FOREST GROVE PRESS, P6RLS1 GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1913. V .’ .'.'.V .V .V W THE GAME OF WAR. .W .V .V .V V .V A WATTS tho T h in g ! T h a t A rt Forbid­ den by Civilized Natione. It Is not generally realized that the game of wnr Is hedged round by a» many restrictions as u boxing contest under Queensberry rules. These regu­ lations. which are under the snnctlon of all the civilized countries of the world, are designed to Insure fair play for the combatants. When It Is Intended to bombard a place due notice should be given, so thnt all women and children may be removed to a place of safety, and ev­ ery care must be taken to spare churches and hospitals, as well as all charitable or educational buildings. All chaplains, doctors and nurses are protected In every possible way and are not to be taken prisoners or In any way Injured. Any soldier robbing or mutilating nn enemy Is liable to be shot without trial, and death Is the penalty for wounding or killing a disabled man. The bodies jf the enemy are to be carefully searched before burial, and any articles found on them which might lend to their Identification are to be sent to the proper quarters. Explosive bullets must not be used, and quarter must be given to the en emy whether he asks for It or not In an attack on the enemy there must be no concealment of the distinctive signs of the regiments, and the use of poi­ sons for polluting drinking water Is strictly forbidden.—London Answers. | H is to m * of School meeting Monday after­ noon was well attended by the mothers of the district. Mr. A. S. Dilley was elected director to succeed himself and Austin Buxton clerk. ’ Seven mills was voted for school tax for the com­ ing year. Prof. Ben Kori has been slash­ ing on David’s Hill, the past week. Mr. Ericson, from Portland, is out visiting at Mr. Holscher’s. Messers Berk and Boke went to Alberta, Canada, last week to look at the country with a view to locating. Mr. Burk has sev­ eral brothers there. Mrs. Story, who has been vis­ iting for several months at Mr. J. B. Pricket’s, has been quite ill and is at the Sanitarium for a few weeks. Dick Holscher’s brother and family were out from Cornelius Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Trosk at­ tended the Recital at Marsh Hall Saturday night. THE “CITY OF HOMER.” Mr. Kennedy, son, niece and Reminders of the Ancient Architectural Edna McCaleb attended the Rose Glory of 8myrna. Carnival Friday. Architecturally Smyrna must have degenerated since the ancient days, for Wm. McCoy worked for his we are told that then the streets were brother-in-law Monday. broad and handsome, well paved and running at right angles with each other. There were a number of squares and porticoes and public libraries, a museum, a stadium In which Olympic games were celebrated with great en thuslasm, a grand music ball or Odeon, a Homerlon and many temples, of which the most famous was that of the Olympian Jupiter, In which the reigning emperor was practically the god worshiped. The ancient Smyridotes were Inordl nntely proud of their city. They called It the “First of Asia," though the Ephe­ sians violently disputed this claim. The inhabitants also called their city the “City of Homer," who they claimed had been born and brought up beside their sacreu riv er Melcs. They put his Image upon a coin, which they called n homerlon. a name given to one of their temples. Enor mous fragments yet remain showing whnt tremendous buildings once occu­ pied the broad plateau on the summit of the acropolis, and as otio rebuilds In Imagination these wonderful piles he can easily forgive the Smyrnlotes of old for their grandiloquent praise of their city and Its beautiful crown.