F O R E S T G R O V E P R E S S , F O R E S T G R O V E , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . J U N E 12, 1913. Forest Grove Steam Laundry W ood, stable by themselves and the building where they have been kept disinfected. I f only slightly affected the animals may tie fa tened and sold to the butch­ er, for the meut Is said to be whole­ some. The milk, esjiectnlly if the udder be sus[>ected o f being diseased, should be scalded for the use o f either man or beast. There Is no known cure. The only way Is to test the cows and keep those free o f disease rigidly apart from the others. Drinking from the same trough, eutlng from the same stall, are easy means o f spreading the dis­ ease. If the cow he a valuable one and the disease Is not deeply seuted she may be kept for breeding purposes, but the calf must not he allowed to suck any o f its mother's milk. I f the cow ’s milk he thoroughly pasteurized it is then safe to feed. Farm Dairying Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., F orest G ro ve, O re. J The thought has often come to you perhaps, that you could easily solve most difficulties if you were a mind reader—if you could for instance,KNOW who would be glad to rent your property, or to buy it; who would be glad to employ you. Want advertisers, and those who watch the want ads, learn these things in a BUSINESS W A Y not through occult means. H. LIDYARD E A K Y teats ure caused either by weak muscles or because the f teat opening Is too large. Treatment.—Throw and tie the cow. Insert a milking tube in the teat to preserve the milk duct. With a sburp kulfe remove the skin from the end o f the opening, making a good fresh wound. Draw the edges o f the hole together with a few stitch­ es, tying each stitch separately. Dress with a healing ointment. This should be done when the cow Is dry and Is better to be done only by a veterinarian. I f the leak be through a hole on the side o f the teat scarify­ ing the edges of the opening with a sharp penknife when the cow is dry may cause the edges to unite. S H O E M A K E R S 1st Ave. N ., near Main St. W e are prepared to do the very best o f all kind o f shoe work. UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY Special attention given to crippled feet. W M . W E IT Z E L T in n in g a n d P lu m b in g , S h e e t To Cu ra a Sucking H tife r or Pravant S s lf Sucking. Insert in the heifer’s or cow’s nose an ordinary bull ring. Just before In­ serting the ring slip on It a harness ring the same size, which hangs loose­ ly after the bull ring has been Insert ed. This Is a sure remedy. Cause.—The [launch becomes over- tilled with solid food and Its walls so paralyzed as to lose the power o f con­ traction. Symptoms.—Enlargement o f abdo­ men, the drumlike sound Is absent, and when the part Is pressed the Indenture remains for some time. The animal Is dull, her breathing heavy, grunts and grinds her teeth. Treatment.—Give a strong purgative —one and a half to two pounds of salts and two ounces o f ground ginger In two quarts o f warm water. Follow up with two drams o f nux vomica ev­ ery six or eight hours until the bowels move freely. I f the bowels do not move In eighteen to twenty-four hours give more salts. A little walking exer­ cise helps the expulsion o f the food. In bad cases the cow Is opened and the food removed by hand. This should be the work o f a veterinarian. T y m p a n itis or Bloating. Cause. — Eating fermented grains, M e ta l W o r k and R e ­ rank clover, especially when wet or p a ir S h o p . with the dew on It; raw Juicy potatoes, etc., may cause fermentation and the accumulation of gases. Symptoms.