Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 26, 1913, Image 7

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W illam ette V alley
Repletj With New
Ur. Low e’s glasses wear out
Lot they t:L > Gp*ir time about it.
Real brain and nerve have
com • Lo those who wear Dr.
Lov\e 6 glasses. Consult him.
Albert Friday, o f Greenville,
was over from liis farm, Tues­
M ss Pearle'S'ievenson, o f the
Elk Horn fan , was shop piny: ir
til id city, Tuesda
P : i.v Pichison, ot L icì I g S Creek,
was ;i Grove visi l n\ Tu03 lay.
i 1io merry-g o-round, which
ilci3 ÜO : furnishing sport for
the ch ¡dren in this city for
the past two weeks, was moved
to Sheridan. Wednesday, when
it will make a three-day run dur­
ing the celebration period.
Thad Stevenson, o f the Watt
district, was a Grove visitor,
L'J . F. Love, the Thatcher hop
raiser, was in town, Tuesday.
Robert Tomkins, of Patton val­
ley, was greeting his friends ir:
this city, Tuesday.
Archie Bryant, at one time
proprietor o f the Forest Grovi
Studio, was a Grove visitor, Tue
fulay. Everyone knows Archie
lie is now living at Gaston.
Albert Running, liverymen of
Cornelius, was in this city on
business matters, Tuesday.
Go to Joe’ s Shop on First
Street for an artistic hair cut oi
velvet shave.*
A daughter was horn to the
w ife o f Sigurd Seim, Wednesday
morning. The family lives near
Rev. \7. 0. Forbo.!, o f Seattle
visited i. is daughl er 4 rs. ] > ¡»i
King, in this city last wet"
Airs. K ing accompanie I him
far as Portland
M retar:.
Miss Alary 1 eksen, o f the
Thatcher sect io i , was shopp nr
at the local store •, Tuesday.
-, o f
•; •» Î3Î tor t ) t '
Many Forest Grove people are
| planning to attend the coming
session o f the Willamette Vallej
'hautauqua to be held at Glad-
tone Park July 8-20, inclusive.
Lhe program has just been pub-
ished and includes many widely
m o w n Chautauqua speakers
Prof. B. R. Baumgardt Colonel
George W. Bain, Walter Hol­
comb, Frederick Vining Fisher,
Mg., Poon Chew, (the Chinese
Statesman;) the Sierra Mixed
Quartette, the Tyrolean-Alpine
Singers, Frances Carter, Maude
Willis, Matt Hughes, E. G. Lewis
and Grace Lakin are among the
big features o f
assembly, for the afternoon and
evening programs.
The morning classes include
calks by Dr. W. Hinson o f the
Portland White Temple, elocu­
tion talks by Mrs. Francis Car­
ter; “ supervised play” by Miss
Grace Lamkin; school o f music,
lectures on “ Modern Economic
Problems” by Dr. Gilbert ot the
State University; lectures on
practical agriculture and stock
and poultry by experts from O.
A. C .; and other talks by lead­
ing scholars along various lines
of thought in Oregon.
Daily band and orchestra pre-
'udes to the programs,
solos by Portland’ s leading vocal­
base ball
-eague plays daily games and
consists o f five o f Clackamas
County’ s fastest amateur teams.
Tents and platforms may be re­
served for patrons.
Plenty of
camp fire wood, and lots o f pure
mountain water. Camp conven­
ances most ideal. Provisions
lay be purchased from stores
i th 3 g r >n i ) or pitrdns ma
at at Chautauqua Cafeteria.
A Voice Without a Soul.
Tibet's dalal luma was greatly dls
■rlied by the first phonograph he saw.
’ muiul Candler, when in I.assa with
i V mnghuahuud expedition, heard
i the Nepalese resident how he had
e.-rally brought tlie uncanny toy ns a
t r - a the maharajah o f Nepal
tlie ¡.. ' ■ t king. The dalal lama
liked nroaad It uneasily ns it blared
'i an E 'lglsh band piece aud an In
•Unite Bhutanese song.
Then In-
ought for a long while, and finally
id In* could not live with this voice
vithont a soul. So it was passed on to
lomebody else.
A aim in
a . i er m nv.n at
Cenicrville, was greeting be­
friends in this city, Tuesday.
