Oregon Historical Society O rest G rove WASHINGTON COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER. FOREST GROVE, O R E G O N , THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913. Voi. 4 No. 31 FARMERS SAY ENFORCE ' SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS TIMBER IS RiAlESTATE L W. ELL OF S. P. CALES CREEK YOUTH LONG UNCONSCIOUS NEW COMMISSION LAW STOPPED BY INJUNCTION HOIJS CLO UT J.BCE VIS ;S THIS CITY PASSES AWAY GIRL RESTORED Clay Harper, the - i -year- Mind of Ruth Stamp Again Clear E. B. Sappington filed an C. J. Cowaniah, landowner on LouH Hill and his crew of injunction suit Saturday against the United Railways nearf!oni railroad ollicials were here "'4 son o f Mr. and Mrs. Aden A fte r Accident—Case A t ­ Action of Railroad Com­ the Forest Grove school district, station, ten miles north o f Hills- Friday morning as guests o f the Harper, o f Gales Creek, died at tracts Attention mission asking thst the board of directors boro was given a decree Satur- Commercial Club an 1 addressed the Forest Grove hospital Friday o f citizens at Verts morning, after a short illness. Little Ruth Stamp, who was An apparent threat by the and clerk, M. Peterson, Dorothy day stopping E. T Preble and a mooli! Seymour, Charles Littler and R. Miss N ellie Todd o f Portland Hall a noon. There was not a About two weeks ago the young severely injured about the head commission men o f Portland to . meet- man complained o f a pain in one five week* ago today, and who quit business if the Railroad P. W irt*—be stopped -from de- from cutting timber on land on |ar} livering t o Morris Brothers, which Cowaniah holds a moi l- ¡nrf had not been advertised and of llis lower limbs, this being the jay ¡,, a„ unconscious state for Commission enforces the law brokers and bankers, bonds in gage. _ most o f the citi ens wete either first symtom that had been manr- ovor fol„. wee|(Si returned to regulating and licensing commis­ the sum o f $35,000. Cowaniah in 1U0 sold the lam! at their homes or at the Decora- h ted o f the disease which cans- consciousness at the Portland sion houses, caused a laYge num­ The plaintilf, who is county to men by the name o f Bocekli tion I ) . ; e.v. rcises at the time o f ed his death. A fte r his removal Sanitarium, Tuesday afternoon, ber o f farmers and fruit raisers treasurer, files the suit as private and Langhard. who defaulted in the railroad convocation. ■I l i o t>* the ho-pita! an operation was and is now at her home in this o f this city to send a letter to lad was city, her mind clear and her gen­ the Commission at Salem, last citizen and charges that the sale payment o f interest and to get W. II. Hollis presided and intio-i performed, and the o f the bonds was not advertised, the money sold the timber to duced Mr, Hill as the first apeak- found to be suffering from tu- eral health good, with all pros­ Thursday, urging that body to and it is the duty, says the plain- Preble and Re* ■ o f Portland, er who ; id a fine tribute to the ! herculosis o f the bone. Although pects favorable for her complete enforce the provisions o f the law tiff, o f the county treasurer,with Mi.-. T *: 1 a st m raph r in th pioneer and the State o f Oregon, every etfort that medical skill restoration. both in letter and in spirit. The the sanction oj the school hoard, office o f Allan R. Jov. Portland, H said that in most states the could do was put forth to save The case o f tiiis little girl who letter stated that the signers had to submit the sale o f district invested some money in a saw- citiz h:- had not been there long him, the disease was too far-ad- is ten years o f age, is somewhat no ¡.lea that the commission men school bonds to financiers by ad- mill on.the place. Tw o million ar.ii in Montana men that had vanced, and the youth soon pass- unusual. At the time o f her ac­ o f Portland would go out o f busi­ /ertising in accredited newspa-j feet have been cut leaving i-vi­ been in the state ten years were ed sway. cident she was living with her ness should the law be enforced, pers. He charges that as .county haps, a million and a h alf nine members o f the pioneer associa-1 Funeral services