FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNË 26, 191! BASEBALL STRATEGY. SHE MET THE SULTAN. A Game T h a t W as W on by Tw o P la y ­ ers and a L iv e Snake. But W ily Reschid Pasha Fooled tho L a d y and the Monarch. Tommy Tucker lost a game for A certain Countess of Londonderry W ashington to Chicago once and start­ wanted to meet the Sultan Mahmud ed a battle all because of a trick Bill II.. to whom no European lady hud Dalilen and Bill Kverett put up on him. been presented, but Lord Fotwonby, Tom never did like snakes, ludeed. the British am bassador, refused to he held them In abhorrence, and In trill*» with precedent. Lady London­ some way Dalilen discovered this. derry then had a talk w ith Uesohid W ashington was to play Chicago that Fastia. the Turkish m inister for for­ afternoon, mid during the morning eign affairs. The wily iteselild, desir- practice on the west side grounds Dab- j ing to do his best for lier ladyship, leu and E verett discovered a sm all umde known to the sultan tliut u lier- son had arrived at Constantinople with gartersuuke and treasured it up. Along In the fourth tuning Everett a wonderful collection of most valu­ cracked out a hit. and as soon as he able Jewelry for sale and ventured landed on first base Duhleu. Ignoring humbly to suggest th a t ills im perial his uslial custom, ran out to couch, and m ajesty might like to see the gems. { a moment later he slipped the harmless The sultan was interested, aud an in­ little reptile to Everett, who dropped it terview Mas arranged, but Kesehld merely tolil Lady Londonderry th at she into Tucker's hip pocket. would be presented and th a t the sul­ Tommy discovered the snake Just as j tan. having heard of the fam e of her the pitcher was delivering the ball had particularly requested and. with a yelp, he deserted first base. ' Jewelry, The batter hud hit to the shortstop, that she would put it all on wheu she T he gratified lady did so. who gathered up the ball on the run l came. On her arrival at the palace Kesehld and started to throw to second. lent Pashn Lady Londonderry was too late and threw tow ard llrst. into the conducted presence of the sultan. H er Tommy was tw enty feet olT the base. dress glittered w ith diamonds, pearls, Jumping up and down and hunting for turquoises other precious stones. something with which to kill that "Pekkel!” and ("Good!") said the sultan snake, and the hall went to the stands as Lady Londonderry oourtesied. “She and Chicago scored four runs before j lias magnificent Jewels.” tile inning ended. (to the lady)—Ills m ajesty Tucker protested wildly, but the um ­ Reschid bids you weieome. pire couldn't find anything about graciously Lady Londonderry bowed nnd ex­ Feed Mill will run every snakes In the rule book and let It go pressed her thanks in French, the lan­ at that. day in the week. guage used by Reschid. Reschid (Interpreting)—She snys she Wholesale and Retail has other jew elry, but could not put GET IN THE SUNSHINE. all. Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Then Profit by the Shadow s In W hich on Sultan—Ask bor w bat is the price of Lingered. that diamond necklace. Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked If you are You tu H m ave hurry don’t get behind Reseliid—His m ajesty inquires w heth­ Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole a lame man. “ Hitch chariot to a er tills is your first visit to C onstanti­ Wheat and Corn, Middlings and star." Beware of the your sneerer and the nople? Seek the man who believes ill Lady Londonderry—This Is my first several kinds of Hard Wheat scoffer. that are good and who Is trying visit, and I am delighted. Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, tilings to make everything else better by Reschid (to sultan)—She asks n mil­ itay and Vetch Seed. lion of piasters. deeds and words. hat is too much. Come Into the sunshine for a little Give us a call when in need. while. It is a good world after all. Sultan—T Rescind (to Lady Londonderry)—H is Toil have had hard luck, ill health and m ajesty asks w hether you have seen hard blows, but open your ledger and the mosques. If not, he offers you a Forest Grove, Ore li;d Phone 50x see if the credit doesn’t overbalance firman. Lady Londonderry expressed her the debit side lie frank with yourself and see how thanks. ti much of the debits can be charged to Sultan-V .'liat price does she put on R your own fault—a lack of foresight, that set of turqitoispN? Reschid (to I.ady Londonderry)—His (rusting the untrustw orthy, overreach lug selfishness, stupidity, extravagance, m ajesty says that perhaps you would failure to learn by experience or re­ like to take a walk In the garden. Lady Londonderry expressed lier fusal to profit by advice. Take a few precious moments for thanks acd said she would like to see «i self examination. Don't mourn because the im perial garden. , Reschid (to suIluni-S he says 400.000 some one