FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1913. B A R G A IN S MEN SH O TS -------------------IN ---------------------------------- 49c., 69c. and 89c. Beginning Saturday, May 24th FOR ONE WEEK Notice. Be it known that the Sunrise i Grocery on and after May 1st DEVO TED TO TH E W . C. T. U. will pay cash for all farm pro­ [ ^ K i t c h e n ducts, Eggs, Butter, Veal and Edited by Mrs Katherine R. Kerr pork, the best market price paid I » ì 6 u p b o a r d | and all goods sold at the bottom H O W T O M A K E T R IP E P A L A T A B L E I price and for cash only. JOHN The regular monthly meeting rested without a warrant if seen 23tf persons are prejudiced 1 DODGE, Proprietor. of the W. C. T. U. was held at smoking on the streets or high­ M ANY against tripe. This prejudice is foolish. Tripe is. of course, the Congregational church at 3 ways. Can our officials know of stom ach%nnd intestinal tissue of p. m.. May 16. After the devo­ this law, or is it like many of our tlie beef, but before being offered for tional exercises were over the laws, simply on the statute books the sale it Ims been well cleaned and boil­ ed. It is a food easy to digest, as president, Mrs. Wm. Kerr, intro­ and not enforced. much of it turns to gelatin in boiling. duced Senator Hollis to the meet­ It is prescribed often in cases of ing. He first spoke to the ladies The Pennsylvania legislature stom ach troubles and dyspepsia. on the impressions received at not only passed the woman suf­ F or S ale Organ and other Palatable Foods. his recent visit to the state peni- frage ammendment, but has Tripe I.yonnaise. — Take the tripe, household furniture. C. H. Hil- it thoroughly and cut into small | ton, Third Ave., between Main tenitary. He interviewed about passed a mothers’ pension bill, wash pieces, then place in a saucepan and j and “A” . 29tl- 60 of the men. He was also im­ which is quite unique in provid­ cover w ith boiling w ater, cooking un­ pressed that so large a per cent ing that a committee of women til tender. I train off all the w ater, F or S ale — Good household put in w ith the tripe one table­ | furniture, reasonable p ric e s. of the criminals were there aj p anted by the governor shall and spoonful browned butter, in which Jesse H. Bond, North end of A through the use and influence of select the cases to be pensioned. lias lieen of fried one small onion, cut I St. 28t2- liquor. He then proceeded to into thin slices; one tnblespoonful of FOB S a l e Shadeland-Climax vinegar, one tnblespoonful of mixed • xplain in a very interesting Children certainly have a right parsley and salt ami pepper to taste. | seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest to be well burn and they also manner the initiative and refer­ Cook for ten m inutes and serve ou Grove. 20tf have a right to be well trained. endum, citing instances of both slices of toasted bread. F or Q u ic k S ale —A $12000. 38 Fried.—T ake n pound of pick- petitions. Questions were asked There are at the present time so led Tripe tripe and soak it for about half an acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, few families whose children are by several of the ladies present. hour In salted w ater. Drain on a soft for $8500. One of the finest taught to respect the rights of At the close of his talk the presi­ cloth and sprinkle with one-quarter of fruit farms in Washington Co. of pepper. Dip in beaten Terms. D. A. Kennedy Phone dent asked for a rising vote of others. I certainly do not think a egg teaspoonful and roll in finely powdered bread­ the children of this community 16-tf thanks to the senator, and a crumbs. Fry in one tenspoonful of Vine 151. know anything of the rights of large boquet was sent to the butter and two tnblespoonfuls of lard F or S ale No. 2 Smith Pre- others or are taught the Golden until golden brown. G arnish w ith mier senator’s office. typewriter, good as new. rule; ami whose fault is this, the parsley. Easily Digested Fare. First offer of $30 takes it. Press 16 -tf We must be as good natured parents certainly. Are the moth­ Stewed Tripe.—Take half a pound of office. as sunshine, steadfast as gravi­ ers and fathers not forgetting to tripe, an onion, hnlf a pint of milk, A cre T racts in Sun Set Ad dessertspoonful of flour, pepper dition to Forest Grove to be sold tation and persistent as a Chris­ teach the children the lessons one and salt. Planch the tripe. Remove on terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoff­ tian’s faith. Frances E. Willard that will make them thoughtful nil cut into square pieces. lpt1' of the comfort of others, lessons P u t fat the and tripe, the onion, finely chop­ man Building. milk into a saucepan. One of the worst habits in bov- that will make them a benefit to ped, and with the pepper F ob S ale Baled Clover, baled and salt. Simmer Timothv in ton lots. Good stuff. hood is the cigarette habit. If the world an I not a cura\ If Season for a couple of hours. Mix the 24tf it gets a hold on the boy in young this spirit of love and respect for gently flour with a little cold milk and mix Ed. L. Naylor. tt In. Stir until it boils up. Serve h o t boyhood, it invites all the other the rights of others were taught Tripe Soup.—Tnke hnlf a pound of Wanted a couple of young bad habits to come and complete the children we would not have tripe, three pints of water, a turnip, a calves, either sex. Phone 0185, 27tf the downfall of the boy. I see the unpleasant scenes of child carrot, three onions, seasoning herbs, Edw. L. Navlor. parsley, half a pint of cold milk and the boys coming to and from life we see on our streets today, To E xchange —Seed potatoes tnblespoonfuls of cornstarch. F irst for equal quanity and quality re­ school lighting the cigarette that but they would be, as I say, a two scald the tripe and cut It Into very turned this fall. Phone 0185. I am sure, if they were put on blessing to their parents, and an small pieces before setting on to boll Edw. L. Naylor. 27tf cold w ater and herbs. Chop oath could not swear to being honor to the world, and what all witli the the vegetables Into small pieces, fourteen, and yet the new tobac- would bring them greater happi­ add to the tripe and boll slowly for W anted . A t once, a few stock co law says these boys can be ar- ness. one hour and a half. Then take the sheep (Ewes and Lambs) phone cornstarch, work It into a paste w ith 0185, or write Edward L. Naylor. 28t4 a little cold milk. Add to the boiling Forest Grove. Ore. soup and stir over the Are for ten m in­ E ggs F or sale. Barred Ply­ utes. Just liefore serving add the rest the milk, the chopped parsley, w ith mouth Rocks, excellent winter An ‘ad’ in the Press Brings Results of pepper and salt to taste. Serve the layers. $1.50 per setting of 15 soup very hot w ith fried bread. eggs. — Mrs. R. L. Wild man. Route 2, Gaston, Ore. 29t2- YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University You can obtain a thorough education, one th a t will fit you to grapple w ith the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ fined, homelike atm osphere a t Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dorm itory in the Pacific N orthw est) while you are pursing your studies. F u rth e r­ more, you can receive system atic instruction in gym nastics and enjoy the privileges of the gym nasium and swimming pool. Enroll at P AC IFIC U N IV E R S IT Y for Education, H ealth and Physical Developm ent, and Do It Now ! For particulars address PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Care Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon. WATCH THIS SPACE! ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard of D irectors : Geo. Mizner L. J. Cori H. G. Goff W. H. T. W. Sain W. K. Newell John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson E. W. Haines Hollis