Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 12, 1913, Image 4

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o r e s t
r o v e
p r e s s
E. S. SPARKS, Editor and Manager
O ffice 502
T elephones :
R esidence 285
T erms of S ubscription
One year, in advance.................... $ 1.50
Six months, in advan ce...................... 75
Three months, in advance.................... 50
THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1913.
Display advertisements for publication in the
P ress must be in this office not later than Tues­
day evening to insure appearance in current issue
Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ore.
In this issue o f the Press E. B.
Sappington comes back at the
members o f the school board in
a lengthy letter. He has hand­
ed them a Roland for their Oliv­
er, and honors are even. It is
pleasing to note that the injunc­
tion suit against the board has
been dismissed, all those direct­
ly concerned have come to a har-
m o n i o u s understanding, the
bonds will be sold and work on
the new school building will not
be delayed. Thus by injecting a
little of the give-and-take spirit
the atmosphere has been cleared
and the wheels o f progress are
not blocked. It is well.
as mail matter of the second class.
That letter to your old mother
at home. Don’ t forget it. She
is waiting every day for the post­
man to turn in at the gate.
The warm days o f the past
week have caused the small boy
to become restive, and anxious
parents will find him down at
the “ old swimin hole.”
The agricultural fair to be held
here next fall should be exten­
sively advertised, and should re­
ceive the support of every man
in Washington county. Show
people o f other states what we
can produce and they will settle
down and make their home with
Don’ t forget to write that let­
ter to your friend in the east and
tell him about Forest Grove. He
will probably not believe you,
but when he gets here he will be
able to see for himself, and if he
is from Missouri he may be
Attend the annual school meet-
ing to be held at the Lincoln
school building June 16. There
is no more important day in the
year. Let every one entitled to
vote attend, look into school con­
ditions, and plan for the coming
year. Only by co-operation of
the patrons o f the district can all
that is for the best interests of
the school be accomplished.
A man has just been sentenc­
ed to be hanged in one of Ore­
gon’s Circuit courts, and his at­
torney says he may not be
able to appeal to a higher
court, as the man is without
money to prosecute his case. If
If there is a probability, through
any merits which his case may
have, that the higher courts will
reverse the decision o f the trial
court, a lack of money should
not act as a bar to an appeal.
The people o f Oregon, at the last
state election, held that he who
is guilty o£ first degree murder
should hang. This is the will of
the people, and must stand until
the law is changed, but as long
as a man has a right to appeal,
his life should not be forfeited to
a want o f money. The wealthy
man, being able to appeal, may
save his life. The poor man, if
his case has merit, should be al
lowed the same chance at the ex­
pense o f the state.
some food if raised with
neat to A n y T o w n .
The writer has lived in Forest
Grove for twenty-three years,
and is acquainted with nine-
tenths of the people o f the west­
ern section o f the county. A
great many o f these people are
native born, but there are hun­
dreds among them who have
come from other sections, nearly
every state in the Union being
represented in our population.
In conversations with many of
the residents o f this part of
Washington county who have
come here to make their homes,
we have been told that for pro­
ductiveness o f soil, climate and
enjoyable living conditions gen­
erally, Washington county is the
peer o f any section in the United
States. We believe them. That
is why we boost for this part of
A pretty but quiet wedding
occured at the Methodist parson­
age in this city, when Miss
Freda Loving became the bride
o f Mr. John Wilson, the solemn
words which made the happy
couple one being spoken by
Rev. Hiram Gould. Mrs. Wilson
is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs.
James Loving, o f Gales Creek.
She was born and raised in the
Gales Creek section, and is a
favorite among the younger
people of that locality. Mr. Wil­
son is also a native o f Gales
Creek, being the son o f Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Wilson. The
young couple will make their
future home in Eastern Oregon,
and a legion o f friends follow
them with good wishes into their
new life.
Mrs. W. W. McEldowney de­
lightfully entertained the A fter­
noon Bridge Club at her home
last Thursday afternoon, re­
freshments being served on the
spacious lawn.
A well kept, well planned lawn, with
a few shrubs and flowers, repays In a
large measure for the work expeuded
lu Its care. A trim, orderly lawn and
yard give one n feeling o f self respect
and satisfaction that helps to keep the
dally work from tiecoming the daily
grind. Then, too, where one resident
of a block beautifies Ills surroundings
others follow the good example, and In
this way the movement spreads, and
the entire town Is made attractive.
Amt attractive towns are what home
seekers amt manufacturers are looking
for these days.
A scythe and mower, n hoe and rake,
can transform an unkempt yard Into
« smooth green lawn. A bed o f red
geraniums adds lienuty and is easily
cared for. Bright spots o f solid color
add more to the appearance o f a lawn
than haphazard mixtures o f flowers.