who started in life with few piasters. er advantages than you had lias done ï • ? , ? so much better. Think of those you Sultan—T ake her aw ry. 1 shall not have left behind In the race. Tours give such prices. must be a hopeless cast* if yon are last Rescind ito Lady Londonderry)—His m ajesty graciously expresses satisfac­ in line. tion at having made your acquaint­ Happiness Is from within, not from AD V ERTISE IT ! Not once, ance. without. No greater happiness can be timidly and penny-wise ! But found than that which comes from the 1 ady Londonderry courtesled low nnd as often as needed - a n d a sweet content of right thinking, right withdrew from bis m ajesty's presence showing of FACTS about it living and a good conscience. Try it. to visit the garden with the am iable which will unfailingly interest See how warm and inviting its sun­ nnd courteous l'esehid. and afterw ard the probable purchaser! M ake shine is.—John A. Sleit her In Leslie's. slie had a delightful story to tell to her friends of tlie kindness with which the i t the best advertised r e a l sultan had received her. estate in the city—for a little Applied Leg al T a c tics. A gray haired lawyer enjoyed a w hile—and your buyer will Long D raw n O ut Election s. laugh at tlie expense of his friend, an seek you out and quickly close No com plaint with regard to undue uptown bank cashier, the other day. the transaction ! The youngest member of the law limitation of polling time was possible firm, also known to the cashier, think­ In the old parliam entary days. The ing possibly to make the latter the danger was th at polling m ight be pro­ for a fortnight or a month. butt of a practical joke, had attem pted longed without success to change a counter­ Drastic action to bring the polT to u close once provoked a riot In the W est­ feit fifty cent piece a t the window. Told of the Incident an hour later m inster division of London. At the the elderly lawyer reached Into his general election th at began on April pocket and drew out a uuiuber of 23. 1741. the tw o W estm inster minis­ terial candidates were on tlie fifth day coins.. Embalming ar.d of polling well ahead, but an opposi­ "W hen you are weak on any one Funeral Directing party of electors approaching the point," lie said, as he selected $1.30 tion hustings in great force, tlie high bailiff from the handful, "try burying It un­ (who favored the m inisterialists) de­ as much oilier evidence as may be FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. der th at he feared a riot and closed adjudged relevant—In short, let me clared poll. The bnfiled voters rioted and have that bad half—confuse the ques the J. S. Buxton, Manager were called out. The high tion at issue. Here. Jim m ie.” calling the m ilitary had afterw ard to apologize on an ofilee boy, "take tills change down bailiff Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. bis knees to tlie speaker and pay a to Mr — , the cashier, and get a two heavy tine. dollar hill." And the boy did - New York Sun. An E a r ly Postal Exp erim en t. S. lilllcr once rei t-i' cd a letter which As long ago ns the seventeenth cen­ W udna Su it the K ilt. took live years to reach him. In 17113 tury the attem pt was m ade to prepay tin- national convention created the au ­ In the early days of the territorial letters using stam ps, in 1(133 I’arls thor of "The Robbers-’ a French cltl- army there was a boom in recruiting tried a by system th at even provided pil­ ji.'ii as a tribute of adm iration for the for It. In one part of the highlands al­ lar boxes for the letters, which were most every man In the district joined revolutionary ideas expressed In that to have a billet, price 1 sol, attached to the local battalion of "kilties,” and the work. The clerk charged with the dis­ letter or parcel. The exis*rinient patch of tills civic diploma addressed men were signed on without medical the the usual experience of the pio­ the cover to "»'Iforeii Gllle.” and examination, it being quite usual In met neer-ridicule. Mice were dropped into some country districts to w ait until the Schiller did not receive it until 1708. the letter boxes, aud when the letters antiunl camp before medically exaniln On Its receipt he wrote: "This docu­ to be collected It was found that ment lies come to me from the king­ Ing recruits On arrival In cam p It was i-atne anim als had made a hearty meal of dom of the dead. Dnnton anil Clavier© noticed that one man was wearing the the A« nobody could be sure of tlie attested it. The covering letter Is sign­ trews at drill Instead of the regulation them. fate of tlie parcels, the experiment kilt. and. being asked the reason, he ed by Roland. - All three have passed explained that lie bad left Ills kilt at enme to a sudden end. aw ay.”