Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 26, 1913, Image 1

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    üre*on Historical Society
F orest G rove
P ressi 8 Pages
Voi. 4
No. 34
Cook Want» $15,00 For Being
Miss Lathrop for Lincoln, and
Tli«' City Fathers met in called Miles Watrous Asks $25,000
A’ reunion o f interest to Wash­ Bold Thieves Loot J. Anderson’s
Crushed by Tree.
Prof. Ryan for Central
Clothing Store Thursday J
sssion, Monday night in the
From George F. Naylor
ington county people was held
Hare and Gilkerson, sawmill
Are Named By
Night Taking many
city jail. Minutes o f last meet­
last week in Portland, when five
Both Men Live
men o f Manning, on the Pacific
ing were read and approved.
generations met to enjoy the
Hei e.
The resignation o f Professor
William Proctor, Superintendent
o f Forest Grove’ s Public Schools,
was accepted by the school
board at a meeting held last
Thursday, and H. E. Inlow,
Principal o f the Lincoln School
was appointed his successor.
Prof. Proctor has accepted the
chair of Education and Econo­
mics at Pacific University. Prof
Proctor was a member of the
teaching staff at Pacific Univer­
sity before becoming Superinten­
dent o f the local schools. Prof.
Inlow, who has been elevated to
the responsible position as above
noted was Superintendent of the
schools at Cottage Grove prior
to coming here.
He has met
with great success as an instruc­
tor, and will no doubt fill his
new position with credit to him­
self and to the satisfaction of the
patrons of the district.
Miss Elsie Lathrop, who has
been teaching in the local schools
for a number o f years, has been
a ¡pointed Principal o f the Lin-
c>ln school and Prof. Ryan, who
has taught in the schools of
Portland and Beaverton for the
past few years, has been ap­
pointed Principal of the Central
building. Superintendent Inlow
will be Principal of the Clarke
No instructor for the Manual
Training has yet been selected,
but the school board has tender­
ed this position to a man in the
east. Not all o f the grades have
yet been filled, but a full corps
o f teachers will have been select­
ed by the time the fall term of
school opens in September.
$1.00 SAVED IS
$2.00 EARNED?
County Treasurer Sappington,
who brought the injunction suit
to preyent the delivery o f $35,-
000 in bonds to Morris Bros.,
which injunction suit has caused
not a little throwing o f bouquets
back and fourth between him­
self and the school board, resents
the statement that the dis­
trict lost
$5739. Mr.
pington states its a mistake tc
count the full twenty years in
computing the amount o f inter­
est that will be paid out, but
that ten years is the right period
o f time to count, as the district
will begin to take up the bonds
ten years hence. Here are Mr.
Sappington’s figures.
Contract sale
Int 10 yrs. at 5%
Int on $1060, 10 yrs. at 5%
Int 4 mo. on principal
Sale o f Bonds:
Int 10 yrs. at 6‘fa
Premium and Int.
Saved to Dist.
Archie Chrisholm, President
o f the Beaverton Amateur Ath­
letic Club, was a pleasant busi­
ness visitor at the Press Office,
Friday He was accompanied by
L. J. Hardy, manager o f the
Beaverton baseball Club.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White
were Rose City visitors, Fri­
day together.Y Mrs. Sarah Jane
Hill, aged ninety-one years, was
the oldest member present; her
son Francis Hill, bom 1846, rep­
resented the second generation.
His daughter, Mrs. Laura Pearl
Miller, born Sapt. 3, 1874, heads
the third generation; Mrs. Freda
Maud Miller, born July 30, 1892,
and her daughter born Jan. 22
1909, represent the fourth and
fifth generations respectfully.
Mrs. Jane Hill is the widow of
the late Almoran Hill. She was
born in Missouri July 26, 1822,
and was married in 1843.
same year she and her husband
crossed the plains to Oregon by
ox team, and they settled on a
donation land claim in the East
Gaston section.
