FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 19. 1913. WILD WIND ANTICS The Havoc That May Come When a Tornado Breaks Loose. STORMS PLAY QUEER PRÂNKS H o u se s H a v e Been C a rrie d B o d ily Into the A i r and Exploded, and H a lf a B u ild in g H a a Been Sw ept A w a y , W h ila tha R e st R e m a ined U n h a rm e d . The weather burenu at Washington has been collecting statistics and facta about cyclones uiul tornadoes for many years, uud the experts have succeeded iu securing considerable valuable data about the big winds; but, after all, the freaks of the storm are the things that Forest Grove give it special Interest, and If all these were properly classified some remurka- ble reading would be furnished. Every visitation of a tornado adds to this val­ uable storehouse of queer freaks. N Main Street It Is not uncommon for the whirling wind to cut a house iu half, demolish­ ing one side und leaving the other un­ disturbed. This happened Iu' au Iowa tornado, and the part that,was left in­ tact was so little disturbed that tbe clock on the mantel continued tlckiug, as if nothing bad happened. In the Texas town of Shermau, which was visited by a tornado in Feed Mill will run every 189(3, two houses were picked up and carried into the air, where they ex­ day in the w eek.' ploded. Every one in them was severe­ ly iujured except a baby, which did not Wholesale and Retail receive so much as a scratch. A man Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground milking u cow in a shed saw the cow and shed carried up iu the air, but he Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked was not so much as touched. Not a Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole drop of the milk iu his pail was spilled Wheat and Corn, Middlings and or disturbed. In the St. Louis tornado of the same several kinds o f Hard Wheat year a carpet in the parlor of one house f lour, Sack Twine and Sacks, was pulled up by the twister and car­ ried away a few hundred yards with­ Hay and Vetch Seed. out so much as a rent being torn in it. The tacks had been pulled up as neatly Give us a call when in need. as if extracted by a careful carpet luyer. In another house tbe bedclotbiug and ind Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore mattress were lifted from the bed, and the bedstead was left Intact. A resi­ dent was carried through the roof of another house with the bed and drop­ ped a quarter of a mile away without injury. The mattress saved him in the fall, and he picked himself up in a va­ cant lot to dress without knowing ex­ actly what had happened to him. The "twisters" have been known to pull nails out of shingles and then go on to pick up a chimney bodily «nd carry it through the air. In Kansas one picked up a buggy and lauded it in the branches o f a tree. At another time it ripped the harness completely off a horse and left horse, buggy and man uninjured. In Louisville, In 1890, a tornado carried the roof off a house ADVERTISE IT ! Not once, uud pulled a child from the mother's timidly and penny-wise ! But arms and carried it safely to another as often as needed—a n d a house six blocks away. showing o f FACTS about it Bdt these are merely among the which will unfailingly interest harmless freaks o f the big wind. There the probable purchaser! Make are others more heartrending. It has dismembered human beings, tearing it the best advertised r e a l arms and legs from the body, and estate in the city for a little twisted the hair of women Into ropes. while—and your buyer will In Kansas it drove a piece o f scantling seek you out and quickly close six Inches square through the body of the transaction ! a hog. At another time it blew in the door of a farmer's house and carried the owner away on the door, to drop him in the branches of a tree. The tornado did not hurt him, but he broke I his neck fnlling from the tree to the ground. No one has succeeded in measuring the full force of a tornado, but it is known to travel at the rate of 200 Embalming and miles and more an hour. Funeral Directing Tornadoes are exciting more general attention than formerly because o f the greater number o f towns and villages FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. located tn tbe tornado belt. Each suc­ cessive one Is more dangerous than its J. S. Buxton, Manager predecessors because it is apt to And more human material to destroy. For­ Phone No. 6 4 2 Forest Grove, Or. merly it might travel half the length o f a continent without finding anything in its path to destroy except grass, trees and ocasionally the crops of a solitary farmer. Today, tf it followed the same route, it might pass over a dozen villages and towns. The only thing that can possibly break the force o f a tornado Is a range All kinds o f survey­ of mountains. It may create wild ing and maping. havoc among the trees and