were held parents on the Frank Miller farm but should they do so. there are treasurer this has not been ae- on t h e pren -is. Cowan;- tion. “ But litre in Oi gnu,” Sunday at the Christian church, at Fern llill. Going out tu the other men who would comply com pi ¡shed. In i n injunction brought suit a few ' ! • If. i i 11 i ; ■ 1 i 1 : cu in* 1 1 1 Ih v. ( . II. Hilton officiating. In- j)a|.a play, she climed up on to with the law, and they would he suit, Mr. Seppington asks the asking an injunct rm it V is held in Forest View a jjttle platfoim high In the roof. platfoim high ably backed up by the farmers court to stop the delivery of the- further cutting of timber, chai - heft* or came here in an earlv cemetery. Clay Harper was born While standing on th is platform au i other producers, who would bonds until the same have been ing that his security _ wa's be; s-v few- hi 1 illamook county, and moved Ruffi’ s attention was attracted by unitedly support and pataonize properly advertized. i > paired. Judge Campbell held iii in 'i*i !■' fi m with his parents to Gales Greek am) while gazing down these firms. The farm »rs here be­ In a letter to the Press pub- that timber grow ing was a Jin in is a great wh n he -was five years o f age. ' a^ ¡,¡m s¡ie became dizzy and fell lieve thelaw is a good one and will lished in another column, the o f real estate, a bright young man ^ (list.mee o f thirty feet to the protect the farmer and produce board o f school directors set forth Cowaniah recently passed! ; ! : ■ are s: . tied with and leaves to mourn his passing, uoor below. She struck some raiser from loss througt fraudulent their side of the matter, and ex- night in jail on an insanity char pc i' .'t want to goan> bis parents, three brothers and projection in her descent, which commission men. The farmers plain wherein they were justified brought by Preble, w:, else. 'Fuere is only one one sister and a large number of broke her fall, somewhat, and say that the provisions o f the in taking the action they did for way to meet Oregonians and tnat. friends, probably saved her life. Some­ iaw will work no injury to the the sale o f the bonds, claiming is to come to Oregon. I like to r-n cr n urr ? time after the accident she was honest commission men, and Base Ball at Cornelius that they acted within the school! the Or ton pioneers the O tA o U r O L3 found by the hired man, who should the law fail to be enforced N ext Sunday the Cornelius law covering the sale! men that came across by ox team ; carried her to the house. Later producers may start a commission Cubs will cross hats on their a hard trip o f three to six months. ■ she was removed to the city, and house o f their own in Portland. own diamond with the Colum­ Only the good folk got here. I —-------- Sunday she was taken to Port- It is said that the commission bus Club of Portland. Cornelius T e until didn’ t come. Folks Large delegations from Port- lanb by Dr. Vollmer, the physi­ men o f Portland have raised a has been defeated but once this dor.’ t want to leave here and I land and other outside towns, and cian in attendance. A clot o f fund, and will test the constitu­ season, and the way they have i! to .■ t r. i >p!e here, hundreds from this city witness- blood on the brain was the cause tionally o f the new law in the Decoration Day was most fit­ waxed it to a number o f teams . ii..- - miry in g <>' enough.for ed the first rat s o f the season to of the little girl remaining un­ courts. It is also said that the tingly observed in this city Fri­ that have gone i p agaiiiet"Mfhc now interval in the races the famous just falling. Medical men say tions upon the trade that will o f P. Hall .where a proco-sion i ! that the game was full o f snap h st inw ' r nl horse, Bond ai m, owned by Cap- this is usual in cases o f this kind, make it impossible to follow un­ was formed, and headed by the j ' and ginger, and the beat played in “ i a - i; not ¡.ing tail McCan, was lead onto the This case has attracted a great less they charge the country High school Band playing martial here this season. that will rln velope a State lik track and exhibited before the deal o f attention, and