They lived on
this claim until Mr. Hill’ s death
about 3 years ago. and Mrs. Hill
out recently went to make her
home with her daughter in Port­
land. This pioneer couple were
known to every settler in Ore­
gon during the days when this
state was in its making and
their kindness and openhanded
aospitality endeared them to
every one who knew them.
Forest Grove was thrown into
a high state o f excitement Fri­
day morning, when it was learn­
ed that the clothing store of
John Anderson had been entered
Thursday night and a large num­
ber o f suits and other wearing
apparel taken.
The robbers effected an en­
trance by prying up on one of
the windows in the rear end of
the store building. Some instru­
ment such Las a crow-bar or
chisel, was used. The catch on
the top o f the lower sash was
loosened, the window raised, and
the theif or thieves crawled
through the opening and over a
work table.
The robbers were apparently
experienced at the business, as
they took time to select just the
suits which they desired. They
also made a selection o f choice
ather lines o f haberdashery. By
unbolting the back door from
the inside the robbers were en­
abled to get away with their
plunder without molestation.
The robbery was not dis­
covered until employes ot the
store went to open up Friday
Mr. Anderson im­
mediately telephoned to Sherifi
Reeves, o f Hillsboro, who came
to this city and looked over the
grounds for a possible clue.
Nightwatch Sexton shadowed a
suspicious looking character Fri-
lay morning but although the
man acted in a queer manner, he
was not arrested. No clue o f a
iefinite nature has been un­
James ¡Joy living or
Pacific Avenue, states that he
heard and saw an automobile go­
ing down the street headed to­
ward Portland, at about two
/clo ck Friday morning. Oth r
parties have stated they als«
heard the car. Telegrams were
sent to all nearby towns and
cities by the officials, and a
sharp watch will be kept, in an
sffort to apprehend the theives
when they try to dispose Jof the
stolen goods.
About seventy
suits, a baker’s dozen o f over­
coats and numerous small ar­
ticles comprised the loot. Mr.
Anderson’ s loss willa pproximte
The Grand Encampment of
the Oregon members o f the G.
A. R. held at Newberg last week
was a most enjoyable affair, and
was attended by thousands of
Yamhillers, as well as _by the
targe delegations of old soldiers
ind ladies o f the W. R. C.
Forest Grove made a strong
aid for the encampment next
year, Captain Beach going to
.he Encampment at NewberR
irmed with
invitations from
practically every society and or­
ganization in this city.
nook was designated as the next
place to hold the encampment,
put the thanks o f the old soldiers
to the people o f Forest Grove
were extended |for the kind in­
vitation, and we will likely get
the encampment in 1915. Those
going from this city to the New-
report a
most pleasant time, with great
$ 1 . 000 .
Hospitality on the part o f the
citizens o f the Quaker town to
E. W. Haines was a business
the visitors.
visitor to the metropolis, Mon­
Mrs. C. L. Large and daughter
Mr. andjMrs. Isadore Vander-
Lucile, of Portland, have been
o f the Verboort section,
visiting relatives in this city the
with the local
past week. Mrs. Z. Large at­
tended the Pioneer’s Reunion in
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman
Portland last week.
and daughter Aileen, were visit­
Henry David, o f „'the; David
ors to Portland, Monday.
Hill section, was a business visi­
Henry Sackrider. proprietor of
tor to the Grove, Monday.
the Forest Grove studio, is tak­
R. G. Allison has been raising ing a week's vacation at New­
some pretty large strawberries port, listening to the murmur of
on his little farm in the |west- the wild sea waves.
ern part o f town. Eleven ber­
Fred Davidson, w h o js work­
ries filled a pound box. Going
ing in Portland, visited his rela­
some eh? You can’ t beat Wash­
tives in this city overlSunday.
ington County.
M. S. Allen was a business
Mrs.JWilliam’ Pollock and chil­ visitor to Portland, Monday.
dren, Robert and Norma, are
visiting relatives in Eugene, and J|Mrs. W. W. Ryals visited her
probably will be gone for about parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Dennis, o f Scoggins Valley Sun­
three weeks.