Golden glow Is a good lawn shrub. It
Is hardy and easily grown. It blooms
late In the fall, when most flowers are
gone. It grows very tall and Is bright
yellow. Salvia, a shrub hearing bril­
liant red flowers, Is showy and very
Dahlias are acceptable for lawn use
and can he had tn a large variety of
For the small beds nastur­
tiums and sweet peas are excellent
The latter are better used as a screen
or boundary and can tie planted
against the fence which marks the rear
of the lawn. The lawn should lie well
fenced to keep chickens away from the
grass. If not they rutn It tn a short
time. They have no business near the
In arranging for the summer flow­
ers It ts lietter not to cut up the ex­
panse o f grass into too many small
lasts, hut have Just a few spots of
bright color. The flowers that are
planted will need care. A few tied*
well tended are preferable to many
half oared for. When making your
plan* don’t map out more tbau you can
Dr. D. W . W ard
Dr. E. B. Brookbank
Physicians and Surgeons
W . M. Langley & Son
June, the month o f brides and
roses, is here and with the com­
ing o f summer social activities
will give way somewhat to the
pleasures o f camp life by the
sounding sea and in mountain
retreats. The closing o f school
will also cause a quietness to
settle over the town until next
The membeis of the Yadrif
Club, with their husbands and
children, enjoyed a most pleas­
ant outing at Roderick Falls,
Sunday. The merry party went
out in an auto truck, and spent
the day playing games on the
greensward, and viewing the
Fine light Bread, Muffins, Bis­ beautiful scenery in the wild.
cuits, Cake or Pastry are welcome.
The ladies o f the party spread a
It will always be good whole­
sumptuous lunch at noon.
The stores in this city which
Which never fails to
deal in th&t class of goods have
raise the dough leav­
sold quite a large number of
ing it light but not dry
mowers and hay rakes to the
25c Per Lb.
farmers in this section o f Wash­
Your Grocer
ington county, the past week.
The hay crop will be large this
C re sce n t M an u fa cturin g Co.
year, and cutting is now in pro­
Seattle, Washington
gress. Many of the farmers cut
the first clover crop of the season
early, giving a new crop a
chance to ripen before fall. This
latter crop is harvested for the
seed which commands a good
T h » y Ad d Respectability and Chasrful-
The Rose is King in Portland
this week, and tens o f thousands
o f people are enjoying the fes­
tivities that are being held in
Oregon’s metropolis. The an­
nual Rose Show is a great adver­
tisement for Portland and the
entire state, each recurring Car­
nival seeing more people present
from the middle west and the
east. Two days more remain for
enjoying the fine programs that
nre a feature of each day of the
Carnival, and everyone should
go down and take the wife and
Serial Nrum of Sown % (Country
Lawyer s
here from Lakevtew. The affair
22 First Ave. No*-th
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Phone: Office 40x
Residence 402
was very cle /erly arranged. Prof
Forest Grove, Ore.
and Mrs. Gardner were invited
to call at the home o f Rev. and
W. P. Dyke
S. B. Lawrence
H. W . Vollmer, M . D.
Mrs. Hiram Gould, and while
Physician and Surgeon
at the Gould home, the merry
surprisers met at the VanKirks.
Office in Abbott Bldg.
Forest Grove Nat’ l Bank Bldg
A telephone call was then sent
Both Phones
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Forest Grove, Ore.
to the Gardners, and when they
Ind. Phones
reached the VanKirk home they
found the lights turned off and J. N. Hoffman
D R . e .E . W A L K E R
the rooms in darkness.
into the parlor, many voices
Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
greeted them with: “ Workers,
Osteopathic Physician
Ind. Phone 502
Forest Grove
Workers, Workers, We; Workers
Workers, 0 . M. G .” This was
Treatment by Special Appoint­
given as a compliment to Pro­ Mark B. Bump
ment Only
fessor Gardner who founded the
class. Several hours were spent
W . Q . T ucker, M . D.
playing games unique and orig­ South of Court House
Physician and Surgeon
Hillsboro, Ore.
served during the evening.
Calls answered promptly day or night
Phone: Office 271, Kesidence 283.
Hollis & Graham
The recital given by the Piano
pupi's of Perry Burton Arant in
A llorneys-at-LaW
the Christian church auditorium,
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Tuesday night, was a treat to
the many friends o f the young
people who were present, every E. B. Tongue,
number receiving hearty ap­
District Attorney.
Dr. H. R. Kauffman
Physician & Surgeon
Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building:
Phone Main 0131
Forest Grove, Ore.
R. M. Erwin, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Tamiesie Bi ilding
Hillsboro, Ore.
The ladies of the F. G. Bridge
3d and Main Sts.