—The alslomen distended, North First Avenue, between Main and especially over the left flank; the walls of the belly elastic to the pressure of “ A ” Streets; phone 863. the hand and when tapped giving a hollow, Urutnllke tone; breathing la­ bored. Treatment. — I f much distressed, prompt relief Is afforded by puncturing deep on the left side Into the flank four or live Inches from the spine and mid­ way between the last rib and the hip a t th e bone. This is best done with a trocar and cntiuln. I f one Is not at hand use a kulfe and Insert a large goose qutll or something o f the kind to keep the wound open to allow the gases to es­ 100 fo r $ 1 .2 5 cape. 250 fo r $ 1 .7 5 Give from one to tw o pounds of ep- 500 fo r $ 2 .2 5 soiu salts and an ounce o f powdered ginger. Further fermentation uiny be prevented by a tnblespoonful of chlo­ ride of lime In a pint of water. In slight cases a dose of tw o ounces of oil of turpentine In a pint of raw lin­ m a t t e r what seed oil will generally dissipate the gases. No food should be given for make of camera twelve hours, and feed lightly for a day or two. you have, a better BUTTER WRAPPER P R IN T IN G FOREST GROVE PRESS P 1 '^Rlm w ill make better pictures. T r y the WNSCtf* FILM It will give you dearer, deeper, better-defined neg­ atives. Fits any film camera.' ¿w C om e to us for cameras and photographic supplies o f all kinds and you nave ■jjjj a guarantee of quality. L et us print your nega­ tives oo C yko Paper. Forest GrovePharmacy The Up-to-lhe-Minute Druggists Phone 001 Im paction of tha T h ird Stom ach Fardal bound. or Cause. A diet of coarse. Indigestible food and Insufficient water to drink; eating dried grass or leaves, etc. Symptoms.—Refuses to out; ceases to chew end; In some cases slight diar­ rhoea. followed by constipation: tiead carried low; dull, painful expression; stands still or lies down with head ex­ tended; gives a short grunt during ex­ piration; advanced stages— staggering gait. Impaired sight ami sometimes symptoms of frenzy. Treatment.— Same as for Impaction of rumen. Assist the'purgation by COpi- oils Injections of warm soapy water three or four times a day. If the liraln tie affected, douche the head with cold water or apply Ice. Tu b ercu losis. Symptoms.— A .dry cough without other constitutional dlstiirtianees Indi­ cates tuberrukists of the lungs A cow losing flesh gradually and becoming generally unthrifty looking may have the disease In any organ. The only safe way to know If the herd tie free from this very contagious disease Is by having the animals tested with tu­ berculin. If any react they should be put In • Of Fore»l Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Busineas Principles. T h e H om e Company Th at H as M a d e G ood. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in T h e Bankers < \ Merchants UNIT OF VALUE IS TH E T A E L Y et the T ael Is N either a Coin Nor an Ingot, but M erely an A b stra ct Term , and Signifies a U n it of W eight— S il­ ver Shoes and C a sh on a String. ; Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 62X » W . A. CHALM ERS, ! « i Vlain Street, Forest Grove. S 1 ¡ Im paction of the Rum en or Paunch. WALKER & LIDYARD The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association China Has a Monetary System That Borders on the Chaotic. ! L and you’ll not need to be a mind reader S. A. WALKER By L A U R A ROSE. Demonstrator and Lecturer In Dairying at the Ontario Agricultural Col­ lege, Guelph, Canada. [Copyright. 1911, by A. C. McClurg & Co.] Watch and Use the Want Ads Absolutely Safe and Reliable Of the many strange things In China not the least strange Is Its currency. To the foreigner It seems a miracle that any business can be transacted successfully with such a medium of exchange. It has been described as Rheum atism . chaotic. Nevertheless business and Cause. —Exposure to cold and wet. trade flourish In China, which speaks especially when heated by driving. volumes for the business acumen or Lying on cold floors or standing In a the Chinese. Perhaps the fact that draft. trade flourished In China long before Symptoms.—I f acute rheumatism sets such a thing as currency was known In there will be loss o f appetite, rough­ accounts for the fact that the Chinese, j ness o f coat and dryness o f muzzle, with such a lux system as they now bowels constipated, urine high colored, possess, still stand tn the front rank Joints swollen. The symptoms of of commercial nations. In China all forms o f exchange from I chronic rheumatism are similar, but barter up are tn use. A very large less severe. Treatment.