Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 05, 1913, Image 6

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Forest Grove
Steam Laundry
Wood, Coal,
Cold Storage
and Ice.
R A S P B E R R IE S , C U R R A N T S
A N D G O O S E B E R R IE S .
By L F R O Y C A D Y and K.
K I R K P A T R I C K ot the Mm-
nesota Agnculluial College.
Cor. 5th Ave.
anil 2nd St.,
F o rest G ro v e ,
O re.
Watch and Use
the Want Ads
and you’ll not need
to be a mind reader
The thought has often come
to you perhaps, that you could
easily solve most difficulties if
you were a mind reader—if
you could for instance,KNOW
who would be glad to rent
your properly, or to buy it;*
who would be glad to employ
Want advertisers, and those
who watch the want ads, learn
these things in a B U SIN ESS
W A Y — not through occult
S. A . W A L K E R
HE raspberry will succeed on
any good corn soil. It likes a
great deal of moisture. A
north slope Is accounted best
The presence of an abundunce of bit
mus In the ground chosen Is desirable.
The best fertilizer to use la stable
manure comparatively free from straw
or foul weed seeds. Apply a fairly
heavy dressing to clover or timothy
stubble In the fall and plow under. It
the grouml is already quite rich In nl
trogen It may be desirable to grow a
crop of roots or potatoes previous to
setting the plants or even to dispense
with the manuring altogether.
It is desirable to plow in the fall
and allow full weathering. I f plowing
must be done in the spring the top
portion of the soil should first be thor
oughly stirred with a disk or other
harrow. In the spring. If the plowing
has been done in the fall, as soon ns
the top of (he soil dries sufficiently it
should be dragged.
Follow with
disk or spading harrow, working the
surface up thoroughly. Some growers
prefer to apply well rotted stable ma
nure Just previous to this treatment
Tima to Plant.
The upright or suckerlng varieties
may be set with good results in tbe
fall. Tbe black caps, or tbe tip growing
sorts, must be plunted In the spring
Wait until good, large sprouts have
started from the tip plant
Practicable raspberry propagation is
done only by means of sucker plants
1st Ave. N., near Main St.
We are prepared to do
the very best of all
kind of shoe work.
Special attention given
to crippled feet.
and tip plants. T o obtain sucker plants
tbe planter should dig up the little
sucker sprouts which stand in the outer
part o f tlie hills or rows. Care should
lie tuken to get a good portion of the
running underground root
But the
T i n n i n g a n d P lu m b in g , S h e e t best possible results will usually be
secured by digging up several Inrge,
M etal W o r k and R e ­
thrifty plants In the fall. Cut the roots
p a ir S h o p .
in three Inch pieces und stratify them
over winter
lu the spring sow these
In shnllow drills In well prepared gar
den soil. Tills method requires a year
For the tip plnnts tbe tips of the
North First Avenue, between Main and
growing canes may be allowed to droop
“ A ” Streets; pitone 8G3.
and touch the soil lu the latter part
of July. If the soil Is loose mid ex
tremely dry they should hove earth
placed over ttietr tips with a spade or
hoe. in late fall they will have rooted
nicely. When laying down the canes
Set your biscuits » t nijrht to bake for break­
for the winter a fool or more o f the
fast? Or if you bake some for dinner, cut
out enouKh for breakfast, put them in a cane should be cut free and allowed
cool place tiil morn in k . anti have them fresh, to stick up, to mark their position.
hot ami litfht as a feather.
T w o methods o f planting are la
You Can do this with
vogue— the hill and the continuous row.