— Christian Herald. YOUR OWN VOICE. AN ANECDOTE OF M’KINLEY. G a n t le R e b u k e to a D e p a r t m e n t C h ie f ’s S u b o r d in a t e . P resid en t M cK inley's scrupulous loy­ alty to lus cabinet offiecrs is spoken of us one o f Ills ch aracteristics. It Is Bald th a t he never w ent over the heads of Short Items of Interest Concerning people you his secretaries to consult au assistuut, but held each to responsibility fo r his may be interested in. dep artm en t. O f all th e events of his a d m in istra­ Mr. and Mrs.Byron Lamont, of Williard Wirtz, of Prineville, tion probably noue w as u source of Firholm, were in this city, Sat­ visited his parents, Mr. and mure an x iety to him th a n tb e decision of tb e suprem e co u rt on tbe sta tu s of urday returning from the Rose Mrs. Henry Wirtz, in this city, the colonies. I t w as a m a tte r of g reat Carnival. Friday and Saturday. After m om ent w h eth er th e highest Judicial body should uphold the view of th e Austin Buxton, of the Watt graduating from Pacific Univer­ ad m in istratio n th a t th e constitution district, was a pleasant caller of sity Williard spent several years sanctioned th e possession of colonies this office Monday, renewing his in newspaper work, and then w hich w ere not g ran ted full représen­ studied law. He is now Deputy ta tiou. T h ere w ere conflicting rum ors subscription to the Press. and fo recasts of th e color of th e deci- Earl Bateman, of Gales Creek, Prosecuting Attorney of Crook slou, und these added to the tension was a Grove visitor, the first of County, and the crooks are get­ felt a t W ashington. Shortly before ting what is coming to them tbe announcem ent of tbe finding of the the week. co u rt a su b o rd in ate officer of oue of A card received, from E. A. since Williard took charge of the d e p a rtm e n ts appeared a t th e W hite H ouse a t an unusual hour and Insisted Hart by the editor of the Press things. upou seeing th e p resid en t on th e plea says that he and Mrs. Hart had A guaranteed fountain pen of im p o rta n t business. H aving been visited all the public buildings for 25c at Littler’s Pharmacy. adm itted, be cam e a t once to bis e r­ in Washington D. C., and they It does the work like a $2.50 rand. “ Mr. P resid en t, I have som e good had a special pass to go through one. new s fo r you. 1 have Ju st learned a u ­ the White house. Mr. Hart is a Hughie Murchison, formerly th o ritativ ely th a t th e decision o f the e c o u rt Is to be in your favor.” personal friend of many of the employed at the Pioneer Drug ! suprem lie fairly glow ed w ith th e Im portance “ big guns” at the nations cap­ store as a prescription clerk, was of his w elcom e message. ital, which accounts for special cut from Portland, the first of “T h an k you,” said Mr. M cK inley "T h a t Is good new s. B ut favors shown them. They are the week, calling on his friends. ' j quietly. have you Inform ed y o u r chief?” Hughie now has a fine position "No, Mr. P resident. I th o u g h t you now at New York City. Albert Vanderzanden, of Ver- with a drug firm in the Rose ought to be th e first to know it.” “ Well, Mr. -----, I'm sorry fo r thnt. boort, was trading at the stores City. Now, will you please do m e th e favor in this city Monday. Dr. Charles Pollock, of Hills­ to go a t once to y o u r chief and give him th e Inform ation so th a t he may An old shovel, that was used boro, visited his brother, Dr. com m unicate It to m e?”—Silas H a rri­ by Noah just after the old pat­ William Pollock in this city, Sun­ son In C entury. How You May H ear It as It Sounds to Other P ersons’ Ears. I.alby, w ho a p p ears to have scien­ tifically In v estig ated th e m a tte r, a s­ su res us th a t not ouly does oue not see him self as o th ers see him , b u t th a t he does not lieur him self us o th ers h ear him. Som e in te re stin g experim ents w ere m ade by the F rench s a v a n t In this connection. In order to a scertain w h e th er a m an really knew th e sound of his ow n voice, Laloy has been a t som e pains to d eterm in e th e facts. Ills experim ents show th a t if a person record on a phonograph disk a few sen ten ces pro­ nounced by him self, to g eth er w ith o th ­ ers recorded by friends, an d causes th e m achine to reproduce these. It m ost freq u en tly happens th a t th e m an m ore easily recognizes tb e voices o f his friends th a n he does his own. It a p p ears th a t th e differences lies in th e quality o f th e tone. O ne hears his ow n voice not