FOREST GROVE PRESS, FORES! GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 3, 1913. v PROF. BENKORI Will STUDY IN EUROPE G. W. Markee and wife, of Portland visited friends in this A cre T racts in Sun Set city over Sunday. Addition to Forest Grove New shipment of ladies and to be sold on terms. W. W. gents silk hosiery, just received Ireland, Hoffman Building at The Peoples Store Hillsboro. Professor A. BenKori, who has occupied the chair of Modern 35tf T. W. Sain and daughter Mrs. Al Dilley, of the Watt Mrs. R, F. Emerson and child­ i Languages at Pacific University Wanda, of Scoggins Valley were district, was a Forest Grove ren visited friends and relatives for the past seven years, has The Sunrise Notice. Grocery will pay SURVEYOR trading at the local stores last visitor, Saturday. been granted a year’s leave of cash for all farm products, | in Portland last week. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bateman, by the board of Trustees Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, All kinds of survey­ work shirts all colors absence Have yau seen that Auto and of Thatcher, were shopping in and Men’s and he will devote that time to the best market price paid and ing and maping. prices at The Peoples Store reaserch work in linguistics in all goods sold at the bottom Outing Sanitary Package at Litt- this city, Saturday. Subdivisions a spec­ 35tf Paris, Berlin and Madrid. Pro- price. Pacific Avenue at Third ler’s Pharmacy? Its the neatest Albert LaMont, of Dilley, was Hillsboro. ialty. thing yet. 35tf a business visitor to this city, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Danielson : fessor BenKori and family will street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­ took a trip on their motorcycle to leave next Monday for Iowa. tor. H. B. GLAISYER, 23tf Edgar Meresse, Editor of the Saturday. Hoffman & Allen Bld’g Mrs. BenKori and daughter will F or S ale N o . 2 Smith Pre News Reporter, McMinnville Frank Mott and sons, of That Salem Saturday. Phone 806 visited his parents in this city cher, were pleasant callers at the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Par- visit with relatives in the hawk- mier typewriter, good as new. | mely of theJSelitz country visited Forest Grove, Ore. eye state while Professor Ben­ Sunday. First offer of $30 takes it. Press Press office, Saturday, renewing Monday with Mrs. R. F. Emer­ Kori is in Europe. office. 16-tf The dest place to get Talcum their subscription to this publi­ son of this city. Prof. BenKori came to Pacific Wanted a couple of young Powders and Face Creams is cation. University the University calves, either sex. Phone 0185, Master Holland Emerson had Littler’s Pharmacy 35tf M. Turner, of Banks, was con­ his hand burned badly last Sat­ of Chicago. from He is a deep student Edw. L. Navlor. 27tf Ben Hall of Forest Dale, was sulting a local tooth carpenter, urday with a rope on a hay fork. and is master of many languages. trading in Forest Grove Friday Saturday. To E xchange —Seed potatoes The talk of the city. Almost He is popular with the students, for equal quanity and quality re­ last. Miss Ethel Adkins, of Gales three thousand up to date L .and and has always taken a keen in­ turned this fail. Phone 0185, Go to Joe’s Shop on First Creek, was shopping in this city, G. Shoes 27tf For Good Shortcake just received at The terest in student body affairs. Edw. L, Naylor. Street for an artistic hair cut tr Saturday. Store Hillsboro. 35tf The New Store is an excellent that is really short, you will find that velvet shave. Emil Crop, of Verboort, was a I Peoples Mrs. M. W. Patton made a place to trade, everything clean, Glenn Giltner, of Portland, business visitor to this city, Mon-' trip to Eugene last week toj neat and tidy. Crescent visited over Sunday with his sis­ day. attend a Missionary Convention. ter, Mrs. Zoa Hartrampf, in this Mr. and Mrs. Garagus, of the The News-Reporter, a live and Furnished room to rent close Baking city. Manning section, were visitors growing county paper published Lindley A. Wells, who is in. Call Press offee. 32 tf. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ives, of to this city Monday. at McMinnville, presented a very speaking for the National Prohi­ Powder the Gales Creek section, were A man was arrested last week I attractive F or S ale —One open buggy bition association in Oregon, ad­ appearance last Thurs­ as new $60. Also one cart is indispensable. It Saturday visitors to this city. at Rogue River, who had been day. In honor of the Nation’s dressed audiences both night good works evenly and and harness $20. Inquire this | selling clothing at Myrtle Point, Jake Buxton was a business surely and keeps the and morning at the Congrega­ birthday the front page was office. 