iJ*T30g l*0|J01IJH U 0Í9J0 F orest G rove P ress WASHI NGTON C O U N T Y ’S NEWSPAPER. Vol. 4 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 12, I 9 l i No. 32 WOMAN’S CLUB WILL COUNTY FAIR AT LOCAL MASONS HELP GROWING MILL COMPANY W. C T. U. ELECTS INJUNCTION SUIT IS BUILD A HOME LOCAL TRAINING PARK BURN MORTGAGE HAS INCORPORATED DISMISSED BY COURT NEW OFFICERS Officers EUected; Future Prospect The regular meeting of the W. Bright—Local Monument C. T. U. was held at the Method­ Company Takes new ist church parlors, June 6. Aft­ Partner. er general exercises, the presi­ The Forest Grove Planing dent, Mrs.' Wm. Kerr, read a Company was incorporated June short paper on the “ Heavenly 2. with a capitalization of Vision,” speaking first of the $20,000, $12,000 of which has vision of Joan of Arc, then the been paid in. Tuesday night knightly women of a later day officers were elected for the new who are leading armies to moral corporation as follows: President, victories under the spotless ban­ J. S. Loynes; vice-president, ner of white, Francis Willard, Enoch Moore; secretary-treasurer Lady Henry Somerset, Lillian M. C. Kelsey. L. M. Graham is Stevens, Anna Gordon and Jen­ also a member of the firm. nie Casidy, whose mission works Harry Underhill who has been we commorate today, closing associated with the company with the thought that though we may not all lead to world heights for some time had retired. of fame, we can all be true to The Forest Grove Planing the heavenly vision and listen to Mill was founded four years ago by Messrs Loynes & Moore, and the promptings of duty and ac­ has enjoyed a prosperous busi­ tion. After these opening exercises ness from the first. The com­ pany is engaged in general con­ were over the business of election tracting and building, mill work* of officers was proceeded with and lumber furnishing. The and the results as follows: Mrs. company’s plant is fully equipped Wm. Kerr, president: Mrs. Car­ to turn out all classes of finished lyle, vice-president; Mrs. Morg­ material for building in this city an, secretary; Mrs. Bishop, treas­ and vicinity, the company should urer; Mrs. Reynolds, correspond­ ing secretary; Miss J. Walker, continue to prosper. M. N. Lewis, of Beaverton, flower mission; Miss Armstrong, has purchased an interest in superintendent of lite r a tu r e ; the Forest Grove Monumental Mrs. Morgan, superintendent of Company, and will act as travel­ narcotics; Mrs. Reynolds, super­ ing representative. Mr. Lewis intendent of mothers’ meetings; has been a traveling man for Mrs. Wm. Kerr, superintendent the past thirty years. His home of press. Several spoke on the is at Beaverton, and for the year’s work as being one of the present his family will remain most pleasant of their experi­ there, but later they will move ence. Mrs. Kerr thanked the to Forest Grove. Mr. Lewis has officers for the most loyal sup­ had much experience as a sales­ port in the work. The meeting man for monument supply adjourned to commence work the houses, and came west from first Friday in September. Twen­ ty bouquets were made and sent Pennsylvania. to sick ones and those shut in. One of the most elaborate and interesting affairs in the history of the Scottish Rite Masons, of Oregon was the mortgage-burn­ ing celebration held at the Cathedral at Morrison and Fifteenth streets last Saturday. With the customary rites of the body th e $55,000 mortgage which has been against the cathedral since its completion in 1902 was burned with ceremony on the altar, while the members of the Scottish Rite sat about and looked on. After the formality of wiping out the last remembrance of the debt the members of the body and visiting Masons from all over the state joined in a ban­ quet held on the second floor of the Cathedral. This was one of the most elaborate of formal banquets ever held by the Ma­ sonic bodies of Oregon. The mortgage burning was the climax or the wind-up of the twenty-eighth, semi-annual re­ unions of the Scottish Rite bodies of Oregon. Forty Master Masons received the degree of the Rite during the reunion of the Masons. Those of the broth­ erhood from this city who went down Saturday to help burn the mortgage and enjoy the banquet were: E. W. Haines, Allen Rice, W. H. Hollis, C. O. Roe