Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 29, 1913, Image 4

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F o r e s t G rove P ress
All fees and charges o f any
making the necessary
E. S. SPARKS, Editor and Manager
examination o f and issuing the
T H E P R E S S P U B L I S H I N G C O necessary certificate to any one
party, as herein provided, shall
not exceed the sum o f $2.50.
T eleph ones :
The county physicians o f the
O ffice 502
R e siden ce 442
several counties shall, upon re­
•------------------------------------------------ quest, make the necessary ex­
T erms of S ubscription
One year, in advance...................... $ 1.50 [ amination and issue certificate,
Six months, in a d v a n c e ....................... 75 if the same can properly be is­
Three months, in advance.....................50!
sued, without charge to the ap­
plicant, if indigent.”
T H U R SD A Y , M AY 29, 1913.
A new and up-to-date line of
wall paper in many handsome
day evening to insure appearance in current issue
patterns. P l a i n , figured and
novelty goods to select from.
Entered at the post office at Forest Grove, Ore.
All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­
as mail matter of the second class.
erson’s Furniture Store, Forest
Although the weather has been Grove.
cool during May, it has been fine
W o o d W an ted.
growing weather for crops, and
Sealed bids will be received at the office of
the warm sunshine o f June and School Clerk until June lt>, 1913, for wood to be
at the Public School huildintfB the
July will bring them to full frui­ delivered
coming summer as follows; t>0 cords oak; 150
coids fir. Bids on fir will be received for old fir
and second growth fir. Bids for all or part of
Display advertisements for publication in the
P r e s s must be in this office not later than Tues­
above received.
all bids.
The man who keeps his senses
in control, his speech, heart, ac­
tions pure and everguarded,
gains all the fruit of holy study;
he needs neither penance nor
austerity.—Code of Manu.
Right reserved to reject any or
Clerk School District No. 15,
Forest Grove, Oregon.
If Rexall Kidney Treatment
The beautiful shade trees in
Forest Grove are now in full
leaf, and strangers to our city
are unstinted in their praise of
the added beauty which the trees
give our town. Every effort
should be made to persuade
property owners not to cut down
the maples in front of their prop­
el ty except when it is absolutely
necessary. Because a munici­
pality emerges from the village
class and takes on city airs, it
does not necessarily follow that
the shade trees should he cut
down. Many eastern cities have
annual tree planting days, as
they realize the value and beauty
which is given to a town by long
avenues o f shade trees. It was
our beautiful shade trees which
caused the late President Hayes
to exclaim, “ The prettiest town
in Oregon!”
Take a walk out into the woods
when you have an hour to spare
during these beautiful spring
days. A little time spent with
nature in the wild will make you
at peace with the world and clear
the cob-webs from your brain.
Thousands of sweet young girls
and stalwart youths are graduat­
ing from the public schools of
America this week, and will now
begin to take up the more seri­
ous affairs of life. For a time
they will know it all and wonder
why they should not be allowed
to run the world. Later on,
when they actually take up the
reins o f government they will
realize that their battle scarred
parents knew a thing or two.
In the mean time, hail the en­
thusiasm of youth, as it is that
which makes the world go round.
Does Not Do as we Say I Will,
It Costs You Nothing
We recommend Rexall Kidney Treatment,
and put back of it our personal guarantee
that it will relieve you or money back.
There is no string to this guarantee. There
is no catch in it. We make our sttatement as
strong as the English language will permit us
to, because we have faith in Rexall Kidney
Treatment, because we believe it will relieve
and help any sufFerer from any form of
Kidney ailment, and because we don’t want
your money if it fails. We leave it all to you.
If it doesn’ t help you, just tell us, and the
money you paid for it is yours.
We know that Rexall Kidney Treatment
has helped scores of others to whom we have
sold it. So l'ar we have not received a single
complaint, but, on the contrary many have
thanked us for telling them about it.
You know we couldn't alFord for one minute
to guarantee Rexall Kidney Remedy if we
didn't honestly believe it would relieve you.
In addition to the loss of the money, we would
lose the confidence of our customers If we
didn't have in Rexall Kidney Treatment a
remedy that will back up our claims for it.
The risk is ours. Rexall Kidney Treatment
costs, in liquid form, 50 cents and $1.00. In
pill form, 50 cents. Sold in this community
only at our ¿tore. The Rexall Store.
V an K ou gh n et & Reder
Forest Grove, Oregon
Your Baking Will .
Be a Success
In every particular.
have made it so by our scien­
tific manufacture o f
Which has two
power units.
One works im­
mediately upon
contact with
moisture in the
dough and the
other works
gradually as
the food bakes.
