FOREST GROVE PRESS, FORESTIGROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1913. family about. One o f Oregon’ s most prominent pioneers, who with his wife occupied a dona­ The air has been vibrant with Miss Beulah Ireland was host­ T H E P R E S S P U B L I S H I N G C O tion land claim west o f this city, the fertile acres o f which are the sound o f wedding bells the ess at a delightful shower in FOREST GROVE. ORE. still in possession o f their sons, past week, and anniversary cele­ honor of Miss Blanche Harbison, T elephones : told the following story many brations, social parties and musi­ Saturday afternoon, at the Ire­ R e s i d e n c e 285 O ffice 502 years ago to a Forest Grove resi­ cal recitals have been features in land home in this city. Miss dent: For several years after the social life of town and coun­ Harbison is a graduate o f Pacific T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n locating on their donation claim, try University, this year, and One year, in advance.................... $ 1-50 Six months, in advance...................... 75 this man and his wiie used a sled fcw W» kv charming bride-elect. Three months, in advance................... 50 in their field work and to haul to» to» to» Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott an­ their crops to market. They “ Arms and the Man,” Ber nounce the coming wedding o f THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1913. even rode to church on the sled. nard Shaw’s well known play, their daughter, Miss Jessie, to After saving their money for a Diaplay adverti««menta for publication in the Mr. Ernest Blair, the nuptials to was given Monday evening by P ress must be in this office not later than Tues­ number of years they at last had occur at the Scott home in this the drama class of Pacific Uni­ day evening to insure appearance in current issue accumulated four hundred dollars, city next Saturday. versity in Marsh hall, and was the price of a new wagon. Tak­ said to have been given in a very to» to» «fe e » E n t e r e d a t the post office at Forest Grove, Ore. ing a yoke of oxen —no horses as m a il m a t t e r o f the second class. pleasing manner. The l e a d s The Camera Club met at the then being kept on the farm— were played by Miss Hope anc home o f Miss Mona Mallory this pioneer made a trip to Port­ With this issue of the Press Messers Shaver and McNeil. Tuesday evening. An enjoyable to» to» »» the present editor ceases his ac* land and bought a brightly paint! time was spent playing games, tivities with the publication, and ed new wagon and took it home, The recitals given Thursday after which a constitution for wishes to thank his many friends where the dearly prized posses­ and Saturday evenings by the the club was drawn up. for their thoughtful acts o f kind­ sion was received with shouts ( f students o f the Pacific Universi­ to» to» to» ness in telling him o f news con­ delight by his wife and children. ty Conservatory o f Music were The members o f the Diliey cerning the town and communi­ The next day being Sunday, the much enjoyed by the large audi­ ty, and also for the printing family resolved to attend church church gave a lawn social at the ences that were in attendance. work with which they have fav­ in the vehicle. A yoke o f oxen country home o f Mr. Wilbur Every number on the programs, ored him during the short time different from the one that was Hughes Tuesday evening. Eight both v o c a l and instrumental, he has been with the paper. to bring the wagon home, was or ten autos went out faom For­ brought forth applause from the Mr. Wm. P. McCausland an hitched up and a happy start est Grove. pleased listeners. to» to» to» experienced young newspaper was made. The noise made by to» to» to» man o f Minnesota has purchased the rolling of the wheels was Mrs. Charles Odel. o f Forest Mrs. E. D. Smith and T. Smith the Press, and will hereafter new and strange to the oxen, Grove, entertained tha es ’ were joined in the holy bonds ol and after going a short distance have charge. Mr. McCausland \id o f the Diliey church Wednes­ matrimony in Portland, Sunday. is a young man o f pleasing per­ they ran away. A half mile down day. The ladies brought their The bride has lived in this city the road the terrified animals sonality, and is sure to win and dinners and a pleasant time was for many years, and has a family keep the friendship o f the com- suddenly turned around, break­ spent by all present. of children living here. The ing the tongue ot the wagon to munity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ groom is a native o f Forest pieces. At this sudden dismal June brides and bridegrooms ending o f their pleasure the Mrs. Ives J. Hoar entertained Grove, and is the son o f Levi should resolve to make common women and children began to the members of the Afternoon Smith, a prominent pioneer. T. sense, fidelity, sincerity, loyalty weep, and, strong man though has a duck farm near Portland, Bridge Club at her home in and truth part o f their marriage he was, the hardy pioneer min­ where he and his bride will make South Park this afternoon. Sev­ code. This will help over the gled his tears with theirs. Thus their future home. eral very pleasant hours were rough places and solve, some­ is written the simple annals of to» to» to» spent by the ladies. what, the problem of how to be the pioneers. But they builded The Ladies’ Working Society to» to» to » happy though married. for posterity, and it is good that of the Congregational church " A Flower of Yeddo,” a Jap­ many of them are yet living to gaye