Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 05, 1913, Image 8

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Sealed proposals will be received at
the office o f the City Recorder o f the
City o f Forest Grove, Oregon, until the
ith day o f June, 1913, at four o'clock
P. M. for the improvement o f Pacific
Avenue from the west side of the pave­
ment o f said Avenue on “ A ” Street to
its intersection with the Western City
limits, in the manner provided by
the Charter and Ordinances and
the plans and specifications hereto­
fore adopted for said improvement
which are now on file in my office.
Bids must be strictly in accordance
with the instructions attached to the
specifications and on forms similar to
that thereto attached, all o f which in­
formation will be furnished on applica­
tion to the Recorder of the City o f For
est Grove, Oregon. The improvement
•nust be completed on or before One
Hundred twenty working days from
the date o f signing the contract.
All proposals must be accompanied
by a check payable to the order o f the
VI ay or of the City of Forest Grove,
Oregon, certified to by a responsible
bank for an amount equal to five per
cent of the aggregate proposal, to be
forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam­
ages in case the bidder refuses to en­
ter into a contract and provide a suita­
ble bond for the faithful performance
of said work in the event a contract is
awarded to him. Separate bids will be
received on curbs.
The bid o f any person who has be­
fore bid or contracted for such work
and been delinquent therein, shall not
be received, except by consent o f the
City Council. A bid from the owner or
owners of two-thirds o f the property
fronting on said street to be improved
will be accepted by the Council provid­
ed the bid is as low as any other bid
and the work can be subdivided with­
out injury to the owners o f the adja­
cent or other property. The City-
Council reserves the right to reject any
or all bids or waive defects in bids in
the interests o f the city. Submit
specifications with bid.
Passed the Council June third, 1913.
City Recorder,
Submitted to the Mayor June 3rd,
Ordinance No. 235.
School Board Make* Statement exp.
Concerning Injunction on
the Bond Issue.
Mr, E. B. Sappington has urn
brought suit to enjoin the oi j prin
the School blinds for the new
building to Morris Brothers, oi l
Portland, and in the com, lain! ,
makes certain misleading aflega- j
tions which the school board w ill!
answer in due time in Court, but
it is the desire of the Board to j
have the people of the District in |
possession of all the facts in the
The school Board has nothing
to hide and has not had anything
to hide at any time in the entire
matter, A full statement of the
Board transaction together with 1
the agreement with M o r r i s
Brothers was published in the
s.* or $3500 in ten years or
) m twenty years. Five and
If per cent bonds could
. q sold at a slight premi-
luding legal services and
ing of bonds, bul the i per
a year extra would mean
* In ten years and $3500 in
ty years. In order to sell I
nds at 5 per cent and so
> the district a large sum I Professor Max Heibel who has
ate interest charges b on Principal o f a school at Pull­
i.u rd decided that it was 1 man, Washington, the past year,
i- to pay a discount of
visiting his sisters the Misses
. and effect a saving in ten • ranees and Adelaide Heibel, in
of $690, and in t wen­
this city.
's of $2140, over and above
discount. By contracting | Bill Williams one o f the pros- the purchaser agreed erous farmers o f the Gales
■ U after all legal matters
• k section was trading with
. .t to raise any question of
once the bonds were is- <e local merchants, Monday.
and abo to have the bonds
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson,
i June 1st instead o f March
marriage a few weeks
. ¡3eh meant another saving
-"> was the culmination o f a
50 in interest,
re tty little romance, have moved
wuuol board has been ad
by heal bankers that it is o the Watts district, where they
- aide to sell 5 percent
ill make their home on a farm.
: ar . the present time,
Miss Ethel Dixon is visiting at
dsn that it has not been pos-
tu do so at any time, since he home o f her brother, Chester
a,, 25i.ii, but if Mr. Sap- Dixon, at Carlton.
on can soli 5 per cent bonds
Hon. O. R. Stevenson, o f Elk
ar the Board will he very
to have him do so. If, how- lorn farm, was down in the
lie has brought this suit alley circulating among us Mon-
knowing positively in
ncc that lie could sell the Iay. Although the Judge is a
s, he should lie answerable orn farmer, the people are al­
tux payers o f the district ways wanting him to hold some
■ damage to the financial ind o f an office, and he, conse-
l of the district
caused by ¡uently, spends only about half
d suit, and also for
ed expense that a ¡(is time leading the simple life.
mt< st would en-
Mrs. Harry Russel, who moved
say nothing o f the possi- > th'is city from Gaston about
that the delay may make it
ibio to complete the new | two weeks ago, was back in her
ing by September 15th, a s : ome town Sunday. Mrs. Russel
■ i . pi. 1 period o f con- is Superintendent o f the Sunday
lion would have made it chool at Gaston.
ale to do. Hillsboro has]
p;:\ing interest on its ‘ Mrs. R. E. Dunsmore went to
i h< ed issue fer over a Orenco Tuesday for a short visit
rad will not occupy its new with her husband and son who
. until September next. ! have a fine little ranch in the
ii.-s Mr. Sappington would
r such an experience n irsery town.