All G rocers at 2 5 c a pound
Crescent Manufacturing Co
One week from next Tuesday
a law making it compulsory for
men contemplating getting mar­
ried in Oregon to undergo a med­
ical examination will go into e f­
fect. and county clerks will re­
fuse them marriage licenses un­
less the certificate of a licensed
physician, taken under oath, ac­
companies the application. Fol­
lowing are the provision o f the
law which is one of the best ever
passed by the Oregon legislature:
‘ ‘ Before any county clerk in
this state shall issue a marriage
license, the applicant therefor
shall file with the clerk from
whom such license is sought, a
certificate from a physician duly
authorized to practice medicine
within the state, made under
oath, within ten days from the
date of filing the same, showing
that the male person thus seek­
ing to enter the marriage rela­
tion is free from contagious or
infectious venerial disease.
Any physician who shall, know­
ingly and wilfully, make a false
statement in any certificate is­
sued, as herein provided, shall
be punished b y the revocation of
his license to practice his pro­
fession within the state.
Seattle, Washington
Mortal Nnua o f tSmutt % (Eountry
Dr. D. W . W a r d
Dr. E. B. Brookbank
W . M . Langley & Son
Law yers
Physicians and Surgeons
At the Christian ¿hurch next horses, which belongs to the
Forest G rove, O gn .
Sunday the pastor will preach Smith livery barn in this city,
both morning and evening. In [was very badly injured. The
the morning the subject will be, hoys got the number o f the auto­ W. P. Dyke
S. B. Lawrence
‘ ‘The Nameless Woman Full of mobile, and an effort will be
A ttorneys-at-Law
Faith.” The evening topic will made to make the driver pay
he, ‘ ‘The Fish Story or the Man
Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Bldg
Who Paid the Fare. ” This ser­
Forest G rove, Ore.
mon is on the story o f Jonah,
Mrs. Louise Bogart and Mr,
and a study o f many years with
Robert Baird were united in J. N . H offm an
the pastor who has put much
marriage Tuesday at the home of
time on the preparation o f the
Mrs. Hobert in Beyaerton, Elder
sermon. A s c e p t i c physician
Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
Benham officiating. A reception
who heard Mr. Hilton give this
Forest Grove
was tendered them at the home Ind. Phone 502
sermon said he would have to
of John Porter.
The happy
begin his study anew as the
couple will make their home at
preacher had given him much to
Mark B. Bump
think about. The Milton, Ore.,
Eagle said o f the same sermon,
South o f Court House
‘ ‘The Christian church was filled
Hillsboro, Ore.
to hear the sermon on Jonah. social was given at the Hill
Mr. Hilton opened up the eyes of school house Wednesday under
many by his unique presentation the auspices o f the Hill Sunday Hollis & Graham
of this story.” Rev. Hilton will school. Miss Goldie Peterson,
close his work here on Sunday, soprano; Miss Margaret Lowell,
A llorneys-at-Law
June 8, preaching his farewell violinist; Miss Bessie
sermon at the morning service of reader; Mr. Chas McNeil, tenor;
Forest G rove, O gn.
that day. The public cordially and Mr. Earl House, reader, all
of this city, gave a program of
invited to all services.
songs and readings that was E. B. Tongue,
The Junior pupils of the Pa­ greatly enjoyed.
cific Uni v e r s i t y Conservatory
D istrict A ttorney.
gave a Recital in Marsh hall this
The basket social given at the
Hillsboro, Ore.
afternoon, the program consist­ High school building Saturday
ing o f vocal numbers and selec­ evening was a grand success,
tions for violin and piano. Par­ and everyone present enjoyed Y eager & Cornish
ents and friends o f the students the occasion.
Attorneys at Law
attended the recital, and many
Hillsboro Commercial Bank Buildtng
Mesdames Burlingham, Har­
expressions o f pleasure were
Phone City 232
Hillsboro, Oregon
tT h e Forest Grove Tennis Club Ladie’ s Working Society of the Dr. E. J. Crowthers
has been re-organized and the Congregational
Physician and Surgeon
Calls answered day and night
following officers elected for the Wednesday afternoon.
22 First A ve. North
Phone: Office 40x
Residence 402
Forest Grove, Ore.
H . W . V ollm er, M . D .
Physician and Surgeon
Office in A bbott Bldg.
Both Phones
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Ind. Phones
D R . C .E . W A L K E R
Osteopathic Physician
Treatment by Special Appoint­
ment Only
W . Q . Tucker, M . D .
Physician and Surgeon
Calls answered promptly day or night
Phone: Office 271, Residence 283.
Dr. H . R. K au ffm an
Physician & Surgeon
Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building:
Phone Main 0131
Forest Grove, Ore.
R. M . Erwin, M . D.
Physician and Surgeon
Tamiesie Bi ilding
3d and Main Sts.
Hillsboro, Ore’
S. T . Linklater, M . B., C. M .
Physician and Surgeon
Delta Building
Hillsboro, Ore.
Elmer H . Smith, M . D., D . O .
Physician, Surgeon
Office in Jackson Pharmacy
and Osteopath
ensuing season: President, Pro­
Cornelius, Ore. Calls answered day or night.
The piano and violin pupils of
fessor West; vice-president, P.