bowlders of a mountain, but it cannot carry the Subdivisions a spec­ mountain Itself away. It will uproot ialty. _______ giant forest trees, suck the water from wells and streams, twist and demolish H. B. GLA1SYER, iron bridges and carry up houses, but Hoffman & Allen Bld’ g the mountains are proof against the mighty force o f the wind. Phone 806 Until we know how to control the Forest Grove, Ore. tornndo or find some means of baffling it. Its menacing danger must always be a source of considerable uneasiness In the great plain sections of the coun­ R o y a l In fo rm a lity. try. But, like earthquakes, the tor­ At Cadinen, Emperor William’s mod­ nado and cyclone do not come every el farm In West Prussia, where he year, and sometimes they defer their loves to tramp about In rough clothes visit for a decade or so, for which we and high top boots, there Is a certain may tie thankful.—George E. Walsh in blacksmith whose hand Is never too Harper's Weekly. grimy for his kaiser to shake. The Princess Victoria Luis« from earliest T h e P le asure of R a is in g W h isk e r s. years has shared her father's liking The enfhuslnsm of those engaged in for the man's sterling qualities. One the cultivation of whiskers is lnsptr- flay the emperor and princess. In com­ f,ig. A man with a full beard may In pany with a high official, called at the But smithy. As its owner turned from a lucid moment shave it off. work to welcome them the kaiser in­ watch him closely. Within ten days he will show signs of returning to his troduced him ns ‘a special friend of old life almost as certainly as a mur­ my daughter's."—Pictorial Review. derer will return to the scene o f h is crime.—American Magazine. STUDIO W. F. HARTRAMPF Put that Property You Want to Sell “Under the Spot-Light ! ” UNDERTAKING SURVEYOR T o a ste d B u gs. An Insect much resembling the June mg snd found in great quantities tn he high pisins shoot Quito, capital if Ecuador, is toasted and eaten as a lellcacy by the natives o f that conn- ry. It Is sold In the streets in the «m e manner aa are chestnnts in the ltles of this country. The roasted mgs taste very much like toasted D id n ’t Get a Chance. OUR FEARLESS SAILORS. A n In c id e n t of the O ld D a y s O ff the C ap e of G ood Hope. American vessels in those days (18331 surpassed the sailing records of ships of every other nation. Once when down nearly to the latitude o f the Cape of Good Hope we encountered the most severe gale o f our outward bound voy­ age. A mountainous sea was heaving in from the south, and the wind, which had originally come from that direc­ tion, was now blowing directly from the west with hurricane force. High as the Washington stood above the water, occasional crests would sweep her main i deck and she steered so hard that I had to keep two men continually at the wheel and have them relieved ev ery half hour. The wind, however, was fair, and therefore every man on the ship, from , Captain L. to the cook's boy, would have felt disgraced hud the order been given to heave the ship to. Under dou­ ble reefed topsails and fore course she was logging upward o f sixteen knots, and all hands were as pleased as If ■ they hud Just been granted a week’s shore leave at New York. Later in the day, when the wind had moderated somewhat, we sighted a large British bark hove to under short canvas. She was flying distress sig­ nals, so Captain L. ordered the wheel put up and ran down to have a look at her. As soon as our signals could be clearly seen he asked what she want­ ed, and the bark replied with a request to stand by. Captain L. then ran up flags demanding If the bnrk were in­ jured or anything wrong on board. The Britisher replied again, “ Stand by. Do not like look of weather.” When the second mate read the meaning o f this signal out o f the code book a great laugh went up in our cabin, and Captain L. replied with flags rending, "See nothing wrong in this weather,” nnd hoisted the Ameri­ can ensign above the signal In order to give point to his remark. No doubt the British captain said, “ Another of those crazy Yankees!” when he read our flags, but we were In Batavia a week before he appeared.