only th ro u g h th e air, as do his au d ito rs, b u t across th e solid p a rts betw een th e organs of speech an d th o se of hearing. T he sound th u s produced has a different tim b re from th a t conducted to th e e ar by th e a ir above. If one e n te rta in an y d o u b t ns to th is let him try th e follow ing ex p erim en ts: T ak e th e end o f a w ooden rod betw een th e teeth an d pronounce th e vowel continuously. L et th e o th e r end bo tak en alte rn a te ly betw een th e te e th an d released by a n o th e r person w ho a t th e sam e tim e sto p s his ears. T h e la t­ te r will find th a t every tim e he seizes th e rod In hlS teeth th e sound will be stro n g e r th a n w hen It reach es th e car through th e a ir above and th a t It h as a different q u ality . T h e p assag e of sound through a solid body augm ents its In ten sity an d modifies Its q u ality .— H arp e r's W eekly. A DIPLOMATIC KNOT. riarch left the ark, is on display day. at the show window of Goff Bill Boyd, of (he Watt section, SPINNING ASBESTOS. It W a s n 't T ie d In a T a n g le J u s t F o r th e F u n o f th e T h in g . How dear to our hearts the Brothers. A card on the shovel was a visitor to this city, Mon­ A T h re a d a H u n d re d Y a r d s L o n g and E v er since diplom acy w as first In­ steady subscriber. says the old implement was for­ day. Bill recently moved from O n l y a n O u n c e In W e ig h t . vented its m ost em in en t p ractitio n ers Who pays in advance at the merly fifteen dollars, but has Fern Hill to a farm a few miles W hen it leaves tb e cobbing sheds a s­ have expended th e ir b est efforts in bestos is se n t to th e spinning m ills in m ystifying if not in actu ally deceiving birth of each year, been marked down to nine-fifty. west of here. bags co n tain in g ab o u t 100 pounds. I t th eir rivals. U ber L and und M eer cites Who lays down the money and If merchants would advertise, Is th en first carded by a m achine an am using anecdote of diplom atic life does it quite gladly, those ancient old goods would Prof. Willis has closed a suc­ som ew h at resem bling th e saw tooth in th e eighteenth century. cessful term of school in Lake gin seen in cotton mills. T his m achine Iu 1741 C ount B estushew w as sent And casts round the office a have been sold years ago. se p arates th e tangled fibers, upon the by th e em peror of R ussia to Stockholm county, and is now with his halo of cheer. Rev. Daniel Staver brought a com pletion of w hich o p eratio n th e re oc­ to pul th e question of w ar or peace to family in this city. curs a final card in g on a reg u lar card ­ the Sw edish governm ent. Upon a rriv ­ He never says “stop it, I cannot wagon load of pure bred hogs to ing m achine. L eaving th is card in g m a­ ing th e c o u n t m ade know n his m ission A break in the main line of town from his Gales Creek farm, afford it, chine the asb esto s Is com bed sm oothly ami th en w aited p atien tly fo r an a n ­ the Forest Grove Gravity system I am getting more magazines Monday. and th e fibers a re laid parallel in a u n i­ sw er. form m ass. caused the water to be shut off now than I read;” F in ally w hen he had alm ost given up Roy Harper, of Gales Creek, T he n e x t step is to tr e a t tills m ass hope of g ettin g a reply he received a for a time Sunday. Water Com­ But always says “send it; our was a Grove visitor, Monday. in a ro ta ry spinning m achine. F irst missioner Watkins soon had the j th e m ass Is spun into a coarse yarn. long com m unication from th e Sw edish people all like it— m inister of w ar. E agerly C ount B estu­ Bud White, of Gales Creek, In fact we think it a help and was a business visitor to this break repaired and the people of T hen it is d ra w n nnd spun until It be­ shew opened tbe letter, fo r he knew comes fine an d q u ite strong. In case a three growing cities were again hard, stro n g th re a d Is required fo r cer­ th a t it co ntained th e long expected a n ­ a need.” city Friday. sw er. B ut to ids d esp air he found It supplied with the purest. tain fab rics th e asb esto s y a rn is placed