Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 29, 1913, Image 2

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[•♦♦♦++♦♦♦***♦+** ►+++++*+++
The “fieneral’s” !
It Is doubtful IT any Kuropean tour,
“ personally conducted" or otherwise,
ever gave such satisfaction os did this
little trip. They tried singing "H all
Columbia” and "John Brown” and de-
rlvcd a great deal o f satisfaction. If not
much melody, from the attempt. The
little girl from a nearby farmhouse
ran down and brought them some lem­
onade, and altogether It was a day
crowded with pleasure.
O IN ’ Into town, Mir'um?”
Hut It was Just at the close of the
“ Not today, gln'ral. Was
day tlint disaster came.
They had
there anything special?’’
"N o; only I thought if you lingered as long as they dared, and
was goln* to the postulllce—but tain t then when they started back to the
station the feverish hurry o f Inexperi­
no matter.”
“ Not today, gln'ral; some other enced travelers seized them.
A carriage with a party of gentlemen
She did not turn to look at him, but turned down a crossroad just as they
site seemed to see him just the same— approached the station, but the gen­
his white hair blowing under his bat­ eral, Intent only on the train thnt was
tered, wide rimmed hat, ills bent figure drawing up to the platform, saw noth­
shabbily dressed in n faded suit of ing else and pushed forward. There
was a warning cry, a shout to the
“ I wish he’d get his letter and his horses, a groan.
"Oli. lie's killcsl, he’s killed, and now
pension, poor old gln'ral!” she mur­
"T h e general” was only a I can't never take him back!” sobbed
nickname, and most of the people at Miriam.
I t the general was not dead. Oue
the poor farm said he was “ cracked In
the head” and that the things he talk­ of tlie gentlemen, a physician, speedily
assured himself of that.
ed about were "only his notions.”
"1 do not believe he Is dangerously
The general was not looking for a
letter that evening. For once he had hurt," he said after a sw ift examina­
tion, “ but there Is n fractured bone In
the leg, and with that anil the wound
in Ids head he ought not to be moved
If he can be cared for near by. Where
does he live?"
All eyes turned upon Miriam, and
the simple story o f where they belong­
ed and how they had won their day's
pleasure was told between pitiful
ditchings of her breath as she tried to
restrain her tears.
The station keeper suggested thnt
the people at the farm near the grove
had n comfortable house and had plen­
ty of room and might be willing to
care for the invalid until he should be
able to travel.
“ W e will see thnt they are well paid
for it," said the lender o f the party,
who Instructed the volunteer messen­
ger, and word was soon sent that the
mistress o f the house was willing if
Miriam would stay to assist her.
So the general was gently removed
to a pretty, roomy chamber, his
wounds dressed, and he began to mend
from the first day.
The doctor made regular visits, and
the gentleman whom the others ad­
dressed ns “ governor” came occasion­
ally and meanwhile used that intangi­
ble but powerful thing called Influence
to set certain forces at work In Wash­
ington. The long delayed papers were
B U A 1 U IIL Ï m tJ vS .I I) IN A F A D E D SI IT O P speedily found and attended to, and
one day, when the general had nearly
recovered, the governor brought out a
forgotten the postulllce In the unwont­
long envelope.
ed pleasure o f a newspaper to read.
“ Here’s your pension, my friend—
"Just think. Mir'um, they've been
*1” a month while you live and the neat
havin' an old soldiers’ picnic over to
little sum of .$1,10(1 for arrears.”
Jacksonville! There was an excursion
" ’ I.even hundred dollars In a lump.
In the cars to a place where they had
Mir'um, and $12 every month as long
a big dinner, and there was military as I live!" murmured the general.
bands and speeches all about the bat­
"I'll never go back to tlie poor farm,
tles they'd been In.”
an' If 1 can just find some place to
The loud clanging o f a bell at the live, kinder like this” —
house announced that tin1 evening meal
“ You can stay right on In these
was ready, anil the light suddenly fad­ rooms that you like so well,” said the
ed from the old man’s face as he walk­ farmer's wife, kind hearted, but wily
ed away. The dimming o f his eyes, also—“ that Is. If your daughter will
tlie droop o f his shoulders, as he turned live here, too, and help with the work.
from her touched Miriam, and there Sla- can earn her own keep, and I ’ll
flashed Into her brain a thought so pay her fair wages besides.”
startling that she seized the tlrst lei
Miriam had been called Ills daugh­
sure minute to consider It. What if ter many times during his Illness, but
they should have an old soldier's pic­ now that he might possibly have
nic o f their own she and the general? something to bequeath her the word
Oh. It was a wonderful plan! Miriam caught the old man’s fancy, and by
could scarcely sleep for thinking o f It. the aid of Ids friend, the governor,
mid by morning sin* was ready to com­ Miriam was legally adopted. — Ruth
municate It to her old friend.
I Cady In Forward.
