FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 5. 1913. ed if tills rule Is follow ed milk fever Is not likely to ooeur. S y m p to m s.-T h develop from four rn • t» th irty -six hours a fte r calvlug. Hum i­ liation ceases; sudden d ecrease In milk flow; Ju lln ess o f th e ey es; unsteady g a it; stam p in g w ith th e hind legs; a t length fa lls helpless to th e ground, tu rn s head to one side and eyes close To have us i o r lies flat w ith e x tre m itie s extended. make T re a tm e n t.—It Is u su ally a fa ta l m is­ ta k e to dose for milk fever. In m any the cases th e m uscles o f th e th ro a t a re paralyzed, an d th e cow , h av lug no Kiddie’s pow er to sw allow , th e m edicine given goes Into th e lungs and o ften causes Picture B uffalo S k y la rk Ame». death. H olitein Bull T he tre a tm e n t giving pro m p t relief In th e sev erest cases and one to be re­ X V I I .— Cow Diseases. lied on Is filling th e u d d er w ith pure oxygen or w ith comm on a ir by m eans First Article. of a bicycle pum p o r a ru b b e r bulb syringe and a com m on milk syphon or sim ilar tube. P u m p th e u d d er as full By L A U R A R O S E . as poxslhle and put a ru b b e r band Forest Grove Demonstrator and Lecturer In Dairying around th e tents, o r tie w ith tnpe to keep In th e air. M assage th e u dder so at the Ontario Agricultural Col­ as to force th e a ir to nil p arts. It may lege, Guelph, Canada. be n ecessary to repent th e Inflation. mJ N Main Street T his tre a tm e n t usually effects a cure lu a few hours. Do not give an y m ed­ [C o p y rig h t, 1911. b y A. C. M c C lu rg & Co.] icine. I.IE S are a terrib le to rm en t at tim es and have much to do Mammitls— Caked Uddei-----Inflamma- tion of Uddei— Garget. w ith the lessening of the milk Sym ptom s.—U sually a t first th e milk flow. The cow s a re so w orried and k ept so busy lighting th e flies Is w atery and som etim es discolored th a t they lose m uch of th e tim e they w ith blood and mny contain clotted, should he feeding, an d it is th e ir semi- curdy m a tte r, an d th e p a rt affected Is starv ed condition tiia t largely causes sw ollen an d painful. In sev ere cases th e cow will have a chill, and the the sh rin k a g e in flesh and milk. Som ething should be done to rid the limbs, e a rs and h orns becom e cold, Feed Mill will run every then fe v e r will follow anil th e udder cows o f th is fly pest. day in the week. T he follow ing m ix tu re has been becomes hot, sw ollen a n d hard. T he found ns effective an d less expensive milk flow d ecreases o r stops. T h e cow W h o le s a le a n d R e ta il th a n many o f the fly rem edies on th e ea ts bu t little an d does n o t chew her cud. m ark et: Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground One gallon of fish o r seal oil or old T re a tm e n t.—G ive oxygen tre a tm e n t Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked g rease o f any kind, oue p iu t of coal oil as described for milk fe v e r an d a good Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole (kerosene) an d tw o ounces (four table- dose o f salts. If th e u d d er rem ains of crude carbolic acid. b ard rut) well w ith goose g re ase or Wheat and Corn, Middlings and spoonfuls) Mix well to g eth er and apply w ith a cam p h o rated oil. W hen th e e n tire ud­ s-'-eral kinds of Hard Wheat cloth or sp ray to nil p a rts except th e d e r is caked tak e a piece o f heavy T ; rur, Sack Twine and Sacks, udder. A lw ays p u t It on a fte r m ilking cloth and p u t It u n d er th e udder, mak- to avoid th e stro n g odor g ettin g into ing incisions for the te a ts, and fasten I ly and Vetch Seed. th e m ilk. In dry w e a th e r oue ap p lica­ it on top, placing stru w o r a p ad on tion a week is usually sufficient. If th e back so as not to c h a fe th e cow. Give us a call when in need. th e cow s a re out in n heavy raiu it will T his relieves th e u d d er by euslng the he necessary to go over th em again. weight. A nother fly rem edy is ten p a rts of For Inflamed Udder. .1 Phone 50x F o re s t G rove, Ore lurd o r o th er g rease to oue p a rt of pine R ub well a fte r m ilking w ith linim ent ta r. Mix well and upply w ith a brush m ade from fo u r ounces sw eet oil, four or cloth once or tw ice a week to th e ounces lau d an u m , th re e ounces o f ex­ p a rts m ost a ttack ed . T h is is splendid tra c t of belladonna. a s a relief from th e horn fly. If th e flies m ake th e cow s restless Slimy or Ropy Milk (Not a Disease). d u rin g m ilking so th a t th ey will not Milk w hich becomes strin g y , slim y staud. a cotton hlau k et th ro w n over or ropy a fte r sta n d in g aw h ile is not them ut th a t tim e is a g re a t help. d u e to th e cow ’s condition, b u t is caused by a large n u m b e r o f bacteria Keep the Stable Dark. It Is a good plan to d ark en th e s t a ­ which develop in th e milk a n d change ble d u rin g th e day and to h av e th e w indow s screened. To p revent th e flies th a t a re on th e cow s from going in to th e stab le w ith them a rra n g e som e evergreen bows, brush, broom s or sack in g a t th e e n ­ trance. As th e cows pass through th is m any tiles a re brushed off and rem ain P a c ific A v e . outside. T he housefly has alw ay s been a trou- ! blesom e nuisance, b u t now it is looked ! upon as a very potent ag en t in sp re a d ­ ing such d an g ero u s diseases as typhoid fever, cholera in fan tu m , su m m er com : plain t, etc. I I f n cow show s sym ptom s of being •• j ill do not delay doing som ething for tier. Begin a t once to check th e trou- I ble. E very dairy sta b le should have In il a m edicine chest or sh elf provided w ith such drugs as nre com m only used in ! eases of sickness am ong th e anim als. A short list is given below. E ach b o t­ tle o r package should be distin ctly la­ beled and th e supply renew ed a s soon a s e x h au sted : S pirits o f turp en tin e, raw linseed oil, su lp h u r, saltp eter, car- I kj M c acid, nux vom ica, epsora salts, ground ginger, vaseline, cam phorated oil. laudanum , boracic acid. T h ere should be on hand a common bicycle pump, a few fe e t o f ru b b er P h o to b y O re g o n A g r ic u ltu r a l co lleg e. hose and a m ilk siphon o r tu b e to in­ sert in the te a t. Im m erse th e tu b e In A C LEAN SEFA U A TO R H E L P S K E E P TU B A D V E R T IS E IT ! N ot once, M IL K A N D CUEAM SAN1TABY. boiling w a te r to d isin fect it an d oil be­ tim idly and penny-w ise ! B u t fore gently in sertin g it Into th e teat the milk su g a r in to a slim y or ropy as o fte n as need ed —a n d a opening. m ass. T h e bacteria usu ally come from show ing o f FA C T S ab o u t it d u st or bad w a te r an d g et into th e How to Examine a Sick Cow. which will unfailingly in te re st milk a t m ilking tim e or afte rw a rd . F irst, tak e th e te m p e ra tu re o f th e th e probable p u rc h a se r! Make T horoughly clean an d disin fect th e anim al by placing a se lf reg isterin g i t th e b e st ad v ertise d r e a l veterin ary fev er th erm o m eter In th e stab le an d scald all m ilk pails, stra in ­ e s ta te in the city fo r a little rectum , allow ing it to rem ain th ere ers, cans, etc. from th ree to five m inutes. T he n o r­ w hile—and yo u r b u y er will Lumps In Teats. mal te m p e ra tu re of a cow is from 08 seek you out and quickly close If the lum p o r tu m o r be n e ar the to 100 degrees F., b u t in some cows point o r h alfw ay up th e teat a v et­ th e tran sactio n ! may be higher. I t Is usu ally so In erin a ria n m ay o p erate successfully; young anim als. oth erw ise it Is well to beef the cow. Second, ta k e th e pulse, w hich can be a s she will not Im prove nnd her off found a t th e angle of th e low er Jaw spring m ay be sim ilarly affected. bone. T h e norm al b e a t o f a cow ’s Cowpox. pulse is from fifty to six ty per m inute S ym ptom s.—T e a ts very sore, break T hird, count th e resp iratio n s of th e anim al or num ber of tim es it b reath es out In pim ples and form senbby sores. by w n trlg n g th e sides o f th e flanks or A troublesom e contagious disease, and E m b alm ing a n d by pressing your c a r to h er side. The th e cow should be Isolated. A m ilker can tak e It from one cow norm al respiration of a cow is from F u n e ra l D irecting to a n o th e r on his hnnds or clothes. • fifteen to tw e n ty per m inute. R em edy.