FOREST GROVE PRESS, FORES1 GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1913, ESTATE ^AC TIVITY JM Furnished by the Wilkes Abstract Co. of Hillsboro HIS QUEER SENSE OF HUMOR. It Found Relief In Praetleal Jokos Upon the C'orgy. Some thirty odd years ago a young man came to New York from England (I have forgotten his name», and for a year or so he posed as a vary ardant churchman. He bad a mania which seemed to be the making of troubl« for other people, with no particular object except that and certainly with no ndvnntage to hlinself. aa ba very naturally remained •incog." As Illustrative, be would send oat a hundred or more postal cards addraaa- ed to a# many different plumber* la Now York, asking them to call oa a certain duy. at a given hour, at tha residence of the Rev. Dr. Morgaa Dla, rector of Trinity church Another time It would be an army of bakers, and so on. On one ocaslon he teat In­ vitation* to a dozen of tb* clergy to dine with Dr. Dlz on a given date. Imagine the good doctor'* conaterna- tlon when his unezpected guests a r­ rived! 9 One of his bits of ‘•funny" work, la which be used tbe name of the late Rishop .Taggar. was as follows: Dr. Cornelius B. Swope waa tbe vicar *f Trinity chapel. In Twenty-fifth street, at tho time, nnd Dr. Horatio Potter the bishop of New York. Dr. Dlz hod be­ come so ezasperated as hardly to know what to do, and one day be went to consult Dr. Swope and to ask hla advice as to what could be doDe. tak­ ing with him one of the cards th at be had received. On looking at It Dr. Swope said: “I recognize that handwriting be­ cause I received a card some time ago In the same hand, which I have kept as a curiosity." This was the card: Transfers for week ending June 13' Hammer lot 8, Newton Acres »1750. Dank of Sherwood to Nellie W Hart 1913. lot, 4, blk 4, Epler’s Add to Sherwood George Conzelman and wf to L D » 1 . W alker 10 Ms acres east of Plat No. 1 Charles L Ilinman and wf to Frank Conzelman’s Pros. Acres »650. | W Ilinman 81.80 acres in Harvey 1, D Walker to George Conzelman | Clarke and -wf DLC No. 37, 1 S 3. 12 10% acres east of Plat No. 1 Conzel- acres in Harvey Clarke and wf DLC No. 37, 1 S 3. .31 acres in Alvin T man Pros Acres »10. etc. John Horsch and wf to Janies E ! Smith DLC No. 43, 1 S 3 »3500. Herman and wf to Pansy Shaver lot Andrus 11.34 acres In sec 32, 1 N 3 5, blk 7, Metzger Acre Tracts »500. »6300. I* A Taylor and wf to E Estes and Hoy Heineck and wf to P IJ Lewis % lot In E% of SE% Bi'c 7 and W wf N% of N E % of NE*4 of SW 14 sec 3^ 2 S 1 »10. '% of SW14 sec 8, 2 N 4 »10. Winifred T Moran to William B Isaac Young and wf to E I llonel- sort lots 10, 11 and 12, blk 8, Simmons Gilson lots 6 and 8 and 10 in blk 1, Paulson & Moran’B First Add. to Add to Hillsboro »1250. George Williams and wf to Isaac Hillsboro »10. O W Olson and wf to Nellie La- Young 5 acres In sec 18, 1 S 2 »950. J Rising and wf to C P Jordan lot Chappelle lot 6, blk 15, Pineland Ter­ 1, blk 38, South Coast Add to Hills­ race »10. W A Shaw and wf to AgneB Rob­ boro »10. Jasper E Young and others to Trus-, bins 68-100 acres in lot 302 of John­ Beaverton tees of Leedy Grange Hall Associa­ son Estate Addition to tion No. 339 of Wash. Co. 10,000 sq. R-edville Acreage »10. etc. Doll Sinclair and bus to Walter ft. of land ill sec 33, 1 N 1 »10. etc. Lettle A McKay to School Dist­ Loeft'ler 10 acres in sec 17, 2 S 1 rict No. 18 1 acre in sec 23, 1 S 1 $1450. Perry E. Phelps, Admr to J C Pid- »500. C in c in n a ti, Ohio. Elizabeth Tongue Freeman et al cock E% lot 53, Cornelius Environs D e a r C o rn el—I t Is ru m o re d o u t h e re th a t to Richard Green tract on Paso Line »650. you w ould lik e to be a bishop. I f th is Is William B Gilson and wf to L A tr u e p le a se let m e k now a t once. I h a v e road, Hillsboro Ore »300. Pttttlson g r e a t Influence w ith M or*. D lz and will William C Kulisch to Walter Suer- Davis lots 6, 8, 10, blk 1 see old P o tte r a b o u t It. lo ­ & Moran’s Add to Hillsboro »10. ir you w ould lik e to be a b ish o p cher Vt acre in NW% of SE'A see » A nd