a banquet dinner to the anese play given in Marsh hall The middle and Central West hold annual reunions, where Alumni, Graduates, Trustees and have been suffering from a period they may live again in fancy Friday evening by Academy stu­ friends o f Pacific University, ir. o f fierce torridity the past week, the trying years o f early days, dents was given in a verv pleas the parlors of the church, yester­ over a score of persons dying while in reality they enjoy the ing manner, each one in the cast day. A most sumptous repast fruits of their noble labor. coming in for applause for some from the effects o f the intense was served, after which the com special bit o f clever acting. heat, and scores o f prostrations TRAVEL AS AN EDUCATION. pany enjoyed a feast of reason to » to» to » are reported. In Oregon people and a flow o f soul, many toasts it D e pe n ds N o t O n l y on W h a t Y o u have been complaining that the Professor Frank Fletcher of being given and responded to in See, but H o w Y o u See It. weather has been too cool for Travel is an education, but there the public schools at Raymond, a happy vein. this time of the year. Count ¡nay be need of compulsion to make it Washington, and Professor Ches­ to» to» to» take. A man who spent much time in your blessings. Fletcher, o f the public i foreign country says that he has ter Sunday evening two automo ¡earned more about It by reading than schools at Pueblo, Colorado, are files from Hillside were placed he ever did by seeing. In many in­ Mr. Hughes, newly-elected visiting their parents, Mr. and stances the sole gain of the traveler is at the disposal of the Count) Director o f District No. 15, is a recreation. Nothing is carried away Mrs. J. T. Fletcher, in this city, j Executive C o mmi t t e e o f thi native son of Forest Grove. He but surface impressions. The often to» to» to» Christian Endeavor, A very noticed contest among tourists over the has served on the city council, The Rebecca Lodge held a re­ pleasant meeting was held at fundamental questions, "D id you go and has always taken a deep in­ here?" or “ Did you go there?" hints nt union Wednesday evening. A Hi l l si de in which Sunnvside, terest in the growth of the city. tlie sum total o f knowledge that was social time was spent. Icecream, Gales Creek and Hillside united, As he has lived here through gained. An intelligent reader would cake and strawberries were serv­ and after a few minutes with the the growing years o f our school pass a better examination even on the superficial aspects of foreign lands ed. This is an annual event with topic for the evening the Count) Bystem, he is in a position to un­ than many of the great family of trot the Rebeccas and many were Committee had a short round derstand the needs o f our free tors. This Is not to say that the traveler present to enjoy the evening. table talk with the Endeavors. educational i ns t i t ut i o ns , a nd must go about with a mind so serious to» to» to» "W e want to visit your society, should make an efficient TOrec- ■is to lie oppressive, but if he Is to ben- The Misses Newton entertain­ do you want us? Let us know.” •llt much by Ids Joiirneylngs lie must tor. *__________ ' k > alert and Inquisitive and give Ills ed their Sunday school class at The committee wish to express memory some exercise. lie must have Industrial depression is mak­ purpose enough to try to add to his their home on North Main street, their hearty appreciation o f the ing itself felt in the east, and stock of valuable knowledge, and he Tuesday night. Games, music, hospitality shown them by the there is an air o f expectancy must he able to understand the aignltl- and a luncheon were enjoyed by people o f Hillside and especial]) of things and to make Intelli­ evident. This does not neces­ enuee gent comparisons. Otherwise It makes those present, who report a most Mr. Baker, Mr. Hazelitt and Mr. sarily forebode hard times, but 'title difference whether he travels nil pleasant time. Bamford, who furnished the au­ seems to be a condition brought iver Kurope or walks around the block tomobiles. where he Hies. Mere moving about about by the readjustment which never istucntisl any one. On the other A strawberry social was given is taking place in national hand, it is possible to get a very large Mr. and Mrs. Elias Smith cele­ in the parlors of the Christian affairs. In the west, railroad de­ fund both of pleasure and profit out of brated the Fifty-seventh anni church, Tuesday evening, that velopment and the influx of good honks concerning strange places. versary o f their wedding Tues —Chicago Record-II era Id. was greatly enjoyed by those thousands of new settlers is day. A sumptuous dinner wa* present, an abundance of Ore­ keeping things going at a lively served at noon in honor o f tht A LITERARY ROMANCE. gon’s most luscious berry being clip, and the promise o f a boun­ occasion, and a number o f friend* provided for the occasion. tiful harvest next fall adds to Pa thetic E n d in g of the L o v e S t o r y of called to offer congratulations. th e Poet L a f o r g u e . to» to » to» our feeling o f prosperity and Ill George Moore's "Impressions and Mr. and Mrs. Smith were both A merry party of automobil- born in Ohio, and they were financial security. Opinions" is told the touching love story of the poet Laforgue, who was ists, consisting o f the Thorn­ married in that state. Mr. Smith The Pioneers o f Oregon are reader to the empress of Germany. burgh, Miller, Sells, Walker and served valiantly in the cause of One winter day in llerlln Jules saw holding their annual