FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1913. Ordinance No. 234 awarded to him. Separate bids will be received on curbs. The bid o f any person who has be­ fore bid or contracted for such work and been delinquent therein, shall not be received, except by consent o f the City Council. A bid from the owner or owners o f two-thirds o f the property fronting on said street to be improved will be accepted by the Council provid­ ed the bid is as low as any other bid and the work can be subdivided with­ out injury to the owners o f the adja­ cent or other property. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive defects in bids in the interests o f the city. Submit specifications with bid. Passed the Council June third, 1913. M. R. MARKHAM, City Recorder, Submitted to the Mayor June 3rd, TAMED THE MONARCH. HOUSEHOLD LINEN. An Ordinance providing for the time The P a rt a S ilv a r In k s ta n d P la y e d In and manner o f improving Main Street H ow to Bo Up to D ato In Y o u r.T a b ls a N a tio n a l C riais. from the South line of Second Avenue Appointm ents. Tin* pages of history record many In­ North to the north line o f Third The large damask tablecloth has Avenue North; also that portion of stances iu which trivial incidents have given wuy to the vogue for sets of Third Avenue North from the west shaped the destinies of uutious. Ac­ linen mats. Including large oval ones line of Main Street to a point 59 feet cording to u story iu the New York to be plnced beneath the dishes, small East from the East line of “ C” Short Items of Interest Concerning people you Tribune, a sinull sliver inkstand and Street; also that portion o f Gales circular ones for the meat plates and the quick wit of a prime minister once Creek - Thatcher Street, formerly still smaller for use with cheese and may be interested in. played an Important part lu the history Road, from its intersection with salad plates. The change In fashion Is of the Netherlands. Third Avenue North to the North all on the side o f the decorative, for boundary o f the city o f Forest Grove. William III., king of the Netherlands, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Haukins o f, John Caples, Jr., visited his was a muu of violent and ungovernable not oDly are the mats extremely beau­ THE CITY OF FOREST GROVE DOES OUDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ScoRgins Valley spent Friday parents in this city, this week, temper. Although lu general a clever tiful In themselves, but they afford an opportunity likewise for the display of Section 1. That Main Street frpm here with their relatives and at- John has been in many sections statesman, be was inclined, for some a flue dining table, the darkness of the South line o f Second Avenue North to the North line o f Third Avenue tended Decoration exercises at of the Coast country during the reason or other, to Involve Holland lu the wood showing up to advantage the the trouble that was brewing between North; also that portion of Third Av­ silver and cut glass arranged upon It Forest View Cemetary. past few years. France and Germany In 1870. He was enue North from the West line of Main The mats themselves are usually plac­ Street, to a point 59 feet East from 191S. deaf to the appeals o f bis ministers, Mrs. Chas. Sprague o f Portland Henry David, of David’s Hill, who foresaw the ruin to the country ed upon others of thiu wicker or of the East line o f “ C” Street; also that (Approved) O. M. SANFORD, closely twisted strings In order to ob­ spent last week here with her was a business visitor to this city that war would bring. portion of Gales Creek-Thatcher Street, Mayor. viate the possibility of harm to the formerly Road, from its intersection mother, Mrs. M. Thomas. Thorbecke, the prime minister, re­ Monday. ) with Third Avenue North to the North State o f Oregon table through the heat o f the dishes. solved to make one last attempt to boundary o f said City of Forest Grove, County o f Washington SS. Miss Minnie Myers spent an Some especially choice sets of these George Ortman, o f Thatcher, change his soverigu's resolution. On dinner City o f Forest Grove ) shall be improved as follows: mats are o f handmade linen over Sunday in the Rose City. 1st. By grading the street to the I, M. R. Markham, the duly elected, traded at )he local stores Monday. enuring the royal presence Thorbecke richly embroidered In an openwork proper sub-grade as established by the qualified and acting recorder o f the city was greeted with a rough “ Good morn- j Mrs. Ezra Wright and Mrs puttern of leaves and flowers executed City Engineer. of Forest Grove, Washington County, John Heisler and son of Gales I ¡us! Wbut’s the news?” after the manner o f the “ liroderie un- 2nd. By paving the roadway of said Oregon, hereby certify that I have Wm. Hayney o f Thatcher were "Nothing particular, your mnjesty. ; glaise.” Into the worked design Is In­ street twenty-four feet in width with made a careful comparison o f the fore­ shopping in the local stores Sat­ Creek came to the Grove in their Only the people of The Hague are talk­ troduced a number of Italian fillet lace said intersections with hard surface going transcript of ordinance No. new automobile the first o f the ing a great deal of nonsense about your urday. pavement. 