w ith th e b ish o p s s ta n d , Commerce Trust & Savings Bank 1 S 1 »1. A m ite r on y o u r fo re h e a d Ezra Wright and wf to A 11 Wcav to Fred Silversparre and wf lots 113 A nd a c ro z le r In y o u r h an d , to plense w rite m e Im m e d ia te ly F a ith fu lly er and wf 19.75 acres in DLC of Joel and 149 of Johnson Estate Add y o u rs. T H O M A S J AGQAR. Peaverton-Reedville Acreage »10. Fairchild and wf, 1 N 4 »4500. B ish o p of S o u th e rn Ohio. John K Pease and wf to J J Fish­ Commerce Trust & Savings Bank New York became rather too "hot“ e r et al 10 acres in S% of sec 23, to Geo Kostelac S 5 acres lot 68, for otir friend shortly after that, as the 1 8 1 % int in W% of tract convey­ .Johnson Estate Add. to Beaverton police got on his track, and be disap­ lleedville Acreage »10. peared. He turned up later a t his old ed »300. Thomas L Stream et al to Angen- tri I s In Pittsburgh, I think, where he Paul Rothman to United Railways Company 1.27 ayres in N% of SEV4 ora L Stream 37.58 acres in R Wil- was czposed, and I don't remember | Hants DLC No. 42, 1 N 2 and other what became of him.—Rev. Dr "ft. W. NW!4 sec 1, 1 N 2 »10. Holley in Living Church. Charles E Clapshaw and wf to land in said DLC »10. W A Shaw and wf to Bessie M John R Greenwood 20 acres in SW'/i Booka From Unexpected Place*. Wickersham N% of lot 308, Johnson of SW% sec 4, 1 N 6 »2000. Not only art, but literature, has been John Johnson and wf to W A Wood Estate Add to Peaverton-Reedville produced In unezpected places. There and wf 10 acres in b c c 35, 2 S 1. Al­ Acreage »10. etc. was. for Instance, Robert Bloomfield, Resale M Wickersham to Joseph F who produced Ills "Farmer’s Boy” so right of way »10. Carl G. Tescher and wf to Allie Wickersham N% of lot 308, Johnson while working b o bard as a shoemaker Moore 20 acres in DLC of Charles Estate Add. to Peaverton-Reedville (In n garret with five or sir others) that he frequently had to carry a hun­ Acreage »10. etc. Stewart and wf No. 06, 1 S 2 »10. dred lines In his head through lack of M E Huffaker and wf to Agnes Mar C W McNamer to JoBeph William leisure to write them down. James tra c t in William Stokes DLC No. 61, Glenn S% lot 3, Subdivision lot 14, Hogg, too. “the Ettrlck Shepherd," Garden Home »650. 3 N 3 »3200. wroto his earliest verses while tending Disila M Hall and hus to Royal M T P Close to Eugenia M Close 14% Ills sheep In the Perthshire highlands. And Taylor, "tho Water Poet” c o m ­ Colo tract In blk 18, Forest Grove acres in sec 25, 2 S 1 »10. Edwin G Nelson and wf to Medard bined the very different offices of »500. George F Heineck and wf to Cor­ Rotsaen lot 3, blk H Lehman Acre literary man nnd Thames waterman.— London Chronicle. nelius Ott 42% acres in sec 3, 2 S Tracts »10. J C Stapleton and wf to H B Ti­ 3 10 acres in NE% S\V% sec 4, 2 S The Third Hand. gard lot 17, North Tigardville Add 3 »5100. How often tbe little things in life Laurel M Hoyt .and wf to A M »500. mnka Impressions that linger In our ■ i.— ■ .1 —— 1—7' memories long after tbe larger events Former Local Dentist Protect* manure pile and the epitoon ? | Into the kitchen and dining room were several daughters. One of the “Lady” 4(b) VVliat does he do there?l girls brought n hat Into the sewing Dr. O. C. Hiatt, who practiced He walks on the bread, fruit and room one morning and prepared to dentistry in this city for many vegetables. He wipes bis feet I trim It. Before doing anything els* took a hatpin and pinned the hat years, and whose greatest fail­ on the butter and bathes in the she firmly to her skirts at tbe knees, so ing was his too intimate acquain­ mill*. tlmt she bad both hands free and held the ribbon nnd flowers In placg with tance with John Barleycorn, 5. Does the fly visit the pa­ left hand while she sewed them was taken to jail in Port­ tient sick with typhoid fever, her with her right.