YVe believe tbe check hill system It
Cultivation should be begun as soon
as the plants tire set
It should b«
shallow, but kept up nil summer long
The soil should never be allowed tc
bake or crust. The best tool Is the
horse five shovel or fourteen tooth cul
Because it has two power tlvator.
units. One beams to leaven
The patch should never be seeded
on contact with moisture,
down, nor should grass he allowed tc
the other when heat is ap­
creep In
If one wishes to ripen the
plied. ami
canes in late summer millet, oats ot
buckwheat may be sowed thickly to
It Always
take up the moisture In tbe soil. I f It
Raises tlie Dough is desired to enrich the ground for the
coming year, soy beans or Canadian
2 5 c per lb .
liens may be used.
Mulching is sometimes nsed as a sub
stltute for cultivation, but Its success
A sk Your
is doubtful.
Crescent Manufacturing Co., Seattle. Wn.
a t th e
100 for $1.25
250 for $1.75
500 for $2.25
Pruning and Thlnnthg.
Not more than two shoots should b*
allowed to grow from each plant the
first year. The second and succeeding
years each hill o f the snekering kind
will produce a great many shoots
Only four or five of the strongest
should be allowed to develop
The drooping sorts throw out thelt
shoots from the root near the crown
The treatment for the first year ts slml
lar to that for the snekering kinds
The second and succeeding years fiv«
or six canes may he allowed to develop
The canes which have home fruit
should always he removed soon aftet
the crop Is harvested
If one wishes to grow the berries
without laying them down In wintet
the young ahoots should have the tops
pinched out of them when they art
• bout fifteen to twenty inches high
Laying them down In winter la always
cheap Insurance.
Varieties should be limited.
How Creatures invisible to the E y.
and diseases are usually not present
Are Shown ae Monsters.
or they are readily controlled.
Photographing the Invisible sounds
like a misnomer, but correct to say in­
Tbe currant must have a moist, cool visible by the unaided eye. This com­
soil. The nest results are got on a plex and valuable science is revealing
strong clay loam or even on a stiff wonders in the excessively minute,
clay It It is lu a good stute of cultiva­ and myriud objects, animate and inan­
tion A cool northern exposure ts best, imate, ure brought to view whose ex­
and comparatively low, moist ground, istence has all along been unknown.
with some shade, will often be most
Tw o methods of illuminating the ob­
i ’lanting among orchard jects are in use—strong light is pnss-
trees is practicable.
ed through very thin layers of the sub­
A dozen plants will furnish sufficient stance or »fle e te d from the outside
fruit tor the ordinary family. They surface o f thick musses and ulso from
should not ne set out along fence rows the external portions o f exceedingly
and allowed to grow up In weeds and small opaque bodies.
Large quantities ot barnyard
These solid particles can be placed
manure should he worked Into tbe site on glass slides or floated in transpar­
Defore uud uttet setting the plants
ent liquids, as a drop of water be­
tween two very thin glasses. Pinch
Currants can he grown from seed, the glasses close together; there is no
but thp method ts not used except by danger o f killing tlie smaller kinds of
the plant breeder. Plants are usually animals, such as bacteria and microbes.
procured from nurserymen.
They have plenty of room In a film of
The plants used are grown from cut­ water so tbin as to be beyond im agi­
tings of the ripened wood or from lay­ nation.
erings. The cuttings are made from
Tlie magnifying lenses for expan­
tbe current season s wood lu August sion of images of these minute objects
or September after tbe leaves have require tlie most consummate skill in
These are made seven or manufacture, the microcauiera like­
eight inches long and are planted in wise, and the two combined are tri­
well prepared garden soil, with only umphs of human genius. The finished
an inch above ground, four inches products, the perfected pictures, nre
apart, in rows three feet apart
By highly educational. Many different
winter root growth will have started, kinds of greatly Improved glass are
and in the spring they will start oil now made in Jena, Germany, and
and grow strongly. They should be these have almost revolutionized mi­
kept well cultivated in the growing croscopy.
And the wonders accom­
season to conserve the moisture. They plished by using the most sensitive
are sometimes planted when one year plates ever made, and these with ninny
old. but tbe best results will be ob­ different kinds of waves o f light, are
tained by allowing them to grow lor almost beyond comprehension.
two seasons before setting.