so encum bered w ith official phrases How welcome his check when Mr. Taylor, of the country In a doubling and tw istin g m achine, a n d form alities th a t he could m ake it reaches our sanctum; R ead th e new sto re ’s ad. It is w here tw o or m ore of th e y a rn th read s west of this city, was trading nothing of Its m eaning. F o r tw o hours How it makes our pulse throb; th e policy of this firm th a t every a re com bined. If th e asbestos Is to be he struggled in v ain to com prehend tile here, Friday. Im pregnated w ith ru b b e r a sm ooth, how it makes our heart dance! docum ent. T hen he hastened Phil Kalsch, of Gales Creek, advertisem ent a p p e arin g over hard finished th re a d is not desirable. confused to the m in ister of w ar. We outwardly thank him; we in its nam e, be tru th fu l and cor­ F o r a long tim e th e problem o f spin­ was trading a little coin of our "M y d e a r C ount B estushew ,” said wardly bless him— ning asb esto s presented m any diffi­ rect. A. G. H offm an & Co. the m in ister w hen th e count had ex­ fathers for household necessities, The Only 8afe Course. culties by reason of th e m anner in The steady subscriber who There Is a supreme court Justice In This week will see the close w hich th e th re a d s persisted In slipping plained his difficulty, " I hav e no a u ­ in this city Friday. to com m unicate to you orally pays in advance—Ex. New York city who Is locally noted for of practically every school in p a st one another. E ventually It w as thority the co n ten ts of th is doeum eut. I could Bill Palmer has been carrying his severity. If he can prevent It no found th a t, u n d er th e m icroscope, a guilty man shall escape, and in bis his head in a sling the past few Oregon, and the young people th read of asb esto s displayed a notched not th in k o f it." “B ut I have puzzled over th is fo r court very few of them do. days, as a result of an injury will enjoy two months of vaca­ su rface nnd th a t by m eans of special tw o hours, nnd still I can m ake n o th ­ Last fall a man was on trial before tw istin g th e spinning could be success­ A cre T racts in Sun Set tion, gaining new energy against sustained when a pile driver on him for forgery. The prosecution, so fully accom plished. T h e resu lt is th a t, ing of It.” Addition to Forest Grove It seemed to most of the spectators, which he was working toppled the opening of a new school a fte r m any y ears of experim ent, m an u ­ “P ray , do not blam e yourself, count,” failed to make out a very good cnse factu re rs now adays a re able to tu rn said th e m inister. “ You could h ard ly to be sold on terms. W. W. over. Bill also suffered a couple year next fall. Nevertheless the Jury came In with a out a single asbestos th read 100 yard s expect to u n rav el In tw o hours a doc­ of broken ribs. Ireland, Hoffman Building verdict of guilty. The editor of the Press ac­ iu length nnd not exceeding an ounce um ent th a t took m e tw o d ay s to k n it ) and knot together.” Later the foreman of the Jury wn* knowledges an invatition from in w eight.—E xchange. Mrs. J. S. Tompson, of That­ talking nbont the case with a friend cher, was shopping at the stores the Board of Regents and the who had heard some of the testimony “We weren't certain thnt we ought faculty of the University of Ore­ in this city, Friday. to convict either." said the foremnn gon to attend the Commence­ Anton Meeusen was in town the In explanation, "but after listening to F you want a Piano wTe can save ment exercises, of the Univer his honor's charge, all of us realized other day with his brother, Peter that If we acquitted thnt fellow we'd you from one hundred to two Meeusen, of Lapier, Wis. Peter sity. be guilty of contempt of court.”