FOREST GROVE P R .S S , FOREST GROVE, OREGON. TH URSDAY, JUNP] 26, 1913. Forest Grove Steam Laundry Wood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. MERTZ & LATTA Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. Watch and Use the Want Ads and you’ll not need to be a mind reader The thought has often come to you perhaps, that you could easily solve most difficulties if you were a mind reader—if you could for instance,KNOW who would be glad to rent your property, or to buy it; who would be glad to employ you. Want advertisers, and those who watch the want ads, learn these things in a BUSINESS W A Y—not through occult means. S. A. W ALKEK H. LIDYARD WALKER & LIDYARD SHOEMAKERS lBt Ave. N., near Main St. W e are prepared to do the very best o f all kind o f shoe work. UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY Special attention given to crippled feet. WM. W EITZEL Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work and Re­ pair Shop. North First Avenue, between Main and “ A” Streets; phone 863. BUTTER WRAPPER PRINTING at the FOREST GROVE PRESS 100 for $1.25 250 for $1.75 500 for $2.25 The Ansco Camera approaches very near perfection as a picture taker. The manufacturer have spent years of time and a great deal of money per­ fecting these machine*. They are now a means of Education and a great source of enjoyment for old and young alike. D on't fail to take an Ansco with you on your vacation trip. We have them at all prices from $ 2 .0 0 to $ 2 0 .0 0 Littler's Pharmacy THE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Phcn; 901 .................................. — ...... Two Fights For a Bride A lso Tw o W edding Journeys By O SC A R COX John Murdock, landlord of tha Ant­ lers lun. was standing on bis porch ready to welcome the Unit summer visitor wbeu the first summer visitor came down upon him with a rush. She was a young lady about twenty year« of age mounted on a horse whoee eyee were aflame, nostrils wkle open and sides covered with foam. Dashing up to where Murdock stood, she looked at the open door of the inn aa if axpecting some oue to come out to meet her. Not seeing any oue, she fired a volley of questions at the landlord: "Is thera a gentleman hern waiting for me?" “No'm." “Has be been here?" “ N' o ’ iii .” "Have you had any word from him?" “No'm." "Then I am undone." Murdock stood gaping at her. Pres­ ently she spoke to him again: "Are you married?*' "No'm." “Would you have any objection to marry me?" “1 wouldn't be fit” "Never mind th a t Answer my ques­ tion.’’ “Really married?'* “Yes, really married, but not to live with me. No; you won’t do. Qo find me a husband." She gave him her hand that he might help her off her horse, threw the rein over a hitching post and directed him to bring any man In tha placa who was not married, together with a par­ son, if he could fiud one, and ba quick about i t 8ba would glva tha groom $900. While speaking she kept looking up the road In tha direction from which she had come, and when she had fin­ ished she listened. The landlord put on his bat to go across lota to a bouse where he knew of a single man that needed money badly. Those were the days when everybody "blked." and a young fal­ low got up In a short coat, knicker­ bockers and woolen stockings came pedullng along the road. "I say, young fellow," said the land­ lord. "are you married?” "No." “Would you like to make some mon­ ey that way?" “What way r* “By marrying a girl." "What girl7" “She’s right over there at my house. Come and have a look at her.” “I don't mind.” The landlord w e D t back by tha short cut to the bouse, and the biker ped­ aled there by the road. The young lady was out on the porch staring up the road. Turning, she saw the land­ lord and the bicyclist coming. "Hurry upl" she called. “This young man"— tha landlord be­ gan. "Yes, I know. Where’s the parson?" "I'll get him as soon as”— “Get him now. Don't waste a mo­ ment Oh. dear! I'm afraid wa'Il be too late.” The landlord Hurried away again. The girl turned toward the young man. “You're going to marry me. and I’ll pay you $900 for doing It." "Not without some show of an ex­ planation.” "We can't tie married till the parson comes, so I'll give you whst you ask. I'm sn orphan. My guardian managed to get hold of me after father's death and tried to persuade me to marry him. I've been hie prisoner tor months. I have been told that as a married woman I'll have a better chance to fight him UDder the law, and I want a husband te protect me— that I*. I wanted one and expected to meet one here, but he haa disappointed me. My guardian baa doubtleoa dis­ covered my escape and la liable to be here at any moment Hist! Is that wheels? No. When he cornea I wlah to lie a wife, and I hope you'll bar# the pluck to prevent hla dragging me tiack to that horrid"— She stopped short, seeing the land­ lord coming with a man In white neck­ tie. “Come Inatde," she added. The fonr of them went lnalde. Than the groom to ba said: “I'm ready to help yon out of a scrape, but not tor pay. And I Insist oh signing away any claim to what you possess before the marriage.” “Wall, hurry up." “Give me writing materials.