—Give two pounds o f ep- part of the country's business Is done som salts and one ounce o f ground gin­ against the actual delivery of weighed ger. Follow up with two dram doses silver. For convenience silver ts melt­ ed Into rough ingots having the shape o f salicylic acid three times a day. These silver Rub the Joints well three times dally of the Chinese shoe. shoes have stamped upon them their with camphorated liniment fineness and weight. The unit of Keep the animal warm and dry. weight Is the tael, which ts equal to a W ounds o r C u t*— Lacoratad Uddar. quantity of silver weighing 680 grains First stop the bleeding by tying a troy and Is worth about 00 ceuts In bandage o f clean muslin directly over [ our money. the wound or above It. Often a bleed­ The tael ts not an Ingot nor a coin, ing artery will protrude. A thread can but simply an abstract term signifying he run under it with a needle and the a unit of weight, such as a “ pound” of artery tied. A fter the bleeding stops butter or an "ounce” o f gold Though cut off the ragged edges o f muscle an abstract term. It (s the measure of with scissors which have been dipped wealth and the unit of value through­ in an antiseptic solution. Then bathe out the length and breadth o f China. the wound with an antiseptic wash. | A man buys a business for so many Let nature do the healing. Keep the taels of silver. Ills profits are com- wound clean and free from germs by : [lilted tn taels. When he makes pay­ frequently bathing It with the antisep­ ment be weighs out the silver accord­ tic wash. ing to this unit. Sometimes a cow's udder is badly The silver shoes vary tn weight from torn on burbed wire or brush. Thor­ one to seventy-five taels. All silver oughly cleanse the wound with an an­ shops and hanks have forges, where tiseptic wash, using a syringe if one the silver Is melted tn Iron ladles and Is at band. Trim the rough edges and poured into molds. The smelters with draw the cuts together with white silk their ladles and molds remind one of thread, tying each stitch separately. cooks. They stir the silver with a pair Leave an opening o f an Inch at the of metal chopsticks. T o one not aware lowest point o f the wound. Insert In of what they were doing It would be this opening a small piece o f cotton natural to suppose that they were en­ wadding to help carry away any dis­ gaged In concocting something good to charge. Bathe the wound If necessary eat. In the process of recasting the with a boractc or weak carbolic acid Ingots their fineness Is often changed, wash and renew the wadding. When being either Improved or debased, healed remove the stitches. whichever best suits the Interests o f the shop. Bankers and money chang­ Contagious Abortion. Abortion being a contagious disease, ers are able to determine the quality the germs will lurk about the stables o f the sliver by the sense o f touch. The sellers or depositors are always and infested animals for years. at their mercy and must often submit Use some good disinfectant freely to the operation o f having their silver around the stalls, gutters, etc. Give discounted on account of “ bad touch.” In the Interior o f China small pur­ chases are made with copper coins with square holes In the center. These are called "cash” and are threaded on strings so that they may be carried across one's shoulder or on a pole. A string o f 1,000 of these cash Is worth about 60 cents In our money. Some­ times bits o f silver are chipped from the silver shoes and used for small purchases. When traveling In the In­ terior one must take with him a large amount o f silver shoes, exchanging them for strings o f cash at the various shops. The money changers have two sets o f scales, one to be used In the purchase o f silver and tbe other in tbe Photo by University o f Wisconsin. selling o f It MAKING THE TUBERCULIN TEST. In an attempt some years ago to In­ each animal that has aborted forty troduce a currency based on western drops o f pure carbolic acid In one pint models the Chinese government pur­ o f water In Its food three times a day chased and put Into circulation several million Mexican dollars. The people until all vaginal discharge ceases. As a preventive give the other cows took to the new coins and called for The provincial governments the same dose twice a day for the more. then .set up mints and began to coin same length o f time. Some dairymen dose their cows In Chinese dollars o f