—But J. E. Tumbleson and Bob is spending a month here with urduy Evening Post. hundred dollars. W e buy direct Yamhill his folks and friends and is en­ Eastwood went to Notice. Dangerous Dust. from the factory and cut out the The Sunrise Grocery 'will pay joying himself. Seventeen years county, Tuesday, where they Dust Is more dangerous than draff will build a large barn on the ago he married and moved from The dust of the house Is more danger cash for all farm products, Agent’s profit and then some. Call ous that the dust of the street. It Is In Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the Smith farm near B’orest farm of James Teegarden, a for­ dry. windy weather that colds. Influ­ & see them whether you buy or not. Grove to Wisconsin, and this is mer resident of this city. The enza. bronchitis, tonsllltls nnd consump the best market price paid and barn will be a thirty-two by He tlou are caught. For every speck of all goods sold at the bottom his first visit “ back home.” dust la nn aeroplane with un army of price. Pacific Avenue at Third notices a great many changes forty-eight and twenty-two feet PACIFIC DRUG CO. disease germs as passengers. Sunlight in height, and will require about the old Web Foot state street. JOHN DODGE. Proprie­ destroys them; they thrive In dark and is inclined to come back to about three weeks to complete. liess. The broom and duster of the tor. 23tf housewife Btlr them up from their the beautiful land of Oregonus— F or Q uick S ale — A $12000, 38 breeding places In dark recesses, and Banks Herald. the open windows of the dusting hour acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, One of the finest John Irhig, of Firholm, was a blow them all about the hdtiso.—New for $8500. York World. fruit farms in Washington Co. business visitor to this city Fri­ Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone day. Tasting. Vine 151. 16-tf Elder Kay of Laurelwood "Why do you put your finger on that paint? Don't you see the sign 'Fresh F or S ale N o . 2 Smith Pre­ Academy, was a business visitor ------------------------------------A T ------------------------------------- Paint?’ " mier typewriter, Rood as new. “Yes.” replied the man with eccen­ First offer of $30 takes it. Press at this office Friday. tric Idens. “Rut I can't keep from office. Mrs. Susie Gray and daughter, 16-tf testing It nnd thinking whnt a con­ Miss Grace, are visiting the venience it would be If fresh eggs A complete line of the best former’s sister Mrs 0. C. Jack- could be tested the same way.”— varnishes can lie had at the Pat­ Washington Star. son, in this city. The ladies live erson Furniture Store, Forest They On the Stags. Grove. ____18tf_ at Missoula Montana. visited the Rose Carnival on Flossie—Of course. In the theatrical Wanted a couple of young their way to Forest Grove and profession It doesn't matter bow often lovers quarrel. Gertie— Why so? Flos­ calves, either sex. Phone 0185, were much pleased with the ’ 27tf sie—Because they make up every night Edw. L. Navlor. magnificient display of roses. nnd twice on matinee days.—London To E xchange Seed potatoes Tit-Bits. for equal quanity and quality re­ Miss Marjorie Johnson, of turned this fall. Phone 0185, Denver Colorado, is visiting her Ons They Both Levs. George—Mabel and Jack's marriage Edw. L. Naylor. 27tf father, R. J. Johnson, in this seems an Ideal one—such a perfect onl- city, and will remain all sum­ A new and up-to-date line of eon of hearts! The Girl—Yes; he mer. adore« Mabel, and so does she.— wall paper in many handsome Truth. Free—I will give away fir pole patterns. P l a i n , figured and wood from unburned slashing. M ust N ssd I t novelty goods to select from. Phone Gales 255. The wood is “He needs money badly." All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ “Up against It, eh?" in section 17, t, 1, s. r, 3 west. "Must be. He's thinking of marry erson’s Furniture Store. Forest Thcmas Cox. 38tf- Grove. 18tf Ing for I t " —Detroit Free Press. Miss Nellie Hall, of Oak Hill Admission 50 cents Grandstand Free When all la holiday that« are no holt Furnished room to rent close i was shopping in this city. Mon­ 4nya. Charlea Lamb in, C«U Press offee. 32 tf. day. A ppreciation. I RACES! RACES! Forest Grove Training Park E very S unday A fternoon ----------- STARTING JUNE 29------------ .SNAPPY EVENTS. EACH AFTERNOON Oregon Electric Cars Stop at Track -------- RACES BEGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK----------