Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 03, 1913, Image 4

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G r o v e P r e s s of deep learning, is young, pro­
gressive, and ever alert to take
B. S. S P A R K S . E d ito r a n d M a n a g e r
advantage of the changing con­
T H E P R E S S P U B L I S H I N G C O ditions. He writings along ed­
ucational lines prove the breadth
of his mind, and his work in
T eleph o n es :
other institutions of higher learn­
R e s id e n c e 285
O f f ic e 502
ing will be of great value to him
in his work at Pacific University.
T er m s o f S u b scr iptio n
Progress of the college has
One y ear, in ad v an ce.......................$ 1.50
Six m onths, in a d v a n c e ......................... 75 been hampered of late years by
T h ree m onths, in ad v an ce...................... 50
a lack of harmony. This should
be a thing of the past, and it is
T H U R S D A Y . JU L Y 3. 1913.
hoped that the instructors, stu­
and townspeople will work
D isp lay a d v e rtis e m e n ts fo r p u b lic a tio n in th e
P r e s s m u s t b e in th is office n o t la te r th a n T u e s ­ with Pres. Bushnell to give this
d a y e v e n in g to in s u r e a p p e a r a n c e in c u r r e n t is s u e
institution that standing abroad
E n te r e d a t th e p o s t office a t F o r e s t G rove, O re- that will induce more students
a s m ail m a tte r o f th e seco n d clas».
to come here to school. In point
of equipment and location Pa­
“ Prettiest town in Oregon.
cific University is the peer of
any educational institution on
Hundreds of persons have died the coast, and there is no good
this week in the middle western reason why the attendance
states from heat prostrations. should not be increased to three
Man dies from heat and cold, by times the number that have at-
fire and flood, and with all ol tended in the past few year,
his genius has but little control
over the elements of nature.
fo r est
It is hoped that Mr. Albers, j
owner of the clay beds near this
city, will find the right grade of
sand to mix with the clay, I
which will give a product for the W illam ette V alley C hautauqua
R eplete W ith N ew
manufacture t>f porcelain. There
is no reason why a pottery fac­
tory should not be established in
Forest Grove. Should this come
Many Forest Grove people are
to pass, work could be given to planning to attend the coming
hundreds of persons and this session of the Willamette Valley
city would gain greater fame I Chautauqua to be held at Glad­
than has ever yet come to the stone Park July 8 20, inclusive.
“ prettiest town in Oregon.”
The program has just been pub­
lished and includes many widely
Tomorrow will be observed k n o wn Chautauqua speakers
once more the anniversary of Prof. B. R. Baumgardt Colonel
the Nation’s birthday, and George W. Bain, Walter Hol-
thousands of orators throughout I comb, Frederick Vining Fisher,
the land will retell in thunderous Ng., Poon Chew, (the Chinese
tones of the heroic deeds of our Statesman;) the Sierra Mixed
fore fathers, who shed their Quartette, the Tyrolean-Alpine
blood to found a free nation. Singers, Frances Carter, Maude
The small boy will imbibe the Willis, Matt Hughes, E. G. Lewis
Bpirit of patrotism the while he and Grace Lakin are among the
burns his hands with toy cannon big features of the coming
and fire cracker, and the youth assembly, for the afternoon and
and maiden fair will munch to­ evening programs.
gether from the same sack of The morning classes include
popcorn and stroll through the talks by Dr. W. Hinson of the
crowd arm in arm oblivious to Portland White Temple, elocu­
other mortals. Swings, games, tion talks by Mrs. F'rancis Car­
dances and side shows will add ter; “supervised play” by Miss
their part to the general sum of Grace Lamkin; school of music,
enjoyment. Thus do we cele­ lectures on “ Modern Economic
brate the “ Fourth” the greatest Problems’’ by Dr. Gilbert ot the
day of the year.
State University; lectures on
practical agriculture and stock
After two years of preparation and poultry by experts from O.
the Second World’s Christian A. C.; and other talks by lead­
Citizenship Conference
was ing scholars along various lines
opened Sunday in Portland. Rep­ of thought in Oregon.
Daily band and orchestra pre­
resentatives from all parts of the
to the programs, with
earth ara in attendance, and
speakers of worldwide repute solos by Portland’s leading vocal­
Chautauqua base ball
are making daily addresses to ists.
large audiences. The purpose league plays daily games and
of the conference is to seek so­ consists of five of Clackamas
lutions of the problems which County’s fastest amateur teams.
beset the nations in building to Tents and platforms may be re­
a better and greater citizenship. served for patrons. Plenty of
Many H i e the evils which beset camp fire wood, and lots of pure
human society, and these earn­ mountain water. Camp eqnven-
est. thoughtful men and women, iences most ideal. Provisions
gather from all Darts of the may be purchased from stores
world that they may exchange on the grounds or patrons may
ideas and suggestions for the eat at Chautauqua Cafeteria.
forward progress of humanity.