Adam lived litre when the mun­
icipality was a village and the
kids rode their old fashioned
A Patarnal Proposition.
bicyles on the sidewalks u
'The government throws all the ob-
olcte army weapons In the Junk pile.
Main street.
Socialist Meetings
Professor W. F. Pies, a notee
lecturer on Socialism, will speak
at tho Artisan Hail, Dilley, July
13, a: two o’ clock in the after­
noon. A t evening of the same
day he will give an address at
Fern Hall. A ll those interested
in tlie socialist cause are invited
to attend.
Tho children begin their edu­
cation when they begin to play,
ter play not only affords an out­
let for their energy and so *up-
pfies on: gre«\t meant of growth
and training, but places them in
social relation with their mates
arrj in conscicus contact with
tho world about then. The old
games that have been played by
g:■•.«rations of children not only
precede the training of the
school and supplement it. but
accomplish some results in tho
r.^t re of the child which are
beyond the reach o ' the school.—
Hamilton Wright Liable.
Dr. L o w e’ s super­
ior glasses give good
vision, relieve:’ eye strain, stops
headache, removes scowls and
that tense facial expression
caused by eye strain, therefore
enchances beauty. No one can
giv e more perfect fit or furnish
and the price is always right.
Consult him one day onl \ '¡’’les-
day July 1st at I ^ n ^ 'i- i U- ’ <\
Fcores o f Forest
* * ”
once.*. Peme nL .• .!;c lay r.n ■
I, John Wegner, the {Forest
Grove blacksmith, wish to say in
regard to the peace bond that
Joe Lenneville had me put under
that I never threatened to shoot
him, cut him or in any way do
him bodily harm. I John W eg­
ner, deny all these statements,
as I am able to defend m yself
without using a knife or gun.
Lenneville has had a personal
grudge against me ever since
he struck down a soldier who
was passing by. He tried to
bribe me to testify in his favor,
and when I refused, he has an­
noyed me in every way he can
every since.
Humid Hatteras.
j --
flatteras shows the greatest amount : S
o f aiiuuul humidity of ull places in *
this country.
i :
Old Paintihga.
The surest way to determine the age
o f a painting, according to a London
chemist, is to analyze the pigments.
“ Money talks.”
“ In that case I am speechless ” —De­
troit Free Press.
Unchanged Diet.
“ Anything new at your boarding
house?" “ Not a thing, either grub or
gossip.” —Washington Herald.
Tom—Why. how old you look. .Tack!
Jack—Yes. I never was so old in iny
life before.
Woman's Way.
“ Pa, what do they mean by a wom­
an’s way?”
"H er own.” —Buffalo Express.
He who changes the sports is se­
cretly changing the manners of the
S p e c ia l
“i ? ^ %
Oregon Eiecidc Railway
Reduced Trip Rates to Ali Points
Fourth of July
Tickeis t n Sale July 2, 3, and 4th.
Final Return
Limit July Bill.
Minimum charge 50 cents, '
: i
Forest Grove to Portland and Return
$ 1.0 0 !
World's Christian Citizenship Conference. Tickects oa ? ale
June 30 to July 6.
Final return limit July 7. j
On the 22 of February all the
blacksmiths o f the state met in
convention. The Portland boys
; i
Forest Grove to Salem and return
$ 2 .5 0 ) h
showed their Brother
Have a care o f whom you talk, to
Salem Cherry Fair.
I ickers on sale July 2, 3, 4 and \
smiths a good time, paying all
whom and of what and where.—Hor­
bills, and o f course we had a ace.
F inal return limit July 7.
good time. The following morn­
Opinion and Reason.
ing Joe Lenneville thought he
For time of trains or other information ask any
Error of opinion may be tolerated
would act smart by .’ circulating where reason is left free to combat it.
Oregon Electric Railway Agent or
• :
a little »lie about ¡-his brother —Jefferson.
. •
A Hill of Gold.
blacksmith, myself, by telling
w. c. wake*
J. E Farmer,
Mount Morgan, Queensland, Aus­
A. G. F. F. and P. A.
A g e at O iegon Electric Railw ay,
that only two out o f five could tralia, is practically a hill o f gold bear-
Forest Grove,
pass the examination and that 1 lug uiiueral.