The Flag of Our Nation
Jack Killen, mayor o f Thatch­
er, was a business visitor in this
city, Saturday.
Short Items of Interest Concerning people you
may be interested in.
Miss Maud Large o f this city
visited with friends in Hillsboro
■ Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Gardner o f this
city spent Sunday with her
daughter Mrs. Best o f Portland.
Mr. Loyd Wilson o f this city
was in Portland Sunday visiting
Manley Everham o f California
visited Mr. S. Blank and other
relatives in this city Monday.
Mrs. L. Roper o f Newport,
formerly a resident o f this city
is visiting friends here this
| week.
Mrs. W. H. Hoskins has re­
turned to her home in this city
after a visit with her daughter
in Minnesota.
The pupils o f Mrs. H. McNutt
will give a recital at the Chris­
tian church Saturday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Hines o f this city
has been visiting her daughter
Mrs. Crowthers, o f Gales Creek.
Mrs. Bailey and daughter of
Philomath, Oregon visited in
the Grove Friday, with friends.
Mrs. R. M. Lewart o f this city
has returned home after visiting
her daughter Mrs. Kennedy of
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ogden
of this city were Portland visi­
tors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Kennedy
of Portland visited with her
sister Mrs. Almsted in this city
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Barker
of Oak Park visited his parents
in this city Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Emmerson
of this city went to Portland
Monday evening to see David
Harem played.
Mesdames S. G. Morgan and
W. H. Barker went to Watts
Friday to attend the closing ex­
ercises o f the school.
Mr. Weaver, o f Eastern Ore­
gon visited with D. N. Morris
of this city Saturday.
Mrs. Gilmore o f thi3 city has
returned home after a w eek’ s
visit with friends at McMinn­
Howard McGill o f this city
spent Sunday in McMinnville.
The Misses Maud Hollinger
and Lorena Belknap o f Portland
were Grove visitors Sunday.
Miss Ethel Markham, oldest
daughter o f Byron Markham has
been absent from school this
week, suffering
with sicatic
Mrs. Bryant o f Gaston was in
the Grove Friday
home Saturday evening.
Geo. Wise and Archie Walker
of Scoggins Valley were shop-
! ing in the Grove Monday.
and Mrs. Bradley
! Greenville
were shopping
Bailey’s Big Store, Tuesday.
Mrs. C. Miller's brother, Mr.
Tompkins o f Yamhill county, is
visiting in town.
Pem Patton one o f Cheery
Grove’ s big hop growers was
seen on our streets last Friday.
Jack Tupper o f Portland visit­
ed over Sunday with his cousin
Earl o f the Grove.
Roscoe Vaughn, who has been
attending college at Mt. Angel,
has returned to his home in this
city to spend his summer vaca­
R. G. Allison was a Portland
visitor, Monday.
The union of states none can sever;
The union of hearts, the union of hands
And the flag of our Union forever!
Oliver Curtis, who has been
attending the Eugene Divinity Eating House on Pacific Avenue
school, was greeting his friends
Up-to date in New Ele­
in this city, Friday.
gant Home
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Leabo, o f
The Forest Grove Restaurant
Portland, were week end guests
Elder Kay and J. A. Rieber, o f relatives and friends in this and Oyster House has been re­
moved to new quarters ju «t east
o f Laurelwood Academy,, were city.
o f the Star theatre, on Pacific
in this city, Monday, confering,
John Gleason, a pioneer resi-
Avenue. The management has
with the Press in regard to a
deut o f this city, who has made had a force o f men at work for
school calender which they will
his home at Goldendale, Wash­
several weeks preparing the
soon issue.
ington, for several years, was
Roy Burnsworth visited his greeting his friends here, the building, and they have now
what is probably the handsomest
relatives and friends in this city,
past week.
best appointed restaurant
over Sunday. Roy is now learn­
Mrs. E. C. Geiger, was visiting outside o f Portland.
ing the art tonsorial in a Port­
friends in the Rose City, the
Every department has been
land barber shop.
week end.
designed with the single aim o f
Harry Weitzel, o f Portland,
James Robb, o f the Mountain- sanitation, comfort and efficiency.
visited friends in this city, Sun­
dale section, was greeting friends In the kitchen every modern im­
here, F r i d a y . Jim attended provement has been added for
Mrs, J. N. Doane, o f Fruit- school in Forest Grove many
the cleanly and proper prepara­
vale, was shopping |n this city, years ago, but is now running a
tion o f food. In the dining room
large ranch with his brother Will. three large electric fans will
Miss Annie Anderson, o f Dil-
Miss Minnie Myers was calling keep the room cool, and large
ley, was shopping in this city,
friends in the Rose City, Sat­ ventilators will insure a constant
change o f air. The walls o f the
Bernard O r t m a n , o f t h e
boxes where those who wish
Editor Howard, o f the Yam ­
Thatcher section, was a business
may eat in private, are enameled,
hill Record, accompanied by his
visitor to this city, Saturday.
and will be washed every day,
family, were guests during the
John Vanderzadeti, Jr., o f the
insuring the acme o f cleanliness
week end o f Mrs. Howard’ s
Firholm section, traded with the
and sanitation. The walls o f
mother, Mrs. Sage, in this city.
local merchants, Saturday.
three o f the boxes are remova­
Editor Howard made us a fra­
ble, allowing for the entertain­
Mrs. William Scheetz was a ternal call while here.
ment o f large parties at table to­
visitor to Portland, Saturday.