Club presented little Roderick
Hillsboro, Ore.
Grant Buchanan with a hand­
Yeager & Cornish
some silver cup, last Monday,
S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M.
Attorneys at Law
it being the pretty custom of
Physician and Surgeon
the club to present a cup to each
Hillsboro Commercial Bank Buildtng
Delta Building
Hillsboro, Oregon
new arrival into the family of Phone City 232
Club members.
The club now
Hillsboro, Ore.
has two children, Anna Margaret Dr. E. J. Crowthers
Hines and Roderick Grant Bu­
Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls answered day and night
Physician, Surgeon
Office in Jackson Pharmacy
and Osteopath
Mrs. A. B. Thomas gave a
Cornelius, Ore. Calls answered day or night.
Hillsboro National Bank Bldg.
Silver tea to a number of friends
Hillsboro, Ore.
at her home on Third street, Sat­ W . B. C OON , V . S.
urday afternoon, the affair
O ffice o n 1 st S t .
proving most enjoyable.
J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor.
Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S.
Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet­
Physician and Surgeon
erinarian, I wish to notify the public
The members of the E. 0 . W. that I am prepared to answer all calls, Phone City 384
Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg.
Club and their husbands were day or night.
M* V »
orest G rove , O re
Hillsboro, Ore.
delightfully entertained Friday
“ All-of-a-sudden night at the home o f Mr. and
Peggy” given in Marsh hall Fri­ Mrs. F. J. Miller in South Park.
day night by the Sophomore At seven o ’clock dinner was serv­
class o f Pacific University was ed the guests, after which sever­
attended by an audience which al pleasant hours were passed at
filled the auditorum o f the hall, cards. This was the last of a
and was thoroughly enjoyed series o f social affairs given by
from the raising o f the curtain ! members o f the Club. No more
until the climax of the last act, ' meetings will be held until next
when impulsive Peggy gave her fall.
heart and hand to the one who
One o f the Sunday schoi 1
had won her after a sea of
troubles that prove that the classes o f the Christian church
course of true love never did were entertained at the home of
run smooth. Every one in the Mr. and Mrs. Will R. Sparks in
cast acquitted themselves in a South Park, last night.
most creditable manner, and the jolly party whiled away several
heroine especially gave evidence hours playing games and were
An ‘a<T in the Press Brings Results
served a delicious lunch by the
o f much histrionic talent.
Friday evening the members
The Congregational Brother­
of the Christian church gave a
farewell reception to Rev. and hood members were hosts at a
Mrs. C. H. Hilton in the audi­ strawberry and ice cream social
torium of the church. The affair last night. That everyone had a
w as attended by over one hun­ happy time goes without saying
dred and fifty, and was a most
enjoyable occasion.
A number
The following were entertain­
of the members gave short ad ed at Beth Sexton’s Thursday
dresses, speaking o f the valuable evening at a lawn party, to or­
work accomplished by Rev, and ganize a Camera Club: Harold
Mrs. Hilton during their two Robinson, Beth Sexton, Frank
years’ residence in this city, and Doan, Margaret McFeeters, Ruth
voicing the general regret that Austin, Mertroe Hollinger, Mona
is felt because o f their depar­ Mallory, Arthur Jones, Lawrence
ture. Rev. Hilton replied feelingly Peterson. Fr a n c i s Benjamin,
to the kind words spoken.and said Glenn Morgan, Harriet Benja­
that he and Mrs. Hilton counted min, Gertrude Hinman and Willis
F A lllIN lK U i!
| M «< D W U 1 W
their stay in this city one of the Hines. Games were played and
most enjoyable periods o f their refreshments o f fruit punch and
Special music was a wafers were served. A fter the
feature of the evening and light refreshments the m eeting'was
refreshments were served.
called to order by a temporary
H i
H t M»
chairman, Frank Doan. The fol­
The Bible class of the Method­ lowing officers were elected:
Summer’s Newest Styles
ist church gave a surprise social President, Harold Robinson: vice-
Draperies? Y es, lots and lots of them.
Friday night at the home of Mr. president, Ruth Austin; secre­
W onderful, smart designs in hun­
and Mrs. LeRoy Vankirk, in this tary, Mona Mallory; treasurer,
Everything complete for the
city, in honor of Professor and Frank Doan; sargeant at arms,
season. Dainty summery dresses for
Mrs. Gardner, who are visiting Beth Sexton.
all occasions.
“ Butterick Fashions ”
Pho * 876
Fsrest Gwt, Ore.
Any Butterick Patte n FREE
with every copy
House Moving
and Repairing.
We have the beat equipped
outfit in the county.
g r Brick. State aid Coocrete Work
Let us figure on your work.
25 cents (1 0 c extra by mail)
• "W
«* tke patten commier to-day