234, with the original on file in my o f­ squares, also band worked and display­ week. The mountain roads be­ majesty.” 3rd. By constructing artificial stone fice and of which 1 am the legal custo­ ing in tbelr design all manner of qualut Wm. Cady was transacting curbs. dian and that it is a correct copy o f the tween here and Gales Creek a e "About me!" exclaimed the monarch, boasts and birds copied from antique 4th.# By laying and constructing same and o f the whole thereof. in wrath. “ What do they say ubout business in Portland Tuesday models. The edges of the rants are in fine condition for driving ma­ me?” headers. Witness my hand and the seal of the finished with a narrow border of thread Roy Dennis spent Sunday at 5th. By constructing inlets. City o f Forest Grove, Washington chines. "Well, sir," answered the old states- lace, and although the effect is elabo­ 6th. By constructing catch basins. County, Oregon, this 4th day o f June, his home near Wapato. rru t - i . _ | man, "The Haguers declare that your 7th. By laying vitrified sewer pipe. 1913. i lie Forest Grove Restaurant , majesty has become stark, staring j rate in the extreme, the materials em­ 8th. By laying wrought iron drain M. R. MARKAAM, William Swift o f Dilley was a ployed are sufficiently substantial to and Oyster House is now located mud!” Before be could utter another withstand much wear and tear. pipes. Recorder or the City of Forest Grove. business visitor to this city Wed word King William, his face purple Section 2. Said improvement is to in its new quarters on Pacific ( seal ) be in accordance with the Charter and with fury, Jumped up and seized a nesday. H o w to T re a t S h r u n k e n W oolens. Avenue near the Star Theatre. heavy silver inkstand, with the Inten­ Ordinances o f the City o f Forest Grove Wool unlou suits which have shrunk A fire at Banks caused quite a The finest o f meals served in a tion of burling It at the bead of the and the plans and specifications and estimates of the City Engineer on file little excitement, Monday morn­ way that will make you want to Premier- Fortmmte|y “ projecting uu until It Is an impossibility to squeeze H IG H E R E D U C A T IO N . in the office o f the City Recorder. Into them may be made wearable by gle of the inkstand caught lu the table­ ing. An oil stove in the store of come again, Section 3. The cost of improving Neglect of the English lan­ ripping the shoulder seams and fitting 31tf cloth find dragged it off the table with the intersections o f said street shall be guage Is education's greatest de­ In a three cornered piece, one corner of Kinton&Co., exploded, the fire made at the expense o f the City of Oscar Shogten o f Cornelius everything upon It In the confusion | which should be placed at the end of fect today. Asking and answer­ burningout the partition between Forest Grove and paid for out of the gen­ the discharge o f the missile was delay­ ing difficult conundrums relative the shoulder seam at the top of the was seen on our streets Monday. ed for a moment. eral fund as provided by the City the store and a barber shop. (o doubtful meaning of passages sleeve. This will give ns much length Charter. The remaining portion o f the "Sire," exclaimed Thorbecke quietly, Mr. D. Matteson made a busi­ written long ago occupy time and improvement shall be assessed propor­ The flames were subdued before "if your majesty burls that beautiful to the body of the garment as the size tionately against each lot or parcel attention that might better be ness trip to Scoggin’ s Valley, inkstand at my head The Haguers will of the piece set In. much damage was done. thereof within the limits of the p ro-1 devoted to a study of the proper Wednesday. have much reason for their assertion!” posed street improvement, and each lot Mrs. C. H. Parker visited with use o f words. H o w to T e a r C a rp e t R a g s. For a minute the augry king gazed in or parcel thereof shall be liable for the Miss Velma Klan who has been A vast amount of time and Mrs. William Griffin at Wilkes- Snip across the end of the cloth for full cost of making said improvement silence at his minister. Then he grad­ mental energy is wasted In our upon the half o f the street in front of attending Forest Grove High ! ually lowered his arm and replaced the as many strips as desired. Tear each boro the past week. high schools and colleges.