The “ Arabian Nights” people are
Tbe branches may be rooted by eclipsed. Thus put n drop of stagnant
bending them down and covering with water on glass, lay a thin plute upon
soil, leaving the tips exposed. A fter It, press down, and the layer o f water
one season they should be cut loose, will be thin indeed. Put it under the
lifted and grown in nursery rows for microscope, turn bright light through
one season before being planted ou t the layer, pass tills light into the very
They are also layered successfully by small catfiera and let it full on a pre­
cutting off the clump, encouraging as pared moving film; then the amazing
many young shoots as possible and effect of animals in motion is to be
tken mounding soil in and about them fixed on a film that is itself in motion.
.o a height of eight or teu inches.
This film, a long strip, is then placed
on rollers and unwound, so that it will
In large plantations the best plan la pass powerful projecting lenses in a
the check system. Cse a single plant moving picture outfit.
This is, indeed, photographing the
to establish a hill and plant 6 by 6 feet
for best results.
Where continuous unknown. Since mnn nppeured on
rows are used tbe plants should stand earth no such aid to refined resenrch
Into nature's labyrinths has been dis­
3V& or 4 by 6 feet.
covered. Then u Inrge audience can
Cultivation and Mulching.
The currant must not be cultivated see all that there is tn n minute drop
deeply, for it is a shallow rooted plant of water on n screen from ten to six­
Tlie necessary moisture must be tnain- teen feet in diameter. Totally invisi­
tulued by continual surface cultivation ble creatures become monsters and
move with great rapidity before the
or by mulching.
Ashes, sawdust, straw and manure eyes of the people. Thousands o f new
are used for mulching.
Hardwood species o f minute living organisms are
sawdust, if not worked into the soil, is rescued from realms of tlie unknown.
—Eilgnr Lucten Larkin in New York
probably the best Apply to a depth
of several luchea. Manure Is good and American.
tends to keep a supply o f plant food
Bamboos as Water Pitchers.
always at hand. Tbe best method of
In the Hawaiian Islands the natives
mulching Is to confine the application
to the hills and within the row, where carry their supply o f water nbout with
tbe continuous row is used. The space them in long bamboo tubes, the Joints
of which have been knocked out. Girls
between the rows Is cultivated.
may be seen milking their way to near­
Pruning and Thinning.
by springs with the fam ily “ water
Tbe plants probably produce the best Jug.” They patiently fill the long hol­
fruit and the larger portion of It on low in the bamboo with water, block­
the two and tbree year old wood.
ing up the end with a wooden plug.
In practical field culture four to Tills is then carried to the hut ami
eight main stems are allowed to devel­ lusts the fam ily for several days, keep­
op. and a system of renewing by cut­ ing cool and sweet in this novel re­
ting out the wood over three years old ceptacle.
Tlie larger bamboo trunks
is followed. The grenter part of the are used in tlie same way as receptacles
fruit is borne near the base of the for storing various household commod­
shoots. For this reason it Is advnn ities.—W orld Wide Magazine.
tngeous to nip back the growing shoots
In the summer season when they have
Changed With Time.
reached nbout eighteen Inches.
The word “ affectionate” is an in­
Harvesting and Marketing.
stance o f how meanings change, for
The currants, if to be sold, should an affectionate person was origlunlly
never be stripped when one is picking the reverse of agreeable, the word
Tlie stems of the bunches should be moaning passionate or willful. John
cleanly severed from the branches. Knox in 1554 writes o f "the govern­
The fruit Is said to make better Jelly ment of an nffectionate woman” being
when picked Just as the currants are •‘a rage without reason,” and n century
ripening and while the fruits on the Inter another writer deplores the evils
tips of the bunches are green.
of affectionate soldiers. And now, ns
¡my nursemaid knows, nffectiounte
Winter Protection.
