FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y . JU N E 12. 1913 Mr. Sappington Replies to Board whereby the School Board could COURSE OF THE STARS. Forest Grove, Ore., June 9 ’ 13 deliver the bonds to Morris Bros. To the Editor: On learning the ab°v e 1 »nunedi- M o a iu r i n g H o * F a s t a n d F a r T h a y G o It is not my intention or wish Î wo W h i r l in g T h r o u g h Sp ace . to go into a long drawn out con- the Boiird that I would bring an Away out lu spin e millloos o f miles tro/ersy with the School Board, injunction s u iU f th ejw n d s were dlstuni 1» a star. To tbe eye it re­ but as the mouthpiece o f the i n°t legally sold before the ex ­ mains. year In. year out. a Used point Short items of Interest Concerning people you of light. Even through the telescope said School Board has seen fit to piration of the old law, which it does not appear to move, so slight Is make a lot o f mis-statements, was June 2nd, the day the said may be interested in. Its orbit compared with tbe^normour. over the signatures o f the School suit was brought. As to School distance that separates It from us. Board, I will, in my way, en­ District No. 107 (Aloha) the Vet It Is whirling through space as deavor to give you the docu­ bonds were regularly advertised 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gordon, Postmaster Frank Meyers, o f we are about some sun which It obeys, mentary facts. You will notice and sold to Morris Bros. I hold were in from their farm north Portland, was a Sunday guest o f as we do ours. How do the astron­ that the learned professor in affidavit o f publication. He also his father, Lieutenant William omers learn this? Through the spec­ all o f his preamble does not says Mr. Sappington has not o f town Saturday. troscope. attempt to tell you why they did submitted a single authentic bid Attorney Tom Tongue o f Hills­ Henry Harrison Myers, o f this Every one Is familiar with the fact not follow the law in the matter, from a reliable bond house. 1 boro, attended the races here city. that when a whistling locomotive Is ap­ have failed to find any law proaching the pitch o f the whistle He first says that the voters Saturday, Charles Cox who recently sold rises and ns the engine recedes It falls. were fully informed before the where it says it was my duty to submit bids to Professor or to Mrs. Beal, o f Scoggins Valley, his farm in the Cedar Canyon This Is because the sound waves are election. the school board before the bonds In the last issue o f the Forest was shopping in this city, Sat­ section, has bought the John crowded together by the onrushlng en­ Grove News-Times, before the were offered for sale, but I hold urday. Templeton residence property on gine and shortened as It approaches and are drawn out longer as it goes the correspondence from what I call school election, the School Board First street. The Templetons other way. a reliable bond house, o f which I Wm. Deitz, of.Gales City, was caused the following to be pub­ The same thing happens to the light repeatedly told Mr. Peterson, a business visitor to this city, will continue to make their home lished: of nn onrushlng star. The eye cannot and the Board was at liberty to in this city. The sale was made ‘ In order that the school elect­ the last o f the week. detect It. but the spectroscope does. through the Valley Realty com­ The astronomer allows the light of ors may understand the situation see me at any time. He further Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lamont, the star to come through a slit and be in regard to the school election savs the bonds were to be dated pany. broken up by the Instrument. He se­ the school board desires to have June 1st instead o f March 1st. o f Oak Hill section, were shop­ J. H. Wescott and sons, Frank lects a single line of the spectrum o f it understood that if the election The wording o f the contract as ping in the local stores Satur­ and Harry, were in this city, the star, chooses a guide line beside It carries, the bonds can be dispos­ pertaining to time is as follows: day. Saturday, greeting old friends. and watches i t ed o f at a good figure without nec­ ‘ ‘Confirming our verbal agree­ Mrs. M. E. Hall, o f Oak Hill If the star Is approaching the light essary delay.” When it was un­ ment o f even date herewith duly The Wescotts lived in Forest waves will he shortened and the light approved by your board and con­ section was shopping in this city derstood that a bond election Grove some years ago, but for will become slightly nearer the violet was to be held a number of lead­ forming to the same, we are to Saturday. the past decade have been en­ If It is receding the waves will be ing bonding houses sent their purchase the issue o f $35000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ortman, gaged in the mercantile busi­ longer and the light will approach the bonds o f School District No. 15, representatives to Forest Grove j red Red Is low pltrh In light and blue Is to make inquries about securing Washington County, O r e g o n , o f the Thatcher section, were ness at Gaston. high pitch. As the star swings about They the bonds. I f the election car­ bearing interest at 5 per cent per Grove visitors, Saturday. Will Haines and family who the curve nt this end o f its orbit the ries the bonds will