A . G. P. A.
could not pass. I suppose he
Domestic Relations.
t d
thought he could increase his
A wise w ife soon learns to manage
business at my expense by cir­ her husband; a wise husband never ^iiimuiuiuioidiiiiii!ii!i mrnminmittniiinT;;mnuitnin— I’inii ununnniniiiiiiiiHi— in im in iw u iiii muiiii,, i g r
tries to manage his w ife.—Life.
culating this happy little lie.
Amsterdam and London.
As a matter o f fact there was
Amsterdam is the nearest European
I t A l l D e p e n d s
no examination held as the con­ capital to Loudon, being only 189
On what you use to taise the
Painfully Mixed.
vention was held merely for the miles distant.
A very fashionable young man stop
Highest New Jersey.
ped at a- tiorlst’s one hot summer daj
purpose o f having a good time.
New Jersey’s greatest altitude is 13,- to order u box o f flowers sent to lit-
I John Wegner, to rebuke Len­
275 feet, which Is a point two miles Indy love. At the same time lie nlc
neville for the lie he told about uorlh of Trucha’s peak.
purchased a design for the funeral of
a friend. On the card for the box lie for rich, moist, but feathery-light bread,
me, started to “ kid” him about
The Heart.
it. This made him awful sore,
The weight of the heart is from eight wrote:
muffins, cakes and pastry, if you use
“ Hoping this may help you to bear
and he entered a complaint
the bent.”
times in twenty-four hours.
The other card bore tlie one. word.
against me, charged that I had
“ Sympathy.”
threatened his life, and had me
Take five, add nothing, add one, add
soon the girl
put under peace bonds. I John five hundred and the answer is noth­ “ Thank you so much for the flowers
Wegner, demanded a trial and ing. How is it done?
But why did you write ‘Sympathy’ on
the card?” —National Monthly.
Joe Lenneville had his complaint
Polar Regions,
What is known as the polar regions
recalled, because he had no evi-
T h e tw o
pow er
r Songs.
cover 4,970,205 square miles and have
Jance against me o f any kind, 300.000 inhabitants.
ir e l led It and units In it m ake It3
Only tii
umts of the g o o d w ork c e rta in
failed ki;
and he did not have the nerve to
"American” Languages.
io I luce a pub- —o n e
song writ -r
b e g in s
face the charge he had made
On the American continent there are Usher to h,* >k . t
V . .. I'or those
lea ven
when you
against me in open court,
who would try li
a tip from one
m ix th e d ou gh , th e I" ,s
“ If your song Is
who Ir1-.
I, John Wegner, can show a use of.
inu-n In* hard to o th e r when you put
( to make a li ; In
They’ve Lost the Key.
clean record as a law abiding
r.nd pleasing. it In th e oven .
In Venice there is a cafe which has
.1 hr any one who
citizen from childhood up to the been open day and night for one bun j i f It can 1 " h
25c Full Lb.
le • It will not sell,
j hears it on- e oj
present time.
dred and fifty years.
and the pul
• .¡I reject It."—Now
A s k Y o u r Gtoccr
¿1 can do business in m y] own
York Sun.
C r c e c c n t F’ ziiu -.jx fi rin c C o m p a n y
••Does he ever break his word?”
name. I have property in my
F«rattle, V/aphirutcn
“ No. He engages a lawyer to bend
v ife ’s name in this town, and 1 It for him.”
if . onr story, old
Critic—Tin- !..
io not have to do business in my
fri. Aitlhor (di'
man, Is muiply
. i-o? Critic—Yes
own name or in some other For-
Mushrooms, a world wide product, llghtedly)—You
Fcminino Nerves.
i n that she bissi-,
st Grove person’ s name lo keep are n* plentiful in Siberia as they are ^ ou s!iy 0,1 1
There are in nous iviiuu n; there nr*
In the ttupios.
the law from nabbing me.
can hiss such a - . -den e nr that can t liyperuervous women. I: ;t women so
Take Care of Your Fluorino.
help being won lerfiil. Boston Tran­ nervous t'a, , liie emitlm. .1 rut ile i f a
Dated this the 25th day o f
I ’rcftwsor Armnnd Gautier tells the script.
silk skirt makes them nervous -n >,
June, 1913.
French Academy of Sciences that when
there are no women so nervous us
Cold Comfort.
Forest Grove, Oregon.
the element fluorine begins to ilisup
"Oh. papa. Mr. Spooner proposed laid
pear from the body ohl age comes on.