An Ordinance providing for the time
and manner of improving Pacific Av­
enue from the West side o f the pave­
ment on “ A ” Street to its intersec­
tion with the western limits o f the
City o f Forest Grove.
Section 1. That Pacific Avenue from
the West side o f the pavement on " A ’
Street to its intersection with the west­
ern limits o f the City o f Forest Grove
shall be improved as follows:
1st. By grading the street to the
proper sub-grade us established by the
City Engineer.
2nd. By paving the roadway o f said
street thirty feet in width with
said intersections with hard surface
3rd. By constructing artificial stone-
4th. By laying and constructing
5th. By constructing Inlets.
6th. By constructing catch basins.
7th. Hy laying vitrified sewer pipe.
8th. By laying wrought iron drain
cular before the bond election
Section 2. Said improvement is to
was held. The voters were giv­
be in accordance with the Charter and
en a chance to understand the
Ordinances of the City o f Forest Grove
matter at that time and they
and the plans and specifications and
gave their expression o f satisfac­
estimates of the City Engineer on file
tion with the action o f the Board
in the office o f the City "Recorder.
Section 3. The cost o f improving
in the vote o f 177 to 123 on the
the intersections o f said street shall be
Bond issue, and there has n ot1
made at the expense o f the City oi
I been a move made or a resolu
Forest Grove and puid for out of the gen­
1 tion adopted that has not beet,
eral fund as provided by the City
Charter. The remaining portion o f the
¡open to the inspection of the
improvement shall be assessed propor­
public since the election.
tionately against each lot or parcel
If the gentleman who has seen
thereof within the limits of the pro­
posed street improvement, and each lot
fit to brin r this is acting i i
or parcel thereof shall be liable for the
good faith and not mere!
full cost o f making said improvement
through spite because In* did not
upon the half o f the street in front of
favor the bond issue in the flrsi
and abutting upon it as provided by
place, why did he not bring suit
the City Charter.
Section 4. The work shall commence
! in time to p rmit the Board to
within ten (10) days after the signing
dispose o f the bonds tlir.v
o f the contract and be prosecuted with
months ago according to the rul­
such vigor that all the improvement
ing o f the court,, instead of wait
work embraced in the plans and speci­
fications shall be entirely completed on
ing until the last minute when
or before the date hereafter stated.
an action would bring Iho great
Section 5. The improvemt shall be
est embarrassment and loss t
completed on or before One Hundred
the district. The hoard lins beet
and Twenty working days from the State o f Oregon
date of signing the contract and if the County o f Washington SS".
acting under the legal advice of
improvement is not completed within City o f Forest Grove '
Teal, Minor and Menafee, Bon-1
the time fixed, the City o f Forest
I, M. R. Markham, the duly elected,
Grove shall suffer damage to the qualified and acting recorderof the city attorneys, and were under the
nmount o f Fifty Dollars per day for of Forest Grove, Washington County, impression that all transaction.,
each and evey day beyond the date Oregon, hereby certify that I have to date were legal, but it the
stated, which Hmount shall be paid by made a careful comparison of the fore Court instructs them to proceed
the contractor, unless' the time for going transcript of ordinance No.
completion o f the improvement is ex­ 235, with the original on file in my o f­ in a different manner in the dis
tended in writing by the City Council. fice and o f which 1 am the legal custo­ posal of the bonds they will ver.
The pavement shall not be laid except dian and that it is a correct copy of the gladly comply. Luwy.-.-s as v.
during dry and suitable weather.
same anil o f the whole thereof.
as doctors have been known t
y profitable for this dis-
Mrs. Elmer Brown wife o f Dr.
Section 6. Said improvement work
Witfiess my hand and the seal o f the
shall be performed under the personal City o f Forest Grove, Washington disagree and they may disagre
E. M. Brown o f Tacoma, Wash­
supervision o f the contractor subject to County, Oregon, this 4th day o f June, in this instance.
ington visited at the Sexton and
the inspection and approval o f the city 1913.
The complaint alleges that s
engineer, and no part o f this contract
; irown home the past week. Mrs.
nor any interest therein shall be sub­
Recorder o f the City o f Forest Grove. provides that the bonds shall !- ■ CHAS. A. BUTLER.