—F&llndelphla North land, the first of the week, on a consumption and cholerain- American. charge of selling liquor on Sun­ fantum? He does and he may It’e Easy to Learn. day. Dr. H iatt’s arrest was all call on you next. Alexander Graham Bell, the Inventor on account of his etFort “ to pro­ 6. Is the fly dangerous? He is, of tile telephone, hit on bis marvelous discovery while studying and while tect a lady.” man’s worst pest and more dan­ teaching the deaf. A Portland painter by the gerous than wild beasts or rat­ Professor Bell one* said, apropos of name of McNab was approached tlesnakes. this fact: by an officer disguised as a hobo. "Yes, we can learn valuable secrets 7. What disease does the flv I from tbe most unlikely sources. A Per­ The minion of the law ap­ carry? He carries typhoid fever sian |K>et. famed for his wisdom, was proached McNab and put up the consumption and summer com­ once asked by bis king where be bad plea that he bad a great thirst plaint. How? On his wings and learned Ills philosophy. " ‘From the blind, sire.’ the poet re­ on. McNab, an accomodating hairy feet. What is his correct plied—‘frum the bllud. who never ad­ chap, offered to get him some vance a step until they have tried the name? Typhoid fly. wet goods. He piloted the 8. Did he ever kill anyone? ground.’ "—New York Tribune. officer to the office of I)r. Hiatt. He killed more soldiers during! Diamonds and Glass. The Dr. didn’t have any liquor the Spanish-American war than The diamond. Instead of being a real himself, but he did the disap­ solid. Is a mass of atoms all In rapid did the bullets of the Spaniards. and violent motion. The edge *f the pearing act and returned in a stone Is formed of these moving mole­ few minutes with a fat bottle of Woititn of 67 to Fi»h. cules us well as the body. Now, glass what purported to be whiskey. Is also made up of moving atoms, County Clerk Luce has issued though they do not move so rapidly or Then McNab was nabbed, ditto Dr. Hiatt. From tbe latter’s a fishing license to Mrs. M. A. so violently as the diamond atoms. When ,he dl*raond ‘•>'8«'. therefore, is statement the inference is that a . Dodds, of Banks. Mrs. Dodds1 ---------------------------------------------------- . applied to the glass surface the dla- ‘‘latly” let him have the liquor, ls !1 P ,o n e e r ° ‘ th e l otk of ,mn„i atoms drive the gins« atoms out and through a feeling of chivalry Dairy, and is aged 67 years. In of tbe way and force s passage. the ex-local tooth carpenter point of age this is the first Merely a Microbe. went to jail rather than “ give woman over the half century "Do you believe that lore Is due t* • i mark to take out a license in the microbe T' her aw ay.” county. It is'said that she is “1 know It Is." do you know?" j more successful than the average "How "One calls on my daugkler fonr time* A Fly Catechism. disciple of Isaak Walton. a week, and she Is beginning to fall I d The following questions and love.”—Houston Poat. answers were prepared I by the Washington Gounty to Exhibit. | Successful. Indiana State Board of Health. The Commissioner's Court has "Didn't P I artially bear you Ore something at 1. Where is the fly born? In appropriated $200 to assist in that yowling cat early this morning?" gathering exhibits for the Wash­ "Ye*; I threw tb* coafoutided alarm the manure pile and filth. ington county display at the com­ clock at It" 2. Where does the Hy live? In ing State Fair and the funds will “Hit the beastT" •very kind of filth. ’ be used by W. D. Wt i t fai 1, of "No. but I got rid *f lb* alarm clock." 3. Is anything too filthy for a Tualatin, who handled the dis­ —Boston Transcript play last year, and won a cash fly to eat? No. Work Is not a man's punishment I» 4. (a)W here does he go when P ™ iium' J he exhibit V? part Is his reward and hla strragth.