J o h n C. W e g n e r
A Theory.
It is this that ruu: es the falling o f the night.”
The City Horseshoer.
“ Are yon ? ■<• ' •• I *ves you?"
| Tommie—Pa, how do storms git out?
hair and the loss of the teeth.
“ He said he'd die for me. papa.”
(Paid adv.) j
Tompkins—Get out? W hat are you
You May Qalu
a d e p u ta tio n
"W ell, you’ ll 1 H i die i f you try (■
Pocket Clocks.
live oil the salirv lie's getting."—IVs
The first watch was a small clock.
| ton Transcript.
In 1477 Peter Hale, a clockmaker of
Nuremberg, made a clock in the form
Rath;r Otherwise.
o f an egg. which could be carried in
“ Is your daughter miisieni?"
the pocket. The production o f this
“ W ell." replied Mr. Cumrox, ‘ ‘sin
cost a year's labor.
«eeuix no In conversation, but when
she sings opinions differ.” — Washing­
King Solomon's Pearls.
ton Star.
Tradition says that King Solomon’s
“ Father.” 'sa id little Rollo, "w hat is
You may stretch a truth into a lie.
pearls were from Ceylon, and tlie Phoe­
Ovid and Aviation.
evolution ?”'k
nicians came to these coasts for them. hut you can't --brink n lie into truth.-
I f the aviators of today wish for a
“ Evolution, my son. Is a sort o f apol­
•lusslcal motto, what better can they ogy which man hus invented for dis­ The earliest mention o f pearl fisheries
ake than this passage from Ovid's playing so many o f the traits o f the In Ceylon occurs in the Itajuvull chron
lcle, 30« B. C.
When people o f nervous temperament
*Ars Amatoria.” 2, 43—
lower animals.” —Washington Star.
retire for the night and eiiniiot sleep It
quis crederet umquam
Aerias hominem carpere posse vias?
Is usually because their brains are still
Had to Laugh.
” 1 didn't see anything funny In the active and refuse to pari with the
which means, “ Who would believe that
“ Did the attorney for the defense story that fellow lust told. What made blood which should properly travel else­
•nan will ever be able to take aerial
cross examine you?”
where. What tho sleepless really need
paths?” —Youth’s Companion.
you laugh so over it?"
“ Oh, dear, no!” replied Mrs. Piflle- | “ Do you know who he is?”
I- a sloping lied, so that the congested
gilder. “ H e was just as pleasant
head will relieve Itself easily o f the
Real Obliging.
"No. Who is he?”
superfluous blood. For the upper part
Creditor—I should like to know wt>en about it as he could be.” —Woman's
"H e's the head of our firm.” —Life.
of the body, being h eaver than the
you are going to pay this bill.
I can’t Homo Companion.
lower. Inevitably sinks more deeply
■ome here every day in the week.
Hs Guessed Wrong.
Lsoksd That Way.
.Vbtor— What day would suit you best?
W ife -1 wish. dear, that you'd settle Into the bedding, and even If one pro(is
" I dou't think she'll ever marry him.” ray last milliner's’ hill. I really can’t the head on two pillows the n<*ck Is
^ red I tor Saturday. Debtor—Very well;
hen you can call here every Saturday. said Mrs. Uenpeck. “ She quarrels with sleep for thinking o f it. Huh—Your curved and strained nnd obstructs the
backward How of blood
«-London Opinion.
him and is so domineering that” —
! conscience pricking you, eh? W ife—
“ She is?” interrupted Henpeck. “ I’ll Oh. no
But 1 need two more hats
Eliza Jane Knew.
N .v .r«.
bet they’ ve been secretly mtrried al­ right away.—Boston Transcript
The Minister’s W ife (to Industrial
“ Von really like country life, do yon, ready.” —Philadelphia Press.
s. Iiolari EHzn Jane, I'm sorry to hear
Dobby?" asked Petlow.
An Honest Angler.
from your schoolrnlstresii you are not
“ You bet I do.” an id Dobson.
They Both fitch .
