FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE. OREGON, TH U RSDAY. JU NE 5. 1913. ■ 1 ★ S T A R The Press Poultry Department T H E A T R E Conducted by H. S. Canon, Magalia, Calif. T H E Send questions for this department direct to Mr. Canon to insure prompt answers. H ere Is W h a t Y o u W a n t In a W a t c h i Motion Picture Exhibition made, starting at the top o f the Squab Raising. A business w h icl^ o e s hand in roof, and extending from ten to hand with the poultry business, sixteen feet beyond the low side Every Film A Winner and which is growing quite as o f the building. This gives the; Drama, Comedy, Laughter and Pathos rapidly, is the raising o f market breeder a place to light outside, squabs. With game growing on the roof, where they love to j scarce and hard to secure, and bask in the sun. The wire used the new laws prohibiting the in the fly may be the common t ■ sale of most kinds o f game, the two inch mesh poultry netting if public is fast learning that in the rats and sparrows do not i the squab we have a substitute bother. In communities w here; for game which is better than there are many sparrows, the j food they will steal will soon | the game. amount to the difference in price That there is profit in raising Foundations, Walks, Curbing, Drains, of the one inch and the two inch squabs has been proved by many Cement Work of all Kinds. Everything mesh netting. And the rats who have undertaken the work, guaranteed from start to finish. though o f course like all other must be kept out, for they industries, there are some fail­ will not only kill the squabs, but ures. Failure is usually due to will kill the old birds on the lack o f experience. People read nests. Many a pigeon man has o f the high prices paid for squabs, had to go out of business because Forest Grove, - Oregon and make up their minds that his profits were all going down the business must be immensely the rat holes. The only way is profitable, and without any pre­ to make the buildings and flies vious experience they make a rat proof in the start. The buildings ready, the next start in the business and instead step is to get the breeding stock. of starting in with a few pairs of To many beginners a pigeon is a Start Right on i breeders and studying the meth­ pigeon, and that’ s all there is to ods of successful squab raisers, it. They stare with amazement H om e Building ! but buy a lot o f birds they know when you tell them there are nothing about, put them into a and you will save a lot more than fifty varieties of pig­ building and expect the pigeons of trouble, worry and eons, ten or twelve o f which are to do the rest. .Then when the m o n e y . Much d e- used extensively for squab rais­ birds begin to die from lack of pends on the proper proper care, and what few ing. The variety most used, or squabs are raised are smali, I should say the breed most used, selection of your lum­ | dark, skinny, worthless birds is the Homer. It is a medium ber—Strong, durable which would not bring enough sized bird, with a full breast, us­ dimension and joist, i on the market to pay the trans­ ually strong and vigorous and good, smooth siding fÜR.lvmtcrm«|; portation charges on them, Mr. quite prolific. Their squabs o f­ that will take and hold paint, sound shingles and Novice concludes that be was ten weigh 12 pounds to the dozen smooth flooring, end matched and hollow backed, misinformed, and that the squab and the Homer is a favorite with many breeders because o f its size, business is a frost. guaranteed to lay close. for a medium sized squab sells But for the man or woman There are a lot of things we can help you with who is willing to start modestly more readily on the city market that will make your home a haven of contentment. and study diligently, there i s than the larger ones do for the Let’s talk it over. profit as well as pleasure in the simple reason that it is the prac­ tice in hotels and cafes to serve S market squab business. The first thing to take into the bird whole, and a small bird j consideration is the location. does just as well as a large one Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. Not much space is required, but to serve the bird whole, and General Contractors and Builders the soil should be well drained, costs less. Where one is cater­ Council St. Forest Grove, Ore for dampness in the building is a ing to a private trade, the large standing invitation to canker, a birds are often preferred, as one disease to which pigeons of all bird split will make two portions. j ages are subject. And damp- j ness in the yard, or water which stands in pools in the yard in- p ic k u p s j duces disease, for the birds will drink o f any water they find, re Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked gardless of filth. Every Day. Mrs. W. W. Corbett visited The building or buildings need relatives in this city over Sunday. W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents not be expensive. Freedom from Free delivery to all parts o f the city Carl Leipold o f Portland spent draughts and a good roof are Decoration Day here at the Grove. necessary. But the materials Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sain of may be rough, and the building made low and long rather than Scoggins Valley spent last Fri­ wide and high. Eight feet wide, day at the home o f their daugh­ seven feet front and five feet in ter Mrs. J. A. Parker. Investment Realty Abstract Company rear, and as long as is necessary When you commence house­ to house the flock you may figure cleaning don’ t forget to kalsomine on keeping, makes a building the walls. The best at G. G. 1 that is easy to keep clean and Paterson’s, Forest Grove. 18tf Offices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building. , yet is large enough so that the Miss Eunice Bernard much to Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro attendant can move around free- the surprise o f her many friends ily. In the rear, or low side, a has come home to spend a whole GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE wire aviary or “ fly” should be week with her mother and the rest. Miss Eva Heisler, o f Gales Creek, is visiting in the Grove this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaw went to Gales Creek Sunday. P. Smith o f Portland visited relatives Sunday here at the Grove. Dr. Hinman and wife went down to the Rose City Tuesday. Miss Myrtle Scroggs o f Van­ Handsom e bay stud, Grand Champion, 3 years couver, Wash., a former teacher in the Forest Grove schools visit­ old, State Fairs of California and Oregon, ed with friends here last week. W. Livingston who has been champion yearling at the A . Y . P. This horse teaching at Monmouth Normal has never been defeated in the show ring. School is at home with his family. Bert Porter, Mayor o f Gaston, was doing business in town Mon­ day. Mrs. G. W. White and Mrs. M. P. Sailor o f Canby, Ore., visited with Mrs. L. C. Misz o f this city last week. The Best Pictures Obtainable CEMENT W O R K . Ha — First: Timekeeping: — Second: Handsome ap p ear­ ance; — Third: Economy of upkeep. All of these features are contained iu this Flgin watch We otfer for men. It possesses them in greater degree than other watches because it is a standardized product. Tins extra value can lie had in the much ad­ mired thin model, open face, 14 karat gold case from $25 to $100 The same in filled cases as slow as $ 1 5 . S H E A R E R & SO N , Main Street Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 267 M . S. T A U N T O N , HOM E p ER SO N ALS a BAKING CO. The Approach of Spring is the signal for greater effort in all lines of endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weather means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, Makes Your Abstract get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co., Phone 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove. BELGIAN STALLION “Ouragan” 3821 Fee $25.00 to Insure Mare in Foal FOREST GROVE TRAINING PARK Forest Grove, - - - Oregon Ed Boot hat removed hit Res­ taurant to new and commodiout quartert, jutt eatt of the Star Theatre, on Pacific Avenue. | 3 1 tf IF you want a Piano we can save you from one hundred to two hundred dollars. W e buy direct from the factory and cut out the Agent’s profit and then some. Call and see them whether you buy or not. P a c if ic . . .