and Harry Goff. 51st COMMENCEMENT AT PACIFIC UNIVERSITY A called meeting of the Wo Bids For Sale of Bond* Called man’s Club was held Tuesday For—Work on Building afternoon in the parlors of the Will Probably Go Congregational church. The Forward. committee in charge of the The injunction suit against Southwick reading reported they the School District No. 15, the had raised the $52.00 necessary directors and clerk, was dismiss­ for the Sunday opening of the ed in Circuit Court Tuesday, it Rogers’ Free Library for a year. being stipulated that the suit be Captain Beach was present at dismissed upon conditions that the meeting, and asked that the the defendants, in conjunction Woman’s club extend an invita­ with the plaintiff, proceed to sell tion to the old soldiers to be the $35,000 in bonds to the best with us next year. Many of the advantage, using all reasonable members unable to be present and proper efforts to give such sent words of approval. sale proper publicity, so as to in­ A committee, consisting of vite bids from all bond-purchas­ Miss Minnie Myers, Mrs. C. E. ing houses possible, such bonds Walker and Mrs. C. A. Broder- to be sold to the highest and son, was appointed to look after best bidder upon sealed pro­ a suitable location for a site for posals. a club house, and report at an It is stipulated that the de­ early meeting. The Club may fendants pay the plaintiff the erect a building of the bungalow costs and disbursements of his type, which may be used as a suit, amounting to the sum of dwelling when the growth of five dollars. the membership demands larger Bids for the sale of the bonds quarters. have been called for in local and The program committee was Portland publications, and it is instructed to arrange for a hoped that the sale will be consu- “ Made-in-Forest Grove-Day,” mated within a week. This will for some time next fall. There allow for uninterrupted work on are great possibilities connected the South Park High school build­ with a day devoted to exploiting ing, which will probably be ready the goods manufactured in this for occupancy wljpn the fall term city, and the Club members are opens in September. determined to make a success of the occasion. RECORD BROKEN AT TRACK SATURDAY NEW PASTOR AT Captain C. P. McCan opened CHRISTIAN CHURCH the racing season at his Training A ppropriation by County Makes Industral Exhibit C ertain Next Fall. The county fair will be held a t the Forest Grove training Park next Fall, Probably late in Sep­ tember or in October. The county commissioners have ap­ pointed three directors, Austin Buxton, of this city, B. K. Denny, of Beaverton and L. L. Crawford, of Banks, directors of the fair to make arrangements to hold the fair in co-operation with the Washington County Agricultural and Live stock as­ sociation. The Commissioners have appropriated $1281 as a county contribution to help de­ fray the expenses of the fair. Livestock of all kinds and fruits, grains and vegetables of every variety will be shown at the fair, and premiums will be awarded for the best exhibits in each class. Premiums will also be awarded to women and chil­ dren who made the best showing in industral and household work. A series of racing events will be held at the Training Park during the fair. NATIVE DAUGHTER PASSES AWAY Miss Mary Hinman, aged 62, years, died at the family home this morning. She was the daughter of the late Alansou Hinman, one of Oregon’s earliest and most prominent pioneers. Miss Hinman was born in Patton Valley, and lived in this county all her life. She is survived by one sister, Mrs R. Leobo.of Port­ land, and the following brothers: Dr. Alanson Hinman, Carl and Frank Hinman, of this city, and Oliver Hinman, of Ellensburg, Wash. Park, Saturday with excellent Rev. J. B. Holmes, the new weather conditions and a splen­ pastor of the Christian church in Splendid Programs Arranged did track. The races staged this city, will occupy the pulpit were the 2:25 pace, free-for-all for Exercises Beginning next Sunday, having for his trot and free-for-all pace. Tonight morning theme, “ An Old Story” The contests were out of the His evening subject will be “We ordinary, every heat being a The fifty-first annual Com­ race. The winner of every heat