* Our and abutting upon it as provided by I school the past winter has re- I inkstand on the table. He walked to one down ;ust fur enough to nrakt- It Dr. William Pollock was a busi­ professors are lacking In that the City Charter. turned to her home in Eastern 1 one of ^w indow s nnd stoodiooktng easy to gr»sp ihe ends. Take every Section 4. The work shall commence they literally ladle odt subject ness visitor to Banks Monday. out for a few minutes. Returning to f’ther strip end In one hand and the al within ten (10) days after the signing matter to so great an exteut that the table, he resumed his seat and termite ones In the other, and pull vig­ Ed Boos has removed his Res­ Oregon. o f fhe contract and be prosecuted with It cannot possibly be grasped by orously. la this way a wide piece of said, as If nothing had happened: such vigor that all the improvement Mrs. W. Livingston has gone taurant to new quarters just east the student. Better be stingy In work embraced in the plans and speci­ "And now tell me what you have got cloth can he toru Into strips with only this respect. Then the student of the Star Theatre, on Pacific to Wisconsin for an extended to say.” one motion. fications shall be entirely completed on cun mentally digest what is giv­ or before the date hereafter stated. visit. An hour later, when the statesman Avenue. 31 tf en him There is power In the Section 5. The improvemt shall be H o w to S e a to n O y s t e r Stew . Mrs, Pearl Brock, of Kelso, left, he carried with him the monarch's Dr. Hans Peterson o f Portland completed on or before One Hundred English language. The man who promise to issue n proclamation that Some housewives like to add a pinch and Twenty working days from the j can speak and write so as to be a former resident o f Forest Washington, has been visiting would declare the neutrality of Hol­ -a very small pinch—of nutmeg to an date of signing the contract and if the understood lias a great power at Grove but now a practicing chiro­ the past week at the home of her land. oyster stew. Others use a little ground improvement is not completed within his command. It is u glorious the time fixed, the City o f F orest[ mace or a blade of mace, taking it out sister, Mrs. Edward Dixon, in practor o f Portland was seen on thing when the schoolboy is made Grove shall suffer damage to the before serving. this city. A PETRIFIED WATERFALL to feel Hint our language is not our streets Sunday. amount o f Fifty Dollars per day for a tiling to be trifled with. Too each and evey day beyond the date Mrs. Wigman o f Forest Grove Joe Stream, on First Street, A lg e r ia ’s Sto n e C a ta ra c t Is C alled “the O ld L o v e and New R u g. stated, which amount shall be paid by many persons believe gaining of the contractor, unless the time for “ Those people next door to us have had for her guest this week Mrs. will give you an artistic haircut B a th of the D am n e d .” knowledge is the one object of a completion of the improvement is ex- j college education. The primary With all the beauty of a cataract of been married a long time, haven’t M. C. Smith. for 25 cents. 31tf tended in writing by the City Council. [ living water there is In Algeria a re­ they?" purpose Is to gain the power to The pavement shall not be laid except Leonard Corl o f Corvallis was “ Perhaps they have, but their honey­ Anione Hermans and family markable petrified waterfall which re- become an effective personality. during dry and suitable weather. K now ledge Is secondary to this. in this city to attend the Com­ were in the Grove from Verboort ce,lt|y has been engaging tbe attention moon isn't over yet.” Section 6. Said improvement work "H ow do you figure that out?” There Is nothing specific In edu­ scientists. This is tbe llnmmam- shall be performed under the personal mencement exercises. Saturday, coming ouer in their of “ Well, It was awfully sloppy last supervision o f the contractor subject to cation It Is development of per­ Meskhutin, which means "the bath of the inspection and approval o f the city Mrs. Geo. Secour has gone to automobile. sonality. We are reaching out tbe damned,” and it Is located jjxty-two night, but when he came home she engineer, and no part o f this contract too far in our high schools. Chil­ ,, n, , , , , i miles from Constantine, on tbe site of made him step inside and kiss her be­ Portland to visit a few days with nor any interest therein shall be sub- - Mrs. Clark, who formerly con- the llIlt.leIlt town of Clrta. fore she told him