“ The landlord pointed to the offlee counter, where there were pens and paper, and the young man signed away tba girl's fortune. Than be stood np beside her, and they ware married. The groom lifted hla bride's band to hla lipa in a courtly manner and kissed It "Are you a gentleman?" she aakad with some surprise. "Don't I look like o n e r "Not In thoee clothes Too under stood, didn't you. before the ceremony, that all I want of you la to get rid of my guardian? Wa are not to lire to­ gether." “Certainly n o t" “Ob. bea venal Here he comae.” A galloping horse came clattering down the road, dragging a baggy after It In the buggy was a man some what peat middle age. n # drove np te the hotel deor and called ea t tor the lead- lent “A young woman - a lunatic—has es­ caped. Seen anything of berr "There's a young lady here. She's Just been married.” “Married!" The man jumped from bis buggy, hurried Into the hotel and confronted It Was Not Very Dainty, but It the wedding party. Was a Satisfying Feast. “Edith.” he said. “I’m astonished Come borne with me." "This young lady,” said the groom. SEAL MEAT AND BLOOD SOUP. "U uiy wife, and abe goes where ahe chooses." "She’ll go with me.” T h e F i r s t C o u rse W a e S e r v e d O u t o f The new arrival was a large man, the ' H a n d , a n d the S e c o n d In M u e k O x groom rather slender and not above H e r n D r in k in g C u p e — T h e H o s p i t a l­ the medium height. The latter threw ity E x te n d e d to E x p lo r e r Ste fa n e so n . off hla coat and stood la an appropriate costume for a fight. The guardian took An interesting description of the hos­ no notice of him. but caught the girl pitality of Eskimos Is given by Vilbjal- by an urni and began to pull her to- j mar Stefausson in his paper, "My ward the door, when the groom a t­ tracted bis attention by a blow on the Quest In the Arctic,” in Harper's Mag­ Jaw. The other drotqted the girl and azine. At one stuge of his udventures went for hla assailant like a bull after the writer found himself among Eski­ mos who had never before seeu white a red cloth. The tight lasted ten minutes. The people. He says: guardian, though ha bad plenty of mui “Like our distant ancestors, no cle, knew nothing about boxing. The doubt, these people fear most of all groom, on the contrary, bad evidently things the evil spirits that are likely beeu taking lessons In that art, for be to appear to them at auy time in any kept out of the way of his opponent's guise, aud next to that they fear stran­ blows and now and again got In one gers. Our first greeting bad been a himself. The others stood looking on, the girl bit doubtful and dramatic through our with intense eagerness, for she felt being mlstukeu for spirits, but now that her fate depended on the result they bad felt of us nnd talked with us of the struggle Once back in ber and knew we were but common men. guardian’s hands, ba might defy the Strangers we were,' it is true, but wo law. Every time be made a lunge for were only three among forty of them her husband she gasped, and every and were therefore not to be feared. time her husband got In a blow she Besides, they told us they knew we danced for Joy. The landlord, fearing could harbor no guile from the free­ that the woman was really a lunatic, dom and frankness with which we did not care to mix himself up In the came among them: for, they said, a matter, and the parson was a man of man who plots treachery never turns his back to those whom he intends to peace. Evidently the younger contestant stab from behind. wag In training for some athletic “Before the house which they imme­ event, or perhaps bis devotion to Ills diately built for us was quite ready wheel gave him endurance, for as Ills for our occupancy children came run­ stouter opponent lost hi* wind the oth ning from the village to announce that er gained hi* own. But matters were their mothers had dinner ready. The ■till undecided when the latter got in houses were so small that it was not a blow under the 'chin tbnt threw his convenient to invite all three of us antagonist backward. He fell on the Into the same one to eat; besides, it floor and. hitting his head against an was not etiquette to do so. ns we now oaken chatr, lay quiet know. Each of us was therefore tak­ “Come." said the wife; "let us be off en to a different place. My host was before he gets on bis feet again." the seal hunter whom we had first ap Leuvlug the fallen man to the care preached on the ice. His house would, of the landlord nnd the parson, the he said, be a fitting one in which to groom lifted bis wife on to her horse, offer me my first meal among them, and, getting on his bicycle. In this In­ for his wife had been born farther congruous fashion they rode away. west on the mainland coast than any­ “ Isn't this too ridiculous for any­ one else In their village, and it was thing?" said the bride. "If It were not even said that her ancestors had not a m atter possibly of life or death with belonged originally to their people, but me I believe I should laugh.” were Immigrants from the westward. “A prancing steed and n bike with a She would therefore like to ask me croak In the rear wheel aren't a well questions. matched team, are they?” “It turned out. however, that his They had not gone far before a horse­ wife was not a talkative person, but man was seen galloping toward them motherly, kindly and hospitable, like When they met he reined In and they all her countrywomen. Her first ques also stopped. tions were not of the land from wtiicb “I feared I would be too late," said I came, but of my footgear. Weren't the newcomer. my feet Just a little damp, nnd might "You are too late," said the girl. she not pull my boots off for me nnd “What do you meanl" dry them over the lump? She had "In order to escape my guardian 1 boiled some sent meat for me. but she waa obliged to take a husband. This had not boiled any fat, for she did not gentleman kindly offered to help me know whether I preferred the blubber o u t” “Maud," exclaimed the man, “you boiled or raw. They always out it In don’t mean to tell me that you are «mall pieces and ate it raw themselves, but the pot still hung over the lamp, married!" "Married—not fifteen miuutes ago. and anything she put Into it would Why were you not at the Antlers when be cooked In a moment “When I told her that my tastes I arrived ?" quite coincided with theirs, as in fact “1 thought I had plenty of time." "What you thought doesn’t help they did. she