M o rta l N a im o f Œ num “S (E o m ttry
Wedding bells still continue to
ring for Forest Grove young
people, and Cupid, the little love
god, has the past week occupied
the center of the stage in social
***** *****
Miss Nellie Hermans and Mr.
Anthony Eveis, both well known
and popular young people of the
Verboort section, were united in
marriage last week. They will
make their home at Verboort.
* ^ 9 *
1 »
Ruth Gaylord became the bride
of Mr. Leslie Hope. The bride
was attended by Jdiss Bessie
Hope, sister of the groom, as
bridesmaid, and Mr. Haskell Fer-
rin was best man. Mrs. Hope
graduated this year from Pacific
University, and is a very charm­
ing and attractive girl and has
many friends in this city. Mr.
Hope graduated from Pacific
University last year. While a|
student at P. U. he was editor
of the Index, the college publica­
tion, was president of the
student body and had represent­
ed his alma mater in debate a
number of times. He has many
friends among the people of this
city. Mr. Hope is associated
with his father in the banking
business at Vale, Oregon, where
he and his bride will make their
home after a trip to Cannon
Dr. D. W. Ward
Dr. E. B. Brookbank
Physicians and Surgeons
W . M. Langley & Son
Forest Grove, Ogn.
22 First Ave. No-th
Residence 402
Phone: Office 40.<
Forest Grove, Ore.
IL W . Vollmer, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Forest Grove N at’l Bank Bldg
Forest Grove, Ore.
Office in Abbott Bldg.
B oth PhoneB
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Ind. Phones
J. N. Hoffman
A ttomey-at-LcTS
D R . C. E. W A L K E R
Office H offm an Bidg. Pacific Ave.
Ind. Phone 502
F o re st Grovo
Osteopathic Physician
The Ladies Working Society of
Treatment by Special Appoint­
the Congregational church met
ment Only
at the church parlors yesterday
afternoon. The session was one
W . Q. Tucker, M. D.
of business and pleasure, and a
South of Court House
delicious lunch was enjoyed by
Physician and Surgeon
Hillsboro, Ore
those present.
Calls answ ered prom ptly day or night
Phone: O.Iice 271, ltesid en ce 283.
Hollis & Graham
The Workers Cla;s of the
Methodist church to the number
Dr. H. R. Kauffman
A Uomeys-at-LaW
of twenty went by auto to Fern
Physician & Surgeon
Hill, last evening, where a A quiet but pretty home wed­
Office: F o r e s t G ro v e N a t ’l B a n k B uilding:
Forest Grove, Ogn.
P h o n e M ain 0131
“cherry social” at the home of ding united one of ForestGrove’s
Miss Pearl Cooke was enjoyed by best known and most popular
Forest Grove, Ore.
the merry crowd.
young men to the lady of his, E. B. Tongue,
*>=*► *»*a* «>•**
R. M. Erwin, M. D.
choice, Tuesday, when Mr. Has-1
Mrs. Winnifred Aldrich gave a kell Ferrin and Miss Esther Spill-
Physician and Surgeon
D istric t'A tto rn e y .
birthday party at her home Sat- man were joined in holy bonds of
T am iesie Bi ilding
Hillsboro, Ore.
3d and Main S ts.
urday night in honor of her matrimony at the home of the
Hillsboro, Ore.
daughter, Mrs. Hazel Carmack. bride’s cousin, W. E. Cappin, at
Y eager & Cornish
A number of the young friends Rose City Park, Portland. Only
Attorneys at Lau)
S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M.
of Mrs. Carmack were present immediate friends and relatives
to help her enjoy the evening, were present. Miss Laura Weist
Hill*boro Commercial Bank Buildtng
Physician and Surgeon
Hillsboro, Oregon
which was given over to games was bridesmaid, and Mr. Leslie Phone City 232
D elta B uilding
and music. Light refreshments Hope attended the groom. Mrs.
Hillsboro, Ore.
were served by the hostess. All Ferrin is the daughter of Mr. Dr. E. J. Crowthers
present report a very pleasant; and Mrs. Thomas Spillman, of
Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O.
Physician and Surgeon
Portland. She is an attractive
Calls answ ered day and night
Physician, Surgeon
girl of the blond type, and was
Office in Jack so n P harm acy
and Osteopath
The Homesteaders gave a popular at Pacific University,
Cornelius, Ore. Calls answ ered day or night.