Know.” Rev. Holmes comes here from mencement exercises of Pa­ was eliminated from the next The annual school meeting of Eugene. He was for five and cific University will be held in heat. This rule brought out the which a director for three years one-half years engaged in evan­ Marsh Hall, begining June 12. best there was in the horses, and a clerk for one year will be gelistic work in all sections of The following exercises will be eliminating jockeying and gave held in the Lincoln School build- The Beaverton Amateur Ath- this state, and has been most given: Thursday, June 12, Con­ every horse a chance. ing instead of the central building letic Club will hold a big Boxing successful in this work. He was servatory Concert, Marsh Hall, The sensational race of the on account of the repairs going and Wrestling Tournament on 8 o’clock. Friday, June 12, Clos­ day was the free for-all pace. pastor of the Christian church at on at the latter place. All school I Saturday night June 28, 1913. Albany for three years, and in­ ing exercises of the ^Academy, Dan S., owned and driven by Archie Olsen, the sixteen year electors are urged to be present As the Beaverton Club is a mem- creased the membership from with a Japanese play, “A Flower Ed. Brain smashed the local old son of Mrs. K. L. Olsen, as the annual report will be read her of the Pacific Northwest sixty to three hundred and nine­ of Yeddo” Marsh Hall, 8 o’clock. a widow living in South Park, and important business transact- Amateur Association it is in a half-mile track record of 1.05 in ty-nine. He built a church at Saturday, June 14, Anniversary was shot in the hip late last ed. It is understood that Mrs. i position to obtain the best ama- this event, making the distance \lbany which has a seating ca­ Dr. Dorothy H. Seymour has con- teur boxers and wrestlers in the of Consei vatory of music. Marsh in l:03i. He was closely follow­ pacity of one thousand. Rev. night with a revolver. sented to run again for Director Northwest. The Multnomah, Hall 8, o’clock. Sunday June 15, ed by Bonnie Antrim, owned by Holmes was pastor of the Chris­ Tucker dressed the wound, and to succeed herself. As she has Columbus, Butler, Vancouver, Baccalaureate Sermon, Rev. J. J. Todd, and Catrina Nort, owned tian church at Beaumont, Texas, the young man will recover been a progressive and faithful and Beaverton Clubs will be Staub, D. D. Congregational by Barrow & Barkely, of Walla for three years, and while there should no complications ensue. worker for the interests of the represented by the champions of church 11 o’clock. Address be­ Walla. Bonnie Antrim won increased the membership six It is said young Olsen was play­ ing with the revolver when ihe schools she should be re-elected. each club so that all the boxing fore the Christian Associations, second heat at previous record hundred and raised funds to Rev. E. P. Hughes, Congrega­ of 1:05, and Cantrina Nort took build a large church edifice. Uyt. was injured. fans will be able to see a good SUPT. AND MRS. GARDNER nights sport. This is the first tional Church 8 o’clock, Monday, third heat in 1:05. The free-for- family which consists of his wlOY June 16, Senior class Day Exer­ VISIT EXTENSIVELY. Amateur Boxing Exhibition all trot was a fast race. Prince and four children, are now at cises, Campus 2 o’clock. Finals c.»*x)VE BOY MAKING GOOD Professor and Mrs. O. M. ever held in this part of the coun­ in Tennis Contest for the Hope Seattle, driven by Woodcock, Eugene. They will move to tli^ AS HORTICULTURIST Gardner, who have been at try by a club belonging to the Cup, Campus, 3 o’clock. Com­ won in l:07i. city later, where with Rev^ Amateur Union. The 2:25 pace was won by J. Lakeview, Oregon for the past Holmes they will be weleorrte A letter to the Press editor mencement Play Bemerd Shaw’s C. B., owned by J. C. Buchanan, additions to our community. year, came to this city the last “ Arms and the Man,” 8 o’clock. from Gordon Brown states in 1:07J. Patton Duke, owned of the week for a short visit Rev. C. H, Hilton, who haji that he is now Provincial Tuesday June 17, annual meet­ with friends and relatives. Prof. . FORMER GROVE RESIDENT ing of Trustees, President’s by Barrow & Barkley of Walla for the past two years beert Walla, won