Mr. Byron Lamont and son,
A nine and one-half pound boy
Harley, o f Firholm, were in this
arrived at the home o f Dr. and
city the first o f this week.______
Mrs. H. W. Volmer, Friday. The
Mr. Vandehey, o f the Green­ Dr. is the most pleased man in
ville district, was looking after Forest Grove, and is already
buisness matters in city, Tues- planning to send the youngster
to medical college.
Railway & Navigation Com­
pany’s Tillamook line, were last
Thursday made defendants in a
$15,000 damage suit.
Clark, a cook, being the plaintiff.
She alleges’ that on May 6 work­
men for2the mill company felled
a tree 30 inches in diameter
across the cookhouse that slit
was occupying and she was
buried in the debris. She alleges
that her back was injured, hei
ribs crushed and broken, anti
that as a result of all of her in­
juries she is permanently dis­
abled and liable to lose her
The complaint alleges careless­
ness on the part of the company
in 'not ’ cutting the tree before
the cookhouse was built, or ir
not causing it to fall away from
the structure.
Mrs. Clark conducted a restau­
rant in this city last winter.
Forest Grove'll has^what is
probably the most remarkable
family in Oregon, looking at the
natter from the standpoint ol
in odd coincidence. What sets
this family apart from others is
hat five of the children wert
jo m in the first five months o<
the year. Mr. and Mrs. Georg«
Walters are the proud parents ol
these children, who are aged
eight, seven, five, three and one
years and were horn respectively
in Jaunary, February, March,
April and May. The children
are Hugh Howard, aged eight;
Irene, seven; Gladys, five; Ruth,
three and Helen one. A phot«
• f the children was published ir.
ast Sunday’s Journal.
Ordinances effecting the new
pavement to he put in by the
Linden-Kibbe company, were
passed. Bids for tearing down
the old water tower on “ A ”
itreet were received. Action de­
A claim for twenty dollars was
presented by Miss Jessie Greer,
a teacher in the local public
school. June 22, while walking
on a defective sidewalk Miss
Greer stepped on a loose board.
This caused her to stumble, lose
her equilibrium, and fall to the
ground. Her eye glasses were
broken and she received a bruise
above the eye.
Mrs. Emeline McBride, aged
10 years, died at the home ol
ler daughter, Mrs. A. B. .Craft,
n this city, Saturday night. She
vas horn at Mancefield, Ohio,
where she spent her childhood,
the came to Oregon from Kan­
sas twelve years ago, and has
nade her home with her daugh­
ter. For the past three years
Jrs. McBride has made hei
some in this city, coming here
from Gresham.
Her husband
lied lour years ago.
services were held in this citj
Jorxlay at the Craft .residence,
lev. Hiram Gould officiating.
Interment .was made in Mult-
lomah cemetery,
beside the
,rave o f her husband.
•hildren survive: Howard and
.Villiam McBride, and Mrs. A.
I. Craft, of this city; Frank
vlcBride of Bickelton, Washing­
ton; Mrs Alice Fawcett, "of Tig-
ird, and Mrs. W. S. Yates, ol
Junction City, Kansas.
Fred Wilson, of Gales Creek,
to town behind his fine
Jack Killen, o f Thatcher, trad­
ed with the local merchants Sat­ trotter, Monday.
Judge Fitch, of Dilley, was a
to this city, Monday, ac­
Bruce Wilkes, an autimobilt
by Roy Tolson, of
dealer o f Hillsboro, was a pleas­
ant caller at this office, Friday.
Bruce and the Press editor were
J. T. Flercher was a business
schoolmates out at old Union visitor to the county seat, Satur-
Point, about a quarter o f a cen­ lay.
tury ago.