everyone shipper at least twenty-five per and patriotic airs, a march was cent for selling the goods. Here- G ale Grange M eets Saturday quick ti-a-i.q mkati n and there is grandstand. In the 2:25 pace, will he glad to know that Ruth made to Forest View Cemetery. nothing like an Electric line for half-mile heats, two best in three, has been restored to health. H er tofor ten percent has generally Gale Grange w ill meet at the quick transportation. And it is Paxton Hal was the winner, tak- father died while she was uncon­ Graves o f departed veterans were been the charge. decorated with flowers by old Knights o f Pythias Hall in this o :r intention to id i ' the devel- tig the last two heats, time 1;14 scious. veterans, and at the monument ci t y Saturday. The morning opinent o f Oregon, j/lwt helps each heat; Lilly Hal taking sec­ erected in memery o f the un­ session will he devoted to b u ii-1 you will help us.” ond, winning the first heat in known heroes who shed their ness and initatory work. A t 1:12b; Nutwood Pointer was third blood for their country, the noon a social hour will be enjoy­ and Hal Chief was fourth. A T; ip East beautiful ritual o f the G. A. R. ed while those present partake I The free-for all trot,mile heats, A card received fr« A. E. The Southern Pacific electric Tuesday at about noon the was impressively carried out by o f the fine luncheons which is al­ two best in three, Zozo and Bo- ways provided by the ladies o f |Hart by the editor o f the Press, people o f Forest Grove were the old comrades. The cemetery rena D. were the only entries, depot in this city, located on Main mailed in Wisconsin, says that treated to an automobile parade. was a veritable mass o f bloom, the Grange. In the afternoon Sozo winning; time, 2:271 and street and First Avenue South, the crops in that state are farther is practically completed, and is Headed by an automobile bearing and one o f the largest crowds in the meeting will reconvene at 2:31. advanced than Oregon, t h e the High School Band, about a years was in attendance. In 1:30, a n d ProGvsor William The free-for-all pace, half-mile one o f the handsomest and best weather conditions being about dozen machines spun around the afternoon exercises in com­ Proctor will give a short address. heats, two best in three, Light- appointed stations on the west the same. Mr. Hart says he and side. The building is o f cement through the city, loaded with memoration o f the day were held A program o f special music and Mrs. Ilart saw several Indian foot won both heats; time, 1:14$ and 1 : 1 1 Anna May Zolock win- and brick construction. Work- members o f the Woman’s Club. at Marsh Hall. Vocal and in­ recitations will he given by the ¡encampments in S. Da. In some ning second, with Jean Reed men are engaged in making a The purpose o f tho parade was strumental numbers and recita­ school children. places on the cattle ranges o f beautiful lawn around the build­ to advertise the dramatic reading tions and addresses were given, ______ _____ South Dakota they saw a large third. M ayor Is Sent To Jail Hon. E. W. Haines givin g the ing, and when the grass has had entertainment given by President number o f dead steers, the Feggy H old» the Board* principal add res s . S e n a t o r time to grow it will give a very S°uthwick for the benefit o f the W. T. Vinton the mayor of animals d\¡tip; from the effects of Tomorrow night in Marsh Hall Haines reviewed t h e great attractive appearance. R oger’s Free Library, and was McMinnville was fined three hun­ eating a kind o f grass Prairie the Sophomore class o f Pacific achievement o f the soldiers o f very effective as a drawing card. dred and sentenced to six months dogs, coyotes and rabbits were University, after three months of Great Crowd» at Star Theatre the Union who saved our country in jail by Circuit Ju Ige Galloway, plentiful. Mr. and Mrs. Ilart hard training, will present “ All from disruption during the Civil Monday. The n aj or was in jail Tuesday night when the Star are visiting many o f the larger of-a-Sudden P e g g y ” , one o f the President Southwlck Pleases war, and spoke feelingly o f the but a few hours, b d i g