first be offer­ annum, bonds to be duly issued are building a handsome new recently moved from McMinn­ light gradually returns to normal, be­ and in the form hereafter provid­ ed for sale to the State School residence on their Fair View ville to Portland, were in this cause the star, while moving just as Board, and if there is no money ed, and are to pay for the same Farm. The house will contain city the last o f the week, calling | fast. Is not approaching ns ns much. par and accrued interest, if any, in that fund available to buy As the stnr turns back the line goes the at delivery.” every modern improvement, and on friends. such bonds, and an opportunity other side o f the normal. The papers that were offered will be a fitting adornment for will be offered through the County By continued observation the astron­ J. M. Brown and family have Treasurer for private bonding to me for my signature on March their fruit ranch, which is one omer finds how fast and how fnr the 3rd, 1913, were for immediate moved to independence, where star goes each way and how often It firms to secure the bonds. o f the best in this section. J. M. has employment in a does so. In the case of some stars he Five ofjjthese firms have al­ delivery and I will leave it to the When you want that suit blacksmith shop at fine wages. discovers that what appenrs to be one ready made bids as to what price readers to judge as to the time they would pay for the bonds, they were to commence drawing pressed or cleaned take it to The P ress will follow them to star Is reully two, which Is shown by the fact that' a line will divide into Marion Markham, who can do it provided the election carries. interest. two and one part move up and the oth­ their new home. There are many more facts that and do it right. Repairing a The best bid was from a promi­ er down the spectrum at the snme Shop on P a c i f i c nent Portland bonding house. I could cite in defense o f my ac­ specialty. Miss Ruth Goodin, o f Cor­ time. Such stars are known as spec­ 10-tf Their bid on 6 per cent bonds tion in bringing the suit, also I avenue. nelius section, was a Saturday troscopic doubles —New York Sun. was $1175 premium; on 5J per, would like to mention , , , numerous , , visitor to this city. Nute Hall and son Lester, o f # ' cent bond was $350 premium and promises the school board made SIBERIA’S RINGED BREAD. Scoggins Valley, were trans­ Everett Parkin, o f Gales City, on a 5 per cent bond was par, i before the bond election which less 2 per cent for legal services, I they have failed to keep, but the acting business in Hillsboro, was attending to business mat­ M a k e s G o o d S o u p A ft e r B e in g U se d In want o f space will not permit. Monday. printing, etc a G a m e of Q u o its. ters in this city Saturday. I brought the suit through no The Forest Grove Press o f ev­ No homemade bread in the world can Miss Ethel Joy, left for Gear­ Paul Beck, o f West Dilley was malice or spite, but to try to en- en date commenting on the vie either In iudlgestibllity or useful­ School election, had the follow­ force the law for the protection hart Saturday, where she will on our streets the last day of ness with the small ringed bread o f Si­ beria, probably the most extraordinary ing: ‘ ‘That t h e P r e s s man o f myself and other tax payers spend vacation months. the week. bread in the whole world. stumbled across a proposition o f School District No. 15. W. K. Newell, the well known Otto Parsons, the horseman of When the Russian engineering par­ Truly yours, yesterday wherein Morris Bros., dairyman and fruit raiser of the Gales Creek section, drove ties were constructing the Siberian o f Portland, purchase the bonds _________ E. B. S A PPIN G TO N , railroad this white ringed bread was east Gaston, was in this city down to the Grove Saturday. at par, then charge $1060 for their chief food. As its name Implies, Notice supposedly free legal advice. Monday, on his way to Portland. John Taylor, principal o f the it Is made lu the shape of a ring. It Bonds actually sold over three We will demonstrate t h e tft, cooked without salt or yeast and M. S. Shrock, deputy dairy Public schools at Springfield, is is first steamed and then lightly baked points below par!” With furth­ Hardie Power Sprayer on Main I commissioner, was in this city visiting at his parents home in to expel the moisture. It is eaten and er like comment. Street, Friday and Saturday of Ori the following day the over Sunday. this city, after closing a very used In a wonderful variety of ways. During the Intensely cold winter School Board caused to be print­ this week, and Monday of next successful'year's work. months it Is soaked in hot tallow for Roy Cook, one o f the old time ed and circulated through out week. If you are interested in Miss Livia Ferrin, teacher in a few moments -and then eaten with the district a circular with an hop and fruit sprayers, it will base ball players in the days soup or dipped In ten and swallowed answer to the above as follows: j pay you to come and watch these when Washington county had a the schools at Salem, has r e ­ Tills tallow bread Is considered to be ‘ ‘As to the facts in regard to the standing challenge against the turned to her home in this city one of the most heat producing foods contracting of the bonds see the j demonstrations. M. S. Allen & In existence. world, was in from his Cor­ for her summer vacation. statement published in the News- j Co. A curious use to which it Is put is as nelius farm, Monday. Rev. D. W. Cook and family, a lamp or stove. H alf a dozen or eight Times for this week. The Board Mr. VanMeter and wife, o f who have been making their holes are bored In the "tallow ring in the matter did just what doz- ens o f other districts have done. [ Dilley, were Saturday visitors to home at Falls City, the past bread.