“ I'll he honest.” remarked the man diligent at your needlework. You
“ What do you do with yonrself
Which lo the greater marvel, the on the enr. “ I went fishing for a cou­ know who It Is finds work for Idle
night*?'' nskeil Petlow.
crack baseball pltfher or the circus ple o f hour* the other afternoon, nnd hands to do? Eliza Jane (Intensely
“ Oh. I eome to town,” said Dofaaoti.—
man? The baseball star, to be sure, I enhgbt tw o barrel hoops and the leg anxious to propitiate)—Yea'iu; please'm.
Harper's Weekly.
pitches a ball with wonderful facility,
o f an old pair o f overalls.” —Toledo you do.— London Globe.
but the circus man pitches • tent.—
A Born Statesman.
Boston Globe.
Tried a Bluff.
“What's the idea. George ? ’ Inquired
W ife (angrilyi Tills Is a nice time
Wogos and Salary.
Mr. Washington. "W h y do yon chop
To Bo Exact.
GaliO—What Is the difference be­ to come home!
lown tills eberry treo? Havo yon any­
Hub- Glad to hear yon say so. my
“ W ill you please cash a check for tween wages and salary?
thing against cherry treesT*
d> .ir I was afraid you might think It
me, Mr Bankus?"
When a man gets wages he saves a
“ No. sir."
rallier late.- Boston T
"Jo It a very large one?"
few dollars a week.
But when he
“ Maybe you are la favor o f defor­
Inches wide and fire Inches long.’*— a week —Cincinnati Inquirer.
“ No. sir."
dly that beg
“ Doing this for A morfng picture Lippincott's.
ear llm
r’v briskly he
“ Y. s
Barca stie.
T.y no means.”
I given him
“ Then why chop down a fuse?”
Ills W ife —You have been drinking
Let Ul be crn’enl to wnrli,
-I Just thought o f going on the again. Hav *n’t yog. now? Her Hus­
T o do the things w e can and not
T . ' rt [ list the future father of band- M'desr. i cannot tell a lie— HI*
do I t I f It
I f it i>
s country
Ami then Mr. Wnshing- W ife —You can't! Then you are fur­
T o fret because it's little.
Marma A i
• not tr
>n realized that George was a boru ther gone than 1 thought!—Illustrated
— Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
- k . r . „ I l l s Innowl
I’liey are unsalable.”
“ Seems to me tho government gives
ery little thought to pleasing its clti-
“ H ow now?"
“ Think o f the innocent joy that
vonld result if they buried those
venpons on the various battlefields for
ourists to dig up.” —Kansas City Jour-
\ -
I ; : fg
h; I
Yss, 6hs Painted.
Young Gotrox (admiring picture In
parlor)-D oes yonr sister paint. Mnr
gie? Little Margie—Yes. sir; but she’s
tinished now, and as soon as she puts
a little powder on she'll be right down.
—Chicago News.
. driving at—out o f wlint? Tommie—
W'y, the weather bureau, o' cmir-e. I
| didn't know but mebby tlie man left a
drawer open.
Fighting For Truth.
"Figh t on thou brave, true heart,
and falter not. through dark fortune
and through bright. The cause thou
lightest for. so far es it is true, no
farther, hut precisely so fur. Is very
sure o f victory.” —Carlyle.
Saw Too Much.
I.ltlle Elmer—Auntie, did you used to
be an Indian? Aunt—No, dear. Why
did you ask that? Little Elmer—Well,
when mamma sent me to your room
this morning I saw some sculps on
your dressing table.—Chicago News.
Mrs. K ld d e'y—Why Is ll that we nev-
I er hear o f tlie cute things your children
say? All the other mothers are brag­
ging about theirs. Mrs. I ’itlltou Wheeze
—You sis*, in* liu.dmnd writes the smart
sayings of the little ones, and when
any of ours says anything worth re­
peating he takes It down and sells It.—
New York Globe.
Barren Soil.
A veteran, talking to Id great-grand­
son, ii little I id of eight or nine years,
“ Nearly a generation nnd a half ago
m.v head was grazed by n bullet at the
Imttle of Clilekamaiiga.”
The little boy looked at the old mun's
head thoughtfully and said:
“ There Isn't turn h gr -zing there now.
is there, sir?” —Wn hlngton Ktnr.
know no more of the teal depth of
our own lives than a cM ' I w l io
rro«res a ffryen la1 e knows how
p the !.V e !«. l i e i.'ocj not
even l noi *h.’ t it has a den h. It
seems ail .race. — Phillips Brooks.