released Theatre reopened after being centers o f population in the east. most !; The reading o f the “ The debt o f gratitude which we owe in. !c plays that was c]os<.,j a few days for the purpose on habeas corpus proceedings, Rivals” in Marsh Hall Tuesday them. We may best show our ever 1 es<-nted in this citj. 0f being refurnished and decorat- The trouble arose over the re- N ew M ayor for Portland. night by President Soutlnvick, ‘ gratitude by earnestly and patri- . . . Peggy •'••*• impulse, ^ the largest crowds that have Lo sign a pav- fusal o f the maj o f the Emerson College o f Ora­ oticrlly working to preserve the J “ Puh" gathered at this popular by the coun- ing contract pas tory, was highly enjoyed by a great heritage these old soldiers ’ h ■ ''*■ ai■ ” friends into many playhouse was present to enjoy lloway order- Monday, and will begin to serve cil, when Judge large number o f people. Presi­ have given us, striving always, to n -. every thing is straight- ^ )e fine bill of motion picture .’ hen he sees a four year term as chief official ed him to do so. dent Southwick is a gentleman with forward looking, for the i m - i I <■u: in th- ei, I. 'i on W ill features offered by the manage- o f the court J u l y , fit to obey the o 1. R ue blight, present laugh if you attend this play. o f much polish and culture, and weal o f the nation, said the rnent. - Three performances were he released mayor, has sent congratulations Mayor Vinton his interpretation o f the difierent speaker. given,’ the house being packed ¡1 sentence. from serving hi to Albee, and promises his sup­ T H E C H R IS T IA N CH U R CH . characters was given in a manner each time. Tonight three fine port. Portland will hereafter be Horse Mutilator Goes to Jail that brought forth frequent ap­ ( . H. Hitt n will preach his ree|3 vvill he given, and tomorrow University Recited under the commission form o f farewell sermon at the Christian plause. William Penny, charged with ' night Pathe’s weekly, a series of ling, June 12th government, four commissioners * OnThursdaye hurch next Sunday morning. scenes of current events, will bo The reading was given under mutilating a horse by pulling its advaced music having been elected Monday to jj ; s tfieme w j he, “ What This the auspices o f the Woman’s tongue with a rope until the the recital by th given, as well as other attractive fic University assist the mayor, these men be­ Ministry Has Stood F or.” Miss students o f P Club, and the Club netted ap­ member was nearly severed, was « given. The ing Messrs. Daly, Bigelow, Dieck Winona Ogden will sing for this films. proximately fifty dollars, o r remanded to jail in a hearing be­ Conservatory . City Council M eet» service. The friends o f the enough to keep the Rogers Free fore Justice Smith, o f Hillsboro, program will co ¡at largely o f an(] Brewster i metal solos, vocal and ins The City Council met in ad- churce are urgently requested to Library open on Sundays for a Tuesday, in default o f $1500 ltond. A Stated communication hear this last sermon. In the journed session Monday and Another feature ill be the en- year. President Southwick do­ The evidence showed that the I f this Saturday evening 8 given by the nated five dollars o f the Club, horse had been turned out to semble works to o’ clock Holbrook bodge evening the annual children’s Tuesday evenings, and passed nera! public is which kindly act was greatly ap­ pasture two days before its own­ students. The ). 30, A. F. & A. M n Visiting day exercises will be hold. A ordinances calling for bids for cordially invite 1 attend this re- bn them welcome. By o pf i r o t splendid program has been ar* street paving. Two o f these preciated. er, E. McCoy, o f Gales Creek, cital. Marsii H W. M. H. G. Parker, Sec*y. rjmyi d by th# chillren to which ordinances will be found in other father-in-law o f Penny, knew o f will begin at 8 I’ . M. sharp. lh e Press $1. all are invited. .columns o f this paper. Subscribe for the Press. i its mutilation. * Local Producers Urge Stringent HhSl KAl DECORATION DAY IS FITTINGLY 03SERVED WOMAN’S CLUB GIVES AUTOMOBILE PARADE ARE HELD SATURDAY HANDSOME S. P. DEPOT NEARS COMPLETION I