-’/and wax vestas are placed in them and lighted This bread stove It is not an unusual transaction this city. year, have returned to this city. will burn slowly for about an hour, at all. . The interest o f the Dis- j giving out sufficient heat to boll the H. W. Quick, o f Hillside was John Heisler Jr., and w ife o f necessary water for tea or coffee for trict will be thoroughly protect­ ed in any event, as the transac- j a business visitor to this city, Gales Creek, were Saturday visi­ half a dozen people. tion has to be completed through ■ During the day. when time hangs the last day o f the week. tors to this city. the County Treasurer. I f he is heavily, the Siberian peasants play Notice. Henry Scott o f Scoggins V al­ C. L. Dennis o f Forest Dale, quoits with their ringed bread, the satisfied that the best interests j Be it known that the Sunrise ley, was a visitor to this city was transacting business at the same breads appearing in the soup at o f the District would not be se-1 the evening meal.- I’earsou’s Weekly. cured by the carrying out o f the | Grocery on and after May 1st Monday. County Seat, Monday. will pay cash for all farm pro- contract he can hold the matter J. W. Hughes, o f the Dilley T o o k e ’s T a s t s In T o m b s. Walter Gardner who has been up as he is a citizen o f Forest <,ut’ts- Eggs, Butter, Veal and Nelson provided his own coffin, but Grove. The elector need have 1 pork, the best market price paid visiting his parents. Prof, and neighborhood, was a business there have been men who carefully no fear on the score o f the sale and all goods sold at the bottom Mrs. O. M. Gardner, at Lake- visitor to this city, Friday. prepared their own tombs. Horne price and for cash only. JOHN o f the bonds.” He says, ‘ ‘Why view, has returned to this city, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A lex ­ Tooke was oue. A large block of black DODGE. Proprietor. 23tf did he not bring suit in time, and is again employed in the ander, o f the Oak Hill section, Irish marble, specially procured for the etc.” purpose, was its most striking feature, F or S a l e Shadeland-Climax On the Monday following the j seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest local depot o f the Oregon Elec­ were shopping with the local und It was to be placed in his garden at Wimbledon, where he desired to school election I was visited by a Grove. tric railway company. Walter merchants, Friday. 20tf be buried. But all his preparations representative o f Morris Bros., made his trip from Lakeview to A bouncing baby girl w eighing were vain, for after bis death It was F or Q uick S a l e — A $12000. 38 be saying the said School Board Kalamath, a distance o f 110 6£ pounds, came to the O. W ad­ decided that the presence of a tomb bad instructed him to get my acre fruit farm on David’ s Hill, miles, on a motorcycle. % $8500. One o f the finest dle home in this city, Thursday would "deteriorate the vnlue of his es­ signature to some papers relative tate,” and he was burled In Ealing .•ait farms in Washington Co. to the bond issue. I read th* Dr. S. E. Todd was night, via the stork line. rhurchjard.—London Chronicle. Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone papers which in substance were visitor to the metropolis, Mon­ 16-tf that I had advertised and offered Vine 151. day. for sale School District bonds of POR SALK No. 2 Smith Pre­ School District No. 15, Washing­ mier typewriter, good as new. Fair Jensen, who has been ton county, Oregon. That Mor­ First offer o f $30 takes it. Press located in Eastern Oregon for ris Bros, were the highest and office. 16-tf several years, was looking over best bidders and therefore I A complete line o f the best the scenes o f his boyhood in awarded the bonds to Morris Bros. J varnishes can be had at the Pat­ this city, this week. 1 refused to sign and instruct­ erson Furniture Store, Forest Raleigh Walker and wife o f ed him to so inform the School Grove. 18tf Laurelwood, were visitors to this Board, which I presume he did city Monday. F or S ale One ton lose clover as Mr. M. Peterson called on me the follow ing day and explained Barn. Phone 0185 Ed. L. N ayl­ When you commence house­ 24tf matters by saying ‘ ‘the said Mor­ or. cleaning don’ t forget to kalsomine ris Bros. man had lead the School Wanted a couple o f young the walls. The best at G. G. Board to believe they were act­ ing within their rights and that calves, either sex. Phone 0185, Paterson’s, Forest Grove. 18tf 87t f he would see to having a School Edw. L. N'avlor. Earl House was in Portland, Board meeting called and fix the To E xchange Seed potatoes matter so that 1 could proceed to for equal quanity and quality re­ Monday, to greet the coming o f sell the bonds.” turned this fall. Phone 0185, the Rose King. I met Mr. Peterson on the Edw. L, Naylor. 