—D ress th e sores th ree tim es If th e tem p eratu re, pulse or respira FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. tion is found to v ary m uch from the a day w ith an oin tm en t m ade by m ix­ norm al, you will know th e anim al is ing fo u r d ra m s boracic acid, tw enty J . S. Buiton, Manager ailing Dull, glazy eyes: cold e a rs; dry. drops o f carbolic a d d , w ith tw o ounces hot nose: harsh, rum pled co at; lack of ofi vaseline. Phone No. 6 4 2 Forest Grove, Or. If th e te a ts a re very sore it m ay be np[>etite. rum ination ceased and sud den sh rin k ag e o f milk a re o u tw ard In­ well to u se a te a t siphon to dyaw the m iik . dications th a t som ething Is w rong w ith Diarrhea or 8court In Calvoa. th e cow C ause—O verfeeding, sudden changes Milk from sick cow s is unw holesom e and in some cases positively d a n g e r­ In feed, fllthy, w et stalls, d irty feed palls, etc. ous. T re a tm e n t—A cup o f stro n g black Sick an im als should be rem oved from th e herd, an d especially If th e re be ten Is said to be good. O tb e ri give All kinds of survey­ from one to tw o ounces o f c a sto r oil any suspicion o f A contagions disease. ing and maping. and one teaapoonfnl of laudanum . Parturient Apoplexy— Commonly Call­ Feed oe-w milk and keep e v erything Subdivisions a spec­ ed Milk Fovor, clean. F o u r o r five hours a fte r the C ause.—M ilking th e cow o n t too oil la given a teaspoonful o f a m ix­ ialty. thoroughly a fte r ealvlD g. B etter not I tu re o f one p a rt rihlol and tw o p a rts to d raw any milk th e first tw en ty -fo u r | su b n ltra te o f b ism u th 'm a y be given in H. B. GLAISYER, hours, b u t Ju st leave th e c a lf w ith th e j h alf a p in t o f milk o r th e pow der Hoffman & Allen Bld’g row . If fo r an y reason It la not deslr- ! placed on th e tongue and w ashed Phone 806 Able to leave th e c a lf w ith h er d raw dow n w ith a little milk. A alm ple only a little milk i t fre q u e n t Intervals rem edy Is to add to th e milk •[« -fifth Forest Grove, Ore. the first th ree day s if tro u b le be fear­ of Its b alk of llmo w ster. Farm Dairying li me STUDIO mm F W. F. HÂRTRAMPF y Beat the Prices at the Farmers’ Grocery and Meat Market J. D. RODE Take Your Coupon Book TO The leading and enterprising firms with whom we have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. HOFFMAN & ALLEN General Merchandise Main Street, Forest Grove THE JACKSON PHARMACY Drugs and Medicines Cornelius GOFF BROTHERS Hardware, Implements, Autos Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove GOFF BROTHERS Hardware and Supplies Cornelius. GEO. G. PATERSON Furniture and Pianos Main Street, Forest Grove A. S. HENDRICKS General Merchandise Cornelius SHEARER & SON GASTON DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines Jewelers Main Street, Forest Grove FOREST GROVE PHARMACY Pure Drugs and Medicines Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove BRIGGS BROTHERS General Merchandise SUN-RISE GROCERY G. LUNDQUIST & CO. ¡L. UNDERTAKING SURVEYOR 1 Dilley Groceries and Provisions Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove C. G. DANIELSON Bicycles and Sundries Pacific Avenue, Forest’Grove FOREST GROVE STUDIO Photos and Photo Supplies Forost Grove R. A. PHELPS A. J. COOK White Palace Cafe Pacific Ave., Forest Grove C. L. BUMP & CO. General Meachandise South Forest Grove MORTON & FREEMAN Hardware Cherry Grove ERIC ANDERSON Jewelry and Drugs Cherry Grove FORSBERG & BROSTROM General Merchandise Cherry Grove THE C. C. STORE Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware Orenco ORENCO DRUG CO. Drugs and Jewelry Orenco Wm. OELRICH Groceries and Provisions Put that Property You Want to Sell “Under the Spot-Light ! ” Gaston Builders’ Materials Hillsboro J. A. HOFFMAN Jeweler Orenco OREGON NURSERY CO. Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock Hillsboro THE DELTA DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines Orenco M. P. CADY General Merchandise Hillsboro Beaverton PERCY LONG Hardware 2nd Street, Hillsboro MRS. M. L. BURDAN Millinery 2nd Street, Hillsboro SAELENS & SP1ESSEHEART Meat Market 2nd Street, Hillsboro A. C. DONELSON Furniture Hillsboro J. L. HARDY Confectionery and Patent Medicines Beaverton R. L. TUCKER Everything to Build With Beaverton N. C. LILLY General Merchandise Gales Creek E. J. AYERS General Merchandise Gales Creek PEOPLES STORE General Merchandise Hillsboro K1NTON & JENSEN General Merchandise MRS. WINIFRED GUNTON Pope Photo Gallery BRODERICK & HUMBERG Blacksmith and General Repairing Forest Grove, Ore Hillsboro, Oregon Banks y