "D on’t yon love the merry prnttle of his return to his native village he gath­ ter through tbe eye than through the Bore. The mendicant goes about the children?" ered hla frlemla together to hear his ear." said the Rev. Oscar C. Helming, with a cloth over his arm. and "Y ea." replied Mr. Growcher. with new Instrument When he had played tbe pastor “ We not only have Inereas one or two tunes he looked up expec­ ed the attendance, hut the older chil when he approaches a sympa­ some hesitation •’that la to say. I'd tantly. After u alight pause his old dren are staying. They are Interested " rather hear Freddie nml Willie prattle thetic looking sucker, he jerks grandfather spoke. than learning to plnv the bugle nnd the Eh. uiann.1 he said. "It’s s malrcy the c lo th away and shows the sun re drum."—Washington Star. 8nak* Not Used to Hard Eggs. there's na smell wl' lt!"-L lv e rp o o l Hunting for eggs In her henhouse at horrible ulcer. O f course nine Mercury. Family Division. East S warts wood, N. J.. recently. Mrs. Out o f ten men will give the Friend So that In your little boy? Jackson Rose lu-held a blaeksnake poor devil a little money to help He linden very Intelligent. Proud Mam­ In Treubls. colled In a nest. Her hnahnnd killed "Did you go to the doctor's to be ex­ the snake, which failed to show fight him get to the hot springs, or a ma .limt nn I was at hla age. My amined this morning?" Noticing a large lump in the snake’s hospital in the east. The truth daughter, now. Is more like her father. " I vs. And I was terribly disappoint throat. Rose cut the reptile open — Nos I.olslm » A j f the matter is that these fel ♦d." chins egg was lodged In the throat "What was tbe trouble, dear?" The snake's fondness for eggs bad lows are frauds and should be The man who Is not afraid of failure "1 found him In "-M ilw a u k ee Sen proved Its undolug. eeldom has to face It promptly turned down. Forest Grove, Ogn. Both Phone« Physician & Surgeon Forest Grove, Ogn. Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building Phone Main 0131 Forest Grove, Ore. E. B. Tongue, Jlllorney-al-LaW R. M. Erwin, M. D. District Attorney. Physician and Surgeon Hillsboro, Ore. Tamiesie Bi ilding 3d and Main Sts. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. E. J. Crcwlhers Physician and Surgeon S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. Calls answered day and night Office in Jackson Pharmacy Physician and Surgeon Cornelius, Ore. Delta Building Hillsboro, Ore. W. B. COON, V. S. O ffice o s 1 s t S t . Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. E lm er H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Physician, Surgeon Having bought out Dr. Feeiey, Vet­ and Osteopath erinarian, 1 wish to notify the pul.lie that I am prepared to answer all calls, Calls answered day or night. day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O re Hillsboro, Ore. A cre T racts in Sun Set J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. Addition to Forest Grove to be sold on terms. W. W. Physician and Surgeon Phone City 384 Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Ireland, Hoffmar. Building Hillsboro, Ore. WILLIAMS & MOORE G en eral S to re Wa carry a full line of Groceries, Canned Goods and ' Farm Product“. • Our goods are always fresh, and our prices are a; low as the lowest. W e also carry a line Drygoods and He berdashery. . . . . . W E W IL L P L E A S E Y O U Pacific Avenue at Third Street. ses* 7 BUTTE&ICK. FASHIONS SUMMER. 1913 ¡Ten*« » rnrr f- » • i u i k i n a : k i i m n i i i h ---- gy n n • * PWCt X C t N T S i « « t e c n i M H Ready! “Butterick Fashions ” Summer’s Newest Styles Draperies ? Yes, lots and lots of them. Wonderful, smart designs in hun­ dreds. Everything complet« for the season. Dainty summery dresses for all occasions. Any Butterick Pattern FREE with every copy 25 cents (10c extra by mail) fc» ■ ««Wf at •*« Fhoae 631 A. G. HOFFMAN CO FOREST G R O V E , O R EG O N