Brown has not been in the Grove
let, assigned or transferred without the
advertised in a newspaper of ti
written consent o f the City Council.
since her girlhood days and has
Section 7. The area o f paving to be
district and sold to the highe tj
sind a great change taken place.
paid for will be only the actual area
Bring: your wool and mohair to and best bidder. There is a su >-!
covered by the entire paveipent, ex­
Mr. a d Mrs. II. E. Lewis, of
cept that i.o reduction will be made for A. G. Hoffman and Company for division o f section 1052, i.
subdivision No. 0, which contains |
fixtures in the street with an area less highest cash price.
Portland, visited at the Sexton
than one foot square. The amount of
that provision, but 40‘ 2, subdi-
and Vic Brown home the past
other work to be paid for will be only
vivion No. 33, simply prov les
the actual amount o f other work done
Ulysses Oise n of Canby is vis­ week.
Jap-a-Lac is the housewife’ s that the bonds shall b sold for
in accordance with the plans and speci­
Will renovate the oldest the best price obtainable and iting this week with 1) inald Misz. j
fications, and as provided by this con­ friend.
furniture, cover the woodwork, says nothing about
verti ig
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pollock of
Section 8. Upon the completion o f
in a newspaper. The Board Portland former residents of For­
the improvement in accordance with
the plans and specifications o f the City in many other ways.
For sale i elected, as their procei liny will est Grove visited a few days of
show, to dispose of
le .'id s ,
Engineer and as shall be provided in
the contract and upon the same being hy Paterson’ s Furniture Store, under subdivision 33
Htn last week with friends in town.
accepted by the Council of said City, Forest Grove.
■ i m
It. F. Emmerson and brother
Haiti contractor shall be paid for said
in question provides that the. Harvey made a business trip to
improvement in accordance with the
provisions o f the contract and the
Visit us in our new quarters Treasurer fehall dispose of toe Portland Wednesday.
Charter o f said City.
, bonds, but it has been .
Section 9. That the contractor to and inspect our establishment. ary in the past for hi.n to a ! w
Hazel Baker and mother, Mr -.
whom a contract is awarded w ill be re­ You will wish to eat here. All
the various school I! >an!
look W. 11. Baker visited at Oak Park
quired to furnish a bond for the faith
lul performance o f the contract for a the delicacies of the season, fish, after the sale of Lh * bond lliom- Sunday.
sum equivalent to the full nmount of flesh and fowl.
Forest Grove I selves and when the ar; in g f-;
the contract, having as surety thereon
ments were completed he would I The family o f J. II. Humphrey
some surety company satisfactory to Restaurant and Oyster House,
endorse tin* sale and deliver the
the City Council, authorized to do busi­ j NearStar Theatre,
bonds to the purchaser.
Mr. ! Mrs. Wilhelmson of Newberg
ness in the State o f Oregon, and to
furnish specifications o f proposed pave­
Sappington did this in the case
came over to Forest Grove to
ment to accompany bid.
of the Aloaha District, in ibis,
A cre T racts in Sun Sot
Section 10. The City Recorder is
spend Memorial Day.
heretiy authorised and directed to ad­
Addition to Forest Grove
June 9 - 1 4
issue o f bonds of that district
vertise in one issue o f the Forest Grove
William McKinley Martin of
Press ten days prior to the date o f re­
to be sold on terms. W. W.
whs contracted to Mon is Broth-;
Scoggins Valley made a business
$ 1 . 0 0 R O U N D T R IP
ceiving bids inviting proposals for the
ers at 6 per cent before any elec­
-- — ----
Ireland, Hoffman Building:
doing o f such improvement work in
trip to Portland Monday.
Tickets on sale June 8. 9.
form substantially as follows, to-wit:
Henry Sackrider Forest Grove’ s
progressive photographer is get­
ting new ideas at the Eastman
Demonstration school in Portland
and will be back ready to give
you the latest in artistic photo­
graphy tomorrow.
Perry Ellis, o f Crystal Spring
was in this city Wednesday. He
says that campers are already
beginning to pitch their tents at
his summer resort, which is one
o f the finest in this section for
camping purposes.
Mr. Goodman, formerly in the
housemoving business in this city,
now farming near Gaston, was in
town on business matters the
first o f the week.
Mrs. Mallory and daughters,
Mona and Gladys have been vis­
iting at Mrs. Mallorys sister.s
home in Dumdee Oregon for the
past week.
Word has been received here
of the safe arrival of H. R. Ber­
nard in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hollinger o f
this city are now visiting in
.Seattle, Washington. They will
return in a couple o f weeks!
Mr. and Mrs. H. Olsen of Cor­
nelius visited Mrs. Misz Sunday.