—London Chronicle. home “Why on earth did you do M aeterlinck on tho Futuro. that?" Inquired Ids company officer "Weel. ye see. sir." replied the.recruit, M aeterlinck In his Ixmk called “L© Rough on the M inister’s Son. ’I'm afraid I wudmt suit the kilt Mort" says of the m ystery of the after Willie, aged live, was one day sent verra weel. ns I’ve got a wooden leg.” death th at outside of the religions sway from the diuner table for misbe­ —G(gsgow there are four im aginable solutions News. havior. He went Into the kitchen, and and no more. These are total annihila­ the maid said: tion. survival of our consciousness of Synonym ous. "W illie. I’d be asham ed to he sent ft was Springer's today, survival w ithout any sort of afternoon off. and away from the table, ns hlg a boy as lie thought I k * would take the children consciousness, survival with universal yon are.” consciousness or with n consciousness a little outing. ••Well, th a t’s w hat a fellow gets for for “My dear.” he said, approaching his different from th at which we possess being horn In n preacher's family.” re- wife, “siiptsise [oined the little fellow.-C'hlcago News. to the zoo today.” we take the children In this world. T h e Joke on Fath e r. "W hy. Will, yon promised to take In H is Defense. She had refused lilin, nnd he waa "all them to m other's.” “D aughter.” called the father from "All right, if It's .ill the sam e to the In.” Ills position at the top of the stairs a t children.” "Reconsider. Annie.” he begged, “ i f - Llppincott's. the well known hour of 11:53 p. m.. you don't I'll blow my brains out.” “doesn't that young roan know bow to "nub.” said Annie, “that would be a An Exception. say good night?” hen people w ant some quiet; rest­ good Joke on father, for he thinks you "Does he?" echoed the yonng lady in ful "W topic they alw ays mention the haven't any.”—Ladies Home Journal. the darkened ball. "W ell. I should gay he does!” -L ad!es' Home Journal. w eather.” Patient. "Not In the departm ent of agricul­ Rinks—Could yon lend me $1 nntll ture.”—W ashington Star. H is Meek Suggestion. Saturday? Jinks—I'm bu«ted. W on't Mrs G rim ly—Is there any way -on have a «ent myself until Saturday. H it In stru m ent. an break yourself of that habit of R inks-W ould you lend It to me then? "That executor Is very energetic in Hiking In your sleep? Mr Grimly tremulously, lint hopefully)—Do you carrying out the various provisions of — New York Glola*. bink it would help any. my dear. If the testator.” N ature when she adds difficulties •oud let me talk more when I'm "H e does seem to be working w ith • adds brains.- Emerson. ,wake? I’uck. i will.”- Baltimore American, W. F. MRTRAMPF r* Put that Property You Want to Sell 1 ilia Spot-Light i ! UNDERTAKING Take Your Coupon Book TO The leading and enterprising firms with whom we have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. HOFFMAN & ALLEN General Merchandise Main Street, Forest Grove GOFF BROTHERS Hardware, Implements, Autos Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove GEO. a PATERSON Furniture and Pianos Main Street, Forest Grove SHEARER & SON Jewelers Main Street, Forest Grove FOREST GROVE PHARMACY Pure Drugs and Medicines 1 Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove SUN-RISE GROCERY Groceries and Provisions Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove C G. DANIELSON Bicycles and Sundries Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove FOREST GROVE STUDIO Photos and Photo Supplies Forost Grove R. A. PHELPS A. J. COOK White Palace Cafe Pacific Ave., Forest Grove C. L. BUMP & CO. General Meachandise South Forest Grove THE JACKSON PHARMACY Drugs and Medicines Cornelius GOFF BROTHERS Hardware and Supplies Cornelius A. S. HENDRICKS General Merchandise Cornelius GASTON DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines Gaston BRIGGS BROTHERS General Merchandise Dilley G. LUNDQUIST & CO. Hardware Cherry Grove ERIC ANDERSON Jewelry and Drugs Cherry Grove FORSBERG & BROSTROM General Merchandise Cherry Grove THE C. C. STORE Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware Orenco ORENCO DRUG CO. Drugs and Jewelry MORTON & FREEMAN Groceries and Provisions Hillsboro Wm. OELRICH Builders’ Materials J. A. HOFFMAN Jeweler OREGON NURSERY CO. Hillsboro THE DELTA DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines Hillsboro Orenco Orenco Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock Orenco M. P. CADY General Merchandise Beaverton PERCY LONG Hardware 2nd Street, Hillsboro J. L. HARDY MRS. M. L. BURDAN Millinery 2nd Street, Hillsboro R. L. TUCKER Everything to Build With Beaverton SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART Meat Market 2nd Street, Hillsboro N. C. LILLY General Merchandise Gales Creek E. J. AYERS General Merchandise Gales Creek A. C DONELSON Furniture Hillsboro Confectionery and Patent Medicines Beaverton PEOPLES STORE General Merchandise Hillsboro K1NTON & JENSEN General Merchandise MRS. WINIFRED GUNTON Pope Photo Gallery BRODERICK & HUMBERG Blacksmith an4 General Repairin'» Forest Grove, Ore Hillsboro, Oregon Banks