second place. Jim pastor of the Christian church Fruit Inspector for the Canadian Gardner was formerly Superin- CEBRBATES BIRTHDAY office 10 o’clock. Reception by Hill, owned by Anderson, was here, left with Mrs. Hilton and government, with headquarters tendent of the Forest Grove i ----------- the literary societies, 3 to 5 third. at Vernon, B. C., at a salary of public schools and Mrs. Gardner, T their son for Healdsburg, Cali $1700 per annum, with all e x ­ o’clock. Anniversary Eexercises was at the head of the Domestic* ^ Sunday s Oregonian ap- of the Associate Alumni, Marsh The free-for-all tcot was won fornia, Tuesday, where R ev' penses paid. It is Gordon’s duty Science department in the peared a Photo&raPh showing Hall 8 o’clock. Wednesday June by Prince Seattle, owned by Hilton has accepted the pastor­ schools here. They went to four ee" erat>°ns, the head of 18, Graduating exercises of the Woodcock, in l:07i. St. Michael ate of the Christian church. to inspect the orchards in his district, advise the fruit raisers Lakeview to hold the same the family, being E. Dewey, a University, Conferring of De­ owned by Wilson, took second in Rev. Hilton has occupied pulpitff as to the best methods of keep­ positions in the Public schools former well known resident of grees. Address, Rev. John H. 1:111, and Hallie D. third, in in this state for seven years, and ing down insect pests, to do there, and report a most success­ this city. A reunion was held at Boyd, D. D. 10:30 o’clock. An­ 1:14. has also done much evangelistic laborat0ry work and consult ful year. The Gardners will the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam nual Business meeting of Associ­ work. While living in Forest with other fruit inspectors. leave this city next Monday for, Crow, , of Gresham, . . . who for- ate Alumni, 12 o’clock. Corpor­ Grove, Rev. Hilton always took Gordon is given free reign to do Seattle for a short visit. From T erly lived here in this city, Sun- ation Dinner, 1 o’clock. Com­ a keen interest in civic work, that which is best for the there they will go to Walla day, to celebrate the 83d birth­ and his removal from this city orchards in his district, and to mencement Concert, 8 o’clock. Walla, where after a short stay day of Mr. Dewey, father of will be a distinct loss to the com­ facilitate his travels from or­ The City Council met in regu­ they will go to Chicago. Prof. Mrs. Crow. munity. chard to orchard the government lar monthly session Tuesday Mr. Dewey has been in Ore­ Gardner will visit his father in ------------------- has supplied him a fine motor- niuht. Warrants were ordered Ohio, and will accompany the gon every since 1877, coming by drawn for the usual monthly ex- Gaston Beats Forest Grove. CV Gordon f,*e’ , is the son of . . Mr. . and , old gentleman, who is a veteran w ay of San Francisco on the old Tupper’s sawmill .in Scoggin’s pei ses. Bids were called for steamer Ajax. He lived in this Valley was closed down Tuesday, of the Civil war, to the Cctty3 The Forest Grove nine met de- Mrs. O. Brown of this city. He for the demolition of the old burg reunion, which will be city for a number of years, and afree-for-all fight over a matter feat Friday at the hands of the ¡g a graduate of Pacific Univer- wu'er tower. Bill of Burns worth held on the old battlefield July went from here to Gresham to of wages leading up to the Gaston team by the score of 10 to gity and O. A. C., and his legion claiming money due from the 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Gardners live with his daughter when a d ­ closing of the mill. The men city for services as night watch, 6. This game puts Gaston in of friends here will be glad to will also visit Washington, D. C., vancing age made him too feeble and teams employed at the mill was turned down. Other routine line for the championship of hear of his success in his chosen and points in Canada before re­ to care for himself. Mr. Dewey were laid off. Washington County. I profession. Ibu^ineM was transacted. haa Etven living children. SCHOOL MEETING, MONDAY JUNE, 16. AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB WILL HOLD TOURNAMENT ARCHIE OLSEN SHOT WITH REVOLVER CITY FATHERS MEET IN REGULAR SESSION SAW MILL QOSES DOWN turning.