approximately the this way with carbolic acid every two same weight and fineness ns the Mexi­ or three months Just lu ense this can dollars. They also coined an enor­ mous amount o f subsidiary Items in dreaded disease might break out Another simple method, which can the shape o f small sliver coins and be used when cows nre In pasture, is copper pennies. Soon It was discovered that the new to mix thoroughly 100 pounds o f barrel salt, pounded tine, and one pound o f currency wns ns unstnble as the old. crude undiluted carlioltc acid or four The value o f the dollar In relation to ounces o f the acid to twelve quarts o f tbe subsidiary coinage varied from day salt. Give to the bulls and cows as to day. The cent was never worth the hundredth part o f a dollnr. Some days oue would ordiuary salt. 110 cents were required to make up Retention of the Afterbirth. It . and on other day* It took 130 cents In case the afterbirth does not come Similarly the value o f tbe dollar as ; away give a few doses o f carbolic add eompnred with the tael wns continual­ (forty dropsi. and no other assistance ly fluctuating. Sometime* 1100 would will be necessary. bring 70 taela and at other times only 06. It waa sickening to the people, B uryin g Diseased Anim als. When burying an aulmal which ha* but very profitable to tbe money died of any contagious disease put changers. —Harper’a Weekly. XVIII.—Cow Diseases. Second Article. MERTZ & LATTA A CRAZY CURRENCY J half a barrel o f fresh lime over It T h a M ozart Cyela. Crystals o f copper sulphate may be Tbe only works o f Mozart designed used. Burn all bedding, litter, etc., and whitewash the walls, stalls, etc., for the stage (there are nearly a score having some disinfectant In the wnah. o f tbemi that have remained regular '•repertory opera*." as the Germans Stock Foods— Tonics. say. are "Don Giovanni,” "F iga ro” and N’ g . 1.—One pound ground gentian, a "T b e Magic Flute.” Once In awhile, quarter o f a pound o f ground ginger, however, a Mozart cycle Is given In a quarter o f a pound o f powdered salt­ one o f the larger German cltlea. and peter and a quarter o f a pound of pow­ this Includes generally, beside* the dered Iron sulphate. Mix and give one three operas named. “ Idomeneo.” talliespoonnil In feed once daily for "D ie Entfnhrung,” "Coal Fan T n ttT ten days, omit for three days and feed and “ Clenienxa di Tito.” —Argonaut as above for ten days more. Cost about 20 ceuts per pound. K now H it Man. No. 2.—Tw o pounds fenugreek, two "W h y did you tell that roan yon pounds ground ginger, two pound* powdered gentian, t f o pounds powder­ doD't smoke when yon do?*' " I had a good reason.” ed sulphur, two poands potassium ni­ “ IVrhapa he wa* going to give you trate. two pounds resin, one pound cay­ enne pepper, eleven pounds flaxseed a cigar.'* meal, five pounds powdered charcoal. ! “ No; 1 know that chap He waa go five pounds common salt and twenty- Ing to ask roe for ou#,"— Detroit Free five pounds wheat bran. Coat about Press. P4.B0 per 100 pounds. Mix well and Among all the fine arts one of the feed the same as No. 1. This tonic Is almost Identical with the commercial finest la that o f painting tbe cheeks with health Ituskln. mixtures Neat Printing is something every business man desires when he orders station­ ery. letter N eat appearing business heads, envelopes, state­ ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are what can be had from the Press Publishing C o. N eat printing Is Our M otto and we endeavor to ltve up to it at all times. W hen we fail to deliver a job of printed work which entirely satisfies, we are prepared to make it right. job turned out of this A office must be correct in every par­ ticular. Bring your work to the Press Publishing C o. and be assured of securing some­ thing which is typographically correct, tasty in construction and neat in appearance. WASHINGTON - OREGON CORPORATION will Beginning June 1st give to its patrons in Beaverton, Elmonica, O r enco, H ills b o r o , Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and all country lines a 4c. Electric rate on all cooking and heating ap ­ pliances and small domestic motors. Phone Main 922 Hillsboro for particulars and our representative will call.