Hillsboro National Bank Bldg.
C. Starrett; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. E. Staehr-McNutt will give
Hillsboro, Ore.
Omer Moore. The Tennis Club their annual recital in the Chris­ W . B. C O O N , V . S.
has been in existence for several tian church Saturday, and have
O ffice o n 1 st S t .
J. O . Robb, M . B. Tor.
Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S.
years, hut not a great deal of en­ issued invitations
Having bought out Dr. Feeley, V et­
thusiasm has been manifested of friends to attend and enjoy the
Physician and Surgeon
erinarian, I wish to notify the public
City 384
late. With its re-organization, splendid program prepared.
that I am prepared to answer all calls,
day or nightl
Rooms 4 and 5, Schulm erich Bldg.
however, new life has been in­
Phone Main 95
F orest G rove , O re
Hillsboro, Ore.
jected into the Club, and players
The ” B” class o f the eighth
may be seen at all hours of the grade met at the Lincoln school
day on the fine court which is at 8 o ’clock Friday morning
located in South Park. The club and then journeyed to Roderick
has a Senior and Junior member- i Falls on a hay-rack. Each one
ship, and later in the season carried a lunch basket well-filled
games with outside teams will with “ eats” . The jolly party of
likely by scheduled.
young people spent a most de­
lightful time, and will long re­
The members of the Yadriff
member their outing.
Club and their husbands will
meet this evening at the home of
The pupils o f the Adventist
Mr. and Mrs. George Littlehales,
and a very enjoyable time is an­ school gave their teacher, Miss
Liza Jensen, a most pleasant
surprise, Sunday. The young
I Thejierean class of the_ M. E. people, together with a number
Sunday school held a party and of friends, went out to the
business meeting at the home of woods near town, Sunday morn­
Miss Mildred Carlyle Saturday ing and in the meantime Miss
evening. Many new and inter­ Jensen was invited for an auto
Miss Jensen
esting games were played. The ride by a friend.
following officers were elected was taken out where the young
for the coming year: President, people awaited her, and was
Ruth Holloway; vice president, most pleasantly surprised. The
Harriet Benjamin; secretary and day was spent in playing games
Carlyle. and enjoying the quietude o f the
Light refreshments were served woods. Well filled lunch baskets
and all spent a pleasant eve­ added to the pleasures of the
iBack R'>w) Thomas Roe; Edward Livingston; Elmer Hamilton; Zola K irry;
Cecil Tupper; Lawrence Banford; Florence Littler; (Middle Row ) Sam Cox;
Vinton Robinson, S ec’y & Treas.; Bessie Martin, P res.; Leone Graham, V ice-
r r e s .; Arthur Ireland; (Low er R ow ) Beulah Bram berg; Glenn M organ; Ella
Garrigus; Edith Swanson; Lannes Pogue.
m a t t e r whatG^
make of camera
you have, a better
v film will make better
T ry the
i A N SC O "
it will give you clearer,
deeper, better-defined neg­
atives. Fits any film ,aSf\'
Com e to us for cameras
and photographic supplies
of all kinds and you nave
j* j [ a guarantee of quality.
print your nega­
tives on Cyko Paper.
Forest GrovePhanracy
The Up-to-the-Minutr Druggists
Phone 901
The members o f the sixth
grade of the local school went
for a picnic out Gales Creek yes­
terday, Dan Pierce taking them
out in his auto truck. Plenty of
good things to eat’ and].fine
weatherjill..made for a happy
Mrs. McLean and Mrs. C. L.
Misz held a silver tea at the
latter’s home last Friday after­
noon. Twenty-five guests were
T h e Sophom ore Play
mcio#i»c ant
For over two months the
While driving near Hillsboro, | cast has been working hard on
Sunday, Orin LaCourse and Earl j this play and it is now ready
Mericle, o f this city, were j for presentation. It is a high
thrown from their buggy and | class play full o f complicated
quite severely bruised.
The situations and will furnish an
hoys heard an automobile coming evening o f fun for young and
up behind them, and turned to old. The place is the college
the right, but instead of turning chapel, the time is Friday ev­
to the left as they should have, ening, June 6; the girl is
the driver of the machine ran
A ll o f a Sudden Peggy
his automobile into the buggy,
overturning it.
One of the
BATTISI« I r n u . .
•«»•tt.Kâti ftp ».*» d
• > * • * » u r n uhm »
“ Butterick Fashions ”
Sum m er’s Newest Styles
Draperies ? Y es, lots and lots of them.
W onderful, smart designs in hun­
Lv’erything complete for the
season. Dainty summery dresses for
all occasions.
A n y Butterick Pattevn FREE
C o n tra cto r
PboM 876
Forest Grore, Ore.
House Moving
and Repairing.
W ( have the beat equipped
outfit in the county.
gj 0 r
Brick, Stote and Concrete Work
Let ua figure on your work.
with every copy
25 cents (1 0 c extra by mail)
c a n at tie
pattern cornier today