H dlsboro N ational B ank Bldg.
reception in their lodge rooms where she was for several years
Saturday night that was most a student in the Conservatory of j
Hillsboro, Ore.
enjoyable. Two new members Music. Mr. Ferrin is the son of W. B. COON, V. S.
O f f ic e o n 1 st ST.
were initiated into the mysteries Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Ferrin, of i
J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor.
B etw een Pacific and 1st Ave. S.
of the lodge, after which the
Physician and Surgeon
H aving bought o u t Dr. Feeley, V et­
time was given over to playing Grove, which has always been erinarian, I wish to notify the public Phone C ity 384
th a t I am prepared to answ er all calls,
games and listening to musical his home. After attending the day
Rooms 4 and 5, Schulm erich Bldg-.
o r night.
selections. The occasion was
Hillsboro, Ore.
Phone M ain 95
F orest G rove , O re
also a farwell party in honor ol University, where he took high
Mr. and Mrs. Erphan Miller, honors as a student and athlete. |
formerly employed at the laundry Graduating from Pacific Univei-
who have moved to Portland. sity, he accepted a position with
Strawberries and cake were the Forest Grove National Bank,
and is now assistant cashier of
served to those present.
that financial institution. After
A wedding of interest to For­ a honeymoon trip to Cannon
est Grove people occured today beach the happy couple will
Wa carry a full line of G roceries, C anned Goods and
at Centralia, Wash., when Miss make their home in this city.
Farm Products. O u r goods are alw ays fresh, and our
The G l u t t o n I n the C ase.
B enevolent Old Lady (to little boy In
prices are a3 low as th e lowest. W e also carry a line
General Store
street»— Why. why. little boy. did you
rvet get such n black eye? Sm all Boy
M e an* Sam m y Jones w as figbtln'
tot a apple lu school, on' be sm ashed
me B enevolent Old L a d y -D e a r, d earl
And which g lutton got th e apple?
sm all Boy T eacher, m a 'a m —H arp er's
TVray A rt A pt to Irrita te the Neck and
Cauee Carbunclee.
T he back of th e neck Is th e com ­
m onest place for a curbuncle to a p ­
pear. It la a m ost sen sitiv e spot, not
so m uch ou the su rface of th e sklu
a s in th e underlying tlsues. w heteln
a re g re a t nerves th u t com m unlcute
E v e r R e ad y.
very closely w ith th e bruin. And It Is mmrni
"T h ere Is one vital difference be- In th ese tissues th a t th e carbuncle
tw een hall players and politicians.”
sp read s Its "roots.”
“Only one?"
A carbuncle Is a breaking dow n of
• Well, one th a t Is more noticeable th e tissu e caused by th e germ s c a ll­
thiiii any ot the o th ers
Tou never ed streptococcus and staphylococcus.
hear ot a political h o ld o u t”—C hicago T hese a re th e principal but by no
it'd H erald.
m«-nns th e only pus producing g«*ruis
. . . . . . . . . . . .o T hey e a t and break dow n the tissues
T h e w h ite corpuscles o f th e bltxxl rush
to th e spot and try to devour th e a t ­
tack in g bacteria. M illions of them per
T reatm en t of Lockjaw.
lah In th e a ttem p t, and pus ts really a
If people only knew a little
m ix tu re of dend w hite corpuscles and
m ore ab o u t the te tan u s bacillus,
germ s th a t a re ex u d in g v iru len t pol
which cau ses lockjaw, says Dr.
C harles O. I**hat. corouer’a phy­
C arbuncles select th e back of the
A L ittle Mixed.
sician In Brooklyn. N. Y., there
ne«'k so often because of th e Irritation
A H indu h a rrlsta r th u s excused an
would be few er cases of It a rriv ­
caused by the collar If thla be slightly
Forty thousand strong, the a b se n t clien t whom slcknesa hud pre­
ing a t th e hospitals too late for
frayed o r roughened by careless Inuti
th e a u tltn x ln to do any good.