27tf Andrew Philip o f Portland, train, some time after the above conversation and told him I then F or S ale — Leather folding spent Sunday with his family in had a chance to sell the bonds at baby buggy. Second house north this city. a good price and asked him why o f campus on Greenville road. H. J. Storey, o f Gales Creek, they hadn’ t delivered the bonds J. L. Hill. 30lf was a business visitor to thW to me, so that I could sell them, A new and up-to-date line o f city Saturday. Mr. Storey is and that I would not stand for the delivery o f the bonds on the wall paper in many handsome engaged in the fruit and chicken contract to Morris Bros, at 3 per patterns. P l a i n , figured and raising business, and is making cent discount as we could do bet­ novelty goods to select from. a success o f it. He has sev­ ter. All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ eral hundreds o f hens and they 1 found out through the school clerk that they were waiting for erson’s Furniture Store, Forest are bringing him in a very sat­ 18tf § new law to become effective Grove. isfactory income. J RACES! A MYSTERIOUS DESERT. W e ir d T a le s T h a t A r s T o ld o f “S o u l A p p a llin g G o b i.” the Slowly we traveled across the great waste of Dzungaria, the "soul appall­ ing Gobi" of some writers, but to us a land of beauty, even tf o f a somewhat terrifying character, for here more Dearly than In any other land Is beau­ ty allied to terror. These silent steppes the natives be- • lieve to be the haunts of "gen ii" and the rendezvous of evil spirits. As a recent writer has said. "T h e great sandy desert of Gobi has been looked on as the dwelling place of malignant beings from the days of hoary antiq­ uity.” All luckless travelers In this region from the days of Marco Polo onward have recorded strange stories of weird beings that Inhabit the depths of the wastes. Mysterious singing and wall­ ing. beatlug o f drums and distant mu­ sic are said to beguile the traveler and lead him off the track until he is hope­ lessly lost In the wilderness. A recent Russian explorer gives quite a detail­ ed account of the wild men o f the des­ ert. Listen to the strange story told by Kosloff. who traversed the desert of j Dzungaria In its widest part not long ago: "These wild men, the Kkz-Kyks. as they are called, are covered with short wool similar to the fur of a young camel. They have long black hair and black eyes. They are o f ordi- | nary size, but rather long legged. They roam the steppe In pairs, and when harassed by man they scream, whistle and snarl as they run'away. The native Kirghiz claim to have caught them occasionally, but the cap­ tives refuse food and drink and die after a few days."—Wide World Mag- aziue. j J WIDOWS IN MADAGASCAR. T h e ir F ir s t Y e a r of M o u r n in g O n e o f A b u s e a n d M is e r y . ‘ There are no gay widows in Mada­ gascar—not, at least, for one year ufter the husbaud has died. In Madagascar, on the death of any man of position, on the day of the funeral the w ife is placed in the house, dressed in all her best clothes and wearing her silver or­ naments. of which in general she pos­ sesses a considerable quantity. There she remains until the rest o f the house have returned from the funeral. As soon as her relatives return they begin to revile her in most abusive language and tell her that it is her fault that she has been stronger than her husband and that she Is really the cause of his death. They proceed to tear the ornaments from her ears nnd neck and arms and give her a coarse cloth and a spoon with a broken han­ dle and a dish with the foot broken off Her hair Is disheveled, nnd she Is covered with a coarse mat. under which she remains all day long and can only leave at night. And she may not speak to any one who goes into the house. Neither is she allowed to wash her face or bands, but ouly the tips of her fin­ gers. All this the Madagascar widow en­ dures for a year, or at least for eight months, and even when this is over her time for mourning is not ended for a considerable period. The Inst straw consists of the fact that she is not allowed to go home to her own relatives until she baa been first divorced by her husband’s family. —Chicago Tribune. O b e y in g the L a w . A small town In Mississippi passed a law that no wheelbarrows should be allowed on the sidewalks in the busi­ ness portion o f the city. Soon after the law was passed one Saturday, which is the busiest day o f the week, while the streets were crowded, a ne­ gro came along the main street trun­ dling a wheelbarrow filled with gro­ ceries The city marshal stopped him. telling him he was under arrest for pushing his wheelbarrow on the street. The negro looked at the officer for a moment, nnd then, picking up ills little girl, who was walking by his side, he placed her upon the top of the grocer­ ies nnd. turning to the officer, said: "G o on. white man. Dis here ain’t no wheelbarrow. Dis is a baby car- ridge.” —New York Times. RACES ! AT Forest Grove Training Park E v e r y S u n d a y A f t e r n o o n ----------- STARTING JUNE 15------------ .SNAPPY EVENTS. EACH AFTERNOON Oregon Electric Cars Stop at u Track -------- RACES BEGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK---------- Admission 50 cents Grandstand Free