—From “The Journal of Captain Nathaniel Webber” in Outing. Take Your Coupon Book TO The leading and enterprising firms with whom we have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. THE JACKSON PHARM ACY HOFFMAN & . ALLEN General Merchandise Drugs and Medicines Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove GOFF BROTHERS GOFF BROTHERS Hardware, Implements, Autos Hardware and Supplies Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Cornelius A . S. HENDRICKS GEO. G. PATERSON Furniture and Pianos General Merchandise Main Street, Forest Grove SHEARER & SON Cornelius GASTON DRUG STORE Jewelers Drugs and Medicines Main Street, Forest Grove FOREST GROVE PH ARM ACY Pure Drugs and Medicines Gaston BRIGGS BROTHERS General Merchandise Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove SUN-RISE GROCERY Dilley G. LUNDQUIST & CO. Groceries and Provisions Hardware Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Cherry Grove TODAY IS YOUR ONLY DAY. Y e ste rd a y le a R e cord and T o m o rr o w M a y N e v e r Com e. Good days and I tad days exist only in your own head. The weather has nothing to do with it. Each day is what you make it for yourself. Bad weather is only an unfortunate opin­ ion. Suppose it is ruining pitchforks. Yon get word that your salary has been doubled or that a forgotten uncle has left you $1,000,000. What do you care about the weather then? Or suppose the person you love is dying. Unex­ pectedly a turn for the better comes. The doctor says your dear one will live. What if it Is hotter than Tophet? It is a good day. a great day, a happy day. It’s what you think and feel about it that makes each day what It is. You, within yourself, can make each day, every day, a good day. Put down iu the notebook of your soul the poet Runeberg's thought: "Each day Is a life.” When you get up In the morning throw hack your shoulders, take a deep breath. Meet the new day like a man. Say to yourself: “ Anothei day—another life!” For all we know, It may be the only day we'll ever have. Let’s make It the best day we can. Let's strive to see that it Is a day worth while. Let’s move a step forward in our work. Let's do all the good we can. Let's get all the happiness we can—today. Right now Is the only time you can control. Yesterday is a record. To­ morrow is a secret. Today is yours, Is mine.—American Magazine. T h s “D s v i l’s G ra ve y a rd .” A cemetery known as the "Devil's Graveyard,” on top o f a rocky hill overlooking Sion, Switzerland, where for centuries were buried sorcerers and sorceresses, is being blasted away »o make room for public Improvements. From the tenth century to the early seventeenth those supposed to be In traffic with the evil one were tortured, executed and buried there. The exca­ vators have found bones estimated to be those of many hundreds of persons. 8 till H s H a d It. A certain physician told some of his patients that as long as they kept their feet and legs dry they would he safe from an attack of the grip. One day he was surprised to receive a letter from a patient In which the latter said that he had two wooden legs and yet he had had the grip for five consecu­ tive years.—Philadelphia Ledger. E x p la in in g It. Jones (Just Introduced) — I suppose you don't remember me, but I was once a witness against your side In a certain trial, and I remember that you cross examined me with tbe greatest courtesy. The Lawyer— Is that so? Perhaps your testimony was not ma­ terial.—Puck Ths E t s r n a l F s m in in s . “ Wiromen certainly ain’t got no con­ sistency.” "W hat's the matter, Mike?” “ Me wife chased me out wld a rolling pin this morning and then cried be­ cause I left home without kissing her goodby.'*— Pittsburgh Poat. “ Did your son who went to the city to make his fortune deliver the goods?" C a u g h t tha H abit. "No. He was caught with them be "That yachting party are telling the fore he had a chance.” —Hooaton Post. biggest fake* 1 ever heard.” | “ Yea, and yon can see at a glance Doing well depends upon doing that even the yacht I s lying to.” —Bslti pletely.—Persian Proverb. more American. C. G. DANIELSON ERIC ANDERSON Bicycles and Sundries Jewelry and Drugs Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove FOREST GROVE STUDIO FORSBERG & BROSTROM Photos and Photo Supplies • Cherry Grove General Merchandise Forost Grove R. A . PHELPS A. J. COO K White Palace Cafe Cherry Grove THE C. C. STORE Day Good«, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware Pacific Ave., Forest Grove C. L. BUMP & CO. Orenco ORENCO DRUG CO. General Meachandise South Forest Grove MORTON & FREEMAN Drugs and Jewelry Orenco W m . OELRICH Groceries and Provisions Builders’ Materials Hillsboro J. A . HOFFM AN Orenco OREGON NURSERY CO. Jeweler Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock Hillsboro THE DELTA DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines Orenco M. P. C AD Y General Merchandise Hillsboro Beaverton PERCY LONG J. L. H A R D Y Hardware 2nd Street, Hillsboro MRS. M. L. BURDAN Confectionery and Patent Medicines Beaverton R. L. T U C K E R Millinery Everything to Build With 2nd Street, Hillsboro SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART Meat Market Beaverton N. C. LILLY General Merchandise 2nd Street, Hillsboro A . C. DONELSON Gales Creek E. J. AYERS Furniture General Merchandise Hillsboro Gales Creek K1NTON & JENSEN PEOPLES STORE General Merchandise General Merchandise Banks Hillsboro MRS. WINIFRED GUNTON Pope Photo Gallery BRODERICK & HUMBERG Blacksmith and General Repairing Forest Grove, Ore Hillsboro, Oregon » /