Currants will usually be sufficiently soldiers have no evils.—Loudon Stand­
protected tn the northwest If the ard.
brunches are simply gathered op and
tied in a bundle.
“ Do you know, Clnra, we ought not
Peets and Diseases.
I he greatest pests of the currant are to subscribe to the opera any more.
.he currant worm, currant borer, leal YVe bind ourselves, and afterward we
spot and mildew. Directions for con­ have to hear the same things over and
trolling them may be obtained from over again.”
“ As if that were any reason! I have
any agricultural experiment station.
also bound m yself and have to hear
the same tilings over and over again
The gooseberry Is closely related tc from you.” —Meggendorfer Blatter.
the currant It is largely used green
for sauce, for pies and for canning
The Hottest Mines.
For Jam and preserves It Is usually
It is said that the hottest mines in
preferred ripe.
the world nre those o f the famous
The cultivated sorts are derived
Comstock lode. On the lower levels
from European sources, tbe native
the heat is so great that the men enn-
wild species und hybrids of these spe­
not work over ten or fifteen minutes at
cies. Thosu of European and hybrid
a time. Every known means o f miti­
species nre larger and heavier bearers,
gating the heat has been tried in vain.
but are more susceptible to mildew
Ice melts before it reaches the bottom
However, tills once tusuperable foe U
of the shafts.
now rendll; controlled by proper metb
ods of planting, cultivating and spray
The Postage Stamp Portraits.
Thackeray's noted “ postage stamp”
The gooseberry Is generally quite
nnrdy In the northwest and will ’suc­ picture o f the English roynl family
ceed alongside the currant The props was made by cutting the heads from
Ration and planting are the same as postage stamps nnd mounting them on
tor that fruit. In fact. Identical treat­ pen sketch bodies drawn by the author
ment may he given i t with tbe follow with his characteristic humor.
ing variations:
Not Original Sin.
The production will he larger and
Adam heard them blame the coat of
the size and appearance o f tbe fruits
will he better if one third to one bait living on the middleman.
“ The only thing they don't blame on
of the new growth ts cut off each
year The tMwrtes must be picked witL the first ninn," he thankfully observed.
gloved hands, a stick being ns.*d In -N e w York Sun.
the left hand by some pickers to
spread or hold the hushes apart They
Wise Mabel.
are marketed In the ordinary quart
Mother—Mabel, why do you take two
boxes, although In some localities the pieces of cake?
Mabel—’Cause, ma,
targe English sorts are packed ts ten you told me not to ask twice for I t —
pound trays.
When so parked they Puck.
are faced In the receptacle. Just as are
the large western sweet cherries when
No day Is long enough to waste any
opeoi-d up on the city market
» f it nursing a grouch.—Chicago New*.
Absolutely Safe and Reliable
The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association
O f Forest Grove, Oregon
Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. T h e Home
Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your
Business or Dwelling in T h e
Bankers & Merchants
Main Street Garage
A u t o R e p a ir i n g , V u lc a n i z i n g a n d
G e n e r a l M a c h in e W o r k .
a n d S u p p lie s .
S to ra g e
P h o n e M a in
62 X
Main Street, Forest Grove.
N eat Printing
is something every business man
desires when he orders station­
Neat appearing business
heads, envelopes, state­
ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are
what can be had from the Press
Publishing C o.
Neat printing
Is O ur M otto
and we endeavor to live up to
it at all times.
W hen
we fail
to deliver a job of printed work
. which entirely satisfies, we are
prepared to make it right.
job turned out of this
must be correct in every par­
Bring your work to the
Press Publishing C o .
and be assured of securing some­
thing which is typographically
correct, tasty in construction and
neat in appearance.
w ill
Beginning June 1st give to its
patrons in Beaverton, Elmonica,
Orenco, H illsboro, Cornelius,
Forest Grove, Gaston, Dilley and
all country lines a
Electric rate
on all cooking and heating ap­
Phone Main 922 Hillsboro for particulars and
our representative will calL