to go back on tbe dren are being tnuglit there what let, assigned or transferred without the friends. porch mid wipe his feet.” ducted a restaurant in this city This solidified cascade Is the produc­ we used to learn In college. A written consent o f the City Council. “ Well, honey, wouldn't you” — sense of form and refinement Is Mrs. N. Austin is moving into on Pacific Avenue, was seriosly tion of calcareous deposits from sul­ Section 7. The area o f paving to be j "No, I wouldn't! We've got a new phurous and ferruginous mineral badly needed here. Too much Is paid for will be only the actual area i her new home on 2nd Avenue injured at Timber when a falling springs, issuing from the depths of the rug!” —Cleveland Plain Denier. undertaken In the way of higher covered by the entire pavement, ex­ North. cept that no reduction will be made for tree crushed a cook house where­ earth at a temperature of 95 degrees C. education that should not come fixtures in the street with an area less ^ until after the university stage F o r k and Cake. in she was preparing a meal for "The bath of the damned,” even from Miss Clara Crawford of this than one foot square. The amount o f A corresiKindent points a curious an- a near viewpoint, looks for all the Is reached. — Benjamin lde other work to be paid for will be only city visited Friday with her sis­ a logging crew. Three of her world like a great wall of water dash­ tlpodenu fashion. In New Zealand la­ Wheeler. the actual amount o f other work done ter Mrs. Crowthers o f Gales ribs were broken and she was ing into a swirling pool at its foot, yet dies eat cake with a fork, and the rea­ in accordance with the plans and speci­ fications, and as provided by this con­ otherwise injured. At present its gleaming, graceful curves and the son is the shortage of domestic serv­ Creek. apparently swirling eddies at Its base ants. You don’t see the connection? tract. " Vernon Mowe, who formerly she is in a fair way to recover. Section 8. Upon the completion of are as fixed and immovable as if carv­ Well, the New Zealand lady so often the improvement in accordance with ! has to do her own housework that it is ed from the face of a granite cliff. lived in this city, was in from H. R. Bernard, proprietor of the plans and specifications o f the City Many centuries have, of course, gone the fashion at afternoon teas to keep his ranch in the Nehalem Falley, the Book Store, left last week to the making of the deposits, and the gloves on—iu mercy to possible rough­ Engineer and as shall be provided in the contract and upon the same being Sunday. Vernon fell from a for Malcom, Iowa, where he will springs were well known to the ancient ened hands—whence the fork of the accepted by the Council o f said City, barn last winter and broke bis settle up an estate. He expects Romans. The name Hammutn-Mesk- i cake.—London Chronicle. HHid contractor shall be paid for said hutln was given to the stone cataract improvement in accordance with the right shoulder. The bone was to be absent about six weeks. iu an allusion to the legend that the provisions o f the contract and the Notice. M o d e st C hild . not properly set, and he was Charter o f said City. waterfall was petrified by Allah, pun­ At a social gathering a little girl re- Be it known that the Sunrise Section 9. That the contractor to I Notice ishing the impiety of unbelievers by fited "The Charge o f the Light Bri­ compelled to have it broken over whom a contract is awarded will lie re­ Grocery on and after May 1st turning all tbe members of a tribe into ga d e" Reaching the line "Into the W e will demonstrate t h e a few weeks ago, and a steel quired to furnish a bond for the faith­ will pay cash for all farm pro- stone. At night, so tile story runs, its Jaws of death. Into the mouth o f — ful performance of the ,< cc i?n„t.rac.t/.or.® ducts, E rrs , Butter, Veal and hinge inserted in the joint. Al­ Hardie Power Sprayer on Main stone dwellers of the remote past are she paused and. looking nround, added: sum equivelaut to the full amount of "Where papa told uncle to go last the contract, having as suret surety thereon pork, (lie best market price paid though he can use his arm some­ Street, Friday and Saturday of freed from their strange fetters, come some surety company satisfactory to and all Roods sold at the bottom what, it will probably never re­ this week, and Monday o f next to life and resume their normal shapes. night."