John Peterson (one o f the
farmers and fruit
Carl Nicholson, of Firholm,
David’ s Hill, was
was a Forest Grove visitor, Sat­
local merchants
Miss AnnaT Staehr, who has
been attending school at Mon­ ¡Frank Fletcher, who has been
mouth Normal, is clerking in the /¡siting his parents in this city
oazaar, and Miss Gertie Sapping­ las gone to Berkeley, California,
ton, who has been clerking foi .vhere he will attend summer
Next fall he will be
K. N. Steahr during Miss Anna’s ichool.
of a high school in the
ibsence, is now working at tht
Star confectionery. J
Miles Watrous. o f th is ’ city,
has started a suit in the Circuit
at Hillsboro,
George F. Naylor capitalist, ask­
ing for $25,000 damages for the
alienation of his w ife’s affec­
This suit ^is a sequel to the
trial o f Naylor last April, when
he local man was convicted and
fined on a charge of having lived
unlawfully with Mrs. Watrous.
in his damage suit, Watrous al­
leges that Naylor went to the
Watrous’ home in 1906 and in a
short time had alienated the
wife’s affections.
¡M rs. Watrous now has 'four
children, and is living with them
in Portland. At the time of
Naylor’s trial last April, Wat­
rous was put on the stand, but
was an unwilling witness. The
trial of Naylor last spring creat­
ed a great sensation.
He was
fined by the court, but his case
is on appeal.
S. W. Grathwell, the silver-
tongued orator o f Pacific Uni­
versity, and noted prohibition
/vorker is now engaged in rais­
ing funds for the National Pro-
libition cause, and is meeting
Wttft ■ g r o a t outccew.
PrttUy «v o .
ning he spoke at Cornelius and
raised $85 in that former “ wet”
town, and Sunday at Spring Hill
ifter an eloquent address by
Mr. Grathwell those present do­
nated .$52. Mr. Grathwell will
likely pnt in the entire summer
in this line o f work.
Hillsboro Club Gives Play.
H illsboro , O r . J une 21—A
ourlesque musical comedy “ The
Washington County Fair,” was
itaged at the Crescent Theater
Friday night, under the auspices
if the Ladies’ Coffee Club, the
proceeds to go into a fund for
the care o f the local cemetery.
More than 60 young people par­
ticipated in the affair, and it was
well patronized.
The Coffee
Glub has been in existance more
than 25 years, and has equipped
and paid for a $3000 rest-room
for women and children who
come to town for trading pur­
Mrs. Clara Hughes and Mrs.
C. A. Broderson, of the Dilley
lection, were visitors to this city
Sherlock Holmes, a traveling
representative of a Portland den­
Fred Lyda, o f Greenville, was tal supply house, was calling on
Albert Bennett, of Portland,
the local tooth carpenters, Sat­
was in the Grove greeting his l business visitor to this city,
friends, the past week. A1 was Saturday.
Mrs. Crang and daughter,
raised on a farm in the Kansas
Mrs. Clarence Hoyt, o fj the
city section, and has played one- Wilson River section was in this Mrs. McKenzie, were Rose City
old-cat and “ keeps” with about city, the first o f the week, call­ visitors, Saturday.
every middle-aged man in this ing on friends.
Grant Bailey, o f David’ s Hill
part o f the country who was
looking after business mat­
Miss Blanch c Brown, o f Port­
here when things were new.
in this city Saturday.
land, visited the past week with
W. A. Williams, the insurance her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic­
Charles Wescott, a merchant
man, visited his »family in this tor Brown, in this city.
of Gaston, was a buisness visitor
city over Sunday. He left Mon­
to this city, Friday.
Oscar Peterson and family of was raised in Forest Grove.
morning for Bend and
Prineville in the interests o f his 3t. Paul Minn., visited Wednes-
and Mrs.
Roy Pigg
lay tnd Thursday with his sister ®Mr.
moved from this city to Eugene,
Mrs. L, Shogren in this city.
James E. Scanlan, proprietor
Monday, where they will make
Frank Johnson, o f the Watt their future home. Mr. Pigg
o f a sawmill near Laurelwood,
was in this city, Monday. Part section, was a business visitor to is a conductor on the Oregon
o f the machinery at the mill this city the last day o f the Electric railwav, and has been
broke down Saturday, and it was week.
transferred to a new run, his
necessary for Mr. Scanlan to go
Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney was headquarters to be the Univer­
to Portland for repairs.
sity town,
a Rose City visitor, Saturday.