reunion in i girl skating as none ever skated be­ Williams families m otored tc the Union during the Cival war. Portland this week. These men fore. The grace of the waist, the flow­ Glenwood, Sunday, where they They have lived in Forest Grove and women are they who blazed ing hen and the feet lifted lieneath the enjoyed a fine lunch in the syl­ for over thirty years, and for the dark skirt tilled him with happiness. the way for our present great The Irennttfiil skater was an Kngllsh van woods prepared by the ladies greater part o f this time havt western empire of civilization. girl. o f the party. ■ conducted the Michigan House, The dangers and privations lie resigned his place ns reader to to» to» V » a hostelry that has gained much ¡he empress and married, mid he and which they endured in the coun­ the beautiful Kngllsh girl came to Par­ Mr. and Mrs. John Demoss, o f renown among traveling men for try "w here rolls the Oregon” is In tlie hope that literature would the Watt District, celebrated | the excellence o f its cusine. Mr. where no sound save the war yield them a living. Hut Laforgue's wedding anniver­ and Mrs. Smith have three chil­ genius was o f the kind thnt wins the their seventh cry o f the savage and the snarl ■sympathy o f the elect, and instead of sary, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. D. dren: Justice o f the Peace De­ o f the wild beast was heard, are making his living with Ills pen Jules A. Kennedy were their guests witt Smith, o f Hillsboro, D. almost beyond the comprehen­ grew more and more consumptive. farmer living near 1 have heard that the young people during the day, and at nocn the Smith, a sion o f the present generation, lived In a poor apartment — two or hostess served a banquet dinner Walla Walla, Washington, and heir to the splendid results of three rooms—and thnt the beautiful in honor o f the occasion. Miss Nora Smith, at home. their noble and courageous en­ Kngllsh girl, now stricken with the dreadful malady, passed between the deavors. The comforts and con­ rooms with tisanes. Friends climbed veniences o f the present day the high stairs to see them on Thurs­ were unknown to the pioneers. day evenings; a few ndnilrers attend­ Today the man or woman who ed Jules’ funeral and published the volume he left In his desk. "K es Mortill- cannot own an automobile feels tes Lege n da Ire«;" the girl died soon We have the best equipped grieved, but the pioneer and his a fte r -tw o or three months. outfit in the county. How did she live diirlug the brief In­ w ife were happy if they could terval? Where is she burled? No­ g j r Brick, St«M and Cencrete Work own a lumbering farm wagon, a body knows. Yet I have n separate Pfciae 876 Fsrest Grm, Ore. Let us figure on your work. sled being the usual method of and complete seusatlou of these two transporting the crops and little live«. F o r e s t G r o v e p r e s s E. S. SPARKS. Editor and Manait r S w i a l N puib o f ® u u m Contractor E. A. DIXON (C ou n try Dr. D. W . W ard Dr. E. B. Brookbank W . M Langley & Son Lawyer* Physicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. No-th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest G rove, O gn. Forest Grove, Ore. W . P. D Y K E H. W . V ollm er, M. D . Attorney-at-Law Physician and Surgeon Forest Grove Nat’ l Bank Bldg Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Forest G rove, O re. Ind. Phones J. N. H offm an Attorney-at-Lav D R . C .E . W A L K E R EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY O ffice Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove Osteopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint­ ment Only M ark B. Bum p Attorney-at-law W . Q . Tucker, M. D. South of Court House Physician end Surgeon Hillsboro, Ore. Calls answered promptly day or night Phone: Office 271, Residence 283. Hollis & Graham Dr, H. R. K auffm an A ttomeys-at-Law Physician & Surgeon Forest G rove, O gn. Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building: P h on e Main 0131 Forest Grove, Ore. E. B. Tongue, R. M. Erwin, M. D. Jlttorney-at-Law Physician and Surgeon District Attorney. Tamiesie Bi ilding 3d and Main Sts. Hillsboro, Ore. Hillsboro, Ore. Y eager & Cornish S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. Attorneys at Law Physician and Surgeon Hillsboro Commercial Bank Buildtng Phone G ty 232 Delta Building Hillsboro, Oregon Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. E. J. Crow thers Physician and Surgeon Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Calls answered day and night Office in Jackson Pharmacy Physician, Surgeon and Osteopath Cornelius, Ore. Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. W . B. C O O N , V . S. O f f i c e o n 1 s t S t . J. O. R obb, M. B. Tor. Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­ Physician and Surgeon erinarian, I wish to notify the public that I am prepared to answer ail calls, Phone City 384 day or night. Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Phone Main 95 F o r e s t G r o v e , O re Hillsboro, Ore. A n ‘ad’ in the Press Brings Results BUTT FASHIONS SUM M ER. 1913 •HCIOXMC ANY ETïr.iFKEEÎ * »*•* u PRICE 25 CENTS- R eady! “ Butterick Fashions ” Summer’s Newest Styles Draperies ? Y es, lots and lots of them. W onderful, smart designs in hun­ dreds. Everything complete for the season. Dainty summery dresses for all occasions. A n y Butterick Patte n FREE with every cop y House Moving and Repairing. 25 cents (1 0 c extra by mail) fc » a «n r e t A * pattern c e n te r to-day Phone 631 A. G. HOFFMAN CO F O R E ST G R O V E , O R E G O N