—Georg* be leaves the surface closet, the the 8twet fair this fall< , Sand. POPULAR YOUTH TO GIVE TEA PARTY WAS HAMLET FAT? With His Own Words He Doth Pre- claim tha Fact Quit* Pat. Tbe traditional Hamlet of our stage 1* a lean, ascetic young person, an Idealized, etberenlhted, heroic creature evelved for tbe delectation of the mati­ nee girl. He Is a horrid sham. Is It Notice. credible that such a man would have The Sunrise Grocery [will pay hacked tbe determination, tbe purpose­ fulness, to put his revenge Into opera cash fo r. all farm products, tion pat upon the discoveryT It Is all Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, very well to argue about his mental balance. It was bis sluggish liver the best market price paid and that stayed him and hampered him. all goods sold at the bottom Hamlet's father was a fat sad let bar price. Pacific Avenue at Third gie mao by bis own account street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­ S le e p in g within my orohard. My custom always of the afternoon, tor. 23tf he says In his ghostly interview. We may then look for some clew to F or Q uick S a le - A $12000, 38 Hamlet's character as soon as be Is acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, alone on the stage. What are his for $8500. One of the finest words? fruit farms in Washington Co. Ok, that this too. too solid flash would Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone snetll 16-tf n is a keynote that may not be Vine 151. glossed over as a beautiful thought F or S ale — N o . 2 Smith Pre­ for tbe same Idea bursts out some lines mier typewriter, good as new. farther oa. where he says of the world: First offer of $30 takes it. Press T h in g s ra n k and gross In nature office. 16-tf P o sse ss It merely. Ik It credible that such thoughts are A complete line of the best there for any purpose save to guide us os to tbe nature of this prince? varnishes can be had at the Pat­ They serve a double purpose. Not erson Furniture Store, Forest merely fle we learn that Hamlet was Grove. 18tf u fat man, but also that he was an un­ Wanted a couple of young happy fat man. Hamlet was a man to whom bis bulk was an affliction. He calves, either sex. Phone 0185, was handicapped by It and knew that Edw. L. Navlor. 27tf he was. Some such idea Is discernible To E xchange — Seed potatoes in every one of the great soliloquies. He scorns-himself for a sluggard: for equal quanity and quality re­ What Is a man turned this fall. Phone 0185, {f his chief good and market of hla time Edw. L, Naylor. 27tf Be but to sleep and teed? , His mind, unhinged or not, is ob­ A new and up-to-date line of sessed by fatDess, and In the mad tur­ moil of emotions after he has slain wall paper in many handsome Polonlus his thoughts run: patterns. P l a i n , figured and We fat all creatures els* to fat ua, and novelty goods to select from. We fat o u rse lv e s for maggots It bursts out again In tbe "Oh, what All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ a rogue and peasant slave!” harangue erson’s Furniture Store, Forest E re this 1 should -have fatted all the region’s kites With th is sla v e 's offal. And who but a fat. lethargic man would have said In the “To be or not to be" speech: Who would fardels bear To grunt and sweat under a weary llfa Does not the phrase bring to mind at once tbe picture of a fat man tolling at sotne loathed task?—London Express. Grove. Mr. Fred Thomas will give a tea party on the 30th of the present inst., at 8:30 o’clock at his residence on Pacific Avenue. After refreshments are served he will render a few musical selections on the violin. All his friends are cordially invited. C a ll F o r P a in tin g B id s. F o r e s t G rove, O reg o n , J u n e 10th, 1913. T h e School B o ard w ill re c e iv e sealed bilia f o r th e p a in tin g o f th e e x te r io r a n d c a lc im in in g of th e in te r io r o f th e C e n tr a l a n d L in co ln schools. S p ecificatio n s w ill be f u r n is h e d on a p p lic a tio n a t th e office o f th e School C le rk . B ida w ill be re c e iv ­ ed u n til 12 o ’clo ck noon, S a tu r d a y , J u n e 28th, 1913. M B S. D O R O T H Y H . S E Y M O U R , C h a irm a n B o ard o f D ire c to rs, school D is tr ic t N o. 15, W a sh in g to n C o u n ty , F o r e s t G ro v e, O reg o n . A tte s t: R. P . W1KTZ, C le rk o f th q B o ard . N o tic e o f W a r r a n t S a le . S ealed b id s w ill be rece iv ed by th e u n d e rs ig n e d u p to a n d in clu d in g : 12 o 'clo ck noon, S a tu rd a y , J u n e 28th, 1913, fo r $100U in w a r r a n ts oi S ch o o l D is tr ic t N o . 