Grant Bailey, o f David’ s Hill,
Many brilliant electric
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peterson,
I was in the Grove, Saturday, a f­ lights will add to the beauty o f
o f David’ s Hill, were visitors to
ter a load o f fruit boxes.
this moot handsome restaurant.
this city, Saturday.
Frank Bennett, o f Thatcher, Every apponitment pleases, and
George Spencer, o f the Thatch­
traded at the stores in Forest it is an establishment which For­
er section, was a Grove visitor,
Grove, Saturday.
est Grove should be proud of,
Saturday, on his way to Port­
School Building Named.
Shrock was a Forest Grove visit­
Hugh W alter
or, Saturday.
The new high school building
sketch artist and entertainer,
being erected on Fifth
was a business visitor to Port­
South, has been named
land Saturday.
visiting at the home o f the form­ the South Park High school by
Bert Doan, o f the Oak Hill
er’s brother, J u d g e William the members o f the school board.
section, traded with the local
James Clark has been circulating
Langley, in this city.
merchants, Friday.
a petition this week, which re­
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woldridge,
Auctioneer J. W. Hughes, o f
quests that the building be nam­
the Dilley section, was in this who have been visiting the lat­ ed the Harvey Clark school, in
city Saturday morning and board­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. honor o f the late Harvey Clark,
ed the Portland bound 0. E. c a r; Thacker, in this city, left Tues­ pioneer settler o f Forest Grove
day for Timber, where they will
at the local station.
and one o f the founders o f Pa­
make their future home
Mrs. Lulu Bayne, o f this city,
cific University. Those who pre­
Arthur Reeher and sister, Mrs,
went to Portland, Friday, to
ferred the name “ South P ark”
meet a lady friend just returned Wayne Gibbs, o f Wilson, came also circulated a petition, and the
from Alaska, where she has over from their mountain home, school board had made its decis­
been engaged in hospital work. Monday for a short visit in this ion before Mr. Clark’s petition
Both ladies attended a nurses’ city.
was presented.
John Ihrig, of Firholm, attend­
training school together.
ed the Shaw lecture in this city Near-Fire Endangers Property
Mrs. II. D. Bryant, o f Gaston,
Monday evening,
Only a timely discovery o f an
was a week end guest o f friends
blaze saved the Har-
in this city.
district, traded at the local stores trampf feed store from destruc­
The Misses Bessie and Norma
tion, Friday e v e n i n g . John
Hope, o f the University, spent j
egner was standing on his
Saturday in Portland.
have made Forest Grove their porch on First Avenue when he
Something out o f the ordinary
home for some time, have moved noticed a fire underneath the
occurred in this city one day last
store at the rear end. Running
to Portland.
week, A woman from the coun­
Mr. and Mrs. William Blitch over to the building, he found
try brought a box o f eggs to
the boxing around the concrete
Bailey’ s store, and when the were the guests o f friends in
foundation for the engine, on
clerks took the eggs from the Portland Sunyay.
fire. A few buckets o f water
Mr. Steptoe, o f Hillside, was a
box they discovered one o f them
soon had the baze out, but it was
just ready to hatch, the chicken Grove visitor, Tuesday.
a close call. The fire was caused
having its bill out o f the shell.
Robert Tompkins, o f Patton
by the heat from the engine
This not saying that ail the eggs Valley, was attending to business
muffler, and had probably been
were bad.
matters in this city, Tuesday.
smoldering for several hours.
Hon. Ira Purdin, o f Thatcher,
was among those from out of
Shearer’ s Confectionery can
Everything neat and clean in
town who were transacting busi­ A. G. Hoffman & Co’s Grocery save you money on your brick ice
ness in this city, Saturday.
Florence Webley, cashier at
! Baileys’ store is sick this week
with measles.
'J* HE union of lakes, the union of lands,
John Wilson, o f Firholm. was
a Forest Grove visitor. Monday.
H. A. Hubbert, o f Dilley was
in this city on his way to Port­
land. Saturday.
Vtrn Baldwin was a business
visitor to Portland, the first of
the week.
Forest Grove Training Park
S aturday
----------- STARTING JUNE 7th------------
-------- RACES BEGIN AT 3:00 O’CLOCK----------
Admission 50 cents
Grandstand Free