FOREST .GROVE PRESS, FOREST ¿GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1913. EVILS OF EYE STRAIN. i I GOOD NEWS! /^ V U R Bargain Department is Now Open fous1attUKk"dlg‘!8UOn aDd 80 C8Ued bU' Brin* y ° ur w° o1 and mohair to Eye strain Is really a weariness of D. Hoffman and Company for the many nerves that supply the small highest cash price. 18tf and we extend to the Public a cordial muscles o f the eyes. I f there be any . __, • „ abnormal optical conditions, such as Archie Matkee, a former I'or- errors o f refraction, found in myopia, est Grove boy, who has been in j or shortsightedness and hyperopia, or attendance at the University o f long aightedness, Imperfect balance o f ___ • . . the ocular muscles and astigmatism or California the past year, has asymmetrical curvature o f the cornea, been sent here as an operator at these muscles.try their best to correct the Southern Pacific depot, dur­ the trouble, but soon tire o f the effort I and give It up, when the blurred im- ing the absence o f Mr. Morgan ages o f Irregular diffusion are left to at Philomath because o f sickness Irritate the retina. As one-fourth o f all in his fam ily.— McMinnville the cranial nerves are devoted to the News Reporter. eyes one can scarcely wonder that headaches are the result o f eye strain. Visit us in our new quarters That backwardness In school work Is and inspect our establishment. often due to eye strain Is well known You will wish to eat here. All to up to date educators. It Is claimed by some medical men the delicacies o f the season, fish that U » majority o f children who are | fle s h a n (] f o w , p t Q rated as mentally defective are not 1 suffering from weakness o f Intellect, Restaurant and Oyster House. but from defective sight, that can be Near Star Theatre. 31tf cured by glasses.—New York World. invitation to com e in and look over the many things we are offering : : : : : E V E R Y ITEM IN THIS D E P A R T M E N T IS MARKED A T A PRICE T H A T M E A N S A SA V IN G T O Y O U FR O M 50 to 75°|o --------------------------- You Will F in d ---------------------------- Children’s Hosiery, 7c., 9c, 13c. Former price 15,20,25c 2 0 c Lawn at 6 c per yd. 2 0 and 3 0 c Dimities at 10c per yd. M o d e rn 3 Cans Standard T o m ­ atoes, 25c. 3 Cans Iow a Corn, 25 c. Plain Lawns at 4 c per yd. 4 lb. Can W h ite Swan Shortning, 50c. Shirtwaists at 2 5 c & 1.25 These waists formerly sold $1.50 to $3.50 WE G IV E PREM IU M S IN S IL V E R W A R E A N D DISHES ON C A S H P U R ­ CH ASES FO R E V E R Y $ 6.00 W O R T H Y O U B U Y . I A. G. HOFFMAN & Ca PHONE 6 3 1 this year. Notice of Sale of Bonds. Forest Grove, Oregon, June 9th, 1913. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned up to and including 12 o'clock noon, June 18th, 1913, fo r $35,000 bonds o f School District No. 15, Washington County, Oregon. Bonds to be dated June 1st, 1913, due in twenty years from date thereof, optional on and a fter ten years from said date in demoninations o f $500, and $1000 each, bearing interest at 5 per cent 5 1-2 per cent or G per cent per annum, interest payable semi-an­ nually. Bidders may submit offers on any or all o f the rates o f interest mentioned above. A certified check for $1000, issued on a responsi ble banking institution will be required with each bid submitted, the right being reserved to reject any and all bids. D O RO TH Y H. SEYM OUR. Chairman o f the Board o f Directors, District, No. 15, Washington County, Forest Grove, Ore­ gon. By R. P. W IRTZ, Clerk o f the Board. Notice of W arrant Sale. Sealed bids w ill be received by the undersigned up to and including 12 o’clock noon, Saturday, June 28th, 1913, for $1000 in warrants of School District No. 15, Washington County, Oregon, Warrants to be dated June 28th, 1913, payable in three years and bearing in­ terest at the rate o f 6 per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually. N o bids w ill be received for less than $50.(X). The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. MRS. D O ROTHY H. SEYM OUR, Chairman Board of Directors, School District No. 15, Washington County, Forest Grove, Ore­ gon. Attest: R. P. W IRTZ, Clerk of Board. W ood Wanted. Sealed bids w ill be received at the office o f School Clerk until June 16, 1913, fo r wood to be delivered at the Public School buildings the coming summer as follows: 50 cords oak; 150 cords fir. Bids on fir will be received for old fir and second growth fir. Bids for all or part of above received. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. R. P. W IR TZ, Clerk School District No. 15, 30t3 Forest Grove, Oregon. The Forest Grove Restaurant and Oyster House is now located in its new quarters on Pacific Avenue near the Star Theatre, The finest o f meals served in a way that will make you want to come again, 31tf ed with the X-Ray and removed by an operation with the sur­ William O'Brien In Ills "Recollec­ geon’ s knife. I Mrs. Herbert Glaisyer and daughter, Miss Violet, who left this city May tenth, for the Hawaiian Islands, writes friends in this city that they arrived safely after a most pleasant ocean voyage. They sailed from Vancouver, B. C., May 14, and arrived at Uncle Sam’s Island possessions May 21. Tire s e a 1 was like glass, smoothe and un­ ruffled by any gale, and the ladies enjoyed greatly the journey over the water. They are now at Kauai, known as the Garden Island, and are visiting at the home o f Mrs. Glaisyer’s son, Dr. A. It. Glaisyer, who has been located in the Islands sev­ eral years and having an exten­ Rev. B. HOLM ES New Pastor o f Christian Church. sive practice. Mrs. Glaisyer and Violet ex ­ Commencement Concerf. pect to be gone for a year, and Ed Boos has removed his Res­ will be joined this fall by Mr. The commencement con cert taurant to new quarters just east Glaisyer. of the Star Theatre, on Pacific promises the finest array o f tal­ Avenue. 31 tf ent o f any concert O ld Call For Painting Bid«. Forest Grove. Oregon, June 10th, 1913. The School Board will r *ceive sealed bids for the painting o f the exterior and calcimining of the interior o f the Central and Lincoln schools. Specifications will be furnished on application at the office of the School Clerk. Bids will be receiv­ ed until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, June 28th, 1913. MRS. D O RO TH Y H. SEYM OUR. Chairman Board of Directors, schoc! District No. 15, Washington County, Forest Grove, Oregon. A ttest: R. 1». W1RTZ, Clerk of the Board. A F ie r y Speech. GROVE RESIDENTS REACH HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TILLAMOOK DAIRYMAN BUYS COWS HERE. A sp e ct of th s F a m o u s G r e e k B a ttle fie ld . Ottice Shearer, Will Adler and Louie Tumbleson were delegates from the local Maccabee lodge to the inter-state convention o f the Maccabee order held in Portland, this week. One o f the best times ever, is reported by the boys. Greece, though sparsely inhabited, is In the main a very cheerful looking country. The loneliness o f much o f It Is not depressing, the bareness of much of it Is not sad. I began to understand this on the day when I went to the Take the kids to the mery-go- plain o f Marathon, which fortunately round, now running every even­ lies away from railroads. One must go Also Saturday afternoon. there by carriage or motor or on ing. horseback. The road Is bad both for Will be here for a week or ten beasts and machinery, but It passes d a ya Located on First Avenue, through country which Is typical o f y First and Second Greece and through which It would be between foolish to go in haste. streets. Five cents a ride. 32tl Go quietly to Marathon, spend two hours there, or more, and when you re­ Lad Runs Needle In Foot. turn In the evening to Athens you will Robert Illidge, the 14 year old have tasted a new Joy. You will have lived for a little while in an exquisite son o f Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Illidge pastoral—a pastoral through which, It Is true, no pipes o f I'an have fluted to o f this city, met witn a quite you; I heard little music In Greece— painful accident, last week. The but which has been full o f that light­ young lad was preparing to re- ness, brightness, simplicity and delica­ tire for the night, and while cy peculiar to Greece. The soil of the land Is light, and, I believe, though walking over the floor in his bare Hellenes have told me that In this 1 feet, stepped on a needle, which am wrong, that the heart o f the peo­ ple Is light. Certainly the heart of penetrated deeply into the bot­ one traveler was as he made his way tom o f his left foot. Robert was to Marathon along a white road thick­ taken to the office o f Dr. K auff­ ly powdered with dust—Robert Hich- man where the needle was locat­ ens In Century Magazine. 5 Big Bars Toi. Soap 2 5 c 3 5 c Curtain Scrim, at 10c per yd. D O N ’T F O R G E T T H A T THE PLAIN OF MARATHON. 7 Bars L enox Soap, 2 5 c 20 and 3 0 c Col. Swisses 10 to 6c per yd. Jap-a-Lac is the housewife’s friend. Will renovate the oldest furniture, cover the woodwork, stain the floors, and can be used in many other ways. For sale by Paterson’s Furniture Store, Forest Grove. 18tf 8om. of Thom Aro Headaches, Dizzl* nasa and Indigestion. When a child begins to screw up Its eyes to elevate and depress Its eye­ brows, to wrinkle Its forehead, to blink, to push forward its bead when lohkliig at things, then suspect eye strain. Among the many troubles caused by eye strain are headaches, Ed Boos has removed his Res­ Carmel Sullivan is a famous taurant to new and commodious harpist and player with the Sym­ quarters, just east of the Star F. R. Reals, o f Tillamook, was phony orchestra in Portland. Theatre, on Pacific Avenue. In this city last week, and Maldwyn Evans was the big so­ 31 tf loist for the Great West choir; bought a number o f fine Jersey which toured the United States cows to add to his dairy herd. last year. Pauline Miller Chap­ READING. I