Boldiers of the blue and gray, vented from com ing to court: "T h e
dering. T h e back o f th e neck Is a l­
man has fallen unw ell, y o u r honor,
T hey should rem em ber first of
most as much expos«*! to d irt as are
who 50 years ago met in mortal an
d he h as sen t a m an h ere to say th u t
all th a t th e bacillus of this d is­
th e backs of th e hands and ne«*is
combat in the bloodiest and most he Is lying and can n o t come."
ease Is one of the few th a t enu-
w ashing alm ost as o ften T h e rubbing
not flourish In th e air, th a t can
momentuous battles of the civil
of th e collar sernpes off th e scaly s u r­
m ultiply only wlieu shielded from
Too Truo.
face of the skin, w hich Is Its prote<>
war, are met once more on the A fter o u r landlord
th e air. It can and does m ultiply
had pocketed th e
Hon ngnlnst germ s o f disease. T his
fields of Gettysburg, in a reunion $30 w hich we pay m onthly fo r o u r lit­
w ith in a healed w ound, and th a t
being gone, th e germ s e n te r unop-
Is w hy a su rface recovery from
which is without parallel in the tle a p a rtm e n t he blushed painfully.
a ru sty nail th ru st Is so often
A collar button pressin g constantly
world’s history.
On the field “ W hy do you color so?" I asked.
"B ecau se I have a re n t In my tro u s­
on th e one spot may pro«luce th e sam e
where half a century ago the er»,"
thro u g h bis shoe and Is less and
he m u rm u red .—E xchange.
effe c t
le«s w orried about his foot as the
earth ran red with the blood of
And tn a few d a y s yon a re going
w ound heals over. He ought to
around w ith a bandage on your ne«-k
the flower of American man­
T h a M o n e y T o n n y o o n Made.
tie more worried.
and auffertug aw fu l torture.
F o rtu ­
hood; where in the nightmare of Lord T ennyson m ade a g re a t Income
Now. th e lesson Is this: Go
n ately the doctors hav e discovered an
the thunder and smoke and
to a first ra te d octor as soon as
an tito x in th a t quickly cures cwrbnn-
took over th e publication o f th e poem s
you can a fte r a bad cut or wound.
Yet even w hen th is Is adm inis­
flame of battle brother met In th e six ties they agreed to pay T en n y ­
If yon c a n 't do th a t tre a t y o u r­
tered the p a tie n t Is doomed to much
brother in a deadly hate that i son $25.000 a y e a r In resp ect to th e
self. 0|»eii th e w ound w ith a
left its thousands of slain on the books already Issued and pay th e poet
silv er prol»e and apply tin ctu re of
T h e mornl o f all th is ts: D on't wenr
profits on new work, less a m odest
Iodine. Keep It o|>en for ten daya
a collar th a t Is th e least bit fr*ye«t.-
field of carnage, all is now serene all
10 |>er cent com m ission TM s second
an d allow It to heal from the bot­
Xew York World.
onetime foes mingle together Item generally m ean t $30,000 for each
tom lustead of healing at th e s u r­
in perfect amity, and over these
face. I t Is the ouly safe thing
his d eath T ennyeen drew s steady $60,-
G ardanlng Tips.
to do.
old veterans of a long gone day iXX) per annum from hla publisher*.
“A stronom ical gardening” com es in
T h e public ought to be edu­
broods the spirit of peace and
for stro n g cen su re from R ons« and
cate«! lu this. T he trouble Is th a t
Ju s t Lika H it Tooth.
G arden
Floral su n s and moons. It
brotherly love.
they rarely think o f lockjaw In
Small F reddie had th e to o tb ta rh e one
says, a re out o f place on law ns, and so
connection w ith a wound except
day. and his m other told him th e tootb
Is th e outgrow n row boat doing serv­
In th e accidents th a t surround
ice before th e honse a s a co n tain er of
The Trustees of Pacific Uni­ wav hollow and needed to be pulled.
th e F o u rth o f July. T hey have
A few daya later th e m other com plain­
« rarlet g eran iu m s Shun the Isolated
been educated to g reater c*r*
versity have made a wise choit e ed
of a severe headache. "M am m a.”
bed *s though It were plague Infested.
anil first aid to th e tnjur«*d then,
in the selection of Dr. Bushnell •aid F reddie wisely. “ I'll bet yo u r head
It urges, and itse th e o p p ortunities of­
and It m ight as well be spread
fered by th e r r s c e f a l possibilities of
to head the local educational in­ la bollow You o u g h t to go an d g et It
over th e whole y e ar
borders and edging*.
stitution. Dr. Bushnell is a man p ulled."—C hicago News.
and H ab erd ash ery ................................................
Pacific Avenue at 1 hird Street.
m i 'i a t i H ** »>«( II
“Butterick Fashions ”
Summer’« Newest Styles
Draperies? Yes, lots and lots of them.
W onderful, smart designs in hun­
dreds. Everything complete for the
season. Dainty summery dresses for
all occasions.
Any Butterick Pattern FREE
with every copy
25 cents (10c extra by mail)
f c j ■ espy at tke