32 ft. raise in suspension visitor to the metropolis, Satur Rosberg and Grants Pass, from printed in three colors, red white tional church Sunday. uutil the cake bakes. which the tags had been removed j day. and blue. The press work was He stated that the people of W anted :- A place for an ener­ 25c per Pouhd. Miss Jessiline Disbrow, the and he was arrested, it being particularly fine, and shows that the state of Kansas have more getic girl of sixteen to work for goodnatured and efficient little suspected that he may have rob­ an artist has charge of the money per capita than the her board and to go to school in Ask Your Grocer typesetter in the Press office, bed the Anderson store in this} mechanical end of the paper. people of any other state in the Forest Grove. Understands gen­ Crescent M anufacturing Go. has gone to The Dalles country city. He gave the name of Geo. j Edgar Meresse, a former news­ union, and that there is less eral house woik. Apply to Mrs. Seattle, W ashington 35t2 for a week’s visit with relatives Fish paper man of this city, is editor booze drunk there than in other J. M. Baiber. states; also this applies to Maine; I Sheriff Reeves was up from Free—I will give away fir pole of the News-Reporter. the county seat, Saturday morn­ wood from unburned slashing. Victor Brown of this city has these states have fewer inmates I If you are sick ing looking arouiid. Phone Gales 255. The wood is be ui appointed by the State of public institutions than where and need Medicine you Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Miller and in section 17, t, 1, s, r, 3 west. Forester as Supervising Warden, the saloon exists. He quoted statistics to prove this. He stat­ 33tf- for Washington county. He will should get the best. daughters, the Misses Phyllis Thomas Cox. and Jenness, spent the week end Miss Elsie Scott has been vis­ have charge of all state, county ed that in its infancy prohibition We dispense only the with friends in the Rose City. iting the past week with friends and private patrol work in this made great strides, owing to the purest drugs and chemi county, and cooperate with fact tliat the saloon interests S. G. Hughes, proprietor of in Portland. cals. We do it right— had not organized to fight the the local telephone system, was Corbett and Levi Crowthers Forest Supervisors of the Na prohibition At right prices. movement. But now a business visitor to the mettop and Lewis Crawford, who have I tional Forests to the greatest they are using every effoi t to extent. olis, Saturday. PACIFIC DRUG CO. been working near Wasco, came: possible fight the movement, and tl at to It is hoped that residents of Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Via, of ' 35158, Monday evening to spend the county will will give him meet this the temperance forces FRANK MERESS, Manager B lxton, visited the former’s home the week, in this city. hearty support and consult must be up and doing. mother and sister in this city, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dennis of their him in regard to burning per­ Friday. 4th of July at The Star Scoggins Valley spent an over mits etc, a local nature. He Notice the change in name the, Sunday in this city with rel­ will be in of touch The Star Theater will give a with all local special Forest Grove Pharmacy will be atives. motion picture show to­ wardens and will gladly refer j known hereafter as L ittler ’ s morrow, both afternoon and to plan for that College Course. requests for information to the! Take a brick of icecream home nearest P harmacy . 33tf evening, in honor of the nation’s you for any information you from VanKoughnet & or assistance Mrs. Bernard Ortman, of with There is considerable discussion about Education but birthday. “Prisoners of War” be able to j 35tl give. A list he of may Thatcher, was shopping at the Reider’s Drug Store. is a heart stirring drama having local wardens there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right VanKoughnet & Iteder the with their addresses and tele­ its setting in Civil war timjs. local stores, Friday. Board and room at the Walker druggistshave a patent container phone numbers will be pub­ “The Wonderful Statue” is a is in the long run the practical thing in Education. place, 3d Ave., North, between for their brick ice cream which lished in the local papers when Bunny humorous reel that will A sch .cl we 1 equipped to do first class general college make you reel with laughter. A and B Street Phone Main 367. will keep the cream, for a long such appointments are made. “ Broncho Billy’s Sister” is one 34tf time after yon buy it. 35tf It will be impossible for the those stirritg western dramas warrk is Bob Rufli, of the Manning sec Brick Ice Cream 25c and 50c State Forester to