15, W a sh in g to n C o u n ty , O re g o n , W a r r a n ts to b e d a te d J u n e 28th, 1913, p a y a b le in th r e e y e a rs a n d b e a rin g in ­ te r e s t a t th e r a t e o f 6 p e r c e n t p e i a n n u m , in t e r e s t p a y a b le se m i-a n n u a lly . N o b ids w ill be re c e iv e d f o r le ss th a n $50.00. T h e B o ard re s e rv e s th e r i g h t to r e je c t a n y a n d a ll bids. MILS. D O R O T H Y H . S E Y M O U R , C h a irm a n B o ard o f D ire c to rs, S chool D is tric t N o. 15, W a sh in g to n C o u n ty , F o r e s t G rove, O re ­ g on. A tte s t: R. P . W IR T Z . C le rk o f B o ard . An ad in the Press brings Result Free—I will give away firl e wood from unburned slashing. Phone Gales 255. The wood is in section 17, t, 1, s, r, 3 west. Thomas Cox. 33tf- The New Store is an excellent place to trade, everything clean, neat and tidy. SURVEYOR All kinds of survey­ ing and maping. Subdivisions a spec­ ialty. Furnished room to rent close in. Call Press offee. 32 tf. good as new $60. Major Ronrke. ns aid to General Creek. once showed himself an effective Peacemaker. He persuaded a bond of Apaches to go bock to their reservation by presenting a doll to o papoose. Tbe Incident was as follows: Gesoral Crook had been trying to put those Apaches back on the reserve, but could not cntch them without killing them, an action that did not appeal to him. One duy bis forces captured a papoose and took her to the fo rt She wax quiet all day, but her black eyes watched everything. When night came the child broke down and sobbed just ns any white youngster might The fort was In despair until Major Bmirke hnd an idea. From the adju­ tant's wife he borrowed a doll that had come to her little girl the previous Chrlstmns. When the young Apache understood that It was hers to keep her sobs ceased and she fell asleep. When morning came the doll was still clasped tightly In her arms. She played with It all day. and seemingly nil thought of ever getting back to the tribe bnd left her. Several days passed with no sign of overture being made by the tribe, and finally In despair the papoose, with the doll still In her possession, was sent back. When the child reached the tribe with the prize grasped In her ehnbby hands It created a sensation among the native Americana, and her mother later went back to the post with I t She wns received In a hos­ pitable manner and kindly treated, and the effect of her visit was such that throngh her overtures were made, with the result that soon afterward the entire band moved back on tbe re­ serve.—St. Louis Republic. Addition to Forest Grove to be sold oil terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoffman Building 18tf F or S ale —One open buggy Also one cart and harness $20. Inquire this A Gift That Brought tha Rebellious office. 32ft. Apaches to Terms. WON BY A DOLL A cre T racts in Sun Set Have you been at the opening of[[the[New Store? gswsç-* fev-sssa H. B. GLAISYER, Hoffman & Allen Bld’g Phone 806 Forest Grove, Ore. Begin Now! to plan for that College Course. There is considerabl e"discussion about Education but there is no doubt that a good general college course taken right is in the long run the practical thing in Education. A school [well equipped to do first class general college work is ggg§'•! l l Pacific1 University . - ' Forest Grove, Ore. This school beginsjts 60th year of successful work in such general college lines September I 7th, 191 3. Record and equipment good. Terms reasonable. Come and help us help you. Come in and talk the matter over or address for Catalogue and furtherjnformation PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest G rove, O re. RACES! RACE AT Forest Grove Training Park E very S unday A fternoon -----------STARTING JUNE 2 9 ------------ . SNAPPY EVENTS EACH AFTERNOON Oregon Electric Cars Stop at Track --------RACES BEGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK--------- Admission 50 cents Grandstand Free