—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. —Illustrated London News. the City Council, authorized to do bust- price and for cash only, JOHN turn to a normal condition. Hard week. If you are interested in ness in the State o f Oregon, and to DODGE. Proprietor, 23tf Different. furnish specifications o f proposed pave­ lop and fruit sprayers, it will lines for Vernon. Jones—Janies. I heard you using pro Go to Joe Streams, the First ment to accompany bid. F or S ale Shadeland-Climax pay you to com e and watch these Section 10. The City Recorder is seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest Street barber, for an artistic faulty to the horses this forenoon Charles Reinemier and family, hereby authorized and directed to ad­ Coachman—No. suh: no. sull! I’s very demonstrations. M. S. Allen & 20tf hair cut and a head-barber shave. careful oh de horses, suh! I was talk o f the Scoggin’s Valley section, vertise in one issue o f the Forest Grove Grove. Co. Press ten days prior to the date o f re­ in' to my wife, sull!—Kansas City Star 31tf F or Q uick S a l e - A $12000. 38 were tracing in this city, Mon­ ceiving bids inviting proposals for the doing o f such improvement work in acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, day. form substantially as follows, to-wit: for $8500. One o f the finest Rev. Hiram Gould preached the PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT. fruit farms in Washington Co. Sealed proposals will be received at Baccalaureate sermon to the grad­ Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone the office o f the City Recorder o f the 16-tf uates o f the Can by High school, City o f Forest Grove, Oregon, until the Vine 151. 16th day o f June, 1913, at four o'clock F or S ale No. 2 Smith Pre­ last Sunday. Rev. Gould’ s pulpit P. M. for the improvement o f Main Street from the South line o f Second mier typewriter, Root! as new, in this city was occupied both Avenue . North .. to , the , North line of First offer o f $30 takes it. Press morning and evening by Rev. C. Third Avenue North; also that portion ir o f Third Avenue North from the West c *_______________________ _________ L. Creecy, pastor of the Method­ line o f Main Street, to a point 59 feet A complete line of the best ist church at Canby. Rev.Creepy East from the East line o f " C ” Street; also that (Hirtion o f Gales Creek- varnishes can be had at the Pat­ gave two thoughtful, forceful and Thatcher Street, formerly Road, from eloquent sermons, its intersection with Third Avenue erson Furniture Store, Forest 18tf North to the North boundry o f said G r o v e . Captain F. S. Barnes, who has City o f Forest Grove, in the manner F or S ale One ton lose clover been critically ill the past few provided by the Charter and Ordinanc­ Phone 0185 Ed. L. Nayl­ weeks, is again able to be out. es and the plans and specifications Barn. heretofore adopted for sajd improve­ or. 24tf ment which are now on file in my office. J. H. Shearer has acted the part Bids must be strictly in accordance Wanted a couple of young|of the Good Samaritan, and has with the instructions attached to the Phone 0185, taken the Captain out a number specifications and on forms similar to calves, either sex. 27tf that thereto attached, all o f which in­ Edw. L. Navlor. ------ - ---------------- o f times in his automobile. formation will be furnished on applies- I ~ tion to the Recorder o f the City o f For TO EXCHANGE— S eed potatoes Mr. Matthew Bat >s o f the Gas­ est Grove, Oregon. The improvement for equal q u an ity and q u a lity re- ton neighborhood was in town .musi I* compii teli on or before One turned th is fail. Phone 0185, Hundred twenty working days from f t M . attending to important business 27tf the date o f signing the contract. _ _ _ * i *“ -v lo r * Monday. All proposals must be accompanied W anted , A t once, a few stock by a check payable to the order o f the A new and up-to-date line o f ayor o or f the City of Forest Grove! ^ e e p (Ewes and Lambs »phone Mayor • * by a respe responsible 0185, or write Edward L. Naylor, wall paper in many handsome Oregon, certified to bank for an amount equal te five per Forest Grove, Ore. 28t4 patterns. P l a i n , figured and cent o f the aggregate proposal, to be novelty goods to select from. forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam­ F o r S a l e — Leather folding ages in case the bidder refuses to en­ All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ ter into a contract and provide a suita­ baby buggy. Second house north ble bond for the faithful performance o f campus on Greenville road. erson’s Furniture Store, Forest RACES ! RACES ! AT Forest Grove Training Park E very S aturday A fternoon ------ STARTING JUNE 7th----------- .SNAPPY EVENTS. EACH ATERNOON Oregon Electric Cars Stop at Track -------- RACES BEGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK--------- Admission 50 cents Of «aid work In tha event a contract is J, L. Hill. 30tf Grove. I8tf I Grandstand Free