f any person given to rending H e bought five cows from T. J. eron has not sung here this year were honestly to keep a register O tt; three from L. M. Sparks and will give the three big num- of all the printed stuff that he or and three from W. I). Quick, bers for which she is engaged by she consumes In a year—all the Idle tales of which the very paying $90 per head for them, the combined choruses for the names and the story are forgot­ These were some o f the finest armory at Spokane, June 21 and ten In a week, the bookmakers' cows in Washington county. Mr. 22. As soloist.. Nay Van Dyke, prattle atmut nothing at so much s sheet, the fugitive trilling about Beals shipped the milk produc- a splendid Eastern Pianist with silly things and empty people, ers to Tillamook county over the Frank Thomas Chapman, violin, the memoirs o f the unmemorabla P. R. & N. railroad. He has harp and voice will give a beauti- and Uvea of those who never really lived at all—o f what a recently bought a fine farm in ful quartet. The concert will be- mountain o f rulibtsh would It be Tillamook county, and expects to gin Wednesday evening. June the catalogue —Frederic Harri keep a dairy herd o f one hun- ISth in Marsh Hall and at 8 p. aon. dred cows. ; n>- sharp. tions" gives this picture o f Timothy Healy’s first appearance In parliament: “ A quarter o f an hour after he took his seat as member for W exford he started up to make his maiden speech —tiny o f frame, sardonic o f visage, his hands In his breeches pockets, ns cool­ ly Insolent ns a Parisian gamin, ns en­ tirely detestable ns a small Diogenes, peering over the rims o f his plncenez as from his tub, through bilious eyes over his contemptible audience—and horrified the house o f commons with the follow ing exordium: ‘Mr. Speaker. If the noble marquis (Harrington) thinks he Is going to bully us with his high and mighty Cavendish ways, all I can tell him Is he w ill find himself knocked Into a cocked hat In a Jiffy, and we will hnve to put him to the necessity o f wiping the blood o f all •he Cavendishes from his noble nose a rood many times before he disposes .f us.” ' W a y * o f th e Ja p a n e a a . The thick straw mats nre the only furniture needed In a Japanese house. They nre three by six feet In size and take the place o f tables, beds and chairs. The house Is never heated. In winter the people put on thick, wadded kimonos, sit on their feet and hold their hnnds over a little charcoal bra­ zier. For recreation they go out to the family burying ground to worship the spirits o f their ancestors or to a shrir.o to see the cherry blossoms. I f earth­ quakes, which are as common there ns thunderstorms here, shake down the little houses or they are swept away by the fires that a proverb says sweep Tokyo every seven years the little brown folks only smile and murmur "Shlkntn gn nnl" (There Is no help for It).—New York Sun. T h e y D i d n ’t L ik e R a z o r s . Said Daniel Webster: “ ---- the razor! It has taught me to curse. It has cost me more time and more trouble than all my speeches." Rufus Choate, the lawyer, called the razor an Instrument Invented by Luci­ fer to fill up hell with barristers. Edward Everett never nsed profane language, but befoqg shaving he would Invariably give vent to all sorts o f French barbarisms. A T cre racts in Sun Set Addition to Forest Grove to be sold on terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoffman Building L O W R O U N D -TR IP FARES V IA Oregon-Electric Rail y. SU M M E R C A R N IV A L S— Rose Festival Pow Wo w PORTLAND SPOKANE June 9 - 1 4 June 16 - 21 $1.00 ROUND TRIP $16.°° ROUND TRIP Tickets on sale June 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Return limit June 16. Tickets on Sale June 16 and 18. Return limit June 23rd. This is the great annual floral and civic celebration at Portland. A week of splendid parades by day & night; music, gala attire &c. This is the first year of Spokane’s carnival, a week devoted to parades, con­ certs, athletics, civic and industrial features. Schedules and details will be furnished on request. R. H. CROZIER, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent Portland, Oregon J. E. FA R M E R , Agent Forest Grove, Ore. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60,000. Tha R e to rt. Here la a retort which a "dull stu­ dent” once made: Professor—You sA>tu to be very dull. When Alexander the Great was your age he had already conquered the world. Student—Well, you see. he had Aristotle for a teacher. —Chambers’ Journal. Miasod Vocation. Client—Didn't you make a mistake In going Into law Instead of the arm y! Law yer— W hy? Client—By the way you charge there would be little left of the enem y —Tendon Tlt-Rita_______ ; An ad in the Press brings Result U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s : T. W. Sain W. K. Newell Geo. Mizner L. J. Cori John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson H. G. Goff W. H. Hollis E. W. Haines