Mrs. Warren o f McMinnville
sang at the Chritian Church last
Mrs. Z. M. LaRue and daught­
er Eleanor are spending this
week in Portland visiting friends.
Bob Hayden, o f Gales Creek,
was trading with the local mer­
chants, yesterday.
George McRobert, o f Gales
Creek, was a Grove visitor Tues­
Mr. and Mrs. Rysaya o f Port­
land visited i n the Grove the
past week.
Mrs. Ed Ward, of Gaston, was
in town having dental work done
on Monday,
Mr, Sage and family have
returned from their stay the past
year at Medford, Southern Ore­
gon and are at home at their res­
idence on Pacific Avenue and B
have moved to Laurel wood.
Round T rip F a re s
Rose Festival
V I !
SU N SET \ **1
|(X iD C N *S H A S T A |
from all main and branch
line points;
points on
the C. & E., S., F. C. & W. and I. & M.
Sale Date*:
Eugene and all points north including branch line points,
June 8 to 13 inclusive; stations south o f Eugene, June
8-U-11-13. Final return limit June 10.
For illustrated booklet on the Rose Festival and leaflet
giving full program, call on any S. P. Agent, or address:
John M. Scott, General Pawenger Agent
Portland, Pregon
tiun Mr. Sapping.on endors d
Mias Hazel Stockman was not
the sale. The present instance, at her accustomed place at Hoff­ “i
is exactly similar, bat Mr. S; j>- man’ s store Tuesday on account
pington sees fit to discriminate j
o f illness.
against bis own district.
The complaint states i! at tIiC| It. Sessinan o f Columbia Co.,
amount offered by Morris Broth-1 visited with Mrs. McNutt and
er is not the best price that can Josh Sessinan in this city the
lie obtained and that par and
accrued interest with a nominal ¡last week.
fee for attorney’s services and
Mrs. Jane Smith was a Rose
printing of bonds can be secur- \ City visitsr Saturday.
od, but it neglects to state at
what interest such terms can be Mi's. O. M. Taylor had for her
guest this week Mrs. Eva Svvally!
secured. Mr. S
ed to endorse the sale ot tde o f Iteedvide.
bonds because he was not satis­
Mr. and Mrs. Hollinger are
fied with the price hut he has
not submitted a single au-j visiting in Seattle this week.
then tic bid from a reliaMo b ; Jj
house at any better price th ni
that which the Board ohtrdn» 1. j High School Commencement.
The complaint states that the
The Sanior Class o f the Forest
Board entered into a private]
agreement with Morris Brothers
graduation exorcises in the Con­
without competition. That is not |
the case. The agreement w ih gregational Church last Thurs­
A pleasing program was
Morris Brothers was the result day.
of an auction at which five re­ enjoyed by a large attendance.
liable bond houses were repre-j A number of orations, excellent
sen ted: i. e., Key lor Brothers,!
for thought and delivery, were
-Morris Brothers, and Mr. Glenn,
representing a Portland firm, given by the graduates. The
these three in t rson, and the Commencement address, deliver­
Northern Securities ('omp y ed by Professor Thomas J.Gentle
and a Denver Bond houm .by o f Monmouth Normal School was
sealed bid. Several citizens oth* bristling with good advice to the
er than the repff-wntatives of
the bond houses were present, graduates, and humorous quips
and everything wa ■ open and by the speaker called forth fre­
aboveboard. Six pore it hauls' quent laughter. A number o f
could have been sold at a premi­ pleasing souks and instrumental
um of $1900. but the 1 ] r cent
numbers were given. Superin­
additional interest would have
William Proctor presided.
‘ amounted to $350 a year extrai
Oregon-Electric Rail y.
R ose Festival
10, 11, 12 and 13. Return
limit June 16.
This is the great annual
floral and civic celebration
at Portland.
A week of
rplcndid pa ailes by day &
night; music, gala attire &c.
P o w
W ow
June 16 - 21
$ 1 6 .o ° R O U N D T R IP
Tickets on Sale June 16
and 18. Return limit June
This is the first year of
Spokane’s carnival, a week
devoted to parades, con­
certs, athletics, civic and
industrial features.
Schedules and details will be furnished on request.
R. II. CitOZIER, Asst. Gen. Pass Agent
Portland, Oregon
J. E. FARMER, Agent
Forest Grove, Ore.
Capital and Surplus
$ 60 , 000 .
U . S . D E P O S IT O R Y .
B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s :
Geo. Mizner
I J. Corl
H. G. Goff
W. H.
T. W. Sain
W. K. Newell
John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock
H. T. Buxton
Chris Peterson
E. W. Haines