was delighted. People matters. Had It not been for this gen­ were much alike then, after all, though tleman—my husband—I would now be they came from n great distance. She going back to my place of Imprison­ would accordingly treat me exactly ns If I were one of their own people m ent" come to visit them from afar. "You roust get a divorce." "When we had entered the house the "If I do I don’t know that I'll marry boiled pieces of seal meat had already you.” been taken out of the pot and lay- "Maud!" reproachfully. steaming on a sideboard. On being as­ "See here.” Interrupted the groom, sured that my tastes In food were not "where do I come in In this business?" likely to differ from theirs, my hostess "You don't come In at all,” said the picked out for me the lower Joint of other man angrily. "Y'ou go o u t” a seal's foreleg, squeezed It firmly be "Perhaps I shall, hut I've licked one tween her hands to make sure noth man for my bride, and before I give tug should Inter drip from it, and ber up I'll lick another." handed It to me. aloug with her own "We'll see about that," said the other copper blnded knife. The next most savagely, Ihrowlng himself off his desirable piece was similarly squeezed horse. He was angry with himself for and banded to her husband, and others having been too late, and a man angry In turn to the rest of the family. with himself Is prone to lie angry with "As we ate we sat on the front edge every one else. He stalked up to tbs of the bed platform, holding each tiis groom, who was standing by his wheel, piece of meat In the left hand and the ■ nd. shaking his fist in hla face, knife In the right. This was my first growled: experience with a knife of native cop- I found it more than sharp "You'll help annul this marriage or per enough and very serviceable. I'll break every bone In your body." “Our meal was of two courses the "Hurry!" exclaimed Maud. "You are acting like a fool. You can't bring first, meat; the second, soup. The soup Is made by pouring cold seal blood into about an annulment that way.” Hut before the last word was spoken the boiling broth Immediately after the Harry and the Impromptu husband cooked meat has been taken out of the were pummellng each other unmerci­ po taint stirring briskly until the whole fully Harry, whose tardiness had oc­ comes nearly—but never quite—to a curred from having atopped at a road­ boil. This makes a soup of a thickness house to refresh himself, was by no comparable to our English pea soup, meant In the condition of his enemy but If the pot be nllowed to come to a and waa knocked out In half the time boll the blood will coagulate and settle required to do the guardian. After a to the bottom. When the soup is a fall be tried to rise, but, falling, aat In few degrees from I »oiling the lamp the road covered with dust and blood, above which the pot Is swung Is ex­ tinguished and a few handfuls of the latter from hla nose. "Now. my dear wife," said the hus­ snow are stirred Into the soup to bring band. "consider yourself free to go it to s temperature at which it can be with this gentleman or with ma freely drunk By means of a small dip­ per the housewife then fills the large Which do you prefer?" musk ox born drinking cups and as­ She looked at the spectacle altting in signs one to each person. If the num­ the road, then at her champion. ber of cups is short two or more per "Y ou-tor the present at leoaL" sons may shan- the contents of one cup Again the bicyclist mounted his or a cup may be refilled when one is wheel, and the two, leaving the discom­ through with It and passed to another fited man. proceeded on their wedding “After I had eaten my fill of fresh Journey Looking bark, they saw him teal meat and drunk two pint cupfuls limping toward his horse. at blood soup my host and I moved The improvised husband turned out ' farther back on the bod platform, to be a wealthy young man who was where we could sit comfortably, prop shout entering npon hla world's work. ' ped up against bundles of soft caribou After s season he and hla wife agreed ' •kins, while we talked of various to etop certain annulment proceedings thing»." that had been started and went on a new wedding tour But this time 1» Adversity has the effect of eliciting was not In' the ridiculous fashion of a taleuts which in prosperous circum­ horse end a bl-ycle. They took a par­ stances would have lain dornant — lor car. Hornee. AN ESKIMO D I B Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association Of Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. T h e H om e Company That H as M ade G ood. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in T he Bankers & Merchants h 111 M a in S tr e e t G a r a g e A uto Repairing, V ulcanizing and G eneral M achine W ork. Storage and Supplies. P hone Main 6 2 X W. A. CHALMERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. mg is something every business man desires when he orders station­ ery. Neat appearing business letter heads, envelopes, state­ ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are what can be had from the Press Publishing Co. Neat printing and we endeavor to live up to it at all times. When we fail to deliver a job of printed work which entirely satisfies, we are prepared to make it right. A job turned out of this office must be correct in every par­ ticular. Bring you* work to the Press Publishing Co and he assured of securing some­ thing which is typographically correct, tasty in construction and neat in appearance. Beginning June 1st give to its patrons in Be?tverton, Eimonica, Orenco, H illsboro, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and all country lines a 4c. I Electric rate on all cooking and heating ap­ pliances motors. and small domestic Phone Main 922 Hillsboro for particulars and our representative will call.