personally in of tion, was greeting friends in this at VanKoughnot & Reder’s drug gpect ail the work done by the: that will tingle your nerves. city the last of the week. Bob store. Three flavors in each numerous supervising wardens' Socialist M eetings Forest Grove, Ore. 35tf in his employ and their success Professor has always made his home brick. W. F. Rios, a noted around Manning, and is still Mr. and Mrs. John Byer, Jr. will depend very largely upon lecturer on Socialism, will speak This school begins its 60th year of successful work in such the support they receive from at the Artisan Hall, Dilley, July heart whole and fancy free. of Thatcher, were Forest Grove the whom the Forestry 13, at two o’clock in the .after­ genera! college lines September 17th, 1913. Terms reasonable. Bring your wool and mohair to visitors, Tuesday. John was law is people intended to aid and pro­ noon. At evening of the same Record and equipment good. Come and help us help you. A. G. Hoffman and Company foi carrying his hand swathed in tect. highest cash price. 18tf bandages, having raised an ugly he will give an address at The First National Bank has day Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue L. C. Boyd, of the Fern Hi I blister on his palm while cutting been Fern Hill.I All those interested removed to the Nixon block wood. John should receive a section, was a pleasant caller al in the socialist cause are invited and further information medal, as it is seldom you find a and B. F. Purdy has removed to attend. this office, Friday. his goods to the K. of P. build­ F or S alk : —My gas vacum man now-a-days who will go to ing. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Ore. These moves are made Attorney W. P. Dyke of this such lengths in getting up wood; carpet cleaner a well established necessary because of the work of city will be the orator of the day business in Washington and they generally let George or building a new banking house on at Orenco, tomorrow. rather their wives do it. Yamhill counties. An exallen! the corner, will be occu­ proposition, for particulars apply Miss Frances Myers one of the pied when which completed to E. L. House. 35tl teachers in the public schools of First National Bank. by the Misi Emma Busch, of Oal Portland, has returned to her Mrs. W. A. Barker and son of Hill was shopping in this city, home in this city for her sum­ Portland are visiting W. H. Bar­ mer vacation. Monday. ker and family of this city. John Cornelius, of Blooming, The proprietor of the local pool Holman Ferrin, who has been AT was shaking hands with his joint was arrested and fined the attending the University of Ver­ friends in this city, the first of past week for allowing minors mont the past year, has returned to frequent his resort. the week. to his home in this city. Holman graduated from the University Mr. and Mis. Harvey Baldwin, Mrs. Eunice Walker, of Gas­ of Vermont last month. He will who are farming in the Wapato ton. a former resident of this spend the Summer at the Break­ section, spent the week end with city, was in the Grove, Saturday ers hotel as head clerk. relatives in this city. calling on her friends. H, Archibold, of Hillsboro, Ed Rivett. of the Oak Hill Charles Walker and wife have was in the Grove, Sunday, call­ section, was trading with the gone to Newport, where they will conduct a dancing pavillion local merchants, Saturday. ing cn his friends. during the summer. Joe Morley Unice S. Banister, of Portland, The largest assortment of accompanied them. recently of Canada, has pur­ men’s straw hats ever shoed in chased the farm of W. B. Ogilvie, Hillsboro, from $1 to $3 Peoples Col. Eddy, right-of-way agent EACH 35tf of the S. P. railway ctmpary near this city and has moved Store Hillsboro. theron. The farm is Wi II im­ Miss Anna Taylor left for former newspaper man of Forest was a visitor here, yester­ proved. Portland Wednesday to attend Grove, day. Bert Doan, of Oak Hill traded the C. E. Convention. Colin Dyment, Northwest at the local stores Monday. The Peoples Store is receving editor of The Portland Journal, -------- RACES 3EGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK---------- Mr. and Mrs. JamesReeher, of new up to date goods daily. has moved his family to this city the Wilson River country, were Dont forget to see the many for the summer. They are occu­ Admission 50 cents Grandstand Free In this city the first of the bargains at the Peoples Store pying the Austin house recently i Hillsboro. 35tf j purchased by Mr. Dyment, week. - STRONG ADDRESSES ON PROHIBITION ' - ^ r- i. r Begin Now! Pacific University RAC RACES! Forest Grove Training Park E very S unday A fternoon ----------- STRUNG JUNE 2 9 ------------- .SNAPPY EVENTS. AFTERNON Oregon Electric Cars Stop at Track